Rand Paul is Filibustering John Brennan

No, an unarmed woman and a CHILD. (It's debatable if Sam Weaver ever fired a weapon. If he did so, it was quite possibly because he was fired upon first; the fact that Vicki never fired a shot and was murdered in cold blood while holding an infant is NOT debatable!) You REALLY need to stop lying.

Vicki Weaver was in a house full of armed Nazis firing at federal agents. There had to be a point where the thought went through her mind, "What the fuck am I doing here". Sadly, a bullet went through her mind shortly after that...

No, that's a lie. The only shots fired by the Weavers were defending themselves from the initial assault. (Note: Vicki Weaver was murdered in cold blood. Lon Horiuchi is a murderer, he's on the same level as John Allen Muhammed.) Only a sick, twisted psycho like you would defend shooting an unarmed woman dead while she held her baby. You truly are a despicable turd.
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You can try to dismiss me as some partisan Republican if you like, but it won't work. I'm not a Republican, and have never had anything nice to say about George W. Bush or his warmongering.

What's scary is that there are people like you who are willing to defend power grabs and total secrecy by the President, and who place so little value on human life.

I dismiss you as a Libertarian Loon.

The GOP used to be fine until it started catering to the Libertarian Loons, Religious Crazies and corporate bloodsuckers... It used to be a pretty sensible party I could vote for and be reasonably secure that the people we were sending to Washington would be adults.

the only human life I place value on is my own. The rest of you are pretty much on your own.

When you demonstrate why I should be worried about President Obama or Hypothetical Future Evil Guy, then we can talk.

I don't much worry that an American who has gone to a terrorist country might find himself on the business end of a Hellfire, and I'm not sure why you do.

Well there we have it then. You're only worried about you, and as you're unlikely to be targeted for drone assassination couldn't care less about how it affects anybody else.

Spot on: Joe is very clearly a pure sociopath.
Guy, let's get it straight.

David Koresh was a guy who had sex with CHILDREN so he could father a race of little Messiahs who would bring about the end of the world.

Do you really, really think there was going to be any "reasoning" with this guy?

Same with Ruby Ridge.

Not that you are rational, but you can't apply rational solutions to irrational people.

some people that died were innocent of any wrong doing, but what the hell.

It's only collateral damage :cuckoo:

Those people had the option of walking out the door and saying, "Hey, man, those Cultist/Nazis are crazy... I'm out of here!"

The volunteered to be hostages.

And that was kind of the problem. The FBI treated these incidents like hostage situations.

Actually, they didn't...because at Ruby Ridge, there was a SHOOT ON SIGHT order! Had they come out to surrender, THEY WOULD HAVE BEEN KILLED! God and goddess, are you THIS FUCKING STUPID?!
some people that died were innocent of any wrong doing, but what the hell.

It's only collateral damage :cuckoo:

Those people had the option of walking out the door and saying, "Hey, man, those Cultist/Nazis are crazy... I'm out of here!"

The volunteered to be hostages.

And that was kind of the problem. The FBI treated these incidents like hostage situations.

Actually, they didn't...because at Ruby Ridge, there was a SHOOT ON SIGHT order! Had they come out to surrender, THEY WOULD HAVE BEEN KILLED! God and goddess, are you THIS FUCKING STUPID?!

Sure, that's why they were all killed, right?
You speak about the shoot out and then the aftermath being reviewed of the failed approach in which the feds took trying to resolve the crisis in which should have been peacefully and safely solved for all involved, and in a much better way prior to the botched shoot out. The waiting game due to the hostages was the only game that should have been played until the surrender came, but the liberal run government and the media with it's hatred for religious people for whom some (yes) may turn fanatical at times, drove the pressure deep for the feds to get these guy's, and you know it's don't let them intimidate the feds no matter what right, because they must end all thoughts of any challenging of the federal government by example of in any way, and so Waco ended the way that it did as a result of that attitude kept by the government to this very day. Ruby Ridge also ended the way that it did because of the same attitude raising it's head once again in that situation also.

Guy, let's get it straight.

David Koresh was a guy who had sex with CHILDREN so he could father a race of little Messiahs who would bring about the end of the world.

Do you really, really think there was going to be any "reasoning" with this guy?

Same with Ruby Ridge.

Not that you are rational, but you can't apply rational solutions to irrational people.

You are a sly devil aren't you ? No one is speaking about what Koresh did within this conversation, as everyone knows what he did as David Koresh, and we are not even discussing that part of it at all (YES he was a dirt bag and we all know that for sure, and he got what was coming to him also for sure), but you, you try and divert attention from the government messing up in their handling of these events, by trying to get the readers to focus on his priors, as if this what, somehow gave the government a free pass to kill everyone in the room, and also a free pass on how they botched the operations, then causing the deaths of innocent men women and children who were being held hostage in that basement at Waco? How about looking for a dog and/or maybe holding a baby inside a room at Ruby Ridge, while trusting the government to discern between each individual in that room or inside that complex back at Waco ? It is (despicable on your part to try and divert attention in this way, in order to try and win an argument to favor drones or the governments quest in trying to expand the program even further), but no one is fooled by your childish games here...... No one!

Regardless of these two events and the players involved, the feds totally botched each event, and will do way worse with a Hellfire missile shot from a drone at their controls, and what is even worse, is how it will be used while over the skies of America.

No way dude, no way..
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No, that's a lie. The only shots fired by the Weavers were defending themselves from the initial assault. (Note: Vicki Weaver was murdered in cold blood. Lon Horiuchi is a murderer, he's on the same level as John Allen Muhammed.) Only a sick, twisted psycho like you would defend shooting an unarmed woman dead while she held her baby. You truly are a despicable turd.

I'm surprised I'm not hearing some insight about Horiuchi's slanted eyes or something in his marksmanship... it's the kind of thing I'd expect to hear from racists.

Screw the Weavers, bunch of fucking Nazi.
You are a sly devil aren't you ? No one is speaking about what Koresh did within this conversation, as everyone knows what he did as David Koresh, and we are not even discussing that part of it at all (YES he was a dirt bag and we all know that for sure, and he got what was coming to him also for sure), but you, you try and divert attention from the government messing up in their handling of these events, by trying to get the readers to focus on his priors, as if this what, somehow gave the government a free pass to kill everyone in the room, and also a free pass on how they botched the operations, then causing the deaths of innocent men women and children who were being held hostage in that basement at Waco? How about looking for a dog and/or maybe holding a baby inside a room at Ruby Ridge, while trusting the government to discern between each individual in that room or inside that complex back at Waco ? It is (despicable on your part to try and divert attention in this way, in order to try and win an argument to favor drones or the governments quest in trying to expand the program even further), but no one is fooled by your childish games here...... No one!

Regardless of these two events and the players involved, the feds totally botched each event, and will do way worse with a Hellfire missile shot from a drone at their controls, and what is even worse, is how it will be used while over the skies of America.

No way dude, no way..

Again, guy, you are applying a rational standard to rational people. Rational people would have beaten Koresh upside the head and threw him out the front door.

Irrational cultists would set the building they are in on fire because they couldn't stand the thought of their Messiah being demoted to "Prison Bitch".
You are a sly devil aren't you ? No one is speaking about what Koresh did within this conversation, as everyone knows what he did as David Koresh, and we are not even discussing that part of it at all (YES he was a dirt bag and we all know that for sure, and he got what was coming to him also for sure), but you, you try and divert attention from the government messing up in their handling of these events, by trying to get the readers to focus on his priors, as if this what, somehow gave the government a free pass to kill everyone in the room, and also a free pass on how they botched the operations, then causing the deaths of innocent men women and children who were being held hostage in that basement at Waco? How about looking for a dog and/or maybe holding a baby inside a room at Ruby Ridge, while trusting the government to discern between each individual in that room or inside that complex back at Waco ? It is (despicable on your part to try and divert attention in this way, in order to try and win an argument to favor drones or the governments quest in trying to expand the program even further), but no one is fooled by your childish games here...... No one!

Regardless of these two events and the players involved, the feds totally botched each event, and will do way worse with a Hellfire missile shot from a drone at their controls, and what is even worse, is how it will be used while over the skies of America.

No way dude, no way..

Again, guy, you are applying a rational standard to rational people. Rational people would have beaten Koresh upside the head and threw him out the front door.

Irrational cultists would set the building they are in on fire because they couldn't stand the thought of their Messiah being demoted to "Prison Bitch".
Your opinion, but not the opinion of the American people who witnessed these events in real time, and this as it happened bit by bit and hour by hour. We all watched until it was deemed go time in the arrogant minds of the feds who acted when did not have to, because it was just wait it out is all they had to do, yeah just wait it out, and of course it was botch it all up time, just as this was also proven by the feds actions at the times in which were found specifically in these cases as a result of.
Your opinion, but not the opinion of the American people who witnessed these events in real time, and this as it happened bit by bit and hour by hour. We all watched until it was deemed go time in the arrogant minds of the feds who acted when did not have to, because it was just wait it out is all they had to do, yeah just wait it out, and of course it was botch it all up time, just as this was also proven by the feds actions at the times in which were found specifically in these cases as a result of.

I'm not sure which American people you were talking to.

The ones I talked to thought the Davidians were nuts and thought their demise was a oppurtunity for great comedy.

Hey, did you hear the Branch Davidians have broken into two sects? Orthodox and Extra Crispy!!!

I was thinking, now that the Waco mob is gone, shouldn't they be
refered to as Ash Davidians?

What Does WACO stand for?

1. We Ain't Comin' Out
2. We All Cremated Ourselves
3. When Attacked, CookOut!
Your opinion, but not the opinion of the American people who witnessed these events in real time, and this as it happened bit by bit and hour by hour. We all watched until it was deemed go time in the arrogant minds of the feds who acted when did not have to, because it was just wait it out is all they had to do, yeah just wait it out, and of course it was botch it all up time, just as this was also proven by the feds actions at the times in which were found specifically in these cases as a result of.

I'm not sure which American people you were talking to.

The ones I talked to thought the Davidians were nuts and thought their demise was a oppurtunity for great comedy.

Hey, did you hear the Branch Davidians have broken into two sects? Orthodox and Extra Crispy!!!

I was thinking, now that the Waco mob is gone, shouldn't they be
refered to as Ash Davidians?

What Does WACO stand for?

1. We Ain't Comin' Out
2. We All Cremated Ourselves
3. When Attacked, CookOut!
Your attempt at humor is bland and childish at best, so what is it you do again maybe(?), because humor sure wasn't your strong point, nor is it your comprehension when being spoken to about the issues.... Your good at deflection though, in which is a game that is played only by a few, so I guess be proud you are among the few who like to be laughed at in a real humorous/hilarious way by others while in your game, and so remember it isn't because you are funny that they are laughing, and this as they quickly turn and roll their eyes afterwards, but rather it's because you say some of the darndest things as a response when being spoken to in return on an issue.
You are a sly devil aren't you ? No one is speaking about what Koresh did within this conversation, as everyone knows what he did as David Koresh, and we are not even discussing that part of it at all (YES he was a dirt bag and we all know that for sure, and he got what was coming to him also for sure), but you, you try and divert attention from the government messing up in their handling of these events, by trying to get the readers to focus on his priors, as if this what, somehow gave the government a free pass to kill everyone in the room, and also a free pass on how they botched the operations, then causing the deaths of innocent men women and children who were being held hostage in that basement at Waco? How about looking for a dog and/or maybe holding a baby inside a room at Ruby Ridge, while trusting the government to discern between each individual in that room or inside that complex back at Waco ? It is (despicable on your part to try and divert attention in this way, in order to try and win an argument to favor drones or the governments quest in trying to expand the program even further), but no one is fooled by your childish games here...... No one!

Regardless of these two events and the players involved, the feds totally botched each event, and will do way worse with a Hellfire missile shot from a drone at their controls, and what is even worse, is how it will be used while over the skies of America.

No way dude, no way..

Again, guy, you are applying a rational standard to rational people. Rational people would have beaten Koresh upside the head and threw him out the front door.

Irrational cultists would set the building they are in on fire because they couldn't stand the thought of their Messiah being demoted to "Prison Bitch".
Yes I am trying to apply a rational standard to our government, but when they get irrational those standards go straight out the window, as next irrationality steps in the door to be used by them in such cases being debated now. The government acted irrational and bad things happened as a result of, yet you want to let them have drones over the skies of America, now how rational is that ?
Your attempt at humor is bland and childish at best, so what is it you do again maybe(?), because humor sure wasn't your strong point, nor is it your comprehension when being spoken to about the issues.... Your good at deflection though, in which is a game that is played only by a few, so I guess be proud you are among the few who like to be laughed at in a real humorous/hilarious way by others while in your game, and so remember it isn't because you are funny that they are laughing, and this as they quickly turn and roll their eyes afterwards, but rather it's because you say some of the darndest things as a response when being spoken to in return on an issue.

Guy, everyone thought the Davidians were nuts... there just wasn't any real sadness that I saw, just disgust that people would follow this madman to their deaths.

Unfortunately, for the people with extreme Clinton hate, these folks became heroes. Shouldn't be, but they were...

The Davidians were scum... good riddance.
Yes I am trying to apply a rational standard to our government, but when they get irrational those standards go straight out the window, as next irrationality steps in the door to be used by them in such cases being debated now. The government acted irrational and bad things happened as a result of, yet you want to let them have drones over the skies of America, now how rational is that ?

The government should have stormed that compound the next day instead of trying to reason with these nutbags. Instead, they gave them 43 days to prepare a mass suicide, and that's what these dumb fucks did.

Paranoid loons like you aside, it was a mass suicide.

More food for the rest of us, as far as I'm concerned.

On the subject of drones, the problem with paranoids like you is that you really think you are important enough for the government to want to fly expensive drones to spy on....
Yes I am trying to apply a rational standard to our government, but when they get irrational those standards go straight out the window, as next irrationality steps in the door to be used by them in such cases being debated now. The government acted irrational and bad things happened as a result of, yet you want to let them have drones over the skies of America, now how rational is that ?

The government should have stormed that compound the next day instead of trying to reason with these nutbags. Instead, they gave them 43 days to prepare a mass suicide, and that's what these dumb fucks did.

Paranoid loons like you aside, it was a mass suicide.

More food for the rest of us, as far as I'm concerned.

On the subject of drones, the problem with paranoids like you is that you really think you are important enough for the government to want to fly expensive drones to spy on....
What makes a man important in your eyes? I mean do tell MR. high and mighty, who is a self thought of intellectual (fill in the blank), what type of person ?

On the subject of drones, the problem with paranoids like you is that you really think you are important enough for the government to want to fly expensive drones to spy on....
What makes a man important in your eyes? I mean do tell MR. high and mighty, who is a self thought of intellectual (fill in the blank), what type of person ?

SOmeone who poses an actual threat...

Now, the theory you and Crazy Rand has is that an evil hypothetical president would use drones to murder his critics... and no doubt, you think you make a difference coming on here every day whining about how Obama made your health premium go up by .50 a week. or something.
Gosh Joey, there seems to be no end to the hatred you have all bottled up inside you there.

You really are quite the loon :)

Oh yes, you never said...were you coming to get my guns?

No, an unarmed woman and a CHILD. (It's debatable if Sam Weaver ever fired a weapon. If he did so, it was quite possibly because he was fired upon first; the fact that Vicki never fired a shot and was murdered in cold blood while holding an infant is NOT debatable!) You REALLY need to stop lying.

Vicki Weaver was in a house full of armed Nazis firing at federal agents. There had to be a point where the thought went through her mind, "What the fuck am I doing here". Sadly, a bullet went through her mind shortly after that...

Oh, looking up Ruby Ridge, Sammy Weaver, you get about 20 Nazi webpages...

So how long have you been visiting Nazi websites, Jackaxle...

Accounts differ at this point as to who first opened fire[36] but agree that DUSM Roderick shot and killed Weaver's dog and that Samuel Weaver returned fire at Roderick. After the Federal agents began firing, 14 year old Samuel Weaver was shot in the back while retreating,[37][38] and DUSM Degan was shot and killed by Harris.[39]

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