Rand Paul casts doubt on support of a Petraeus pick

So your definition of relevance is primary votes? So in your mind, no one is relevant in DC but Trump, Bernie and Hillary? That's a pretty stupid definition
If people liked him and liked what he was saying he would have won at least 1 damn state. They didn't. He does nothing but whine in DC to get attention he is barely known. He WAS known when he first ran because he used his fathers supporters to win. He has done nothing but pander HEAVILY and it got him no where.

You should research Rand Paul a bit more. He's a strong advocate for preserving Civil Liberties. He doesn't get a whole lotta support from his Party because some of his stances on issues don't sit well with the current Globalist Establishment leadership.

He's advocates a Non-Interventionist Foreign Policy, abolishing the Patriot Act & NDAA, decriminalizing some drugs, and reducing our massive prison population. I like the dude. I wish more Republicans were like him.
I know all about him. I was a libertarian at the time he decided to run for Senate and supported him. I agree with his Foreign Policy and the PA and NDAA. I don't agree on the rest though.

Well, he's not your classic Libertarian. He isn't his Father. But as far as Republicans go, he's the closest thing. I really do wish more Republicans would support him.

Agreed, that's why I agree with he's one of the best "Republicans." His father killed his effectiveness with his ever inflating ego. Hopefully Rand won't go down the same path. It would be nice if he discovered a more true libertarian path though. You're not actually a libertarian either though

Like all folks, he isn't perfect. But i support a lot of his stances on issues. Especially on Non-Interventionism, decriminalizing some drugs, abolishing the Patriot Act & NDAA, and reducing our absurd massive prison population. It really is too bad most Republicans won't support him on those things.
Silly stuff. Both Bush and Obama recognized his brilliance and leadership ability, and his one error in confiding in a woman he had reason to trust is an error made by thousands of military officers and politicians everywhere.

With this post you are confirming what I said, that you would rather America fail than Trump succeed in improving our security and economy.
Army officers commanding troops abroad do NOT commonly have mistresses, while their wives work with stateside army wives to keep families afloat while the men defend our country. And army officers do NOT commonly give secret info to their mistresses to write news stories with.
And you know all the secrets of army officers.
Code of Military justice, snowflake.
In other words, you don't know what military officers do.
fuck off, punk.

Personally, I think Petreaus could do the job, despite being disgraced militarily. But, I don't see how he gets 50 votes.
If he is nominated, I think he will do much better than 50 votes. He will get nearly all the Republican votes and a large number of Democratic votes. At his hearing he will forthrightly acknowledge the full extent of his error, apologize for it and assure the Senate he would never make that mistake again. He will have supporters on the committee who will enter into testimony his brilliance and accomplishments that led Bush to give him command in Iraq and led Obama to promote and then make him director of the CIA.
Petraeus is unqualified to be SOS. He is a convict. He leaked classified information, much less mis-storing it. No.

I thought it was going to be ironic when they extended a job to Patraeus on Fox News. But THIS? Convicted of mishandling information and considering him for it really shows that mishandling information is not really a disqualifier.

Now Republicans will have to figure out a way to say its not a big deal after Trump made them believe it was all this time.
Not a problem. Petraeus is a very impressive man and will be easily confirmed by the Senate.

He is impressive but he also was convicted for mishandling classified info.
More specifically, he confided some classified information to some one he had reason to trust just as thousands of military officers and politicians do to their wives and lovers. When accused, he confessed, apologized to his family and to the country and accepted his punishment with dignity. The question now is, can he be trusted not to repeat that mistake? Trump will have to make that judgement.
His "dignity" in accepting punishment does not mitigate his lack of qualification to be SoS. Trump is only the first to make that decision. The ultimate responsibility is the Senate.
Petraeus is unqualified to be SOS. He is a convict. He leaked classified information, much less mis-storing it. No.

I thought it was going to be ironic when they extended a job to Patraeus on Fox News. But THIS? Convicted of mishandling information and considering him for it really shows that mishandling information is not really a disqualifier.

Now Republicans will have to figure out a way to say its not a big deal after Trump made them believe it was all this time.
Not a problem. Petraeus is a very impressive man and will be easily confirmed by the Senate.

He is impressive but he also was convicted for mishandling classified info.
More specifically, he confided some classified information to some one he had reason to trust just as thousands of military officers and politicians do to their wives and lovers. When accused, he confessed, apologized to his family and to the country and accepted his punishment with dignity. The question now is, can he be trusted not to repeat that mistake? Trump will have to make that judgement.

You can put a positive spin along with a "everybody does it" head fake all you like but after whining and complaining for more than a year about mishandling information you're going to look stupid trying to take it all back now
There is nothing to take back. Clinton leaked classified information to hundreds, if not thousands, of people she had no reason to trust whereas Petraeus confided in one person he had reason to trust. Petraeus made a single mistake for which he apologized but Clinton displayed a reckless and inexcusable disregard for security and an astonishing degree of incompetence in how she handled it.
And that leak by Petraeus, which could have been compromised by black mail to our Russian and ME enemies, displays "a reckless and inexcusable disregard for our secuity" with a depth of "an astonishing degree of incompetence in how" he compromised the classified information.

Very few Senators will risk on going out on a limb for him.
We saw how much support Pandering Paul got in the primaries eh? LOL...he is not even close to his father...his father had principles and much like me he refused to change them to pander to people. His son is a cuck.

So your definition of relevance is primary votes? So in your mind, no one is relevant in DC but Trump, Bernie and Hillary? That's a pretty stupid definition
If people liked him and liked what he was saying he would have won at least 1 damn state. They didn't. He does nothing but whine in DC to get attention he is barely known. He WAS known when he first ran because he used his fathers supporters to win. He has done nothing but pander HEAVILY and it got him no where.

Got it, no one is shit in DC who didn't win a State. A ridiculous standard, but then you're a ridiculous person being a Nazi and all
Stop throwing a fit snowflake. Its pathetic. You let me know when you grow up and move out of mommy's basement mmk?

The difference between a national socialist and a Nazi is like the difference between a male and female dung beetle. No one knows the difference but you
National Socialist is a person that believes in National Socialism. Nazi is just a slur by uneducated clowns living in moms basement. I also do NOT believe in National Socialism. I believe in Racial Socialism. If you actually cared about the difference I would explain it or post a link so you can read for yourself the difference but I don't think you actually care.

We saw how much support Pandering Paul got in the primaries eh? LOL...he is not even close to his father...his father had principles and much like me he refused to change them to pander to people. His son is a cuck.

So your definition of relevance is primary votes? So in your mind, no one is relevant in DC but Trump, Bernie and Hillary? That's a pretty stupid definition
If people liked him and liked what he was saying he would have won at least 1 damn state. They didn't. He does nothing but whine in DC to get attention he is barely known. He WAS known when he first ran because he used his fathers supporters to win. He has done nothing but pander HEAVILY and it got him no where.

You should research Rand Paul a bit more. He's a strong advocate for preserving Civil Liberties. He doesn't get a whole lotta support from his Party because some of his stances on issues don't sit well with the current Globalist Establishment leadership.

He's advocates a Non-Interventionist Foreign Policy, abolishing the Patriot Act & NDAA, decriminalizing some drugs, and reducing our massive prison population. I like the dude. I wish more Republicans were like him.
I know all about him. I was a libertarian at the time he decided to run for Senate and supported him. I agree with his Foreign Policy and the PA and NDAA. I don't agree on the rest though.

So you went from small government to totalitarian government? What triggered that epiphany?
I believed the crap libertarians spewed how small government and free markets etc could actually HELP people. It only helps the rich,those well enough off they don't need any help.Plus with their mixture of no borders and no government help of any kind the poor would actually get poorer because of the porous flow of illegals coming in driving wages down. I was a libertarian until 2012 actually. Voted for that moron Gary Johnson. I guess I was still trying to find myself. It all started with Ron Paul in 2007/2008 with his foreign policy ideas which I still believe in BTW and it kind of snowballed from there. I took it to the extreme. But the more I saw things didn't fit in the real world how libertarians thought they should be. I think our tax dollars should go to higher education and healthcare not war and foreign aid. Libertarians think taxes are evil etc. I believe in Racial Socialism because I have ALWAYS believed in doing what's best for my race and putting it first. Paul also believed in not forcing businesses and real estate etc to pander to every race etc...I was all about the letting people choose stuff but I prefer just using force to make sure things stay how we want them. Oh and another thing the amount of Jews behind Libertarianism was shocking to say the least and when you really dive into Judaism you see its a religion/political ideology that keeps Jews world wide tied together but they don't want that same kind of thing for Whites. They were advocating and pushing an ideology that puts individualism first and not the people as a whole first as Judaism does for them. So my CORE beliefs never changed just the type of government best used to put them into place. I started out as a NS and then moved back towards Libertarian and then moved beyond NS to Racial Socialism which is just what Jews have but for the white race.
So your definition of relevance is primary votes? So in your mind, no one is relevant in DC but Trump, Bernie and Hillary? That's a pretty stupid definition
If people liked him and liked what he was saying he would have won at least 1 damn state. They didn't. He does nothing but whine in DC to get attention he is barely known. He WAS known when he first ran because he used his fathers supporters to win. He has done nothing but pander HEAVILY and it got him no where.

Got it, no one is shit in DC who didn't win a State. A ridiculous standard, but then you're a ridiculous person being a Nazi and all
Stop throwing a fit snowflake. Its pathetic. You let me know when you grow up and move out of mommy's basement mmk?

The difference between a national socialist and a Nazi is like the difference between a male and female dung beetle. No one knows the difference but you
National Socialist is a person that believes in National Socialism. Nazi is just a slur by uneducated clowns living in moms basement. I also do NOT believe in National Socialism. I believe in Racial Socialism. If you actually cared about the difference I would explain it or post a link so you can read for yourself the difference but I don't think you actually care.

So your definition of relevance is primary votes? So in your mind, no one is relevant in DC but Trump, Bernie and Hillary? That's a pretty stupid definition
If people liked him and liked what he was saying he would have won at least 1 damn state. They didn't. He does nothing but whine in DC to get attention he is barely known. He WAS known when he first ran because he used his fathers supporters to win. He has done nothing but pander HEAVILY and it got him no where.

You should research Rand Paul a bit more. He's a strong advocate for preserving Civil Liberties. He doesn't get a whole lotta support from his Party because some of his stances on issues don't sit well with the current Globalist Establishment leadership.

He's advocates a Non-Interventionist Foreign Policy, abolishing the Patriot Act & NDAA, decriminalizing some drugs, and reducing our massive prison population. I like the dude. I wish more Republicans were like him.
I know all about him. I was a libertarian at the time he decided to run for Senate and supported him. I agree with his Foreign Policy and the PA and NDAA. I don't agree on the rest though.

So you went from small government to totalitarian government? What triggered that epiphany?
I believed the crap libertarians spewed how small government and free markets etc could actually HELP people. It only helps the rich,those well enough off they don't need any help.Plus with their mixture of no borders and no government help of any kind the poor would actually get poorer because of the porous flow of illegals coming in driving wages down. I was a libertarian until 2012 actually. Voted for that moron Gary Johnson. I guess I was still trying to find myself. It all started with Ron Paul in 2007/2008 with his foreign policy ideas which I still believe in BTW and it kind of snowballed from there. I took it to the extreme. But the more I saw things didn't fit in the real world how libertarians thought they should be. I think our tax dollars should go to higher education and healthcare not war and foreign aid. Libertarians think taxes are evil etc. I believe in Racial Socialism because I have ALWAYS believed in doing what's best for my race and putting it first. Paul also believed in not forcing businesses and real estate etc to pander to every race etc...I was all about the letting people choose stuff but I prefer just using force to make sure things stay how we want them. Oh and another thing the amount of Jews behind Libertarianism was shocking to say the least and when you really dive into Judaism you see its a religion/political ideology that keeps Jews world wide tied together but they don't want that same kind of thing for Whites. They were advocating and pushing an ideology that puts individualism first and not the people as a whole first as Judaism does for them. So my CORE beliefs never changed just the type of government best used to put them into place. I started out as a NS and then moved back towards Libertarian and then moved beyond NS to Racial Socialism which is just what Jews have but for the white race.

Nazi, national socialist, racial socialist, constipated socialist, all a distinction without a difference. You're a racist and a socialist. All the same.

And yes, you woke up one day and realized that free choice only helps rich people and we should all be slaves to government instead. That's a heart touching realization on your part, thank you for sharing
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If people liked him and liked what he was saying he would have won at least 1 damn state. They didn't. He does nothing but whine in DC to get attention he is barely known. He WAS known when he first ran because he used his fathers supporters to win. He has done nothing but pander HEAVILY and it got him no where.

Got it, no one is shit in DC who didn't win a State. A ridiculous standard, but then you're a ridiculous person being a Nazi and all
Stop throwing a fit snowflake. Its pathetic. You let me know when you grow up and move out of mommy's basement mmk?

The difference between a national socialist and a Nazi is like the difference between a male and female dung beetle. No one knows the difference but you
National Socialist is a person that believes in National Socialism. Nazi is just a slur by uneducated clowns living in moms basement. I also do NOT believe in National Socialism. I believe in Racial Socialism. If you actually cared about the difference I would explain it or post a link so you can read for yourself the difference but I don't think you actually care.

If people liked him and liked what he was saying he would have won at least 1 damn state. They didn't. He does nothing but whine in DC to get attention he is barely known. He WAS known when he first ran because he used his fathers supporters to win. He has done nothing but pander HEAVILY and it got him no where.

You should research Rand Paul a bit more. He's a strong advocate for preserving Civil Liberties. He doesn't get a whole lotta support from his Party because some of his stances on issues don't sit well with the current Globalist Establishment leadership.

He's advocates a Non-Interventionist Foreign Policy, abolishing the Patriot Act & NDAA, decriminalizing some drugs, and reducing our massive prison population. I like the dude. I wish more Republicans were like him.
I know all about him. I was a libertarian at the time he decided to run for Senate and supported him. I agree with his Foreign Policy and the PA and NDAA. I don't agree on the rest though.

So you went from small government to totalitarian government? What triggered that epiphany?
I believed the crap libertarians spewed how small government and free markets etc could actually HELP people. It only helps the rich,those well enough off they don't need any help.Plus with their mixture of no borders and no government help of any kind the poor would actually get poorer because of the porous flow of illegals coming in driving wages down. I was a libertarian until 2012 actually. Voted for that moron Gary Johnson. I guess I was still trying to find myself. It all started with Ron Paul in 2007/2008 with his foreign policy ideas which I still believe in BTW and it kind of snowballed from there. I took it to the extreme. But the more I saw things didn't fit in the real world how libertarians thought they should be. I think our tax dollars should go to higher education and healthcare not war and foreign aid. Libertarians think taxes are evil etc. I believe in Racial Socialism because I have ALWAYS believed in doing what's best for my race and putting it first. Paul also believed in not forcing businesses and real estate etc to pander to every race etc...I was all about the letting people choose stuff but I prefer just using force to make sure things stay how we want them. Oh and another thing the amount of Jews behind Libertarianism was shocking to say the least and when you really dive into Judaism you see its a religion/political ideology that keeps Jews world wide tied together but they don't want that same kind of thing for Whites. They were advocating and pushing an ideology that puts individualism first and not the people as a whole first as Judaism does for them. So my CORE beliefs never changed just the type of government best used to put them into place. I started out as a NS and then moved back towards Libertarian and then moved beyond NS to Racial Socialism which is just what Jews have but for the white race.

Nazi, national socialist, racial socialist, constipated socialists, all distinctions without differences. You're a racist and a socialist. All the same.

And yes, you woke up one day and realized that free choice only helps rich people and we should all be slaves to government instead. That's a heart touching realization on your part, thank you for sharing
Oh dear child. Not even close. Fact remains under YOUR ideology the rich are free,the poor are slaves to the rich. Under MY ideology we ALL work together for the benefit of us ALL not for a FEW. Like I said earlier you are not even interested in anything other than hearing yourself talk....Living in mom's basement hasn't gotten you used to the real world yet.
I thought it was going to be ironic when they extended a job to Patraeus on Fox News. But THIS? Convicted of mishandling information and considering him for it really shows that mishandling information is not really a disqualifier.

Now Republicans will have to figure out a way to say its not a big deal after Trump made them believe it was all this time.
Not a problem. Petraeus is a very impressive man and will be easily confirmed by the Senate.

He is impressive but he also was convicted for mishandling classified info.
More specifically, he confided some classified information to some one he had reason to trust just as thousands of military officers and politicians do to their wives and lovers. When accused, he confessed, apologized to his family and to the country and accepted his punishment with dignity. The question now is, can he be trusted not to repeat that mistake? Trump will have to make that judgement.

You can put a positive spin along with a "everybody does it" head fake all you like but after whining and complaining for more than a year about mishandling information you're going to look stupid trying to take it all back now
There is nothing to take back. Clinton leaked classified information to hundreds, if not thousands, of people she had no reason to trust whereas Petraeus confided in one person he had reason to trust. Petraeus made a single mistake for which he apologized but Clinton displayed a reckless and inexcusable disregard for security and an astonishing degree of incompetence in how she handled it.

Good luck, like I said. You'll need it when you split hairs that thin. And going back on your beliefs seem to be easier for Republicans now a days since Trump sends you guys in every direction to defend everything.
Got it, no one is shit in DC who didn't win a State. A ridiculous standard, but then you're a ridiculous person being a Nazi and all
Stop throwing a fit snowflake. Its pathetic. You let me know when you grow up and move out of mommy's basement mmk?

The difference between a national socialist and a Nazi is like the difference between a male and female dung beetle. No one knows the difference but you
National Socialist is a person that believes in National Socialism. Nazi is just a slur by uneducated clowns living in moms basement. I also do NOT believe in National Socialism. I believe in Racial Socialism. If you actually cared about the difference I would explain it or post a link so you can read for yourself the difference but I don't think you actually care.

You should research Rand Paul a bit more. He's a strong advocate for preserving Civil Liberties. He doesn't get a whole lotta support from his Party because some of his stances on issues don't sit well with the current Globalist Establishment leadership.

He's advocates a Non-Interventionist Foreign Policy, abolishing the Patriot Act & NDAA, decriminalizing some drugs, and reducing our massive prison population. I like the dude. I wish more Republicans were like him.
I know all about him. I was a libertarian at the time he decided to run for Senate and supported him. I agree with his Foreign Policy and the PA and NDAA. I don't agree on the rest though.

So you went from small government to totalitarian government? What triggered that epiphany?
I believed the crap libertarians spewed how small government and free markets etc could actually HELP people. It only helps the rich,those well enough off they don't need any help.Plus with their mixture of no borders and no government help of any kind the poor would actually get poorer because of the porous flow of illegals coming in driving wages down. I was a libertarian until 2012 actually. Voted for that moron Gary Johnson. I guess I was still trying to find myself. It all started with Ron Paul in 2007/2008 with his foreign policy ideas which I still believe in BTW and it kind of snowballed from there. I took it to the extreme. But the more I saw things didn't fit in the real world how libertarians thought they should be. I think our tax dollars should go to higher education and healthcare not war and foreign aid. Libertarians think taxes are evil etc. I believe in Racial Socialism because I have ALWAYS believed in doing what's best for my race and putting it first. Paul also believed in not forcing businesses and real estate etc to pander to every race etc...I was all about the letting people choose stuff but I prefer just using force to make sure things stay how we want them. Oh and another thing the amount of Jews behind Libertarianism was shocking to say the least and when you really dive into Judaism you see its a religion/political ideology that keeps Jews world wide tied together but they don't want that same kind of thing for Whites. They were advocating and pushing an ideology that puts individualism first and not the people as a whole first as Judaism does for them. So my CORE beliefs never changed just the type of government best used to put them into place. I started out as a NS and then moved back towards Libertarian and then moved beyond NS to Racial Socialism which is just what Jews have but for the white race.

Nazi, national socialist, racial socialist, constipated socialists, all distinctions without differences. You're a racist and a socialist. All the same.

And yes, you woke up one day and realized that free choice only helps rich people and we should all be slaves to government instead. That's a heart touching realization on your part, thank you for sharing
Oh dear child. Not even close. Fact remains under YOUR ideology the rich are free,the poor are slaves to the rich. Under MY ideology we ALL work together for the benefit of us ALL not for a FEW. Like I said earlier you are not even interested in anything other than hearing yourself talk....Living in mom's basement hasn't gotten you used to the real world yet.

Yeah, totalitarian governments always care and take care of the people. Gimme that baby.

As for no one but the rich benefiting from being allowed to make their own choices, what a load
I think Patraeus would make a fine SOS. He's one very capable guy and he's paid for his mistake. I seriously doubt it will ever happen again.

Trump could do far worse.
He is an adulterer, compromised security protocols, and let his mistress suck him off for information. Oh, yeah, quite a guy.

Oh brother.

Was she a spy? Did she use any info she got from him???

Did he not pay his debt to society??

Was he not a commanding general on two war fronts and was he not the head of the CIA?? A man with a wealth of knowledge??

Hell. The Kennedy's were way worse and JFK would have never made it to the WH with the press of today.
Oh wait. I forgot. You would be against anyone Trump proposed for any position and just love to harp on any and all short comings. Never mind. Closed minds are just that. Closed. LOL
Did he pay his debt to society? No, he didn't if we examine the punishment Bradley Manning received.
Republican Sen. Rand Paul said there's a "potential problem" with retired Gen. David Petraeus as secretary of state because of his "similarities" with former Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton on classified information.

"You know, I think the problem they're going to have if they put him forward is there's a lot of similarities to Hillary Clinton as far as revealing classified information," Paul told CNN's Wolf Blitzer on "The Situation Room." "I think that's a potential problem."

Petraeus, once a widely celebrated military leader who oversaw operations in Afghanistan and Iraq, was sentenced to serve two years on probation and to pay a $100,000 fine for sharing classified information with his biographer and lover, Paula Broadwell.

But during the campaign, Trump castigated Clinton for her handling of classified information, despite the fact that an FBI investigation resulted in no charges being brought against her.

Rand Paul casts doubt on support of a Petraeus pick - CNNPolitics.com

One of the best parts of the election being over has been Rand Paul smacking down nearly all of Trump's rumored Secretary of State nominees. Maybe his terrible campaign taught him that becoming a hack to be palatable to a mainstream who will always hate him regardless doesn't make any sense. I would enjoy watching him be a thorn in Trump's side for four years.
Rand Paul? Seriously? How many Republicans voted for Paul in the primaries?
The more relevant question is how many people voted to re-elect him to the Senate.
Stop throwing a fit snowflake. Its pathetic. You let me know when you grow up and move out of mommy's basement mmk?

The difference between a national socialist and a Nazi is like the difference between a male and female dung beetle. No one knows the difference but you
National Socialist is a person that believes in National Socialism. Nazi is just a slur by uneducated clowns living in moms basement. I also do NOT believe in National Socialism. I believe in Racial Socialism. If you actually cared about the difference I would explain it or post a link so you can read for yourself the difference but I don't think you actually care.

I know all about him. I was a libertarian at the time he decided to run for Senate and supported him. I agree with his Foreign Policy and the PA and NDAA. I don't agree on the rest though.

So you went from small government to totalitarian government? What triggered that epiphany?
I believed the crap libertarians spewed how small government and free markets etc could actually HELP people. It only helps the rich,those well enough off they don't need any help.Plus with their mixture of no borders and no government help of any kind the poor would actually get poorer because of the porous flow of illegals coming in driving wages down. I was a libertarian until 2012 actually. Voted for that moron Gary Johnson. I guess I was still trying to find myself. It all started with Ron Paul in 2007/2008 with his foreign policy ideas which I still believe in BTW and it kind of snowballed from there. I took it to the extreme. But the more I saw things didn't fit in the real world how libertarians thought they should be. I think our tax dollars should go to higher education and healthcare not war and foreign aid. Libertarians think taxes are evil etc. I believe in Racial Socialism because I have ALWAYS believed in doing what's best for my race and putting it first. Paul also believed in not forcing businesses and real estate etc to pander to every race etc...I was all about the letting people choose stuff but I prefer just using force to make sure things stay how we want them. Oh and another thing the amount of Jews behind Libertarianism was shocking to say the least and when you really dive into Judaism you see its a religion/political ideology that keeps Jews world wide tied together but they don't want that same kind of thing for Whites. They were advocating and pushing an ideology that puts individualism first and not the people as a whole first as Judaism does for them. So my CORE beliefs never changed just the type of government best used to put them into place. I started out as a NS and then moved back towards Libertarian and then moved beyond NS to Racial Socialism which is just what Jews have but for the white race.

Nazi, national socialist, racial socialist, constipated socialists, all distinctions without differences. You're a racist and a socialist. All the same.

And yes, you woke up one day and realized that free choice only helps rich people and we should all be slaves to government instead. That's a heart touching realization on your part, thank you for sharing
Oh dear child. Not even close. Fact remains under YOUR ideology the rich are free,the poor are slaves to the rich. Under MY ideology we ALL work together for the benefit of us ALL not for a FEW. Like I said earlier you are not even interested in anything other than hearing yourself talk....Living in mom's basement hasn't gotten you used to the real world yet.

Yeah, totalitarian governments always care and take care of the people. Gimme that baby.

As for no one but the rich benefiting from being allowed to make their own choices, what a load
Yawn. Nothing wrong with Totalitarian governments. Hitler cared deeply for his people which is why he did everything possible to make their lives extremely wonderful. Its why he refused to marry because his people and his country were his one love. The correct way a nation should be led is by using Racial Socialism and the leadership principle. EVERYONE working together for the benefit of EVERYONE. Not capitalism where the poor work for the benefit of the rich and then they are tossed a few crumbs or communism where an elite control the workers and only give them what they think they deserve.
The difference between a national socialist and a Nazi is like the difference between a male and female dung beetle. No one knows the difference but you
National Socialist is a person that believes in National Socialism. Nazi is just a slur by uneducated clowns living in moms basement. I also do NOT believe in National Socialism. I believe in Racial Socialism. If you actually cared about the difference I would explain it or post a link so you can read for yourself the difference but I don't think you actually care.

So you went from small government to totalitarian government? What triggered that epiphany?
I believed the crap libertarians spewed how small government and free markets etc could actually HELP people. It only helps the rich,those well enough off they don't need any help.Plus with their mixture of no borders and no government help of any kind the poor would actually get poorer because of the porous flow of illegals coming in driving wages down. I was a libertarian until 2012 actually. Voted for that moron Gary Johnson. I guess I was still trying to find myself. It all started with Ron Paul in 2007/2008 with his foreign policy ideas which I still believe in BTW and it kind of snowballed from there. I took it to the extreme. But the more I saw things didn't fit in the real world how libertarians thought they should be. I think our tax dollars should go to higher education and healthcare not war and foreign aid. Libertarians think taxes are evil etc. I believe in Racial Socialism because I have ALWAYS believed in doing what's best for my race and putting it first. Paul also believed in not forcing businesses and real estate etc to pander to every race etc...I was all about the letting people choose stuff but I prefer just using force to make sure things stay how we want them. Oh and another thing the amount of Jews behind Libertarianism was shocking to say the least and when you really dive into Judaism you see its a religion/political ideology that keeps Jews world wide tied together but they don't want that same kind of thing for Whites. They were advocating and pushing an ideology that puts individualism first and not the people as a whole first as Judaism does for them. So my CORE beliefs never changed just the type of government best used to put them into place. I started out as a NS and then moved back towards Libertarian and then moved beyond NS to Racial Socialism which is just what Jews have but for the white race.

Nazi, national socialist, racial socialist, constipated socialists, all distinctions without differences. You're a racist and a socialist. All the same.

And yes, you woke up one day and realized that free choice only helps rich people and we should all be slaves to government instead. That's a heart touching realization on your part, thank you for sharing
Oh dear child. Not even close. Fact remains under YOUR ideology the rich are free,the poor are slaves to the rich. Under MY ideology we ALL work together for the benefit of us ALL not for a FEW. Like I said earlier you are not even interested in anything other than hearing yourself talk....Living in mom's basement hasn't gotten you used to the real world yet.

Yeah, totalitarian governments always care and take care of the people. Gimme that baby.

As for no one but the rich benefiting from being allowed to make their own choices, what a load
Yawn. Nothing wrong with Totalitarian governments. Hitler cared deeply for his people which is why he did everything possible to make their lives extremely wonderful. Its why he refused to marry because his people and his country were his one love. The correct way a nation should be led is by using Racial Socialism and the leadership principle. EVERYONE working together for the benefit of EVERYONE. Not capitalism where the poor work for the benefit of the rich and then they are tossed a few crumbs or communism where an elite control the workers and only give them what they think they deserve.

Wow, what a great guy!
I thought it was going to be ironic when they extended a job to Patraeus on Fox News. But THIS? Convicted of mishandling information and considering him for it really shows that mishandling information is not really a disqualifier.

Now Republicans will have to figure out a way to say its not a big deal after Trump made them believe it was all this time.
Not a problem. Petraeus is a very impressive man and will be easily confirmed by the Senate.

He is impressive but he also was convicted for mishandling classified info.
More specifically, he confided some classified information to some one he had reason to trust just as thousands of military officers and politicians do to their wives and lovers. When accused, he confessed, apologized to his family and to the country and accepted his punishment with dignity. The question now is, can he be trusted not to repeat that mistake? Trump will have to make that judgement.

You can put a positive spin along with a "everybody does it" head fake all you like but after whining and complaining for more than a year about mishandling information you're going to look stupid trying to take it all back now

You mean like you look right now for doing the reverse with Hillary? QFT, you do look pretty damned stupid

Yeah sure, because as you can see I just put a positive spin on Hilary somewhere. But no matter if its true, you see it and thats what really counts.
Not a problem. Petraeus is a very impressive man and will be easily confirmed by the Senate.

He is impressive but he also was convicted for mishandling classified info.
More specifically, he confided some classified information to some one he had reason to trust just as thousands of military officers and politicians do to their wives and lovers. When accused, he confessed, apologized to his family and to the country and accepted his punishment with dignity. The question now is, can he be trusted not to repeat that mistake? Trump will have to make that judgement.

You can put a positive spin along with a "everybody does it" head fake all you like but after whining and complaining for more than a year about mishandling information you're going to look stupid trying to take it all back now

You mean like you look right now for doing the reverse with Hillary? QFT, you do look pretty damned stupid

Yeah sure, because as you can see I just put a positive spin on Hilary somewhere. But no matter if its true, you see it and thats what really counts.

You voted for the old hag to be President. They're just advocating Patreaus for SoS. You're way worse

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