Rand Paul Filibuster

Rand Paul is filibustering the Senate to get a straight answer on Obama's Domestic Drone program.

Seems Obama wants to be able to kill Americans on US soil.

"Rand Paul Filibusters Over Non-Existent Program". Sounds about right.

Someone needs to google "Domestic Drone Program" and read the article from the San Francisco Cronicle.

"Someone" needs to post a link.
Rand Paul is filibustering the Senate to get a straight answer on Obama's Domestic Drone program.

Seems Obama wants to be able to kill Americans on US soil.

"Rand Paul Filibusters Over Non-Existent Program". Sounds about right.

Are trying to tell me we do not use drones to kill people? I know that Obama wants to pretend no one knows about it, but that does not mean it does not exist.
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One more thing about Rand Paul ... Seems to me that if you nutters really think so highly of this whiny little twit, you'd all chip in and buy him a new rug. Preferably one that doesn't look like daddy's pubic hair.
Paul said during his filibuster that his opposition was not about Brennan himself, but the constitutional issues involved. "We really just want [Obama] to say he won't" attack noncombatants on U.S. soil.

Rand Paul filibustering Brennan nomination to lead CIA
Of course the filibuster has nothing to do with whether the nominee is qualified or not; rather, we have yet another case of partisan grandstanding by an ignorant and incompetent politician from the right.

Rand Paul is filibustering the Senate to get a straight answer on Obama's Domestic Drone program.

Seems Obama wants to be able to kill Americans on US soil.

It’s not the role of Congress, and Rand Paul in particular, to determine the constitutionality of policies of the Executive, that’s the responsibility of the Judiciary. And the courts are not allowed to weigh in on the issue per separation of powers doctrine, in addition to the fact that Congress, and again Rand Paul in particular, lacks standing to bring suit.

The courts have wisely and correctly determined this to be a political matter, subject to the democratic process, where the people decide the appropriateness of the Administration’s actions.

The people made their determination last November.

Standing up for rights is no partisan grandstanding. I guess that makes the ACLU far right now.

ACLU to Obama: You Can't Just Vaporize Americans Without Judicial Process | Mother Jones


Interesting. I always knew you were a hack, but this is absolute proof.
One more thing about Rand Paul ... Seems to me that if you nutters really think so highly of this whiny little twit, you'd all chip in and buy him a new rug. Preferably one that doesn't look like daddy's pubic hair.

LOL -- I love when the party of tolerance makes fun of how other people look.
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One more thing about Rand Paul ... Seems to me that if you nutters really think so highly of this whiny little twit, you'd all chip in and buy him a new rug. Preferably one that doesn't look like daddy's pubic hair.

Translation: "I have absolutely nothing to say, but don't like Republicans."
One more thing about Rand Paul ... Seems to me that if you nutters really think so highly of this whiny little twit, you'd all chip in and buy him a new rug. Preferably one that doesn't look like daddy's pubic hair.

LOL -- I love when the party of tolerance makes fun of how other people look.


Translation: "I have absolutely nothing to say, but don't like Republicans."

a) I have absolutely no tolerance for whiny little twits and

b) I've posted factually on this subject in two different threads. Not my problem if you didn't read them.

But, you're right that I don't like lying, cheating, conniving whiny little twits who do nothing but campaign and wear really bad fake hair.
One more thing about Rand Paul ... Seems to me that if you nutters really think so highly of this whiny little twit, you'd all chip in and buy him a new rug. Preferably one that doesn't look like daddy's pubic hair.

LOL -- I love when the party of tolerance makes fun of how other people look.


Translation: "I have absolutely nothing to say, but don't like Republicans."

a) I have absolutely no tolerance for whiny little twits and

b) I've posted factually on this subject in two different threads. Not my problem if you didn't read them.

But, you're right that I don't like lying, cheating, conniving whiny little twits who do nothing but campaign and wear really bad fake hair.

Rand Paul is filibustering the Senate to get a straight answer on Obama's Domestic Drone program.

Seems Obama wants to be able to kill Americans on US soil.

"Rand Paul Filibusters Over Non-Existent Program". Sounds about right.

Someone needs to google "Domestic Drone Program" and read the article from the San Francisco Cronicle.

This article?

Push to step up domestic use of drones - SFGate

Which is talking about drone use by local law enforcement.
Rand Paul is filibustering the Senate to get a straight answer on Obama's Domestic Drone program.

Seems Obama wants to be able to kill Americans on US soil.

"Rand Paul Filibusters Over Non-Existent Program". Sounds about right.

Are trying to tell me we do not use drones to kill people? I know that Obama wants to pretend no one knows about it, but that does not mean it does not exist.

Paul's claim is that Obama has drones up in the air just randomly bombing Billy Bob in the countryside.
"Rand Paul Filibusters Over Non-Existent Program". Sounds about right.

Are trying to tell me we do not use drones to kill people? I know that Obama wants to pretend no one knows about it, but that does not mean it does not exist.

Paul's claim is that Obama has drones up in the air just randomly bombing Billy Bob in the countryside.
That's bullshit and you know it, fucker.
"Rand Paul Filibusters Over Non-Existent Program". Sounds about right.

Are trying to tell me we do not use drones to kill people? I know that Obama wants to pretend no one knows about it, but that does not mean it does not exist.

Paul's claim is that Obama has drones up in the air just randomly bombing Billy Bob in the countryside.

I see how this works, you put words in his mouth, point out that we aren't doing what you claim Paul says, and declare victory.
"Rand Paul Filibusters Over Non-Existent Program". Sounds about right.

Are trying to tell me we do not use drones to kill people? I know that Obama wants to pretend no one knows about it, but that does not mean it does not exist.

Paul's claim is that Obama has drones up in the air just randomly bombing Billy Bob in the countryside.

No, his question is whether Obama thinks he has the authority to do so.

Separately, a Justice Department document on circumstances in which Americans could be killed if they were involved in militant activities overseas was leaked to NBC News last month.

Holder said on Wednesday that the debate started by the leaking of that document was "one of the strongest reasons" why it made sense to share the Office of Legal Counsel memos with Congress.

Senators on Wednesday also questioned Holder over whether the Obama administration would ever countenance using drone strikes to target citizens on American soil.

In a letter to Kentucky Republican Senator Rand Paul, which was made public on Tuesday, Holder said drone strikes against Americans on U.S. soil were not anticipated, but he did not rule them out in circumstances akin to the September 11, 2001, attacks.

Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz questioned Holder about whether it could ever be legal to launch strikes against U.S. citizens on U.S. soil unless that individual was an imminent threat.

"I would not think that would be an appropriate use of any lethal force," Holder said.

Cruz said he intends to introduce legislation that would clarify when deadly force against U.S. citizens on American soil could be used.

Obama to reveal more on drone strike policy: attorney general

I wonder when a politician intends to introduce legislation that would clarify when deadly force against the U.S. government on American soil could be used.

Wait a minute, we already have that "right". It's called the U.S. Constitution.

Right. Show me proof that Obama won't ignore it like he does our immigration laws and other laws he keeps ignoring.
"Rand Paul Filibusters Over Non-Existent Program". Sounds about right.

Are trying to tell me we do not use drones to kill people? I know that Obama wants to pretend no one knows about it, but that does not mean it does not exist.

Paul's claim is that Obama has drones up in the air just randomly bombing Billy Bob in the countryside.

No......Paul wants to make sure Obama doesn't become a dictator.

You have a problem with that?

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