Ralph Peters: ’2000 Years of Christian Civilization Destroyed on Obama’s Watch’

PJ Media ^ | 9/20/15 | Debra Heine
The Islamic State has managed to destroy two thousand years of Christian civilization in the Middle East in just a couple of years, Lt. Col. Ralph Peters noted on The O’Reilly Factor last week. And he placed the blame squarely on President Obama’s cowardly, feckless, incompetent foreign policy.ISIS has been spreading across the Middle East like a plague of locusts, and as they have spread, they have targeted religious minorities, particularly Christians, for destruction. In Syria, tens of thousands of Assyrian Christians have been attacked and displaced.They are the forgotten refugees.A Catholic priest who visited Kurdish Iraq last fall described...


RWs actually believe that the Middle East never had so much as a squabble until Obama was elected and now they're saying he "destroyed two thousand years of Christian civilization in the Middle East" ??

That's got to be the dumbest thing I've ever read.

How about the 5 million soldiers in Middle East countries? What about Israel's nukes that we bought for them?

Why can't they fight and win against 40K ISIL?

They really are this manic depressive about everything! They exagerate, lie, fabricate numbers and when they do have a link to what they say, it almost always from some left wing, hate site, that get them all wet when they read it.

Muttley, you are part of the reason I like being here, your entertainment values goes up during the day as you blood pressure rises....Sooner or later and....

Whaddya think PJ Media is?......I'll give you a hint.....It's a right wing hate site.

Far right crackpots that hate Liberals
Yes, your right. The Pope and the Manchurian muslim are Marxists, as I stated!

The Pope and Obama want to make America, and The Vatican communist countries......

I didn't say that, but please give me the post# where I did.... You're starting to get stupid like the JakeAss who keeps agreeing with you!
If you think The Pope and Obama are Marxists, in order for them to be that, they would need to be implementing socialist policy. By the definition of Marxism

Three words join them at the hip in Marxism...GLOBAL WARMING, and AMNESTY... socialism on display in it's finest uniform!
I think one thing that might be confusing you, and correct me if I'm wrong....but raising taxes is not socialism. Implementng a Carbon Tax is not socialism. Granting amnesty to illegal aliens is not socialism.

Socialist/Communist countries don't even have taxes, because nobody owns anything to tax.

Now just how you come to the idea that letting the illegals wo've been here for years, stay permanently, is socialism...I wouldn't know where to begin. Was Ronald Reagan a socialist?

Are you really this stupid? Here is a search engine full of people and supposed experts that say yes, it is in it's various forms!

taxation is a form of socialism - - Yahoo Search Results

Illegals staying here for years are in the same category as robbers that haven't been caught after escaping capture for decades or more.... there is NO TIME LIMIT on these ILLEGALS, don't you understand they BROKE THE LAW?
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PJ Media ^ | 9/20/15 | Debra Heine
The Islamic State has managed to destroy two thousand years of Christian civilization in the Middle East in just a couple of years, Lt. Col. Ralph Peters noted on The O’Reilly Factor last week. And he placed the blame squarely on President Obama’s cowardly, feckless, incompetent foreign policy.ISIS has been spreading across the Middle East like a plague of locusts, and as they have spread, they have targeted religious minorities, particularly Christians, for destruction. In Syria, tens of thousands of Assyrian Christians have been attacked and displaced.They are the forgotten refugees.A Catholic priest who visited Kurdish Iraq last fall described...


RWs actually believe that the Middle East never had so much as a squabble until Obama was elected and now they're saying he "destroyed two thousand years of Christian civilization in the Middle East" ??

That's got to be the dumbest thing I've ever read.

How about the 5 million soldiers in Middle East countries? What about Israel's nukes that we bought for them?

Why can't they fight and win against 40K ISIL?

They really are this manic depressive about everything! They exagerate, lie, fabricate numbers and when they do have a link to what they say, it almost always from some left wing, hate site, that get them all wet when they read it.

Muttley, you are part of the reason I like being here, your entertainment values goes up during the day as you blood pressure rises....Sooner or later and....

Whaddya think PJ Media is?......I'll give you a hint.....It's a right wing hate site.

Far right crackpots that hate Liberals

Refute anything they said, instead of bullshitting, as you leftist scum do so well!
Vigilante so messes up his side's arguments.


It is SOOOO FUCKING EASY to bitch Slap the JakeAss, I almost feel guilty....ALMOST! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::ahole-1:

Apparently the JakeAss isn't familiar with the Islamic word...TAQIYYA!

For the JakeAss's education, and to enlighten others....


Seems to be EXACTLY what the Manchurian muslim has been doing for almost 7 years, even knowing he said HIS MUSLIM FAITH" on video!

Perhaps the JakeAss, and you liberal vermin should get a copy of this, and learn "HOW TO KEEP YOUR HEADS!"...Or better yet...don't get a copy! :lmao::lmao::lmao:


The Pope and Obama want to make America, and The Vatican communist countries......

I didn't say that, but please give me the post# where I did.... You're starting to get stupid like the JakeAss who keeps agreeing with you!
If you think The Pope and Obama are Marxists, in order for them to be that, they would need to be implementing socialist policy. By the definition of Marxism

Three words join them at the hip in Marxism...GLOBAL WARMING, and AMNESTY... socialism on display in it's finest uniform!
I think one thing that might be confusing you, and correct me if I'm wrong....but raising taxes is not socialism. Implementng a Carbon Tax is not socialism. Granting amnesty to illegal aliens is not socialism.

Socialist/Communist countries don't even have taxes, because nobody owns anything to tax.

Now just how you come to the idea that letting the illegals wo've been here for years, stay permanently, is socialism...I wouldn't know where to begin. Was Ronald Reagan a socialist?

Are you really this stupid? Here is a search engine full of people and supposed experts that say yes, it is in it's various forms!

taxation is a form of socialism - - Yahoo Search Results

Illegals staying here for years are in the same category as robbers that haven't been caught after escaping capture for decades or more.... there is NO TIME LIMIT on these ILLEGALS, don't you understand they BROKE THE LAW?
The idea that taxation is a form of socialism, is completely contrived by people who want to make Europeans and Democrats look like Communists.

The same bastardization has happened to the word "racist", which actually means a belief that one race is superior or inferior to another. People use it instead of discrimination or bigotry, which are different things.

The political parties in Europe and parts of the middle east, use the word socialism in a different context than socialism when practiced as a form of government.

Your sources, and the people and supposed experts who wrote them, are the type that have simply redefined the word to suit their party goals. Nazi's were National Socialists that had nothing to do with Communism
I didn't say that, but please give me the post# where I did.... You're starting to get stupid like the JakeAss who keeps agreeing with you!
If you think The Pope and Obama are Marxists, in order for them to be that, they would need to be implementing socialist policy. By the definition of Marxism

Three words join them at the hip in Marxism...GLOBAL WARMING, and AMNESTY... socialism on display in it's finest uniform!
I think one thing that might be confusing you, and correct me if I'm wrong....but raising taxes is not socialism. Implementng a Carbon Tax is not socialism. Granting amnesty to illegal aliens is not socialism.

Socialist/Communist countries don't even have taxes, because nobody owns anything to tax.

Now just how you come to the idea that letting the illegals wo've been here for years, stay permanently, is socialism...I wouldn't know where to begin. Was Ronald Reagan a socialist?

Are you really this stupid? Here is a search engine full of people and supposed experts that say yes, it is in it's various forms!

taxation is a form of socialism - - Yahoo Search Results

Illegals staying here for years are in the same category as robbers that haven't been caught after escaping capture for decades or more.... there is NO TIME LIMIT on these ILLEGALS, don't you understand they BROKE THE LAW?
The idea that taxation is a form of socialism, is completely contrived by people who want to make Europeans and Democrats look like Communists.

The same bastardization has happened to the word "racist", which actually means a belief that one race is superior or inferior to another. People use it instead of discrimination or bigotry, which are different things.

The political parties in Europe and parts of the middle east, use the word socialism in a different context than socialism when practiced as a form of government.

Your sources, and the people and supposed experts who wrote them, are the type that have simply redefined the word to suit their party goals. Nazi's were National Socialists that had nothing to do with Communism

The far right with its nativism, ethnocentrism, anti-Catholicism, anti-Semitism, anti-feminism, anti-worker are very close to National Socialism.
If you think The Pope and Obama are Marxists, in order for them to be that, they would need to be implementing socialist policy. By the definition of Marxism

Three words join them at the hip in Marxism...GLOBAL WARMING, and AMNESTY... socialism on display in it's finest uniform!
I think one thing that might be confusing you, and correct me if I'm wrong....but raising taxes is not socialism. Implementng a Carbon Tax is not socialism. Granting amnesty to illegal aliens is not socialism.

Socialist/Communist countries don't even have taxes, because nobody owns anything to tax.

Now just how you come to the idea that letting the illegals wo've been here for years, stay permanently, is socialism...I wouldn't know where to begin. Was Ronald Reagan a socialist?

Are you really this stupid? Here is a search engine full of people and supposed experts that say yes, it is in it's various forms!

taxation is a form of socialism - - Yahoo Search Results

Illegals staying here for years are in the same category as robbers that haven't been caught after escaping capture for decades or more.... there is NO TIME LIMIT on these ILLEGALS, don't you understand they BROKE THE LAW?
The idea that taxation is a form of socialism, is completely contrived by people who want to make Europeans and Democrats look like Communists.

The same bastardization has happened to the word "racist", which actually means a belief that one race is superior or inferior to another. People use it instead of discrimination or bigotry, which are different things.

The political parties in Europe and parts of the middle east, use the word socialism in a different context than socialism when practiced as a form of government.

Your sources, and the people and supposed experts who wrote them, are the type that have simply redefined the word to suit their party goals. Nazi's were National Socialists that had nothing to do with Communism

Thank you for that thoughtful and poignant response.

It's so in depth, it might take me a while to analyze it, and a while longer to mentally digest it's significance
Only far right reactionary hate creeps disagree with, "The far right with its nativism, ethnocentrism, anti-Catholicism, anti-Semitism, anti-feminism, anti-worker are very close to National Socialism."
Only far right reactionary hate creeps disagree with, "The far right with its nativism, ethnocentrism, anti-Catholicism, anti-Semitism, anti-feminism, anti-worker are very close to National Socialism."
Ergo....Glenn Beck and the revisionist attempts to throw out the right VS left-socialism VS capitalism thing.

What Beck was usccessful at, and Vigilante is an example, is portraying Democrats/the left as both Nazis and Communists. And portraying the American right as none of that. It's quite sound strategically. You simply take everything that is bad politicaly, and say Democrats are all that. The only thing you need after that are uneducated and angry people to indoctrinate. Which ironically enough, was what Hitler did.
Only far right reactionary hate creeps disagree with, "The far right with its nativism, ethnocentrism, anti-Catholicism, anti-Semitism, anti-feminism, anti-worker are very close to National Socialism."
Ergo....Glenn Beck and the revisionist attempts to throw out the right VS left-socialism VS capitalism thing.

What Beck was usccessful at, and Vigilante is an example, is portraying Democrats/the left as both Nazis and Communists. And portraying the American right as none of that. It's quite sound strategically. You simply take everything that is bad politicaly, and say Democrats are all that. The only thing you need after that are uneducated and angry people to indoctrinate. Which ironically enough, was what Hitler did.
Rush does that with his show: reverse mirror everything wrong with right and blame the left.

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