Rand Paul calls for amnesty for ALL illegals - "make them taxpayers"


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Rand Paul The eleven million illegal aliens are never going home don t need to be sent home. I would incorporate them into our society by making them taxpayers.

jan 20 2015
U.S. Senator Rand Paul was discussing several issues in a hallway interview January 18th, beginning with immigration:

"Then I think there are some things we could accomodate people with, for example the eleven million are never going home - don't need to be sent home. And I would incorporate them into our society by giving them work visas and making them taxpayers. But I wouldn't do that until I secure the border. Because if you do it now, everybody else says, 'hey I can come and they'll just do the same thing for me.' You have to make sure the way you do it is in an orderly fashion, so you dont send the wrong signal."

Like his daddy he's a crook. Welfare bums don't pay taxes and all illegals want to go on welfare. Even those that have jobs don't pay taxes since they are paid in cash.
Rand Paul The eleven million illegal aliens are never going home don t need to be sent home. I would incorporate them into our society by making them taxpayers.

jan 20 2015
U.S. Senator Rand Paul was discussing several issues in a hallway interview January 18th, beginning with immigration:

"Then I think there are some things we could accomodate people with, for example the eleven million are never going home - don't need to be sent home. And I would incorporate them into our society by giving them work visas and making them taxpayers. But I wouldn't do that until I secure the border. Because if you do it now, everybody else says, 'hey I can come and they'll just do the same thing for me.' You have to make sure the way you do it is in an orderly fashion, so you dont send the wrong signal."

Like his daddy he's a crook. Welfare bums don't pay taxes and all illegals want to go on welfare. Even those that have jobs don't pay taxes since they are paid in cash.
i doubt you even know an illegal.....and i bet you dont even know a Mexican....i can tell by this post....
Most libertarians support amnesty because they oppose govt telling people where they can live. That's insane - you can't let other countries dump their welfare bums on america.
I would legalize them too, after that border is secure.

If you legalize them, the border will never be secure. They'll just keep coming and coming thinking they too will get amnesty. THINK

We need to deport everyone caught here illegally - no exceptions.
This is exactly why Senator Paul, like his father, will never be President of the United States. They're Liberals trying to hide in the Republican Party. Most Republicans are not going to support either of them for POTUS when their Liberal tendancies are so obvious.
All Repubs want amnesty.

If they didn't, they would send a bill to Obama.

Obama has lost a lot of the Hispanic vote because he has deported so many and put 18,500 Border Patrol agents on the southern border.
from Wiki. Was I surprised that YOU Repubs HAD your fence and then didn't fund it. But just like the economy, it's Obama's fault he didn't fix your fuck ups fast enough. LMAO.

On October 26, 2006, U.S. President George W. Bush signed the Secure Fence Act of 2006 (Pub.L. 109–367) into law stating, “This bill will help protect the American people. This bill will make our borders more secure. It is an important step toward immigration reform."[1]

The bill was introduced on Sep. 13, 2006 by Peter T. King (R-NY). In the House of Representatives, the Fence Act passed 283 -138 on September 14, 2006. On September 29, 2006 – the Fence Act passed in the Senate 80 -19.


In May 2010, Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC) unsuccessfully reintroduced for the second time his “Finish the Fence” amendment which would require Homeland Security to construct an additional 353 miles (568 km) of fencing along the US-Mexico border.[6]

The Republican Party's 2012 platform highlighted the fact that the rest of the double fencing was never built and stated that "The double-layered fencing on the border that was enacted by Congress in 2006, but never completed, must finally be built."[7] The Washington Office on Latin America alleges on its Border Fact Check site that the extremely high cost of complying with the Secure Fence Act's mandate-estimated at US$4.1 billion, or more than the Border Patrol’s entire annual budget of US$3.55 billion- was the main reason that it was not fulfilled.[8] In reality Congress failed to fund the project sufficiently in order to finish building the fence.
This is exactly why Senator Paul, like his father, will never be President of the United States. They're Liberals trying to hide in the Republican Party. Most Republicans are not going to support either of them for POTUS when their Liberal tendancies are so obvious.
Oh yeah, Bush and Mitt are such better choices, right...]

Side with the man who vows (and has a history) of protecting the Second Amendment and has been against the NSA surveillance state from the start.
The last amnesty was a net loss for the country economically that's where Rand has his head up his ass. Hell throw the doors open lets import 100 million poor, uneducated, disease ridden welfare recipients.
obumble wants illegals here because of the strain their demand for public benefits puts on the economy. The more strain the easier it will crack. That and el presidente of mexico has his hand far enough up obumble's ass to make his lips flap.
I can guarantee you they are already paying sales tax and property taxes.

Sounds like you should be on-board for repealing the 16th Amendment (income tax) since you believe that's sufficient payment to maintain government.

Why should legal citizens have then pay income taxes if illegals don't? It seems you're discriminating against legal citizens.

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