Rangel and the trouble he brings


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
Democrats face unsavory choices in Rangel case - Yahoo! News

Love it. Now watch as the left make claims that the right should not do JUST as the left did in 2006 with Foley. That this is somehow DIFFERENT.

Rangel's ethics are so questionable one would be hard pressed to claim the Democratic leadership did not KNOW of it. His actions so obvious and unethical, hell Illegal. I think the republicans should start making a stink about how the Dems spent years protecting this guys from ethics charges and paying for illegal activities.

Love the part where they can not just drop him cause his racist buddies do not care how many illegal activities he was involved in. He is black and so it is assumed all Democratic black people will support him, preventing the Dems from just cutting him loose.

He cheated the Government out of taxes. Even if he resigns the Government ( well maybe not Obama's Government) should go after him for tax fraud and evasion. Ohh wait, that is standard practice in the current Administration. What is it? 3 of Obama's appointees all cheated on their taxes and STILL got appointed?

Most transparent Government ever. And the most ethical. Yup Rangel just hoodwinked them all.
It's absolutely disgusting,

how ANYONE could be so into a Double Standard, in this day.

And what does it say for the demoRATS? They're practicing reverse racism here, aren't they? But NONE of them sees it. They CANNOT put themselves in the Other Guy's Moccasins, not even for a second, to THINK about the message they're sending:

Incompetent? WE WANT YOU!

A liar? Cheater? Piece of pig shit? COME ON DOWN!

And if you're a MINORITY??? WE'll kiss that ass, polish it up, and give you Free Reign to MOON the entire country!

Imagine that.

Power corrupting a long time politician.


Who ever heard of such thing?

What's the world coming to?

tsk tsk
Imagine that.

Power corrupting a long time politician.


Who ever heard of such thing?

What's the world coming to?

tsk tsk

Yes, amazing since we have several things to be put into prospective. Even for you as you attempt to deflect and in a sideways manner defend the Democrats.

We have the real history of EXACTLY how the Democrats approach this issue when the problem is a Republican. And I say Jolly HO, the Republicans should respond exactly in the same manner.

We have a HISTORY of how Democrats and Republicans in these positions respond. Historically when caught Republicans tend to resign in shame, Historically Democrats protect each other, lie, denounce the accusations and demand their day in court. All in the hopes the situation will simply go away.

We have a President in Office that ANNOUNCED to all his would be the most transparent and ethical Government yet. And while he has no say over who gets elected, he is the nominal head of his party. And Rangel has been around HOW long? There is absolutely no way or any chance, that the leadership of the Democrats did not KNOW of his unethical practices and his illegal activities. That means either Obama knew or he is just to stupid to be in charge.

And while corruption goes with the game, pretending that when a Democrat is caught we should all just understand it is how the game works and do nothing about it, is a bit ignorant even for you to suggest.

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