Rand Paul As Secretary Of State?

Rand Paul for Secretary of State?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Maybe

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I would much rather have him as Secretary of treasurer so he can audit the fed.
Or...audit how much aide going out of this country is really necessary?

He can not control that as secretary of state only Congress can control that money!
Our foreign policy is directly the source of how and why we grant aide. The SOS is integral in setting that policy via his/her influence in foreign affairs.
I would much rather have him as Secretary of treasurer so he can audit the fed.
Or...audit how much aide going out of this country is really necessary?

He can not control that as secretary of state only Congress can control that money!
Our foreign policy is directly the source of how and why we grant aide. The SOS is integral in setting that policy via his/her influence in foreign affairs.

Only Congress has the power of the purse!
Yes and they decide foreign aide based in part on the SOS's monitoring and efforts.
Yes and they decide foreign aide based in part on the SOS's monitoring and efforts.

The specific duties of the Secretary of State include:[6]

  • Organizes and supervises the whole community United States Department of State and the United States Foreign Service
  • Advises the President on matters relating to U.S. foreign policy, including the appointment of diplomatic representatives to other nations, and on the acceptance or dismissal of representatives from other nations
  • Participates in high-level negotiations with other countries, either bilaterally or as part of an international conference or organization, or appoints representatives to do so. This includes the negotiation of international treaties and other agreements
  • Responsible for overall direction, coordination, and supervision of interdepartmental activities of the U.S. Government overseas
  • Providing information and services to U.S. citizens living or traveling abroad, including providing credentials in the form of passports and visas
  • Ensures the protection of the U.S. Government to American citizens, property, and interests in foreign countries
  • Supervises the United States immigration policy abroad
  • Communicates issues relating the United States foreign policy to Congress and to U.S. citizens
The original duties of the Secretary of State include some domestic duties, such as:[7]

  • Receipt, publication, distribution, and preservation of the laws of the United States
  • Preparation, sealing, and recording of the commissions of Presidential appointees
  • Preparation and authentication of copies of records and authentication of copies under the Department's seal
  • Custody of the Great Seal of the United States
  • Custody of the records of the former Secretary of the Continental Congress, except for those of the Treasury and War Departments
Also because the job-description calls for, especially in this day and age, a firm hand with a mature disposition. Two things Rand Paul has in spades. He's a born diplomat.

Trump's latest preference of an immature swaggering oil-cowboy is right in line with the rest of his stupidity. It's like Trump knows the SOS is the brass ring so he's holding a "who can kiss my a$s the hardest" contest; instead of considering the job with the reverence and importance it deserves..
C'mon...this guy Rex Tillerson?... (far left)


Or this guy?..


Which one will sell us down the river?
Exactly my thoughts. Near as I can tell he's more of a centrist republican.

Actually either he or Kasich would make a great SOS. It's just that Trump's having a little girl fight with Kasich and he's sitting in a corner with his back turned to Kasich, with his curls in a dither, his arms clamped tightly around his little dress with an upside-down smile...stamping his little ballet slippers...

What I really like about Rand Paul is you can tell he REALLY loves his country. He's not just talking it up like the slimey Canadian Ted Cruz or Giuliani or any of those other guys who make your flesh crawl when they smile *shudder*... :puke3:

When he speaks about the woes facing America, you can feel that he feels her troubles as his own pain. He exudes patriotism out of every pore in his skin. He may be a bit of an isolationist; but then again so is Trump.

He would be a smart pick. A sign of true intelligence and forethought in the most important cabinet position. Instead of the others considered so far that make the president-elect look like a prom girl choosing her attendants for the most-rich & popular contest in Jr. High.

He didn't even plug himself. But his intellect here discussing foreign policy and the starving need for mature diplomacy is sort of like a resume' for himself; when you think about it.

Again, patriotism, an encyclopedia of knowledge, a willingness to learn objectively to add to that library, keen intellect and sensibility oozing from his pores. He (and by extension around the world, Trump) would gain instant respect the minute he walked into any foreign palace or meeting place.

Smart people don't hire a wrecking ball to do the work of weaving fine lace.
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I guess the electors haven't made Trump the president-elect officially yet. So this would be one more reason to show them that a president Trump was smart enough to pick someone like Rand Paul for SOS. Runs in my mind that many Trump-voters possibly alarmed by his high-roller 1% picks for cabinet, might be as astonished as some electors at Trump's sudden "screw you I won" attitude towards those who voted for him. And the same type of voter who voted Trump would have also voted Rand Paul...
Russians accused of helping Trump getting elected. Tillerson snuggly with Putin. Electors haven't voted yet. Many of them hate Putin and Russia in general. Tillerson is a 1%er...the same people Trump's voters wanted to dredge out when Trump "drained the swamp" in power. Not all electors have to vote the way their state did.

Did somebody drop Trump on his head last week? He may just be the first presidential candidate to lose the election in December.
Well 60% of voters on the poll are at least open to the idea of a Rand Paul SOS. I wonder if Rand is?
I really respect Rand Paul, I wanted him to be president. I was not a fan of his foreign policy positions though as I felt he was too isolationist, something America can't be if we want to remain free. Now, I never believed he would be as isolationist as he suggested before an during his short lived campaign because once in power he would realise the real risks to America that might exist in places around the world which need to be addressed there, but, for this reason SOS wouldn't make sense for him.

Philosophically Trump may not be an interventionalist, but I don;t think he is an isolationist either, I imagine he wants to have the role of global police shared with other nations. This is what Tillerson will be doing, on top of pushing for business on American shores.

Incremental losses of influence around the world for America can lead to major problems for the West. I hope this is understood by the incoming administration. I'm not sure Rand Paul understood this.
I really respect Rand Paul, I wanted him to be president. I was not a fan of his foreign policy positions though as I felt he was too isolationist, something America can't be if we want to remain free. Now, I never believed he would be as isolationist as he suggested before an during his short lived campaign because once in power he would realise the real risks to America that might exist in places around the world which need to be addressed there,

Bingo. He is like a truck that already has brakes, but who would pick up the need to accelerate in certain directions using caution. What I fear with Rex T or others like him is that he has NO brakes and would accelerate in any direction that suits his immediate benefit; to hell with the rest of the people on the road.
I really respect Rand Paul, I wanted him to be president. I was not a fan of his foreign policy positions though as I felt he was too isolationist, something America can't be if we want to remain free. Now, I never believed he would be as isolationist as he suggested before an during his short lived campaign because once in power he would realise the real risks to America that might exist in places around the world which need to be addressed there,

Bingo. He is like a truck that already has brakes, but who would pick up the need to accelerate in certain directions using caution. What I fear with Rex T or others like him is that he has NO brakes and would accelerate in any direction that suits his immediate benefit; to hell with the rest of the people on the road.

I don't agree. Any and every person in government needs to rely on more than one person to make decisions. If not, they would lose good people and support. You can have general idea of how you want to engage the world, but with global communications and influences, you can't look solely inward, or for that matter solely and aggressively in perpetual conflicts of regime change. It's a balance of degrees. Every nation has to make these decisions.

There would be leaks of their malfeasance when things go wrong, it's the same for any administration. You might have a overall philosophy, but you can't jeopardise the National Security of the United States, or your stay will be short lived.

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