Ramadi Falls, approximately 500 civilians executed so far, over 114,000 misplaced.

This is great. Let them take all of Iraq. Let Saudi Arabia get scared enough to engage ISIS with ground troops...let Iran respond with their ground troops...get the UAE, Egypt and Jordan involved with ground troops.
Fuck them.

Bush's plan...GENIUS.
So would you want to send your husband,wife,son, or daughter to fight for a city the natives have no interest in defending/re-taking? If so, drive them down to the recruiting station/meat grinder.

This is going to be harsh...your being an idiot.
We created this mess. And your position is - oh well - Fuck you, not our problem.
You can blame Bush if you like and ignore what happened for the past 6 years.
Or you can blame it all on Obama for ignoring everyone and abandoning Iraq when the surge WE sent was working,
Whatever - we created the problem. To ignore the 1,000's of innocent civilians being executed, including women and children - is nothing short of evil.
Take your head out of your ass. Three years ago Iraq was improving tremendously. A real government was SLOWLY developing, infrastructure was rebuilding, their economy was rebuilding etc. etc. etc.
Today Iraq is a complete and utter mess.
So would you want to send your husband,wife,son, or daughter to fight for a city the natives have no interest in defending/re-taking? If so, drive them down to the recruiting station/meat grinder.

This is going to be harsh...your being an idiot.
We created this mess. And your position is - oh well - Fuck you, not our problem.
You can blame Bush if you like and ignore what happened for the past 6 years.
Or you can blame it all on Obama for ignoring everyone and abandoning Iraq when the surge WE sent was working,
Whatever - we created the problem. To ignore the 1,000's of innocent civilians being executed, including women and children - is nothing short of evil.
Take your head out of your ass. Three years ago Iraq was improving tremendously. A real government was SLOWLY developing, infrastructure was rebuilding, their economy was rebuilding etc. etc. etc.
Today Iraq is a complete and utter mess.
We didn't start shit. Killer muslims flying planes into the WTC started this.
Another Obama catastrophe. Has this asshole done ANYTHING right?
The Iraqi government was a threat to American peace and prosperity.

So is China. Shall we invade them?
:lol: Not really the same, now is it.

But do you want to send in American ground troops because you love the Iraqi people and feel sorry for them....or because you hate Obama? Do you want to spll Amercan blood out of Obama hate?
The Iraqi government was a threat to American peace and prosperity.

So is China. Shall we invade them?
:lol: Not really the same, now is it.

But do you want to send in American ground troops because you love the Iraqi people and feel sorry for them....or because you hate Obama? Do you want to spll Amercan blood out of Obama hate?

The casualties of Bush Sr.'s Desert Shield was less than 400. Did you know that?
That is because they allowed the military to fight the war without interfering, meandering or politicizing it from Washington.
In Bush Jr's/Obama's war which was completely politicized, horribly planned out and ran from Washington and even worse when Obama took over. Rather than the field - over 4000 died and over 32,000 wounded in action.
In Afghanistan, over 3000 deaths and over 20,000 wounded in action.
Again, a war fought from Washington while constantly interfering.
If we let our military do what they are trained to do - WITHOUT INTERFERING and politicizing the war, and like Desert Storm fight with unshackled brutality with intent to annihilate your enemy...the casualties will be minimal.
Bush was awful, I hated the whole fucking family and I suspected his Dad tried to assassinate Reagan and they helped plan 9/11.

What makes you think I'm a fan of Bush ffs?

Ramadi is now under the full control of isis. The reports say that isis was a very small force both outnumbered and outgunned by the Iraqis. When the Iraqis saw that the American air strikes were having no effect, they broke and ran.

So the Iraquis who theoretically should be the ones fighting for, you know, Iraqi soil aren't interested in saving the town...but somehow we should be?

Hey kinda like Ferguson and Baltimore haha! If they dont give a damn about their own city...why should the rest of us!!!?

Well, no you idiot.

In the first place, there is a win to have there. A calm, peaceful region where you can drive-through, work in, and visit is worth it. We're not installing some theocracy who has to swear up and down he hates us. Deny it or not, like it or not, believe it or not, that is the outcome to any government we topple in the region.

Secondly, those are Americans. "They" are us. Only with a different skin color. To most Americans...that is a difference that doesn't matter.

Now, run along.
Ramadi is now under the full control of isis. The reports say that isis was a very small force both outnumbered and outgunned by the Iraqis. When the Iraqis saw that the American air strikes were having no effect, they broke and ran.

So the Iraquis who theoretically should be the ones fighting for, you know, Iraqi soil aren't interested in saving the town...but somehow we should be?
We invested lives in that city,yes we have an interest.

So would you want to send your husband,wife,son, or daughter to fight for a city the natives have no interest in defending/re-taking? If so, drive them down to the recruiting station/meat grinder.
We already did that,turning out backs now,would be turning our backs on the people that did give their lives the 1st time.

So would you want to send your husband,wife,son, or daughter to fight for a city the natives have no interest in defending/re-taking? If so, drive them down to the recruiting station/meat grinder.

This is going to be harsh...your being an idiot.
Well, it's "you're", not "your", idiot.

We created this mess. And your position is - oh well - Fuck you, not our problem.
We did create the mess and no...it's not our problem.

You can blame Bush if you like and ignore what happened for the past 6 years.
Or you can blame it all on Obama for ignoring everyone and abandoning Iraq when the surge WE sent was working,
No. The problem is that we were going to have to eventually leave and in our wake would be this chaos period. The surge worked in the same way, again, taking a shot of adrenalin works. Your organs restart and you're alive for a few seconds or minutes. But the mortal wound you suffer from is still fatal.

Whatever - we created the problem. To ignore the 1,000's of innocent civilians being executed, including women and children - is nothing short of evil.
Take your head out of your ass. Three years ago Iraq was improving tremendously. A real government was SLOWLY developing, infrastructure was rebuilding, their economy was rebuilding etc. etc. etc.
Today Iraq is a complete and utter mess.

Tremendously? Thanks for the giggle. If your measurement of tremendous improvement was that thousands of Iraqi deaths, 2010 was still quieter.


But fine, stats mean zilch to you...

Fine, if you think it is worth dying for....sign your daughter up to stand in front of some poor Iraqi widow. And maybe on her 9th tour after she has her kid...you can sign her kid up too. That is what it is going to take, decades of commitment and installation of a religious figure railing against us all the while.

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