Ranchers, farmers brace for 'death tax' impact

Fuck you butt licking, shit eating, filthy piece of shit.

America hating right wing pieces of shit like you can go fuck yourselves and burn in hell. If it wasn't for filthy animals like you, america would be a great place.

Go move to your right wing utopia like iran or saudi arabia you disgusting piece of trash.

45 hours is too damned long to wait to neg this filth.

No kidding, you are the most ignorant and inbred piece of shit on the face of the earth. I'd be ashamed to be such a loser and butthurt stalker like you.

You scare farm animals.
Not at all, Ernie S., she is underlining how out of step with the American social compact and values are you of the far right and libertarian wings. That's why Martinez, Christie, Rubio, Jindall, and the other mainstream moderate and conservative GOP leaders are telling the folks of the hating far right that their days of influence are over. Nanner here all you want.

There is no "social compact"...
It does not "take a village"
I am not my brother's keeper.
This country was founded on the rights of the individual.
You people are attempting to turn this place into some type of collective governed by central planning.
Is his farm worth $5M?

Go hit the bong again, that's the dumbest question of the month!

Since they're worried about a $13 million dollar tax I would imagine it is...
On a 22,000 acre ranch they can afford it.

That is the lefty reasoning behind their desire to confiscate. "They can afford it"..
Well when the net income is lower than the average manager level government worker, then NO they cannot afford it. That family farm will have to be sold just to pay the fuckin taxes.
You make a good sound logical argument explaining how that is right.
None of these drive by one liner responses will be accepted. Before you answer, put yourself in that farmer's shoes.
Only in that the article is trying to portray this farmer as the average middle class farmer.

His heirs can easily escape the tax, btw, so this entire whine is just political bullshit.

Dynasty trusts let wealthy escape estate, gift taxes forever | 2011-07-28 | Indianapolis Business Journal | IBJ.com

Hey stupid. The farm is worth only the income it generates unless it is sold.
The government does not consider the income approach. It only considers the arbitrary tax value based on an AVM...Automated Value Model.
Just because the land could theoretically be parceled into one acre plats to get the $1k per acre value, it is likely the entire property would sell for far less.
Government should be mandated to value land at market value.
What part of $26 million in assets do you not understand?

Accumulated over 4 or more generations of back-breaking work!

What part of "You didn't EARN that!" escapes you?
He's still not your typical middle class farmer. And I did show you how his heirs could get around the estate tax.

That said, I think all income should be taxed at the same rate, be it inherited, earned, or capital gains.

But as long as we get these phony liars crying about something they can easily avoid that will never happen.

You're part of the problem, dude.
You are incredibly stupid.
The reason why cap gains, dividend and other ancillary income is taxed at lower rate is because the government already got it's bite at the apple.
You advocate an effective tax rate of 79%....38.% when it's earned 38.9 % when it realizes a return on investment.
Why not, after all it's really not their money. You view it as an entitlement. All of you freeloading parasites believe that.
Tell you and all the other class warfare leeches what? YOU lead the way and surrender your net worth.. Let government have it for a year. Get back to us when it works out for you.
Only liberals are demented to believe a person's wealth should be taxed 1 more time once they die before their relatives can get what is left over after paying debts and taxes.

A family gas station is left with a 30 year old child of the parents when the parents are killed in a robbery of the gas station....but since the business was operating on the edge of profits and losses, the death tax means the child has to sell the business to pay the taxes....fucking insane.

It is insane. They know when someone dies, it's the last time they can pick their pocket, so they will do that big time. It sickens me to think many family fortunes and businesses will be robbed so government can keep up the spending on crappy programs that don't work.

Don't you want to help people like the ones in the video below? The woman who made this video is Nancy Pelosi's daughter. Some, like Maher, will say these folks are the exception to the rule. Don't know about that. I do know I've met many like this, who are complete idiots.

One guy says he doesn't want a job, but maybe a career. Right. One says he can't find a job because he did time in jail. True, but maybe if he had been taught that he would be responsible for his own future, he would have been smarter to begin with.

"Real Time" Interviews Shameless Welfare Recipients "Real Time" Interviews Shameless Welfare Recipients | RealClearPolitics

To think that families will lose inheritances and family businesses while more and more scum march in for their freebies.
My gid it gets dumber in here every day.

Daddy can GIVE THE FARM TO THE KIDS BEFORE HE DIES. All he has to do is add his heirs' names onto his deed. A few bucks and an afternoon in the county clerk's office will fix it all up

Then the kids would have to pay capital gains and so would the father.
The tax code allows a one time tax free gift of $13k each year to immediate family and spouse. That's it.
Otherwise, the children must BUY the farm from the father.

Tax Free Gifting During 2012 - A Great Deal! - Forbes
The farm is not an estate per se, as in a big mansion with a 6-car garage and an Olympic-size pool. A farm is a business. You can add anyone you want into your business. Ask the attorney that filed your will. Then kick his ass for not telling you before you made out the will.

Bullshit. The company under which the farm operates is "the business"... The assets are the real estate( primary residence) and all buildings. The land is also an asset.
For tax and inheritance purposes, it is an ESTATE...
Your description of an estate is one of typical class envy.
The farm is not an estate per se, as in a big mansion with a 6-car garage and an Olympic-size pool. A farm is a business. You can add anyone you want into your business. Ask the attorney that filed your will. Then kick his ass for not telling you before you made out the will.

Adding someone as an owner to a business that has taxable earnings is a taxable event.

You clearly have not asked a tax attorney about this.
The pubs will want exceptions for agriculturalists. We will see if they can get it. If not, they suck it up, and come back in the next election with this as a war cry.

It seems to me that this situation would warrant some type of exception, possibly finding a way to tax it at the capital gains rate rather than the full rate for the estate tax. Here is the issue though; if you allow an exception, it must be conditional on the land not being sold off for a profit. In other words, if an exemption is allowed, the kids can't go and sell off the land for a 25 to 30 million dollar profit and then only pay the capital gains tax on that. If they would sell rather than work the farm, at any time in the future, they would have to be held liable for the remainder of the tax.
Accumulated over 4 or more generations of back-breaking work!

What part of "You didn't EARN that!" escapes you?
He's still not your typical middle class farmer. And I did show you how his heirs could get around the estate tax.

That said, I think all income should be taxed at the same rate, be it inherited, earned, or capital gains.

But as long as we get these phony liars crying about something they can easily avoid that will never happen.

You're part of the problem, dude.
You are incredibly stupid.
The reason why cap gains, dividend and other ancillary income is taxed at lower rate is because the government already got it's bite at the apple.
You advocate an effective tax rate of 79%....38.% when it's earned 38.9 % when it realizes a return on investment.
Why not, after all it's really not their money. You view it as an entitlement. All of you freeloading parasites believe that.
Tell you and all the other class warfare leeches what? YOU lead the way and surrender your net worth.. Let government have it for a year. Get back to us when it works out for you.
It comes as no surprise to me to see that your IQ is a half a step above retard.
Rancher Kevin Kester works dawn to dusk, drives a 12-year-old pick-up truck and earns less than a typical bureaucrat in Washington D.C., yet the federal government considers him rich enough to pay the estate tax -- also known as the "death tax."

And with that tax set to soar at the beginning of 2013 without some kind of intervention from Congress, farmers and ranchers like Kester are waiting anxiously.

Read more: Ranchers, farmers brace for 'death tax' impact | Fox News

....FAUX Noise BULLSHIT....

.....as usual.

IOW, if I manage to earn $5 million dollars in my life time, I can't leave it to my kids without the government getting half?

AFTER they got 30%+ while I was earning it?

Fuck off!
He's still not your typical middle class farmer. And I did show you how his heirs could get around the estate tax.

That said, I think all income should be taxed at the same rate, be it inherited, earned, or capital gains.

But as long as we get these phony liars crying about something they can easily avoid that will never happen.

You're part of the problem, dude.
You are incredibly stupid.
The reason why cap gains, dividend and other ancillary income is taxed at lower rate is because the government already got it's bite at the apple.
You advocate an effective tax rate of 79%....38.% when it's earned 38.9 % when it realizes a return on investment.
Why not, after all it's really not their money. You view it as an entitlement. All of you freeloading parasites believe that.
Tell you and all the other class warfare leeches what? YOU lead the way and surrender your net worth.. Let government have it for a year. Get back to us when it works out for you.
It comes as no surprise to me to see that your IQ is a half a step above retard.

Go do some research ass effluent drinker.
Here..I did it for you..Any questions, parasite?
Your IQ would have little effect on a meat freezer.
Your side bought into the "free shit"....I don't want to hear a single word from you leeches. when the economy goes back into the shitter.
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