Rand Paul rips Delta variant ‘fearmongers,’ cites .08% death rate in unvaccinated group

Rand Paul is an asshole and a know-nothing
Also not a doctor, let alone a virologist.
Someone please just tell him to STFU

Speaking of Hissy fits.

Are you vaccinated Lovie?
Proudly yes - Moderna thank you very much!

Thank you for taking the Trump vaccine as ordered

If Donnie had won, it never would have arrived - Thanks Uncle Joe! :D

Operation Warp Speed darling.
Rand Paul is an asshole and a know-nothing
Also not a doctor, let alone a virologist.
Someone please just tell him to STFU
I recall several people blaming Trump for... Blah.. You're a hack... Lets leave it at that.
Rand Paul is an asshole and a know-nothing
Also not a doctor, let alone a virologist.
Someone please just tell him to STFU
He's a practicing ophthalmologist, dipschitt....And he has treated more patients this year than the criminal fraud bureaucrat Fauxi has in his entire life.
Bullshit. Randy has neither practiced in years, nor is he board certified.

Yes, Rand Paul is Board Certified.
Rand Paul is an asshole and a know-nothing
Also not a doctor, let alone a virologist.
Someone please just tell him to STFU
He's a practicing ophthalmologist, dipschitt....And he has treated more patients this year than the criminal fraud bureaucrat Fauxi has in his entire life.
Bullshit. Randy has neither practiced in years, nor is he board certified.

Yes, Rand Paul is Board Certified.
And Rand has done more FREE eye surgeries for indigent patients, than the total number of patients that the criminal fraud bureaucrat Fauxi has ever seen in his entire life.

Fauxi is a board certified technocrat quack.

I'm going Cuomo everywhere I don't care

Lifted From a pede at former Dadonald
The first video has the guy who actually invented the mrna vax

I posted it and youtube banned it hours later

According to Dr. Bret Weinstein, Dr. Robert Malone, Prof. Steve Kirsch, the spike protein created from the MRNA injection is very dangerous because it's cytotoxic.
Here's some info you should share if you have the time :)

Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of mRna technology, calls for a stop of covid injections
Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System https://www.openvaers.com
124 pages of Covid injures & Deaths shortly after taking the vaccine: https://www.pdf-archive.com/2021/03...after-v/copy-of-reports-of-injury-after-v.pdf
Also according to Dr. Jay Bhattacharya at Stanford University, people who have already recovered from Covid don't need the injection:
And according to Dr. David Martin "it is a medical device, not a vaccine." He goes in-depth with a panel consisting of PhD Judy A. Mikovits and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in this video:
Dr. Bret Weinstein's Dark Horse podcast has all the details here:
This peer reviewed study by well respected scientists shows Ivermectin is effective for prevention and treatment of COVID-19 infection Ivermectin for prevention and treatment of COVID-19 infection: a systematic review, meta-analysis and trial sequential analysis to inform clinical guidelines | Request PDF
Study of UK yellow card database shows extreme dangers of experimental injections: "...more than enough evidence on the Yellow Card system to declare the COVID-19 vaccines unsafe for use in humans. Preparation should be made to scale up humanitarian efforts to assist those harmed by the COVID-19 vaccines and to anticipate and ameliorate medium to longer term effects. As the mechanism for harms from the vaccines appears to be similar to COVID-19 itself, this includes engaging with numerous international doctors and scientists with expertise in successfully treating COVID-19." https://www.francesoir.fr/sites/fra...inary_report_of_yellow_card_data_9-6-2021.pdf
Here are some of the effects of the injection. This video will likely be removed soon...
I think it's needless to say that this experimental injection is very dangerous. Stay safe frens :)
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Rand Paul is an asshole and a know-nothing
Also not a doctor, let alone a virologist.
Someone please just tell him to STFU
Glad to see that you are not disputing what he has to say.
Does Rand always have hissy fits when discussing matters of health?
Glad to see you are not disputing what rand has to say.
Why would I want to since he believes what he claims and nothing will change that. What number of dead people is tolerable for not living in denial? The GOP claims that all lives are sacred, unless the GOP don't care about those people.
Does Rand always have hissy fits when discussing matters of health?
Glad to see you are not disputing what rand has to say.
Why would I want to since he believes what he claims and nothing will change that. What number of dead people is tolerable for not living in denial? The GOP claims that all lives are sacred, unless the GOP don't care about those people.
Don't just talk, SAY something!
“Don’t let the fearmongers win,” Mr. Paul told his 3.2 million followers. “New public England study of delta variant shows 44 deaths out of 53,822 (.08%) in unvaccinated group. Hmmm.”
Why are all these stories from Wing Nut Daily, Gateway Pundit, and Red State? How come none from CBS, or BBC?
Do you think CNN would ever report anything that doesn't support and defend Vaccine Almighty? Attacking the source is what lefties have to do when they cannot dispute the content.
Does Rand always have hissy fits when discussing matters of health?
Rand Paul is a walking, talking, hissy-fit.
Glad to see you do not dispute what Rand Paul said.
Yes, Rand showed us what all Repubs lie about, the sanctity of life and how all life is precious..If one dies that seems to not be enough to ruffle the feathers of those so called Godly people.
Don't just talk, SAY something! It is amazing how many times you post, yet you never have anything to say. Why not assert your opinion about something?

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