Rand Paul Filibuster

Paul's claim is that Obama has drones up in the air just randomly bombing Billy Bob in the countryside.

No, his question is whether Obama thinks he has the authority to do so.

He does, and it's never been controversial until now. Bush's holding of American citizens as "enemy combatants" is built off of the same logic.

Strange, both Obama and Holder disagree with you. You should be used to being wrong by now, but it must make your teachers hide their heads in shame.
I mean, the Democrats obviously fully support this Dictatorship. But that's to be expected. The Dictator's their guy. The real tragedy is that so few Republicans are standing with Rand Paul. The Republican Party is in real trouble.

The old relics are pussies. Rand is starting a movement toward a modern republican party. One that is really for smaller government. A government that follows the constitution and rewards success.

Notice how he got more activity out of Obama than we've seen in over a year just by upstaging him.

Obama felt compelled to steal back the headlines by signing bills and putting on an expensive dog and pony dinner show.

Do you think anyone is buying this sudden splurge in activity? Do they really think Obama is actually trying to do something about the sequester other than bitching about it?
Rand Paul wanted assurances that the rumors weren't true of Obama making plans on possibly taking down a new type of terrorist on American soil.

Somebody the WH wants to call enemies of the state. Rural gun owners. Farmers or ranchers, possibly another Davidian type group that believes in clinging to their guns and their religion.
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Hey, trust the Dictator. He has the authority to kill Americans with Drones, but he says he wont. That'll do for many Americans i guess.
Rand Paul is filibustering the Senate to get a straight answer on Obama's Domestic Drone program.

Seems Obama wants to be able to kill Americans on US soil.

"Rand Paul Filibusters Over Non-Existent Program". Sounds about right.

Yeah, it's about like filibustering demanding to know when you have stopped beating your wife. Just trying to make the administration look bad by implication.

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