Rape By Rich and Famous Is Very Common


VIP Member
May 16, 2011
I saw congregation of dignitaries and celebrities busy raping decent women, although they are surrounded by willing prostitutes. Among the group of lowlifes were celebrities that I recognized, and some of whom I even admired.

Why would the rich and famous risk everything by raping a woman?

Unlike a man, a woman is born naturally strong (until falsely indoctrinated), and the ego-driven male is very intimidated by a woman of strength. Instead of allying with and profiting from the natural strength of a woman, men tend to seek to abase and destroy a strong woman to the extent of destroying themselves.

Sex, a neural exercise, is a preferred tool men have historically used to abase women they feel threatened by or cannot easily get. You will note that even the Bible calls a virgin an UNHUMBLED woman - Deuteronomy 22:29.

While marriage, sex and procreation are okay norms of human society, be however informed these were not the primary plan of God for human: While God created the beast of the field, sea and air, male and female in pairs, Eve was not created together with Adam - Genesis chapters 1 and 2. Biblical scholars (and I) often explain this was because God wanted Adam to learn responsibility. I however think Eve was later created in order to restore Adam's sanity and prevent the spread of monsters the result of sexual intercourse between Adam and beasts.

God did not and does not need man or woman to populate His World - Genesis 6 and Job 1:6. Sex is but a neural exercise, and pregnancy a side-effect.

Guys: If a woman fascinates you and is not interested in you, or your neural exercise must be via sex, get a wife or seek a willing woman. Or better yet, you can merely befriend her and profit from her strength: Focusing on abasing a woman of strength will only result in your destruction. And, contrary to Dennis Prager, assertive real men do not force themselves upon women.

Ladies: You must report rape, and then seek medical attention as soon as possible. Each day you remain silent, you empower your rapist and subject other people to rape by your rapist. And unless your rape was entrapment or you like your rapist, you should never reward a rapist with an offspring! Meanwhile, if you can severely injure or kill your rapist, do so by all means.

More by L'Afrique - L Afrique on Twitter Sad how some ppl gain prominence don t learn there are certain things they shouldn t dare https t.co aXY5Moah9O 1of Rape RapeByFamous

(I always travel in my dreams, often surprising certain villains. Attempt to silence me by villains have at times crossed the supernatural realm into the natural/physical realm. I am a dreamer, and I love dreams.)
I saw congregation of dignitaries and celebrities busy raping decent women, although they are surrounded by willing prostitutes. Among the group of lowlifes were celebrities that I recognized, and some of whom I even admired.

Why would the rich and famous risk everything by raping a woman?

Unlike a man, a woman is born naturally strong (until falsely indoctrinated), and the ego-driven male is very intimidated by a woman of strength. Instead of allying with and profiting from the natural strength of a woman, men tend to seek to abase and destroy a strong woman to the extent of destroying themselves.

Sex, a neural exercise, is a preferred tool men have historically used to abase women they feel threatened by or cannot easily get. You will note that even the Bible calls a virgin an UNHUMBLED woman - Deuteronomy 22:29.

While marriage, sex and procreation are okay norms of human society, be however informed these were not the primary plan of God for human: While God created the beast of the field, sea and air, male and female in pairs, Eve was not created together with Adam - Genesis chapters 1 and 2. Biblical scholars (and I) often explain this was because God wanted Adam to learn responsibility. I however think Eve was later created in order to restore Adam's sanity and prevent the spread of monsters the result of sexual intercourse between Adam and beasts.

God did not and does not need man or woman to populate His World - Genesis 6 and Job 1:6. Sex is but a neural exercise, and pregnancy a side-effect.

Guys: If a woman fascinates you and is not interested in you, or your neural exercise must be via sex, get a wife or seek a willing woman. Or better yet, you can merely befriend her and profit from her strength: Focusing on abasing a woman of strength will only result in your destruction. And, contrary to Dennis Prager, assertive real men do not force themselves upon women.

Ladies: You must report rape, and then seek medical attention as soon as possible. Each day you remain silent, you empower your rapist and subject other people to rape by your rapist. And unless your rape was entrapment or you like your rapist, you should never reward a rapist with an offspring! Meanwhile, if you can severely injure or kill your rapist, do so by all means.

More by L'Afrique - L Afrique on Twitter Sad how some ppl gain prominence don t learn there are certain things they shouldn t dare https t.co aXY5Moah9O 1of Rape RapeByFamous

(I always travel in my dreams, often surprising certain villains. Attempt to silence me by villains have at times crossed the supernatural realm into the natural/physical realm. I am a dreamer, and I love dreams.)

Hi L'Afrique
I know you mean well. if your point is to address men and women directly,
it might help to study the programs that have SUCCESSFULLY helped both men and women stop this enabling mentality.

Just telling them Do this dont do that is not enough.
The problems are deeply rooted.

You can't just tell a smoker to quit smoking, an overweight person to start exercising change diet and lose weight, etc.
Some people can but most people with REAL problems have layers and layers of conditioning to work through.

For example
A. the women who don't come forward about rape are surrounded by people who aren't sensitized or trained either how to deal with this. So all the people AROUND would also need to open up and make it a SAFE environment. It's not fair to put this all on the woman, society around them all has to change, or the pressure to remain silent is always greater.

B. Rape isn't just about a man wanting to have his way with an attractive woman.
There are all kinds of issues of abuse, coercion, demeaning and debilitating a victim.
A man in Houston just raped his sister-in-law and killed the husband and son
to get back at his wife for running off with the kids. That wasn't about sex but punishing others to make a protest statement against the wife for leaving and keeping the kids away.

The groups that have worked with men to change their mentality and conditioning about domestic or sexual abuse take A LOT more involved counseling and working closely one on one over an extended period of time to undo all that.

I don't want to discourage you, but encourage you!

Please join, participate, support and promote ALL groups that are successful in such outreach.

C. as for "rewarding a rapist with offspring"
This is making the woman AND child subjugate to the rapist as "owning them and the situation"

This is insulting and endangering to women who don't see it that way.
there are plenty of women and children out there who don't associate themselves with the rapist.

I think you are still empowering the man too much as if
the Rape defines the woman and also the child which can be equally victimizing.

I don't recommend that approach that almost sounds sexist
as if the woman is there to have the child for the man! NO.
Rape is about power, not sex. Abuse of power. It's just that simple. And local police authorities need to do a LOT better job for women who file complaints, rather than throw away rape kits.

Memphis Sued for Throwing Away 15,000 Untested Rape Kits
Memphis Sued for Throwing Away 15 000 Untested Rape Kits

Can you imagine if as many people protested in the streets
for every woman raped and killed
as they protested for Brown and Garner.

I think we'd rethink the rape culture of letting it happen because we think we can't stop it.

Rape doesn't happen by accident.
People don't do anything because they think it can't be changed.

if they are standing up to cops demanding that be changed
well they can stand up to all men and ask to screen out all violent abusers, criminals and rapists
while you're at it. The same screening out of oppressive bullies and dangerous thugs
could get rid of rapists also if they pushed that far. Why not. They're protesting against abuse,
why not hold ALL people accountable and not just protest abusive police getting away with crime.

Why not push for NO crime and NO abuse to be tolerated anywhere.
I think you are still empowering the man too much as if
the Rape defines the woman and also the child which can be equally victimizing.

I don't recommend that approach that almost sounds sexist
as if the woman is there to have the child for the man! NO.

Emily, children are properties of their father. A child is an extension of lineage of his/her father. Thus, no woman should have to reward her rapist with offspring.

If a victim reports rape and seeks immediate medical attension, there would not be need for an abortion later, since there exists the technology to halt possibility of pregnancy.

Rape is psychological murder, and encouraging a woman to carry and give birth to product of rape is not only cruel, but similar to putting nails to a coffin. If any man wants a child, he could get a wife, or find a surrogate, or seek willing woman who does not mind being a single mother.
I think you are still empowering the man too much as if
the Rape defines the woman and also the child which can be equally victimizing.

I don't recommend that approach that almost sounds sexist
as if the woman is there to have the child for the man! NO.

Emily, children are properties of their father. A child is an extension of lineage of his/her father. Thus, no woman should have to reward her rapist with offspring.

If a victim reports rape and seeks immediate medical attension, there would not be need for an abortion later, since there exists the technology to halt possibility of pregnancy.

Rape is psychological murder, and encouraging a woman to carry and give birth to product of rape is not only cruel, but similar to putting nails to a coffin. If any man wants a child, he could get a wife, or find a surrogate, or seek willing woman who does not mind being a single mother.
Dear LAfrique
Perhaps you come from a culture where the child is cntrolled by the father. I agree with you NO woman should be forced. That's NOT what I mean.

But there are women raped who DO NOT see themselves or the child that way. They are able to be independent, so in cases where a woman feels the child is hers she should be respected for that.

You and I cannot understand how this can be so. It makes no sense to us.

But when I read their stories about how they treasure their children as gifts from God they wanted and chose to have, i'm not going to take their joy away or impose my way on them! It isn't by force, and the rape is still wrong and should be stopped.

But the baby should not be punished for the sins of the father.

It is up to the mother. And if she feels the baby is hers and lobes that child that is her spiritual call.


Please read the links on choices4life.org this is all by the womans choice. It isnt forced by society or by the rapist. They chose to have and love their baby
Separate from the rape and the crime that they did not choose and will not let it define them and who they are as people.
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