Rashida Talib want auto insurance companies to not be allowed to check credit scores

bullshit the car insurance companies are in cahoots with the government,
Nah, that's freakish conspiracy nonsense to which no mind should be paid. Actuarial science decides insurance rates, and underwriters decide whobgets insurance. And actuarial science shows that lower auto insurance report scores correlate well with increases risk. That's simply a mathematical fact. Whether or not it is a fact is quite independent of whether or not you like it.

Science my ass fuck head, they are in CAHOOTS with the government, my car insurance should be $5 bucks every 6 months since I have not had a ticket or claim in 30 years.

You know. in some states, you don't have to have car insurance if you post a bond to indemnify yourself against claims against you.

yea if you are rich, let me guess you are a rich guy who wants people to pay for you to have lower car insurance? Wisconsin was the last state

No, Hawaii was the last state! :)
Defending insurance companies . Is there no evil company/industry that conservatives won’t back?
Whoah there, put on the brakes. Contrary to what people may think, insurance companies actually make an effort for fairness. If they don't, their profits suffer. Because their competitirs will make this effort, and the better qualified customers will get better rates elsewhere. It's just not so cut and dry as you seem to think.

bullshit the car insurance companies are in cahoots with the government, they are the ones who got passed mandatory insurance, God damn if a poor persons car breakdown and he cancels his insurance, they will jack up his rates when he gets insurance again.

all they want is MONEY

Try editing that post so it appears to be English.

what you cant comprehend it fuck face?

You write like a third grader! Grow up, dumbass!

and your a fucking dumb ass, Once again the car insurance company's are in CAHOOTS with the government, you don't want to admit its one huge scam.
Defending insurance companies . Is there no evil company/industry that conservatives won’t back?
Whoah there, put on the brakes. Contrary to what people may think, insurance companies actually make an effort for fairness. If they don't, their profits suffer. Because their competitirs will make this effort, and the better qualified customers will get better rates elsewhere. It's just not so cut and dry as you seem to think.

bullshit the car insurance companies are in cahoots with the government, they are the ones who got passed mandatory insurance, God damn if a poor persons car breakdown and he cancels his insurance, they will jack up his rates when he gets insurance again.

all they want is MONEY

Try editing that post so it appears to be English.

what you cant comprehend it fuck face?

You write like a third grader! Grow up, dumbass!

You have knowledge like a fuck face, and lie like a little bitch, you grow up and tell the truth.

The car insurance is a fucking scam to subsidize poor crappy ass drivers like you.
bullshit the car insurance companies are in cahoots with the government,
Nah, that's freakish conspiracy nonsense to which no mind should be paid. Actuarial science decides insurance rates, and underwriters decide whobgets insurance. And actuarial science shows that lower auto insurance report scores correlate well with increases risk. That's simply a mathematical fact. Whether or not it is a fact is quite independent of whether or not you like it.

Science my ass fuck head, they are in CAHOOTS with the government, my car insurance should be $5 bucks every 6 months since I have not had a ticket or claim in 30 years.

You know. in some states, you don't have to have car insurance if you post a bond to indemnify yourself against claims against you.

yea if you are rich, let me guess you are a rich guy who wants people to pay for you to have lower car insurance? Wisconsin was the last state

No, Hawaii was the last state! :)

Insurance laws apply to Corporations as well as to individuals.

If a big Company like UPS, who has THOUSANDS of trucks on the road in every State on every day, wants to post a multi-million dollar bond with the State and Self-Insure, so what?

Unless it's changed, you could post a 25,000 dollar bond in Florida and still get your tags.

Like I said, 3rd Graders, meet Relativity
Whoah there, put on the brakes. Contrary to what people may think, insurance companies actually make an effort for fairness. If they don't, their profits suffer. Because their competitirs will make this effort, and the better qualified customers will get better rates elsewhere. It's just not so cut and dry as you seem to think.

bullshit the car insurance companies are in cahoots with the government, they are the ones who got passed mandatory insurance, God damn if a poor persons car breakdown and he cancels his insurance, they will jack up his rates when he gets insurance again.

all they want is MONEY

Try editing that post so it appears to be English.

what you cant comprehend it fuck face?

You write like a third grader! Grow up, dumbass!

You have knowledge like a fuck face, and lie like a little bitch, you grow up and tell the truth.

The car insurance is a fucking scam to subsidize poor crappy ass drivers like you.
That's retarded. Risk management is a smart thing to do.
Once again the car insurance company's are in CAHOOTS with the government
While that may or may not be true,it has no bearing on the mathematical fact of inverse correlation of auto insurance score with risk.

bullshit, I know people who dropped their car insurance for a few years and cant get main stream coverage now and they have great driving records, its because they have not continued to pay every month to the car insurance companies.
I know people who dropped their car insurance for a few years and cant get main stream coverage now and they have great driving records
Because the statistics over the whole show they are high risk. The numbers show it. And you should just admit that you know less than nothing about that and admit that,oh just maybe, your colon is not a reliable source of analysis of complicated mathematical models.
bullshit, I know people who dropped their car insurance for a few years and cant get main stream coverage now and they have great driving records, its because they have not continued to pay every month to the car insurance companies.

No, it's because we don't know where they've been for the last few years and whether they've forgotten how to drive.

I had a lady come in to my Office one time from New Yawk who had just bought a new car around the corner. Not a typical New Yawker -- Class. Real class and with real money.

I had to put her in a more expensive group due to a lack of prior insurance but she really didn't care. Loaded with money and even our more expensive group was half what New Yawk was going for.

Anyway, she picked up the car and started to drive it home. Got about a mile and hit some poor lady. Nobody hurt. Cool, Cops come give her a ticket and send her on her way. While she was leaving, she hit the Cop Car.

The Cop took her license. She got it back a few days later and went over to our drive-in claims and proceeded to drive into our Claims Adjuster's car.

We cancelled her that day.

The cut-off date is usually 30 days. If you go without insurance (Auto) for over 30 days, you get treated like you never had any. They want to see continuous coverage.

I don't necessarily agree with that arbitrary number. But to get into a preferred Group, you need to be squeaky clean. Otherwise, you get put into a more expensive group. Where you belong.
Insurance laws apply to Corporations as well as to individuals.

If a big Company like UPS, who has THOUSANDS of trucks on the road in every State on every day, wants to post a multi-million dollar bond with the State and Self-Insure, so what?

Unless it's changed, you could post a 25,000 dollar bond in Florida and still get your tags.

Like I said, 3rd Graders, meet Relativity

When I was a young man, they gave me a company car a few times to take trip for a outfit not as big as UPS, and the financial responsibility card in the glove box indicated "self insured". That's probably pretty common throughout the country
The cut-off date is usually 30 days. If you go without insurance (Auto) for over 30 days, you get treated like you never had any. They want to see continuous coverage.

I don't necessarily agree with that arbitrary number.
Nor would all people agree with any arbitrary number. But a number must be chosen, because analysis-based premiums must exist and the books must balance.

So people need to understand that this isn't an ethical or moral decision. It's mathematics and capitalism. Algorithms have no conscience or morals. Neither does capitalism.
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I dunno. I can see where there could be a statistical correlation showing it more likely that a person with little unencumbered credit would be more likely to file a claim than one with more unencumbered credit. But we're all talking logical assumptions. And I don't doubt in the insurance companies claim that some aspects of a credit report have a statistical probability.

But I wonder if its true that in Kan something in a credit report can weigh more than a moving violation.
How a Credit Score Affects Your Car Insurance - Consumer Reports

Still, I'd hope the House of Reps has better things to do, when it's far more easy for voters to correct what insurors do via electing a state insurance regulator/commissioner.
I can see where there could be a statistical correlation showing it more likely that a person with little unencumbered credit would be more likely to file a claim than one with more unencumbered credit. But we're all talking logical assumptions.
no, i am speaking from experience and knowledge of actuarial science. These aren't guesses or simple arguments that "feel right". These are robust statistical correlations based on mountains of data and mathematical analysis.
I can see where there could be a statistical correlation showing it more likely that a person with little unencumbered credit would be more likely to file a claim than one with more unencumbered credit. But we're all talking logical assumptions.
no, i am speaking from experience and knowledge of actuarial science. These aren't guesses or simple arguments that "feel right". These are robust statistical correlations based on mountains of data and mathematical analysis.

The average person thinks insurance companies underwrite individuals. Unfortunately, that's just not true.

They underwrite classes. It is, in fact, illegal to underwrite individuals. Everyone in the same group must be treated equally. Everyone that meets the same criteria must be treated the same.

Technically, what they actually do is use credit to make exceptions. Nobody's perfect. A few are close. I had people with HORRIBLE credit get approved for our best company. And a LOT of people with perfect credit get turned down.

Anyway, they underwrite what I call "Masses of Classes".

An Agent might get on the phone with an Underwriter and duke it out over an individual (usually to no avail) but what they're doing is making sure everybody is treated equally badly.

Anyway, Insurance talk is more effective than Ambien so I think we're about done here. :)
I can see where there could be a statistical correlation showing it more likely that a person with little unencumbered credit would be more likely to file a claim than one with more unencumbered credit. But we're all talking logical assumptions.
no, i am speaking from experience and knowledge of actuarial science. These aren't guesses or simple arguments that "feel right". These are robust statistical correlations based on mountains of data and mathematical analysis.
Well no you're actually not applying statistics or actuarial science.
You posted "Hmm, no, not completely. The most compelling point she has on her side is that sometimes people's credit can suffer from circumstances not under their control. You could look at two people with $10,000 of 'maxed out' revolving lines. One may be an irresponsible borrower with shaky job history and poor self control. The other may be someone who had a child with a significant medical event, who then maxed out their credit lines on hotel and travel and food while taking unpaid leave from work, and who has a plan in place to pay down their debt. But both will get the same score and rate, all else being equal."

Undoubtedly its true that two people with similar credit scores may not present the same risk of filing a claim. But no one argued that that is actually what insurors do. Rather, it appears that insuors vary between states. Moreover you seem to assert that a person with a maxed out credit line because of a health issue and a plan to repair credit is no more risk than a person with no maxed out credit. That assumption is without any proof and based on assumption

I agree with her on this. It's completely irrelevant. Several years back I had fallen into some excessive debt due to some circumstances out of my control and when my home insurance was due to renew they wanted to raise my rates because my "insurance score" had dropped due to my credit score lowering because of the added debt. This was despite the fact I had never made a claim nor was late on a payment. I argued with them back and forth and ultimately cancelled my policy with them and went with someone else who gave me a better rate. They use it as an excuse to rape you of more money.

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