Rand Paul calls for amnesty for ALL illegals - "make them taxpayers"

We are a nation of friggin immigrants, you moron. Of course they are going to keep coming. This isn't China - there is no great wall. Nor should there be.

Hey einstein. Invade mexico or any other country illegally and see how many freebies they give you.

Every person in this country is either an immigrant or descended from immigrants, including you. Get over it, asshole.

Another moron that can't distinguish between legal and illegal immigration. Should we just open all borders up, and let everyone come suck off our system? On top of that, send our money back to their homeland. Oh wait that's pretty much already happening.
Provided we change the law in order to put active duty military on the southern border. Provided we create death penalty punishment for businesses in which HR knowingly hires aliens, with punishments for HR beginning at 10 years in prison.
I can guarantee you they are already paying sales tax and property taxes.

Yeah because poor uneducated people usually own homes.:bsflag:

What makes you think all illegal immigrants are poor and uneducated?

You really think the best Mexico has to offer is sneaking over the border? HA!

I'm sure most are invading to finish their studies at Stanford.

OK, so show me the socio-economic data.

Or do you propose we just make policy based on the opinion of someone who - to be brutally honest - hasn't really demonstrated much knowledge on the issue?
Provided we change the law in order to put active duty military on the southern border. Provided we create death penalty punishment for businesses in which HR knowingly hires aliens, with punishments for HR beginning at 10 years in prison.

Proof that the far left is not connected to reality on any level..
Rand Paul The eleven million illegal aliens are never going home don t need to be sent home. I would incorporate them into our society by making them taxpayers.

jan 20 2015
U.S. Senator Rand Paul was discussing several issues in a hallway interview January 18th, beginning with immigration:

"Then I think there are some things we could accomodate people with, for example the eleven million are never going home - don't need to be sent home. And I would incorporate them into our society by giving them work visas and making them taxpayers. But I wouldn't do that until I secure the border. Because if you do it now, everybody else says, 'hey I can come and they'll just do the same thing for me.' You have to make sure the way you do it is in an orderly fashion, so you dont send the wrong signal."

Like his daddy he's a crook. Welfare bums don't pay taxes and all illegals want to go on welfare. Even those that have jobs don't pay taxes since they are paid in cash.

I suppose there are two ways to look at this.
Either the employee decides that he/she gets paid in cash/on the books, or the employer makes that decision.

I am of the believe that it is the employer that decides how his employees get paid.
I can guarantee you they are already paying sales tax and property taxes.

Sounds like you should be on-board for repealing the 16th Amendment (income tax) since you believe that's sufficient payment to maintain government.

Why should legal citizens have then pay income taxes if illegals don't? It seems you're discriminating against legal citizens.

The point is he says "Make them taxpayers".

However, if they are already here, they have at some point paid taxes. Therefore, they are taxpayers. They just don't get to vote. The true definition of "Taxation without representation".
You really think the best Mexico has to offer is sneaking over the border? HA!

I'm sure most are invading to finish their studies at Stanford.

OK, so show me the socio-economic data.

Or do you propose we just make policy based on the opinion of someone who - to be brutally honest - hasn't really demonstrated much knowledge on the issue?

Why would I need to supply such data? Are you thick or something?

Legal immigrants are much more desirable, they probably have some education, and they are willing to do it right.

Illegal invaders are even low on the totem pole in Mexico, and really bring nothing to the table.

Are you of the thinking that they come here wealthy, ready to contribute to our economy?
The point is he says "Make them taxpayers".

However, if they are already here, they have at some point paid taxes. Therefore, they are taxpayers. They just don't get to vote. The true definition of "Taxation without representation".

Who cares that they can't vote? Nobody told them to illegally enter this country. And I highly doubt that they are all non voters.

.... if Obama is for amnesty, it's treason; but if Rand Paul is for amnesty, you're on your knees. :bow3:

BS. Us conservatives are sick of rinos like rand paul and boehner and jebby who support amnesty. Anyone who supports the illegal invasion of their own country is by definition a traitor.
You really think the best Mexico has to offer is sneaking over the border? HA!

I'm sure most are invading to finish their studies at Stanford.

OK, so show me the socio-economic data.

Or do you propose we just make policy based on the opinion of someone who - to be brutally honest - hasn't really demonstrated much knowledge on the issue?

Why would I need to supply such data? Are you thick or something?

Legal immigrants are much more desirable, they probably have some education, and they are willing to do it right.

Illegal invaders are even low on the totem pole in Mexico, and really bring nothing to the table.

Are you of the thinking that they come here wealthy, ready to contribute to our economy?

Why would you need actual facts to support your opinion?

REALLY, that's your question?

Have a nice day.
The point is he says "Make them taxpayers".

However, if they are already here, they have at some point paid taxes. Therefore, they are taxpayers. They just don't get to vote. The true definition of "Taxation without representation".

What small amount they pay in taxes is dwarfed by the govt benefits we give them. Each one of these invaders gets free schooling for their kids. With 5 kids and $15,000 education costs per kid per year that's $75,000 right there. How is that offset by the couple thou they pay in sales and gas tax each year? THINK
You really think the best Mexico has to offer is sneaking over the border? HA!

I'm sure most are invading to finish their studies at Stanford.

OK, so show me the socio-economic data.

Or do you propose we just make policy based on the opinion of someone who - to be brutally honest - hasn't really demonstrated much knowledge on the issue?

Why would I need to supply such data? Are you thick or something?

Legal immigrants are much more desirable, they probably have some education, and they are willing to do it right.

Illegal invaders are even low on the totem pole in Mexico, and really bring nothing to the table.

Are you of the thinking that they come here wealthy, ready to contribute to our economy?

Why would you need actual facts to support your opinion?

REALLY, that's your question?

Have a nice day.

Heres an idiot that thinks they are sneaking over already rich.

Who cares that they can't vote? Nobody told them to illegally enter this country. And I highly doubt that they are all non voters.

Illegals vote by the millions just like they collect welfare by the millions. Law says they can't but then law says they can't live or work here either. Obozo doesn't enforce the law.

Illegal invaders are even low on the totem pole in Mexico, and really bring nothing to the table.

Nearly all illegals are indios and come here to go on welfare. You're right - nobody in mexico wants them. Obozo wants them because he knows they'll go on welfare here and vote for his welfare party.
You really think the best Mexico has to offer is sneaking over the border? HA!

I'm sure most are invading to finish their studies at Stanford.

OK, so show me the socio-economic data.

Or do you propose we just make policy based on the opinion of someone who - to be brutally honest - hasn't really demonstrated much knowledge on the issue?

Why would I need to supply such data? Are you thick or something?

Legal immigrants are much more desirable, they probably have some education, and they are willing to do it right.

Illegal invaders are even low on the totem pole in Mexico, and really bring nothing to the table.

Are you of the thinking that they come here wealthy, ready to contribute to our economy?

Why would you need actual facts to support your opinion?

REALLY, that's your question?

Have a nice day.

Heres an idiot that thinks they are sneaking over already rich.

Yeah, not what I said either and you are well aware of that.

Trying to put words in my mouth and then calling those words idiotic is a poor excuse for not being able to produce any documentation or support for your opinion that you stated as fact.

So this is how you respond when you get called for pulling something out of your ass?

Yeah - have a nice day.

Who cares that they can't vote? Nobody told them to illegally enter this country. And I highly doubt that they are all non voters.

Illegals vote by the millions just like they collect welfare by the millions. Law says they can't but then law says they can't live or work here either. Obozo doesn't enforce the law.

There is truth to that, I think getting the exact number is a task in futility, but yeah.

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