Rancher warns thugs to stay off his property

Those freeloaders done w/ their protest/brownie-a-thon?

They SAY they're staying until the Hammonds are released.

Send snacks and blow up dolls.

Actually, this is startng to get serious now. Mr. Tim Puckett is not someone to trifle with. In fact, the whole family has that reputation. They point a gun at him, and they will be looking down the barrel of his gun. He will regard trespass on his property as a personal challenge. Time for the law to put an end to the nonsense.
The Bundy's act as if federal lands are theirs. Their stupid redneck cowboy hats have choked off their pea brains. They are not my fellow Americans.
I think you are confused about the definition of "thug". These guys definitely are not thugs.
Yes, they are
No, they arent. "Violence" is the key word in the definition of a thug. If you arent aware of that, then maybe you should look the word up because, you arent using it properly. Words have meanings. Learn them if youre going to use them.
You take what is not yours with the threat of shooting someone, you are a thug. Bundy and that bunch are most definately thugs in every sense of the word. Time to treat them as such.

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