Random Thoughts on the Falling Empire


Libertarian Radical
Feb 8, 2011
Behind the Orange Curtain
Last night I happened to watch 60 Minutes, which I rarely do, but stumbled across a segment that they said was on robots.

The segment was really on automation in general, rather than robotics specifically. But the gist of the peace regarded the changing world that Americans face due the rapid pace of automation technologies.

Many here know that manufacturing is rapidly returning to America, returning at a rate much faster than it left. Many also know that most of the jobs associated with manufacturing are not returning. Automation is replacing low skilled workers on a massive scale. Computer controlled equipment can do jobs with far greater precision at a lower cost than people can. These are irrefutable.

The conclusion that 60 minutes came to is that automation will push the lower segments of society into persistent poverty, as entry level jobs are eliminated by automation. As a middle age man, this is the same old song and dance to me. I was taught by public schools in the 70's that computers would replace everyone. It never happened, quite the opposite.

But I do see the left paving a path to more economic realignment using workers displaced by automation as the catalyst for demands of more fascist and socialist entanglement and ever greater power to the state.
But I do see the left paving a path to more economic realignment using workers displaced by automation as the catalyst for demands of more fascist and socialist entanglement and ever greater power to the state.

So, that's what you see, do you? Maybe so-called "conservatives" like yourself should take a tip from the Bible:

"You hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of your own eye; and then shall you see clearly to cast out the mote out of your brother's eye." Matthew 7:5 (AKJV)
Low skilled workers won't have manufacturing jobs. They will either become skilled workers or live lives of luxury paid for by skilled workers.
I see a rise in the need for maint, programming and engineering for robotics. Poor learning people will do as they have done through the ages of empires, join the military.
But I do see the left paving a path to more economic realignment using workers displaced by automation as the catalyst for demands of more fascist and socialist entanglement and ever greater power to the state.

So, that's what you see, do you? Maybe so-called "conservatives" like yourself should take a tip from the Bible:

"You hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of your own eye; and then shall you see clearly to cast out the mote out of your brother's eye." Matthew 7:5 (AKJV)

You believe in the Bible?
One of the most disturbing aspects of the Obama reelection is the specter of Obama replacing another SCOTUS justice. The two he has picked thus far are arguably the worst the court has seen.

Sonya Sotomayor is a semi-literate dolt who was appointed based on ethnic and gender considerations rather than qualifications. The only term that accurately defines Sotomayor is "dolt."

Then we have Elena Kagan. At least Kagan has an IQ in the triple digits. But Kagan is a Marxist radical. No, I don't mean that some rightwing blog engaged in hyperbole, Kagan is in fact a Marxist radical in the vein of Bill Ayers, Derrick Bell, or Frank Marshall Davis. If Obama can stuff the court with another Kagan, the Bill of Rights will be a thing of the past.
Its a service industry job for the low skilled. We just have to make it more attractive to take the low paying job versus except a handout.
One of the most disturbing aspects of the Obama reelection is the specter of Obama replacing another SCOTUS justice. The two he has picked thus far are arguably the worst the court has seen.

Sonya Sotomayor is a semi-literate dolt who was appointed based on ethnic and gender considerations rather than qualifications. The only term that accurately defines Sotomayor is "dolt."

Then we have Elena Kagan. At least Kagan has an IQ in the triple digits. But Kagan is a Marxist radical. No, I don't mean that some rightwing blog engaged in hyperbole, Kagan is in fact a Marxist radical in the vein of Bill Ayers, Derrick Bell, or Frank Marshall Davis. If Obama can stuff the court with another Kagan, the Bill of Rights will be a thing of the past.

Kagan got the SCOTUS gig because she's covered Obama's real records at Harvard
One of the most disturbing aspects of the Obama reelection is the specter of Obama replacing another SCOTUS justice. The two he has picked thus far are arguably the worst the court has seen.

Sonya Sotomayor is a semi-literate dolt who was appointed based on ethnic and gender considerations rather than qualifications. The only term that accurately defines Sotomayor is "dolt."

Then we have Elena Kagan. At least Kagan has an IQ in the triple digits. But Kagan is a Marxist radical. No, I don't mean that some rightwing blog engaged in hyperbole, Kagan is in fact a Marxist radical in the vein of Bill Ayers, Derrick Bell, or Frank Marshall Davis. If Obama can stuff the court with another Kagan, the Bill of Rights will be a thing of the past.

Kagan got the SCOTUS gig because she's covered Obama's real records at Harvard

lol. so we get to the REAL topic of the thread? You & Frank being xenophobes & birfers to boot. :thup:
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Maybe the right is begining to get a peek into what is wrong with a profit ONLY motive.
One of the most disturbing aspects of the Obama reelection is the specter of Obama replacing another SCOTUS justice. The two he has picked thus far are arguably the worst the court has seen.

Sonya Sotomayor is a semi-literate dolt who was appointed based on ethnic and gender considerations rather than qualifications. The only term that accurately defines Sotomayor is "dolt."

Then we have Elena Kagan. At least Kagan has an IQ in the triple digits. But Kagan is a Marxist radical. No, I don't mean that some rightwing blog engaged in hyperbole, Kagan is in fact a Marxist radical in the vein of Bill Ayers, Derrick Bell, or Frank Marshall Davis. If Obama can stuff the court with another Kagan, the Bill of Rights will be a thing of the past.

Kagan got the SCOTUS gig because she's covered Obama's real records at Harvard

lol. so we get to the REAL topic of the thread? You & Frank being xenophobes & birfers to boot. :thup:

Unlike Obama, the lawyers I know all have heard of "Judicial review" Odd that Obama never heard of it

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