Rand Paul casts doubt on support of a Petraeus pick

And it's working
Sure if you consider an echo chamber where you and the media that everyone hates are the only ones listening working...

Obviously it's not working if they don't have the support of a Nazi. I see your point
???? I doubt that anyone else sees what you are trying to say.

I'm saying he's a Nazi, moron. Do you read his posts? Sorry Odium, I mean you're a constipated socialist
Indefinite pronouns mean something, little buddy. Odium is something else, for sure.

Tom-ay-to, tom-ah-to.

So you explain the difference between a Nazi and a national socialist, which is what he claims to be. You can't, can you Jake? Got caught making up your shit as you go again. You have another eight year old pot shot for me?
Republican Sen. Rand Paul said there's a "potential problem" with retired Gen. David Petraeus as secretary of state because of his "similarities" with former Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton on classified information.

"You know, I think the problem they're going to have if they put him forward is there's a lot of similarities to Hillary Clinton as far as revealing classified information," Paul told CNN's Wolf Blitzer on "The Situation Room." "I think that's a potential problem."

Petraeus, once a widely celebrated military leader who oversaw operations in Afghanistan and Iraq, was sentenced to serve two years on probation and to pay a $100,000 fine for sharing classified information with his biographer and lover, Paula Broadwell.

But during the campaign, Trump castigated Clinton for her handling of classified information, despite the fact that an FBI investigation resulted in no charges being brought against her.

Rand Paul casts doubt on support of a Petraeus pick - CNNPolitics.com

One of the best parts of the election being over has been Rand Paul smacking down nearly all of Trump's rumored Secretary of State nominees. Maybe his terrible campaign taught him that becoming a hack to be palatable to a mainstream who will always hate him regardless doesn't make any sense. I would enjoy watching him be a thorn in Trump's side for four years.
Rand Paul? Seriously? How many Republicans voted for Paul in the primaries?
Because Rand Paul is discussing Petraeus's lack of qualifications to be SoS, not his candidates in the primaries now over.
Only an idiot or a prig would claim Petraeus is not qualified.
Petraeus demonstrated a lack of qualifications to be at the rank he was besides hoping to be the SoS. He is not the man for the job.

How David Petraeus avoided felony charges and possible prison time

David Petraeus shared classified info. Now can he be secretary of state?

Can David Petraeus be secretary of state?

Yet you voted for an old battle ax who provided access to her maid and IT staff to secret and top secret information and exposed it to the Russians and our enemies
Republican Sen. Rand Paul said there's a "potential problem" with retired Gen. David Petraeus as secretary of state because of his "similarities" with former Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton on classified information.

"You know, I think the problem they're going to have if they put him forward is there's a lot of similarities to Hillary Clinton as far as revealing classified information," Paul told CNN's Wolf Blitzer on "The Situation Room." "I think that's a potential problem."

Petraeus, once a widely celebrated military leader who oversaw operations in Afghanistan and Iraq, was sentenced to serve two years on probation and to pay a $100,000 fine for sharing classified information with his biographer and lover, Paula Broadwell.

But during the campaign, Trump castigated Clinton for her handling of classified information, despite the fact that an FBI investigation resulted in no charges being brought against her.

Rand Paul casts doubt on support of a Petraeus pick - CNNPolitics.com

One of the best parts of the election being over has been Rand Paul smacking down nearly all of Trump's rumored Secretary of State nominees. Maybe his terrible campaign taught him that becoming a hack to be palatable to a mainstream who will always hate him regardless doesn't make any sense. I would enjoy watching him be a thorn in Trump's side for four years.
Who gives a shit what Rand thinks? I mean really? He is DESPERATELY trying to stay relevant.

And it's working
Sure if you consider an echo chamber where you and the media that everyone hates are the only ones listening working...

Obviously it's not working if they don't have the support of a Nazi. I see your point
We saw how much support Pandering Paul got in the primaries eh? LOL...he is not even close to his father...his father had principles and much like me he refused to change them to pander to people. His son is a cuck.
Republican Sen. Rand Paul said there's a "potential problem" with retired Gen. David Petraeus as secretary of state because of his "similarities" with former Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton on classified information.

"You know, I think the problem they're going to have if they put him forward is there's a lot of similarities to Hillary Clinton as far as revealing classified information," Paul told CNN's Wolf Blitzer on "The Situation Room." "I think that's a potential problem."

Petraeus, once a widely celebrated military leader who oversaw operations in Afghanistan and Iraq, was sentenced to serve two years on probation and to pay a $100,000 fine for sharing classified information with his biographer and lover, Paula Broadwell.

But during the campaign, Trump castigated Clinton for her handling of classified information, despite the fact that an FBI investigation resulted in no charges being brought against her.

Rand Paul casts doubt on support of a Petraeus pick - CNNPolitics.com

One of the best parts of the election being over has been Rand Paul smacking down nearly all of Trump's rumored Secretary of State nominees. Maybe his terrible campaign taught him that becoming a hack to be palatable to a mainstream who will always hate him regardless doesn't make any sense. I would enjoy watching him be a thorn in Trump's side for four years.
Rand Paul? Seriously? How many Republicans voted for Paul in the primaries?
Because Rand Paul is discussing Petraeus's lack of qualifications to be SoS, not his candidates in the primaries now over.
Only an idiot or a prig would claim Petraeus is not qualified.
Petraeus demonstrated a lack of qualifications to be at the rank he was besides hoping to be the SoS. He is not the man for the job.

How David Petraeus avoided felony charges and possible prison time

David Petraeus shared classified info. Now can he be secretary of state?

Can David Petraeus be secretary of state?
Silly stuff. Both Bush and Obama recognized his brilliance and leadership ability, and his one error in confiding in a woman he had reason to trust is an error made by thousands of military officers and politicians everywhere.

With this post you are confirming what I said, that you would rather America fail than Trump succeed in improving our security and economy.
Yes, you are posting silly stuff. Petraues was and is his own worst enemy.

Your post confirms that I am right: you want America to fail despite responsible Americans asking Trump to nominate the right people.

Why do you hate America?
Rand Paul casts doubt on support of a Petraeus pick - CNNPolitics.com

One of the best parts of the election being over has been Rand Paul smacking down nearly all of Trump's rumored Secretary of State nominees. Maybe his terrible campaign taught him that becoming a hack to be palatable to a mainstream who will always hate him regardless doesn't make any sense. I would enjoy watching him be a thorn in Trump's side for four years.
Rand Paul? Seriously? How many Republicans voted for Paul in the primaries?
Because Rand Paul is discussing Petraeus's lack of qualifications to be SoS, not his candidates in the primaries now over.
Only an idiot or a prig would claim Petraeus is not qualified.
Petraeus demonstrated a lack of qualifications to be at the rank he was besides hoping to be the SoS. He is not the man for the job.

How David Petraeus avoided felony charges and possible prison time

David Petraeus shared classified info. Now can he be secretary of state?

Can David Petraeus be secretary of state?
Silly stuff. Both Bush and Obama recognized his brilliance and leadership ability, and his one error in confiding in a woman he had reason to trust is an error made by thousands of military officers and politicians everywhere.

With this post you are confirming what I said, that you would rather America fail than Trump succeed in improving our security and economy.
Army officers commanding troops abroad do NOT commonly have mistresses, while their wives work with stateside army wives to keep families afloat while the men defend our country. And army officers do NOT commonly give secret info to their mistresses to write news stories with.
Petraeus is unqualified to be SOS. He is a convict. He leaked classified information, much less mis-storing it. No.

I thought it was going to be ironic when they extended a job to Patraeus on Fox News. But THIS? Convicted of mishandling information and considering him for it really shows that mishandling information is not really a disqualifier.

Now Republicans will have to figure out a way to say its not a big deal after Trump made them believe it was all this time.
Rand Paul casts doubt on support of a Petraeus pick - CNNPolitics.com

One of the best parts of the election being over has been Rand Paul smacking down nearly all of Trump's rumored Secretary of State nominees. Maybe his terrible campaign taught him that becoming a hack to be palatable to a mainstream who will always hate him regardless doesn't make any sense. I would enjoy watching him be a thorn in Trump's side for four years.
Who gives a shit what Rand thinks? I mean really? He is DESPERATELY trying to stay relevant.

And it's working
Sure if you consider an echo chamber where you and the media that everyone hates are the only ones listening working...

Obviously it's not working if they don't have the support of a Nazi. I see your point
We saw how much support Pandering Paul got in the primaries eh? LOL...he is not even close to his father...his father had principles and much like me he refused to change them to pander to people. His son is a cuck.

So your definition of relevance is primary votes? So in your mind, no one is relevant in DC but Trump, Bernie and Hillary? That's a pretty stupid definition
Rand Paul? Seriously? How many Republicans voted for Paul in the primaries?
Because Rand Paul is discussing Petraeus's lack of qualifications to be SoS, not his candidates in the primaries now over.
Only an idiot or a prig would claim Petraeus is not qualified.
Petraeus demonstrated a lack of qualifications to be at the rank he was besides hoping to be the SoS. He is not the man for the job.

How David Petraeus avoided felony charges and possible prison time

David Petraeus shared classified info. Now can he be secretary of state?

Can David Petraeus be secretary of state?
Silly stuff. Both Bush and Obama recognized his brilliance and leadership ability, and his one error in confiding in a woman he had reason to trust is an error made by thousands of military officers and politicians everywhere.

With this post you are confirming what I said, that you would rather America fail than Trump succeed in improving our security and economy.
Army officers commanding troops abroad do NOT commonly have mistresses, while their wives work with stateside army wives to keep families afloat while the men defend our country. And army officers do NOT commonly give secret info to their mistresses to write news stories with.
And you know all the secrets of army officers.
Petraeus is unqualified to be SOS. He is a convict. He leaked classified information, much less mis-storing it. No.

I thought it was going to be ironic when they extended a job to Patraeus on Fox News. But THIS? Convicted of mishandling information and considering him for it really shows that mishandling information is not really a disqualifier.

Now Republicans will have to figure out a way to say its not a big deal after Trump made them believe it was all this time.

Wow, people who "mishandle information" is really a standard to you, isn't it?

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

No wonder you're the driver of the kommunist klown kar, you're a real knut job
Trump needs to steer clear of Bush/Obama retreads. Especially Petraeus. He'll always be associated with Bush's awful Iraq War blunder. So Rand's right, Trump should definitely pass on Petraeus.
Who gives a shit what Rand thinks? I mean really? He is DESPERATELY trying to stay relevant.

And it's working
Sure if you consider an echo chamber where you and the media that everyone hates are the only ones listening working...

Obviously it's not working if they don't have the support of a Nazi. I see your point
We saw how much support Pandering Paul got in the primaries eh? LOL...he is not even close to his father...his father had principles and much like me he refused to change them to pander to people. His son is a cuck.

So your definition of relevance is primary votes? So in your mind, no one is relevant in DC but Trump, Bernie and Hillary? That's a pretty stupid definition
If people liked him and liked what he was saying he would have won at least 1 damn state. They didn't. He does nothing but whine in DC to get attention he is barely known. He WAS known when he first ran because he used his fathers supporters to win. He has done nothing but pander HEAVILY and it got him no where.
Petraeus is unqualified to be SOS. He is a convict. He leaked classified information, much less mis-storing it. No.

I thought it was going to be ironic when they extended a job to Patraeus on Fox News. But THIS? Convicted of mishandling information and considering him for it really shows that mishandling information is not really a disqualifier.

Now Republicans will have to figure out a way to say its not a big deal after Trump made them believe it was all this time.
Not a problem. Petraeus is a very impressive man and will be easily confirmed by the Senate.
Petraeus is unqualified to be SOS. He is a convict. He leaked classified information, much less mis-storing it. No.

I thought it was going to be ironic when they extended a job to Patraeus on Fox News. But THIS? Convicted of mishandling information and considering him for it really shows that mishandling information is not really a disqualifier.

Now Republicans will have to figure out a way to say its not a big deal after Trump made them believe it was all this time.

Wow, people who "mishandle information" is really a standard to you, isn't it?

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

No wonder you're the driver of the kommunist klown kar, you're a real knut job
So you think what Petraeus did qualifies for SoS. Really?
Petraeus is unqualified to be SOS. He is a convict. He leaked classified information, much less mis-storing it. No.

I thought it was going to be ironic when they extended a job to Patraeus on Fox News. But THIS? Convicted of mishandling information and considering him for it really shows that mishandling information is not really a disqualifier.

Now Republicans will have to figure out a way to say its not a big deal after Trump made them believe it was all this time.
Not a problem. Petraeus is a very impressive man and will be easily confirmed by the Senate.

He is impressive but he also was convicted for mishandling classified info.
Trump needs to steer clear of Bush/Obama retreads. Especially Petraeus. He'll always be associated with Bush's awful Iraq War blunder. So Rand's right, Trump should definitely pass on Petraeus.

I agree. Though I find the leftists hypocrisy hysterical on this
Petraeus is unqualified to be SOS. He is a convict. He leaked classified information, much less mis-storing it. No.

I thought it was going to be ironic when they extended a job to Patraeus on Fox News. But THIS? Convicted of mishandling information and considering him for it really shows that mishandling information is not really a disqualifier.

Now Republicans will have to figure out a way to say its not a big deal after Trump made them believe it was all this time.
Not a problem. Petraeus is a very impressive man and will be easily confirmed by the Senate.
He has done same amazing things as well as some dumb things that disqualify.

The Senate would never confirm the man.
Trump needs to steer clear of Bush/Obama retreads. Especially Petraeus. He'll always be associated with Bush's awful Iraq War blunder. So Rand's right, Trump should definitely pass on Petraeus.
Then out of who he has before him who do you suggest? NONE of them I particularly love. I DESPISE Romney and Bolton,Don't care for Corker,Meh on Giuiliani and Petraeus.
Because Rand Paul is discussing Petraeus's lack of qualifications to be SoS, not his candidates in the primaries now over.
Only an idiot or a prig would claim Petraeus is not qualified.
Petraeus demonstrated a lack of qualifications to be at the rank he was besides hoping to be the SoS. He is not the man for the job.

How David Petraeus avoided felony charges and possible prison time

David Petraeus shared classified info. Now can he be secretary of state?

Can David Petraeus be secretary of state?
Silly stuff. Both Bush and Obama recognized his brilliance and leadership ability, and his one error in confiding in a woman he had reason to trust is an error made by thousands of military officers and politicians everywhere.

With this post you are confirming what I said, that you would rather America fail than Trump succeed in improving our security and economy.
Army officers commanding troops abroad do NOT commonly have mistresses, while their wives work with stateside army wives to keep families afloat while the men defend our country. And army officers do NOT commonly give secret info to their mistresses to write news stories with.
And you know all the secrets of army officers.
Code of Military justice, snowflake.
Petraeus is unqualified to be SOS. He is a convict. He leaked classified information, much less mis-storing it. No.

I thought it was going to be ironic when they extended a job to Patraeus on Fox News. But THIS? Convicted of mishandling information and considering him for it really shows that mishandling information is not really a disqualifier.

Now Republicans will have to figure out a way to say its not a big deal after Trump made them believe it was all this time.

Wow, people who "mishandle information" is really a standard to you, isn't it?

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

No wonder you're the driver of the kommunist klown kar, you're a real knut job
So you think what Petraeus did qualifies for SoS. Really?

Your butchered sentence is pathetic, Jake.

And no, I don't support Petreaus for SoS, never said I did. I'm just mocking Democrats for your hypocrisy wanting someone who was worse with secrets to be President.

Petreaus would be better than the idiots picked by your favorite brown sugar President though easily. I personally support Bolton

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