Rally and Fund Raiser for embattled Navy Seal 'Edward Gallagher ' in San Diego

You are full of shit. The "big shots" would have thrown him to the wolves if what you say actually happened.

You sure don't know much about the military if you think the "big shots" would have covered up murder.

You are full of bullshit. The big shots did attempt to cover-up murder.
"Military prosecutors will begin court martial proceedings Tuesday against a Navy SEAL platoon commander they say was complicit in alleged war crimes committed by one of his troops in Iraq in 2017."

You clearly don't know anything about the military. Members of his platoon reported his illegal conduct. They did it despite the fact that they were discouraged from doing so by their superiors. They did their duty as soldiers.

Oh and you are sure what they say is true??

I'm not. This guy is highly decorated. Two bronze stars with V for valor. He was also nominated for the Silver Star. And he's the team medic. I doubt he would murder anyone.

Why would he?? You just want to believe the worst about a soldier.

That's just how your stupid ass rolls.

The fact is that these are Navy seals and garbage like you has no room to be talking about these soldiers. They did their duty and reported a crime even though their superiors tried to dissuade them.

Who gives a shit what medals he received. He committed war crimes and needs to be held accountable. Medals do not protect him.

I believe the soldiers. They don't go around lying for no reason at all. They witnessed war crimes and reported them. They are the heroes.

Your stupid ass is in need of a good tanning for attacking our soldiers.
You are full of shit. The "big shots" would have thrown him to the wolves if what you say actually happened.

You sure don't know much about the military if you think the "big shots" would have covered up murder.
Military big shots have covered up mass murder for as long as war has existed, as our latest war crimes in Raqqa prove to all who aren't slaves to the War Racket.

Our investigation reveals US-led Coalition killed thousands of civilians in Raqqa

"The US-led military Coalition must end almost two years of denial about the massive civilian death toll and destruction it unleashed in the Syrian city of Raqqa, Amnesty International and Airwars said today as they launched a new data project on the offensive to oust the armed group calling itself 'Islamic State'" (IS).

"The interactive website, Rhetoric versus Reality: How the ‘most precise air campaign in history’ left Raqqa the most destroyed city in modern times, is the most comprehensive investigation into civilian deaths in a modern conflict.

"Collating almost two years of investigations, it gives a brutally vivid account of more than 1,600 civilian lives lost as a direct result of thousands of US, UK and French air strikes and tens of thousands of US artillery strikes in the Coalition’s military campaign in Raqqa from June to October 2017."
You are full of shit. The "big shots" would have thrown him to the wolves if what you say actually happened.

You sure don't know much about the military if you think the "big shots" would have covered up murder.

You are full of bullshit. The big shots did attempt to cover-up murder.
"Military prosecutors will begin court martial proceedings Tuesday against a Navy SEAL platoon commander they say was complicit in alleged war crimes committed by one of his troops in Iraq in 2017."

You clearly don't know anything about the military. Members of his platoon reported his illegal conduct. They did it despite the fact that they were discouraged from doing so by their superiors. They did their duty as soldiers.

Oh and you are sure what they say is true??

I'm not. This guy is highly decorated. Two bronze stars with V for valor. He was also nominated for the Silver Star. And he's the team medic. I doubt he would murder anyone.

Why would he?? You just want to believe the worst about a soldier.

That's just how your stupid ass rolls.
Yes...the big shots in the military do cover up things....to believe they don't is just being goofy...

I believe your zeal to believe the military would never cover-up something like this is situational -- based on your bias....Trump is president, so therefore the military to you may be an extension of Trump, which probably makes them infallible....Second, the victims are a bunch of dirty muslims, so who cares....

However, folks like you are also willing to believe that any branch of government (INCLUDING THE MILITARY) -- will do everything in their power to cover-up, collude, spy -- anything under the sun if Trump told you to believe it

Trump had nothing to do with what he's accused of and covering up a friendly fire death is a long way from covering up what some see as murder.

And both are wrong.
While you are moving the goal posts

Here is just a greatest hits list of other popular military cover ups...

The CIA MK-Ultra project done on behalf of the military -- but of course that never happened officially..
The Gulf Of Tonkin so-called "radar mistake"-- which was actually just the military trying to get us into Vietnam.
The USS Liberty -- but to even admit this was a cover up is supposedly anti-Semitic, so I won't say anything else about that...

And these are just a couple off the top of my head.....why do you have this undying need to trust whatever the military higher ups tell you? Or let me rephrase that, you trust whatever they tell you as long as it supports your bias, like I said...

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