Raise the Minimum Wage

And that's why wage growth has been flat for three decades.
Take a look at historical wages (in Real Dollars) for non-supervisory workers. Productivity has been on a steady rise but not wages. These numbers are based on the Department of Labor who measures wage growth in Real Dollars as do economists, no matter what political stripe.
Wage growth has been flat because the government has been determining the compensation that businesses should pay?[/QUOTE]

No, businesses have. The Minimum Wage is so far behind the inflation rate it isn't funny. (Well to some it is)
QUOTE="norwegen, post: 9743517, member: 46569"]Why should the government determine in any measure the compensation that a business pays? Whose business is it?

And that's why wage growth has been flat for three decades.
Take a look at historical wages (in Real Dollars) for non-supervisory workers. Productivity has been on a steady rise but not wages. These numbers are based on the Department of Labor who measures wage growth in Real Dollars as do economists, no matter what political stripe.[/QUOTE]
It's like a continuing theme with you. You pst a graph and you have zero idea what it actually says. It's 100% reliable.
QUOTE="norwegen, post: 9743517, member: 46569"]Why should the government determine in any measure the compensation that a business pays? Whose business is it?

And that's why wage growth has been flat for three decades.
Take a look at historical wages (in Real Dollars) for non-supervisory workers. Productivity has been on a steady rise but not wages. These numbers are based on the Department of Labor who measures wage growth in Real Dollars as do economists, no matter what political stripe.[/QUOTE]
QUOTE="norwegen, post: 9743517, member: 46569"]Why should the government determine in any measure the compensation that a business pays? Whose business is it?

And that's why wage growth has been flat for three decades.
Take a look at historical wages (in Real Dollars) for non-supervisory workers. Productivity has been on a steady rise but not wages. These numbers are based on the Department of Labor who measures wage growth in Real Dollars as do economists, no matter what political stripe.
It's like a continuing theme with you. You pst a graph and you have zero idea what it actually says. It's 100% reliable.[/QUOTE]
I still don't know how that graph is even relevant. How it answers the question of ownership.

Property rights and founding principles don't matter to liberals, though. Just graphs. We need more graphs.
And that's why wage growth has been flat for three decades.
Take a look at historical wages (in Real Dollars) for non-supervisory workers. Productivity has been on a steady rise but not wages. These numbers are based on the Department of Labor who measures wage growth in Real Dollars as do economists, no matter what political stripe.
It's like a continuing theme with you. You pst a graph and you have zero idea what it actually says. It's 100% reliable.[/QUOTE]

We all have seen your ignorance in regards to graphs. It wasn't that long ago you posted a graph as evidence to back up some post of yours and the graph had nothing on but lines. No data going horizontally, no data going vertically. In other words it was meaningless. :disbelief:
Keep up the good work.:laugh:
Hey, have you found a job yet or is this how you make your living?:rolleyes-41:
And that's why wage growth has been flat for three decades.
Take a look at historical wages (in Real Dollars) for non-supervisory workers. Productivity has been on a steady rise but not wages. These numbers are based on the Department of Labor who measures wage growth in Real Dollars as do economists, no matter what political stripe.

It's like a continuing theme with you. You pst a graph and you have zero idea what it actually says. It's 100% reliable.[/QUOTE]
I still don't know how that graph is even relevant. How it answers the question of ownership.

Property rights and founding principles don't matter to liberals, though. Just graphs. We need more graphs.[/QUOTE]

You posted: "Wage growth has been flat because the government has been determining the compensation that businesses should pay?[/
Obviously, government/Federal/State determines a small percentage of the wages ala Minimum Wage. The graph I used simply reflects Department of Labor numbers showing exactly how flat wage growth has been over the last three (plus) decades in Real Dollars which has been dictated for the most part by the private sector. The interesting point is the productivity has been positive versus negative wage growth.
This all applies to the foundation of my posts on this thread.
Thank you.
Since it's illegal to buy votes, the next best way is give people a raise. :)

28 million working Americans would benefit. 28 million votes swinging for whoever got them that raise...I'm not a political operative but this doesn't sound very complicated to me.

I'm sure it doesn't.
Since it's illegal to buy votes, the next best way is give people a raise. :)

28 million working Americans would benefit. 28 million votes swinging for whoever got them that raise...I'm not a political operative but this doesn't sound very complicated to me.
This is just a scheme to get the wages of union workers increased. They don't give a shit about fast food workers. When the min wage goes up, by law union wages rise and much more than the min wage increase. Result: the price of everything goes up and the min wage earners get fucked.

Wake up and smell the coffee.
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raising the min. wage more than 10 cents an hour is total bullshit, :up:

minimum wage is mostly entry level jobs, a job where one can get the experience of getting work ethics and following orders. if those who demand $15.00 an hour applied themselves, they could get the job that realistically pays an employee what they are worth.

just my OPINION, but from what i see on the TV news, most of the protestors aren't worth the actual min. wage.

it is a brutal shame that liberdummies do not understand the min. wage is NOT a family supporting position. for the most part it is a supplemental pay check for those on S.S. or high schoolers just starting out, it is NOT intended to be a life long career job. :up:
I think every teenager flipping burgers & dunking fries should be paid the equivalent of a dental assistant. I mean I'm sure learning the spatula was as tough as leaning how to perform dental procedures right?

Stupid libs
This will upset the balance of nature. Everyone will expect their wages be doubled. Why should a burger flipper earn as nearly as much as a mechanic or programmer or a hygienist? It's insane!
Raising the minimum wage historically has done absolutely nothing to help the poor or raise people out of poverty.

Bullshit. How completely ridiculous!

If it's completely ridiculous bullshit you should certainly have no problem providing evidence to the contrary.

Supporters argue that a higher minimum wage is an effective anti-poverty tool. If businesses must pay their low-wage employees more, then those workers should earn more and fewer of them should live in poverty. Common sense says a higher minimum wage should fight poverty.

The facts, however, show otherwise. Many economists have examined the evidence and come to the surprising conclusion that the minimum wage does not reduce poverty. Ohio University economists Richard Vedder and Lowell Gallaway examined the effect that increases in the minimum wage had on the overall poverty rate in the United States and on the poverty rates for groups like minorities and teenagers that might especially benefit from higher minimum wages.[1] They found that the minimum wage had no statistically detectable effect on poverty rates.

[1] See Richard K. Vedder and Lowell E. Gallaway, "Does the Minimum Wage Reduce Poverty?" Employment Policies Institute, June 2001, at www.epionline.org/studies/vedder_06-2001.pdf(December 28, 2006).

Raising the Minimum Wage Will Not Reduce Poverty

You need evidence? Really? Okay, let's say you get a one week pay check that amounts to $240, or you could get a pay check that amounts to $500 for the week. Which pay check do you think will keep you out of poverty?

Definitely not the check they'll be getting from the umemployment line after they lose their job because their employer can't afford to give them a $260 week raise.
I haven't made the minimum wage since I was 16 years old. If you're an adult making the minimum wage you're a fucking loser. Simple as that.
No, it doesn't. It hurts the middle class. The only people who get a wage bump when the minimum wage is raised are the people who were making less than the new minimum wage. The rest of us don't get the same increase, but we do pay the higher costs of goods and services as a result of the increase.

From my link in my previous post:
"Consider for a moment a wage distribution divided into intervals. If the first were to begin with the actual minimum wage and range to 25 percent above that figure, the second then ranges an additional 25 percent, and so on. Data from 1962-2008 that I gathered shows that when 10 such intervals were created, accounting for up to 70 percent of the labor force, the median wage in each interval increased in years that the minimum wage increased, and in years when it did not increase the median wage in each interval remained the same. The ripple effects from raising the minimum wage were effectively benefiting the middle class."
How Raising the Minimum Wage Would Boost the Middle Class

Whoops!!!!! :2up:

I read your article. It's one man's opinion with no source cited for his "data". He also makes an absurd statement.

When one considers that the median hourly wage in 2012 was $14.90 an hour, a $15-an-hour minimum does not seem so far-fetched.

Does he not understand that median means average? That means 50% of the population made less than $14.90 an hour. He is inferring that we can just raise the wages of 50% of the population with no detrimental affect on the economy.

This man has no credibility.
Raising the minimum wage historically has done absolutely nothing to help the poor or raise people out of poverty.

Bullshit. How completely ridiculous!

If it's completely ridiculous bullshit you should certainly have no problem providing evidence to the contrary.

Supporters argue that a higher minimum wage is an effective anti-poverty tool. If businesses must pay their low-wage employees more, then those workers should earn more and fewer of them should live in poverty. Common sense says a higher minimum wage should fight poverty.

The facts, however, show otherwise. Many economists have examined the evidence and come to the surprising conclusion that the minimum wage does not reduce poverty. Ohio University economists Richard Vedder and Lowell Gallaway examined the effect that increases in the minimum wage had on the overall poverty rate in the United States and on the poverty rates for groups like minorities and teenagers that might especially benefit from higher minimum wages.[1] They found that the minimum wage had no statistically detectable effect on poverty rates.

[1] See Richard K. Vedder and Lowell E. Gallaway, "Does the Minimum Wage Reduce Poverty?" Employment Policies Institute, June 2001, at www.epionline.org/studies/vedder_06-2001.pdf(December 28, 2006).

Raising the Minimum Wage Will Not Reduce Poverty

You need evidence? Really? Okay, let's say you get a one week pay check that amounts to $240, or you could get a pay check that amounts to $500 for the week. Which pay check do you think will keep you out of poverty?

Well that was easy. LOL!
Except that isnt the choice. The choice is between a paycheck for 240/week and no paycheck at all because your job got eliminated.
Now which one is going to keep you out of poverty?
That was easy!
Right, that's the only solution....

the natural gas or oil bill goes up, you fire your worker who you need in order to have any business at all....

The electric bill goes up and you fire your worker who your business needs to operate...

fuel prices go up, shipping goes up...so you fire your worker

yeah yeah, I got it....
I think every teenager flipping burgers & dunking fries should be paid the equivalent of a dental assistant. I mean I'm sure learning the spatula was as tough as leaning how to perform dental procedures right?

Stupid libs
This will upset the balance of nature. Everyone will expect their wages be doubled. Why should a burger flipper earn as nearly as much as a mechanic or programmer or a hygienist? It's insane!

The first place you'll see this happen is at the companies who have several workers whose wages will increase. Everyone above them will expect the same thing. Should be interesting to see the dominoes fall.

The theorists never factor that stuff into their "ideas", but they don't have to. They're just theorists.

If minimum wage had kept up with inflation, it's be $10.86/hour now.

Only reason it's being kept down is most minimum wage earners are ethinic minorities and we can't have more affluent ******* and spics moving in to white neighborhoods. Keep them in the po' side of town where they belong. Not with us good white folk.

That's the anti-raise arguement, they just don't say it out loud but I can read minds. :)
If minimum wage had kept up with inflation, it's be $10.86/hour now.

Only reason it's being kept down is most minimum wage earners are ethinic minorities and we can't have more affluent ******* and spics moving in to white neighborhoods. Keep them in the po' side of town where they belong. Not with us good white folk.

That's the anti-raise arguement, they just don't say it out loud but I can read minds. :)

Ah, the race card.

Always right around the corner.

I think every teenager flipping burgers & dunking fries should be paid the equivalent of a dental assistant. I mean I'm sure learning the spatula was as tough as leaning how to perform dental procedures right?

Stupid libs
This will upset the balance of nature. Everyone will expect their wages be doubled. Why should a burger flipper earn as nearly as much as a mechanic or programmer or a hygienist? It's insane!
they shouldn't make as much as a programer or mechanic, but as long as you keep the lowest wage really low, then the mechanic and the programmer will never get paid what they are worth...wages are stagnant for the middle class because the minimum wage is kept so LOW, and your wage is based off of their wage.

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