Rapist Harvey Weinstein ‘tests positive for coronavirus’ as pandemic hits Rikers Island prison

It's not good to wish illness on anyone.
I don't think he got infected because it was wished upon him.....he got it because maybe Karma thought we needed a pick me up

He was infected because the correction guards passed their own sentence on him and locked him in a room with infected prisoners to deliberately infect him. You're okay with that, because as a Communists you don't believe in the rule of law. Retribution is the justice you seek. He brought shame on your party, you want him dead.
It's not good to wish illness on anyone.
I don't think he got infected because it was wished upon him.....he got it because maybe Karma thought we needed a pick me up

He was infected because the correction guards passed their own sentence on him and locked him in a room with infected prisoners to deliberately infect him. You're okay with that, because as a Communists you don't believe in the rule of law. Retribution is the justice you seek. He brought shame on your party, you want him dead.
First of all...I am not a communist...

Second of all.....I would like to see that link that proves prison guards locked him in a room with infected prisoners...

But seeing as tho I am sure you can't prove what you claim -- I am going to think that you are willing to lie and make yourself look stupid in defense of a predatory pervert......enjoy

Not really, I don't wish sickness upon anyone. As far as Weinstein being a "Rapist", I'm not convinced. After all, our former autocrat, B. Hussein O, sent his own teenage daughters to perform intern duties for Weinstein. Why would he do that if Weinstein is a pervert?
I believe Obama would just make them get an abortion. I mean he all ready stated he didn't want them to be burdened with a child. Anyway Weinstein gave democrats millions and I do believe, especially after what they are pulling off with the virus. Any Democrat would sacrifice their children, for power.

Black-hearted, rotten-souled Leftists are always wishing death, disease and disaster on people.

They know it's wrong, deep down, so they project onto everyone else.

They really don't understand, nor can they, when we tell them we don't think this way.
On other threads you want to infect your neighbours.You are a crazy woman.

Quote where I said that, liar.
I can't go to work. I can't go to any restaurant or bar. Soon, I will be told I can't go anywhere outside my house except for Z or Y

That's pretty restrictive. Of course, it's for my "safety", you understand.

What is the logical outcome of such selfish behaviour ?

Um a depression Tommy. An economic depression. Can you understand that? Do i need to draw pictures for you
You want to endanger your neighbours because you are selfish.

You want to take away people's livelihoods because you are selfish.

We can do this all day
Liberals didn't care about the health of people under Obama's epidemic. Because they didn't want anything to effect the economy.
First of all...I am not a communist...


Da Comrade, GLORIOUS peoples democratic party is not communist... much

Second of all.....I would like to see that link that proves prison guards locked him in a room with infected prisoners...

But seeing as tho I am sure you can't prove what you claim -- I am going to think that you are willing to lie and make yourself look stupid in defense of a predatory pervert......enjoy


No comrade, I won't prove it, it's just REALLY obvious.
I wonder if they are going to release him from prison since they are releasing murders during this pandemic.


Black-hearted, rotten-souled Leftists are always wishing death, disease and disaster on people.

They know it's wrong, deep down, so they project onto everyone else.

They really don't understand, nor can they, when we tell them we don't think this way.
On other threads you want to infect your neighbours.You are a crazy woman.
Says the "guy" cheering Johnson getting the virus

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