Rand Paul calls for amnesty for ALL illegals - "make them taxpayers"

I would legalize them too, after that border is secure.

If you legalize them, the border will never be secure. They'll just keep coming and coming thinking they too will get amnesty. THINK

We need to deport everyone caught here illegally - no exceptions.

We are a nation of friggin immigrants, you moron. Of course they are going to keep coming. This isn't China - there is no great wall. Nor should there be.
HAHAHA. Tha's a lie. Where is your evidence that obozo has depoted ANYONE???
Yes, we know you live in a delusional state where anything inconvenient to your preconceptions is dismissed as lies, but for the rest of us here in reality land deportations have been up.

HAHAHA. Tha's a lie. Where is your evidence that obozo has depoted ANYONE???
Yes, we know you live in a delusional state where anything inconvenient to your preconceptions is dismissed as lies, but for the rest of us here in reality land deportations have been up.

Forbes got that data from the govt, you fool. That doesn't count as evidence. THINK
We are a nation of friggin immigrants, you moron. Of course they are going to keep coming. This isn't China - there is no great wall. Nor should there be.

Hey einstein. Invade mexico or any other country illegally and see how many freebies they give you.
"isn't illegal, it's an act of love" Jeb must have had lunch with Randie.
The last amnesty was a net loss for the country economically that's where Rand has his head up his ass. Hell throw the doors open lets import 100 million poor, uneducated, disease ridden welfare recipients.
Spoken like a good old timey Know Nothing!

The sign reads: Imported, Duty Free, by Trust, Monopoly & Co. to compete with American Labor.


The caption reads: Results of Encouraging Emigration. Paupers, Vagabonds, Murderers and other of the European and Asiatic Scum Refused Admission Elsewhere, Are Readily Landed Here."


"Results of Encouraging Emigration". Exactly the same rhetoric we hear today!

Here is some anti-Italian immigrant propaganda. Note "The Way to Dispose of Them".


Here is an anti-Irish immigrant cartoon.

Paul is obviously trying to re-invent himself to expand his base. Is he doing it at the expense of his base?

I think he will just piss off his base, and the more moderate voters who he is courting, won't trust his "conversion."

But I guess he feels he has to do something bold to try to keep his name in the papers.
Most libertarians support amnesty because they oppose govt telling people where they can live. That's insane - you can't let other countries dump their welfare bums on america.

I support legalizing them so we know their names and locations...think
and if you legalize them and get their names,then what?....

We need a list of registered amnesty receivers...
why?.....now they are going to be protected by law.....its the ones who dont come forward that you should worry about....
Forbes got that data from the govt, you fool. That doesn't count as evidence. THINK
You prove my point.

You are too stupid to even troll successfully, you have to take a seat in la-la-land to make a thread.

You're the same retard who was running around claiming the FBI admitted Sandy Hook was a hoax.

You're welcome for my (part Asian) taxpayer dollars supporting you with your monthly crazy check.
Paul has crashed from 20% in a Rassmussen poll in November of 2013 to 6% in the latest poll (CNN)

So he HAS to try something
Most libertarians support amnesty because they oppose govt telling people where they can live. That's insane - you can't let other countries dump their welfare bums on america.

I support legalizing them so we know their names and locations...think
and if you legalize them and get their names,then what?....

We need a list of registered amnesty receivers...
why?.....now they are going to be protected by law.....its the ones who dont come forward that you should worry about....

Are you saying there's illegal immigrants that would prefer remaining illegal, why?
Rand Paul The eleven million illegal aliens are never going home don t need to be sent home. I would incorporate them into our society by making them taxpayers.

jan 20 2015
U.S. Senator Rand Paul was discussing several issues in a hallway interview January 18th, beginning with immigration:

"Then I think there are some things we could accomodate people with, for example the eleven million are never going home - don't need to be sent home. And I would incorporate them into our society by giving them work visas and making them taxpayers. But I wouldn't do that until I secure the border. Because if you do it now, everybody else says, 'hey I can come and they'll just do the same thing for me.' You have to make sure the way you do it is in an orderly fashion, so you dont send the wrong signal."

Like his daddy he's a crook. Welfare bums don't pay taxes and all illegals want to go on welfare. Even those that have jobs don't pay taxes since they are paid in cash.

Everybody pays taxes.

Every time you purchase taxable goods.

Every time you pay a toll.

Every time you pay a phone or utility bill.
We are a nation of friggin immigrants, you moron. Of course they are going to keep coming. This isn't China - there is no great wall. Nor should there be.

Hey einstein. Invade mexico or any other country illegally and see how many freebies they give you.

Every person in this country is either an immigrant or descended from immigrants, including you. Get over it, asshole.

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