Ramaswamy says he’d deport children of undocumented immigrants born in the US, calling 14th amendment ‘contested’

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Ramaswamy is a hustler making promises he knows full well he can't keep. Children born in this country are by default American citizens regardless of their parent's status. He know this and also knows full well he will lose any challenge to the 14th Amendment.

That's why the law needs to be changed. Trump was working on that I do believe and once he's in office again I'm sure that he'll get it taken care of.

The GOP won't be behind that; if they were they would have done so a long time ago.
That's why the law needs to be changed. Trump was working on that I do believe and once he's in office again I'm sure that he'll get it taken care of.

How's he going to be in office again?
Ramaswamy is a hustler making promises he knows full well he can't keep. Children born in this country are by default American citizens regardless of their parent's status. He know this and also knows full well he will lose any challenge to the 14th Amendment.

What's the problem?
Ramaswamy is a hustler making promises he knows full well he can't keep. Children born in this country are by default American citizens regardless of their parent's status. He know this and also knows full well he will lose any challenge to the 14th Amendment.

WHy does he "know full well" that he would lose such a challenge?
That's why the law needs to be changed. Trump was working on that I do believe and once he's in office again I'm sure that he'll get it taken care of.
He was not, and he will not.

This is strictly a Legislative issue and the GOP will;

1. Need the will to offer legislation doing away with birthright citizenship and
2. Get it through both chambers of Congress, finally
3. Have a President that is willing to sign such legislation in the face of an all-out onslaught of attacks that would ensue.

Trump has never struck Me as that sort of leader and the proof of that is the moment he backed down in the budget issue in his first year when he caved before the threats of a governmental shutdown.

We need a leader who will do what is right regardless of the pushback.
Ramaswamy is a hustler making promises he knows full well he can't keep. Children born in this country are by default American citizens regardless of their parent's status. He know this and also knows full well he will lose any challenge to the 14th Amendment.

It was made clear, in a lot of the discussions leading up to the Fourteenth Amendment, that it was never intended by it that the children of foreigners, born in the United States, should automatically be granted citizenship. A solid argument can be made that the “anchor baby” principle is incorrect, that it is not in keeping with the intent of the Fourteenth Amendment. The clear intent was to prevent former slaves and their children from being denied citizenship, along with the rights and privileges that go therewith.

Unfortunately, as written, the letter of the Fourteenth Amendment is difficult to read as not granting “anchor baby” rights; and I think it would take a new Amendment to correct this error.

In principle, I have to say that Mr. Ramaswamy is exactly right in his wish to deport not only illegal invading criminals, but their children born here as well. But I think the Constitution will have to be amended, first, to clarify that only those who have at least one parent who is a citizen are to be automatically granted citizenship.
That's why the law needs to be changed. Trump was working on that I do believe and once he's in office again I'm sure that he'll get it taken care of.
good luck amending the 14th. ain't happening. however, that will not matter to a strong inspirational leader like trump47., will it.
Ramaswamy is a hustler making promises he knows full well he can't keep. Children born in this country are by default American citizens regardless of their parent's status. He know this and also knows full well he will lose any challenge to the 14th Amendment.

My God you are SOOOOO fuckin stupid.

promises he knows full well he can't keep

The difference between us and bed wetters like you is that we know they do that, expect it in advance and don't consume ourselves with government all day long. Besides that, he could as president allow a challenge to the law come up and direct the AG not to fight it. Like your moonbat messiah did with the Marriage Law.

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