Rand Paul for President

No matter who runs the election will be near 50/50... Making the OP and RW dumb as chit as per usual.

Normally, I would agree, but in 2016 I do expect a Democratic landslide victory, and I expect it to be so bad that Republicans will lose the House too.

I don't.

In 2008, no matter who the Democrats chose, that person was going to get elected since the economy went into Armageddon mode on Bush's watch. But remember the bitter fight between Obama and Clinton during the primaries and how it was ripping the party apart?


In 2012, the Democrats had an incumbent up for re-election, so that strife was not there on their side of the ballot. The Republicans, on the other hand, had a bad of dildos all competing for the office and they ripped themselves and the party to shreds.

In 2016, all bets are off. Both parties are each going to have a car full of clowns putting on a slapstick show. Expect exhausting reruns of "bimbo eruptions" and Biden's plagiarism.

I think it's Hill or Warren, neither of whom I'd call a clown.

At one time, I thought the gop would simply nominate Walker or Snyder, if not Christie, who could appease the tea party on taxes, but maintain fiscal sanity with debt limits and spending. I also though Paul Ryan had learned the art of compromise. I'm no longer certain of that.

Jeb's done though. His time has gone. Christie is still taking on water, but he's appeased Wall Street and the Israel First Wing of neocons. He's not a clown.
Normally, I would agree, but in 2016 I do expect a Democratic landslide victory, and I expect it to be so bad that Republicans will lose the House too.

I don't.

In 2008, no matter who the Democrats chose, that person was going to get elected since the economy went into Armageddon mode on Bush's watch. But remember the bitter fight between Obama and Clinton during the primaries and how it was ripping the party apart?


In 2012, the Democrats had an incumbent up for re-election, so that strife was not there on their side of the ballot. The Republicans, on the other hand, had a bad of dildos all competing for the office and they ripped themselves and the party to shreds.

In 2016, all bets are off. Both parties are each going to have a car full of clowns putting on a slapstick show. Expect exhausting reruns of "bimbo eruptions" and Biden's plagiarism.

I think it's Hill or Warren, neither of whom I'd call a clown.

At one time, I thought the gop would simply nominate Walker or Snyder, if not Christie, who could appease the tea party on taxes, but maintain fiscal sanity with debt limits and spending. I also though Paul Ryan had learned the art of compromise. I'm no longer certain of that.

Jeb's done though. His time has gone. Christie is still taking on water, but he's appeased Wall Street and the Israel First Wing of neocons. He's not a clown.

Both of these are true, as of now.

But don't underestimate the ability, and shamelessness of the conservative media, in their ability to turn on a dime on any issue, including the teabaggers. It wouldn't take much for FOXNEWS to start changing the narrative away from the crazies back to sane, establishment Republicanism, if that's what it takes to win.
There's no doubt that Hillary and Jeb Bush are carrying a whole lot of baggage.

I think there is a significant "anyone but Hillary" element in the Democratic Party, and there is no doubt in my mind that it contributed to Obama's "come from nowhere" win over her.
Normally, I would agree, but in 2016 I do expect a Democratic landslide victory, and I expect it to be so bad that Republicans will lose the House too.

I don't.

In 2008, no matter who the Democrats chose, that person was going to get elected since the economy went into Armageddon mode on Bush's watch. But remember the bitter fight between Obama and Clinton during the primaries and how it was ripping the party apart?


In 2012, the Democrats had an incumbent up for re-election, so that strife was not there on their side of the ballot. The Republicans, on the other hand, had a bad of dildos all competing for the office and they ripped themselves and the party to shreds.

In 2016, all bets are off. Both parties are each going to have a car full of clowns putting on a slapstick show. Expect exhausting reruns of "bimbo eruptions" and Biden's plagiarism.

I think it's Hill or Warren, neither of whom I'd call a clown.

At one time, I thought the gop would simply nominate Walker or Snyder, if not Christie, who could appease the tea party on taxes, but maintain fiscal sanity with debt limits and spending. I also though Paul Ryan had learned the art of compromise. I'm no longer certain of that.

Jeb's done though. His time has gone. Christie is still taking on water, but he's appeased Wall Street and the Israel First Wing of neocons. He's not a clown.

Sadly...I must disagree. I live in NJ...and everyday it's becoming more and more clear that Christi is not only a clown, but a corrupt, arrogant and nasty one who seems to think folks are too stupid to not see thru his self-aggrandizing and whitewashing shenanigans.
Maybe some are.
But not those of us who have to live with him in our state.

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