Ralph Reed: Obama Campaign 'Coming With A Knife In An Alley'


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
By Ariel Edwards-Levy

President Barack Obama's campaign will do anything to get him elected, GOP political operative Ralph Reed told Florida Republicans Feb. 16.

"So if you can't run on your economic record, you can't run on your foreign policy record, there's only one kind of campaign to run," Reed said. "And that is a scorched earth, negative, 'tear down the Republican nominee' campaign. And that's all this is going to be. And they're coming, and they're coming with a knife in an alley. That's what this fight is going to be like."

Reed told his audience not to underestimate Obama or his campaign team.

"There is nothing they will not do to win an election," Reed said. "This guy is as tough and as mean and as cynical as any politician you'll ever see. There is nothing he's not willing to do."

Reed is the founder of the Faith and Freedom Foundation and former head of the Christian Coalition. In 2006, he ran for lieutenant governor of Georgia but lost in the primary, partially due to the disclosure of business ties to disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff.

The remarks were originally taped by Conservative New Media and picked up by Right Wing Watch.

Ralph Reed: Obama Campaign 'Coming With A Knife In An Alley'

Reed: There is Nothing Obama Won't do to Win Re-Election | rightwingwatch.org

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j66tT8DxXH0&feature=player_embedded]Reed: There Is Nothing Obama Won't Do To Win Re-Election - YouTube[/ame]
Reed: There is Nothing Obama Won't do to Win Re-Election

by Kyle Mantyla

There are few political operatives active today that are as ruthless and cynical as Ralph Reed.

Reed is, after all, the man who infamously declared that he specializes in "guerrilla warfare," and bragged "I paint my face and travel at night. You don't know it's over until you're in a body bag."

Reed also knowingly took hundreds of thousands of dollars from corrupt lobbyist Jack Abramoff to manipulate and mobilize his Religious Right allies to fight gambling expansions in order to protect Abramoff's client's gambling interests. Reed even had some of the money laundered through third-parties in order to try and conceal its origins, yet continues to insist to this day that he is "proud" of the "outstanding" work he did on behalf of Abramoff and his clients.

So it is a little ironic to see him speaking to the Palms West Republican Club in Florida recently, in a video recorded and posted by Conservative New Media, as he warns that there is no candidate who is as tough, mean, and cynical as President Obama and that his campaign will be "coming with a knife in an alley" to launch an all-out scorched earth campaign against the Republican nominee:

Reed: There is Nothing Obama Won't do to Win Re-Election | rightwingwatch.org
Joan Bokaer, Founder TheocracyWatch

Ralph Reed is a highly influential political operative. He was a high-ranking official in the Bush-Cheney '04 campaign. In 2002, as Chair of the Georgia Republican Party he engineered a Republican sweep of that state. But perhaps his greatest legacy (so far) was his work as Executive Director of the Christian Coalition where he and Pat Robertson succeeded in taking "working control" of the Republican Party.

Reed was featured on the cover of Time magazine on May 15, 1995 as "The Right Hand of God." Time credited Christian Coalition with a Republican coup in 1994 that gave the Republican Party majorities in both houses of Congress for the first time in 40 years.

On the subject of Democracy Reed writes: "The surest antidote to tyranny is a free people who believe it owes its allegiance to a Higher Power, not the government. The consent of the governed rests upon faith in a sovereign God. Faith as a political force is the very essence of Democracy."4

As with D. James Kennedy and Francis Schaeffer, Reed does not believe in theocracy. He just calls for a Democracy where everyone believes in "a sovereign God." But whose God? Religious wars decimated Europe for two thousand years over that very question. And again, what about people who don't believe they owe their allegiance to "a Higher Power." Can they be a part of Reed's Democracy?


"No, we don't want a theocracy, we just think that our god should be above the government."

Okie dokie.


"No, we don't want a theocracy, we just think that our god should be above the government."

Okie dokie.


We have a Godless Constitution, so you can place your god wherever you wish - just not in my life.
Ralph Reed is as religiously deranged as Rick Santorum, but more dangerous in that he more quietly works behind the scenes to accomplish his religiopolitical agendas. I think Ralph Reed is a very scary dude, but I also think he's very good at what he does. He's no dummy...

I guess when one thinks that his country is his god's chosen country, that really lights a fire under a fella. My god is the true god, my religion is the right religion, my country is the chosen country. Holy crap, that pretty much gives you license to do whatever the hell you want.

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Ralph Reed is as religiously deranged as Rick Santorum, but more dangerous in that he more quietly works behind the scenes to accomplish his religiopolitical agendas. I think Ralph Reed is a very scary dude, but I also think he's very good at what he does. He's no dummy...

I guess when one thinks that his country is his god's chosen country, that really lights a fire under a fella. My god is the true god, my religion is the right religion, my country is the chosen country. Holy crap, that pretty much gives you license to do whatever the hell you want.


That's fundamentalism in a nutshell. This is the EXACT same thing we are dealing with in the Middle East. The truly scary thing is that the leaders of such coalitions aren't usually all that devout in their private lives. It's all about acquiring power, notoriety and wealth, and rabble rousing from the pulpit is the means to their end.

"No, we don't want a theocracy, we just think that our god should be above the government."

Okie dokie.


And Obama just clearly stated that his economic policies are based on biblical teachings.

Get back to me when you start to care about a President that's quoting scripture to explain his policies, mmmm 'kay?
Ralph Reed is as religiously deranged as Rick Santorum, but more dangerous in that he more quietly works behind the scenes to accomplish his religiopolitical agendas. I think Ralph Reed is a very scary dude, but I also think he's very good at what he does. He's no dummy...

I guess when one thinks that his country is his god's chosen country, that really lights a fire under a fella. My god is the true god, my religion is the right religion, my country is the chosen country. Holy crap, that pretty much gives you license to do whatever the hell you want.


First Nations believe that the Creator gave them this land. And we are "Earth Keepers".

That freaks you out?
By Ariel Edwards-Levy

President Barack Obama's campaign will do anything to get him elected, GOP political operative Ralph Reed told Florida Republicans Feb. 16.

"So if you can't run on your economic record, you can't run on your foreign policy record, there's only one kind of campaign to run," Reed said. "And that is a scorched earth, negative, 'tear down the Republican nominee' campaign. And that's all this is going to be. And they're coming, and they're coming with a knife in an alley. That's what this fight is going to be like."

Reed told his audience not to underestimate Obama or his campaign team.

"There is nothing they will not do to win an election," Reed said. "This guy is as tough and as mean and as cynical as any politician you'll ever see. There is nothing he's not willing to do."

Reed is the founder of the Faith and Freedom Foundation and former head of the Christian Coalition. In 2006, he ran for lieutenant governor of Georgia but lost in the primary, partially due to the disclosure of business ties to disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff.

The remarks were originally taped by Conservative New Media and picked up by Right Wing Watch.

Ralph Reed: Obama Campaign 'Coming With A Knife In An Alley'

Reed: There is Nothing Obama Won't do to Win Re-Election | rightwingwatch.org

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j66tT8DxXH0&feature=player_embedded]Reed: There Is Nothing Obama Won't Do To Win Re-Election - YouTube[/ame]

It's surprising how Reed, Gingrich, others, seem to crawl out from under their rocks every four years thinking anyone likes them any better than they did four years previously.

He's another extreme right, anti choice, activist. The Republican party will embrace him at their peril.
Loco, you've spent a whole page trying to see if anyone cares what Ralph Reed says.

Of course Obama is going to do and say anything to win, and so is Romney.

Why are we discussing this?
Ralph Reed is as religiously deranged as Rick Santorum, but more dangerous in that he more quietly works behind the scenes to accomplish his religiopolitical agendas. I think Ralph Reed is a very scary dude, but I also think he's very good at what he does. He's no dummy...

I guess when one thinks that his country is his god's chosen country, that really lights a fire under a fella. My god is the true god, my religion is the right religion, my country is the chosen country. Holy crap, that pretty much gives you license to do whatever the hell you want.

First Nations believe that the Creator gave them this land. And we are "Earth Keepers".

That freaks you out?

Nah, it's his evil eyes! :eek:

"No, we don't want a theocracy, we just think that our god should be above the government."

Okie dokie.


And Obama just clearly stated that his economic policies are based on biblical teachings.

Get back to me when you start to care about a President that's quoting scripture to explain his policies, mmmm 'kay?

YEA.. and that FAMOUS much repeated..
President Obama’s frequent references to us being ‘our brother’s keeper’ are an example of the last kind of Bible misquote. Most recently he said it like this:

But part of that belief comes from my faith in the idea that I am my brother’s keeper and I am my sister’s keeper; that as a country, we rise and fall together. I’m not an island."

ALL the while HIS brother lives in a $12/year hut in Kenya!

Boy.. with a brother like that WHO NEEDS THE DEVIL!

BY The way AS OBAMA is FREQUENTLY DOING HE IS MISTAKEN in his quote.. THE EXACT Words from Geneis is:
after Cain fails to master his evil nature and murders his brother Abel, after which God asks him:

“Where [is] Abel thy brother?”And Cain replied: “I know not: [Am] I my brother’s keeper?
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"No, we don't want a theocracy, we just think that our god should be above the government."

Okie dokie.


And Obama just clearly stated that his economic policies are based on biblical teachings.

Get back to me when you start to care about a President that's quoting scripture to explain his policies, mmmm 'kay?

YEA.. and that FAMOUS much repeated..
President Obama’s frequent references to us being ‘our brother’s keeper’ are an example of the last kind of Bible misquote. Most recently he said it like this:

But part of that belief comes from my faith in the idea that I am my brother’s keeper and I am my sister’s keeper; that as a country, we rise and fall together. I’m not an island."

ALL the while HIS brother lives in a $12/year hut in Kenya!

Boy.. with a brother like that WHO NEEDS THE DEVIL!

BY The way AS OBAMA is FREQUENTLY DOING HE IS MISTAKEN in his quote.. THE EXACT Words from Geneis is:
after Cain fails to master his evil nature and murders his brother Abel, after which God asks him:

“Where [is] Abel thy brother?”And Cain replied: “I know not: [Am] I my brother’s keeper?

That's because the implied answer is YES. It's a common enough phrase. Don't act like it's something Obama cooked up and Obama doesn't have any brothers. LIAR!
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any party that is stupid enough to go after birth control pills as if they are an evil thing is destined for the trash heap of history.

Defending such a move is utter insanity.

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