Rand Paul: Right-to-work laws 'would be great for the country'...will introduce legislation on that this week!

Guy says there weren't many min wage increases. That's funny:
The minimum wage increased in 23 states and the District of Columbia in 2019

Gee wonder why wages had a slight uptick...

That's bullshit. Wages are no higher in Ohio, where the minimum wage is $8.55 compared to Pennsylvania where the legal minimum is $7.25
The only ones who push right to work are corporations and those who want union benefits but don’t want to pay union dues. I know the later personally.

There are a lot of people who don't want to pay part of their income to the union bosses. I certainly wouldn't want to.

But I wouldn't necessarily want to go to union picnics, drink the union hall's beer for free or wear a union hat they pass out either. I can buy my own beer.

BTW, I have no problem with the Italians who run the unions, who I am to criticize a man for how he makes a living and I wish them nothing but success in their business. But they shouldn't be protected by statute in their racket, that's all I'm saying.
The idea that a "union controlled" job means "high wages" is a myth.

Briefly, about 40 years ago, I worked for about 6 months in a Union Controlled grocery store doing night stock work. The minimum wage was $3.35, the union negotiated wage was $3.50. I would have done better financially at the Mickey D's as I wouldn't have had $4.50/ week deducted for union dues.
One has to chuckle at the "Libertarian" looking for the Federal government to take over what the states address now.

Ol Rand is really struggling to find a niche.
not all states are dealing with it,, and whats more general welfare than giving all americans the right to work without being extorted???
I love using leftist bullshit against them in this manner.

Buy imports, stick it to them greedy unions. You are delusional.
It may be a waste of time but I’m trying to tell you that unions CAN be as bad as corporations

We need good unions that do not poop in their own nest

as for imports that can represent healthy competition among equals - meaning counties with comparable working conditions and wages

but that excludes countries like china
I always said we need Unions, european style where the union cares as much about the products being produced as the employees producing them

there's something called DEMOCRACY. someone remind Rand!
I’ve never seen evidence they are all that great...
That's because there is no such evidence.

It's the "right" to low wages, to be fired at any time for any reason, to no benefits, and to have nothing for retirement.
Curse them good union wages.
By the 1970’s unions had become their own worst enemy

lazy and incompetent workers were driving big corporations crazy

so the unions boasted high wages till the factory closed and moved to china
Yes the republican war on unions helped push lots of jobs to China.
no, unions, by artificially exploding the cost of labor drove jobs overseas
Not really..
The war on unions made it acceptable to buy foreign.

Big Labor is by no means faultless at all, listen to how the union bosses earn a tremendous living off the backs of the working men on the docks.

While also increasing wages for many. Where is the promised prosperity when unions were gone? Repubs don’t talk about that anymore.

Unions increase wages for the few, their members, while driving non-members out. That's the entire point of a Union.

As far as your second comment/question....what do you mean? When have Unions been "gone" they aren't....they still exist. Maybe give me a time frame...there are, admittedly, a lot less, but mainly because people don't need them much anymore

More unions, more increased wages.

Our lack of wage growth, slow economy and growing inequality says they are needed.

Well no, that's happening because of Covid and Covid shut downs, not unions or the lack there of.

Prior to Covid, we saw real wage growth, and a booming economy.

You have some imagination. We saw weak wage growth driven by lots of min wage increases.

I agree, prior to the last admin for roughtly 40 years we saw weak growth, but as the evidence I provided shows, we saw real gains before Covid. The data I provided in the links proves that.

The data is weak and was fueled by min wage hikes.

why is it weak? do you have some evidence to support you claim it had anything to do with min wage hikes?

In Oregon, who did increase their min wage, UE skyrocketed....despite that, we still saw real wage increases nationally prior to Covid

It’s weak because the gains were weak and fueled by min wage increases.

As I highlighted the places with big min wage increases, saw more UE......your claim was debunked by actual data yet again

The gains weren't great, but the best they had been in over 40 years....

Your arguing that lots of min wage increases didn’t increase wages? That is funny. What’s your best data that wages were good?

There weren't "lots of min wage increases" - there were some, that as we saw in Oregon drove up UE.

I've provided the data in my prior post, there are links...go a head and read it. Moreover, we are talking about REAL wage increases, min wage increases won't impact that, that's nominal wage increases. Under Trump we saw for the first time in nearly forty years REAL wage increases.

You don’t have a piece of data to share? Why would I have to read through yiur garbage links? Give your best data.

I already did....repeatedly, I am sorry you don't understand them, or apparently don't even want to read to educate yourself, but then again....you are a guy that doesn't know the difference between Real Wages, and Nominal Wages, and are out here trying to have a discussion about the topic....so I can't say I'm surprised

Real pay data show Trump's 'blue collar boom' is more of a bust for US workers, in 3 charts (theconversation.com)

Well, you at least are looking at the difference between nominal and REAL.......your link really further highlights hy your theory about min wage increases is debunked once again....

but the links I provided earlier discuss REAL wages and how they grew

That's rich coming from a guy that doesn't know the difference between real and nominal wages
Curse them good union wages.
By the 1970’s unions had become their own worst enemy

lazy and incompetent workers were driving big corporations crazy

so the unions boasted high wages till the factory closed and moved to china
Yes the republican war on unions helped push lots of jobs to China.
That's a complete avoidance of reality. Would you be so good as to explain how artificially high wages would keep jobs here?
Is that the time we were going back to with that great again stuff?
Why not?

outsourcing is bad for America
So the time when unions were strong was good?
The time when unions were strong coincided with the time American manufacturing was king on the planet, and that was due to the rest of the world having to catch up after WWII, which decimated them. If you recall, we were the only major manufacturer that emerged untouched from the war, so we had a few decades as the big dog on the block until the rest of the world caught up. You can't just point to one factor when there are hundreds that go into the equation. You might as well refuse to eat broccoli because everyone who ate broccoli during the Civil War is dead.

there's something called DEMOCRACY. someone remind Rand!
I’ve never seen evidence they are all that great...
That's because there is no such evidence.

It's the "right" to low wages, to be fired at any time for any reason, to no benefits, and to have nothing for retirement.
The flip side of that, of course, is it removes the cap on earnings. When you work for a union, you accept their pay scales, and while you can't fall below them, you also can't rise above them. With the union, you earn what you're plugged into earning. Without it, you are free to earn as much as your skill allows you to earn. If you are exceptionally good at your job you can earn more than when you are rigidly forced into a union pay scale.
One has to chuckle at the "Libertarian" looking for the Federal government to take over what the states address now.

Ol Rand is really struggling to find a niche.
not all states are dealing with it,, and whats more general welfare than giving all americans the right to work without being extorted???

Giving them a fair wage for for working. A job that doesn’t pay a living wage is useless. Taxpayers should not have to subsidize wages for the working poor. If your company can’t pay living wages it doesn’t deserve to be in business.
One has to chuckle at the "Libertarian" looking for the Federal government to take over what the states address now.

Ol Rand is really struggling to find a niche.
not all states are dealing with it,, and whats more general welfare than giving all americans the right to work without being extorted???

Giving them a fair wage for for working. A job that doesn’t pay a living wage is useless. Taxpayers should not have to subsidize wages for the working poor. If your company can’t pay living wages it doesn’t deserve to be in business.
what is a fair or living wage??

in my world thats about 75 an hr,,,
Is that the time we were going back to with that great again stuff?
Why not?

outsourcing is bad for America
So the time when unions were strong was good?
The time when unions were strong coincided with the time American manufacturing was king on the planet, and that was due to the rest of the world having to catch up after WWII, which decimated them. If you recall, we were the only major manufacturer that emerged untouched from the war, so we had a few decades as the big dog on the block until the rest of the world caught up. You can't just point to one factor when there are hundreds that go into the equation. You might as well refuse to eat broccoli because everyone who ate broccoli during the Civil War is dead.

You didn’t go far enough with your analogies. Reagan’s attack on unions and the destruction of the union movement during the Reagan administration and beyond, is the basis for the shrinking middle class in the United States.

A thriving economy requires a vigourous and growing middle class to support its growth. The union movement built that middle class in America.

Reagan promised every working American a raise when the unions were gone. American workers are still waiting for that raise. Once the unions were gone, wages stagnated for the next 40 years.
Is that the time we were going back to with that great again stuff?
Why not?

outsourcing is bad for America
So the time when unions were strong was good?
The time when unions were strong coincided with the time American manufacturing was king on the planet, and that was due to the rest of the world having to catch up after WWII, which decimated them. If you recall, we were the only major manufacturer that emerged untouched from the war, so we had a few decades as the big dog on the block until the rest of the world caught up. You can't just point to one factor when there are hundreds that go into the equation. You might as well refuse to eat broccoli because everyone who ate broccoli during the Civil War is dead.

You didn’t go far enough with your analogies. Reagan’s attack on unions and the destruction of the union movement during the Reagan administration and beyond, is the basis for the shrinking middle class in the United States.

A thriving economy requires a vigourous and growing middle class to support its growth. The union movement built that middle class in America.

Reagan promised every working American a raise when the unions were gone. American workers are still waiting for that raise. Once the unions were gone, wages stagnated for the next 40 years.
why are you lying???
One has to chuckle at the "Libertarian" looking for the Federal government to take over what the states address now.

Ol Rand is really struggling to find a niche.
not all states are dealing with it,, and whats more general welfare than giving all americans the right to work without being extorted???

Giving them a fair wage for for working. A job that doesn’t pay a living wage is useless. Taxpayers should not have to subsidize wages for the working poor. If your company can’t pay living wages it doesn’t deserve to be in business.
what is a fair or living wage??

in my world thats about 75 an hr,,,

A fair wage depends on the job and where you live. A living wage is one that will put a roof over your head and food in your belly and provide basic living expenses.

Wages, as a percentage of income, are now at the same level as they were in the Gilded Age, when the Robber Barons ruled. Over the past 40 years, corporations have absorbed increases in the cost of property, raw materials, insurance, transportation, equipment and supplies. Executive income has increased by 1000% over the same time. And profits are are at a record high. But the buying power of working class income has actually declined during the same timeframe.
One has to chuckle at the "Libertarian" looking for the Federal government to take over what the states address now.

Ol Rand is really struggling to find a niche.
not all states are dealing with it,, and whats more general welfare than giving all americans the right to work without being extorted???

Giving them a fair wage for for working. A job that doesn’t pay a living wage is useless. Taxpayers should not have to subsidize wages for the working poor. If your company can’t pay living wages it doesn’t deserve to be in business.
what is a fair or living wage??

in my world thats about 75 an hr,,,

A fair wage depends on the job and where you live. A living wage is one that will put a roof over your head and food in your belly and provide basic living expenses.

Wages, as a percentage of income, are now at the same level as they were in the Gilded Age, when the Robber Barons ruled. Over the past 40 years, corporations have absorbed increases in the cost of property, raw materials, insurance, transportation, equipment and supplies. Executive income has increased by 1000% over the same time. And profits are are at a record high. But the buying power of working class income has actually declined during the same timeframe.
5 hr should do that in most areas,,,

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