Rasmussen New Poll out Today

Why would "we" look at polling at all?

Why would you look to only Rasmussen and only when their polls tell you what you want to hear? That's what the wingnuts do. DId you make this point then? No? Gee, I wonder why.

Since I'm fully qualified to commit statistics myself and I KNOW that most of the polling practices are antiquated and inaccurate -- I CHOOSE to use the NEWER methods where the RULES of selecting "representative samples" aren't constantly violated..

I know there's some big tech words in there.. But in short -- I pretty much ignore any polling that uses "cold calling" anymore... Not telling anyone what to do.. But SCIENTIFICALLY and mathematically, most political now is about as accurate as your horoscope... In fact, your horoscope is probably MORE accurate because it's just general crap that STATISTICALLY APPLIES to most anyone...

Right, besides that load of horse shit you just laid that didn't really say anyting, let me tell you what the purpose of this thread is about.

The wingnuts push the Rasmussen poll whenever the president is above 50% and ignores it any other time. I thought I'd just remind them where their favorite pollster is now.

For being 'fully qualified' you sure are dense.

Well you just qualified to be picked on.. LOL...

So by YOUR logic, if a poll is NOT in your favor because it's CRAP -- it's suddenly NOT CRAP when it is in your favor.. THAT is really your topic here.. And I'm not the dense one that can't learn or read above the 8th grade level....

So as he says, his "purpose" of this thread is what the black ops people called a "Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt" campaign. Propaganda aimed at demoralizing the enemy..which in this case is America.

Got to tell you, this thread is only slightly more effective at Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt campaigns than the sum total of those 13 Russian trolls in 2016.....

I'm simply demonstrating confirmation bias among the wingnuts. I have no idea how accurate this poll is and I'm not the only one keeping it alive.

IDC who the next POTUS is. I only care about getting this crisis behind us that has hurt so many people. Stock market is down heavily...who do you think this benefits as it allows them to buy stocks on the cheap? China anyone? Start the virus and benefit most from it. Hopefully the next President learns from this.

Then no need to be here, right?
There is a need.

Ok, whatever works for you

Why do you feel the need to vilify people during the time of crisis? You're that kind of person eh? Poll says you're a dink.

I'm not vilifying, I'm pointing out the hypocrisy of using the Rasmussen poll only when it tells you what you want to hear. Kind of like saying 'm vilifying others and then ignoring every other thing said in this thread.
Why would you look to only Rasmussen and only when their polls tell you what you want to hear? That's what the wingnuts do. DId you make this point then? No? Gee, I wonder why.

Since I'm fully qualified to commit statistics myself and I KNOW that most of the polling practices are antiquated and inaccurate -- I CHOOSE to use the NEWER methods where the RULES of selecting "representative samples" aren't constantly violated..

I know there's some big tech words in there.. But in short -- I pretty much ignore any polling that uses "cold calling" anymore... Not telling anyone what to do.. But SCIENTIFICALLY and mathematically, most political now is about as accurate as your horoscope... In fact, your horoscope is probably MORE accurate because it's just general crap that STATISTICALLY APPLIES to most anyone...

Right, besides that load of horse shit you just laid that didn't really say anyting, let me tell you what the purpose of this thread is about.

The wingnuts push the Rasmussen poll whenever the president is above 50% and ignores it any other time. I thought I'd just remind them where their favorite pollster is now.

For being 'fully qualified' you sure are dense.

Well you just qualified to be picked on.. LOL...

So by YOUR logic, if a poll is NOT in your favor because it's CRAP -- it's suddenly NOT CRAP when it is in your favor.. THAT is really your topic here.. And I'm not the dense one that can't learn or read above the 8th grade level....

So as he says, his "purpose" of this thread is what the black ops people called a "Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt" campaign. Propaganda aimed at demoralizing the enemy..which in this case is America.

Got to tell you, this thread is only slightly more effective at Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt campaigns than the sum total of those 13 Russian trolls in 2016.....


You guys are nuts. There is nothing fearful in this thread, just don't be hypocrites and use Rasmussen only when it tells you what you want to hear and then when it doesn't and it's pointed out to you don't start an all out assault on how all polling is wrong or it's too early or whatever it is you guys didn't say when conservatives post polls. Simple as that.
Suddenly Rasmussen becomes a credible source for you?

No, I still don't consider Rasmussen to be credible, you guys do so I just wanted to update you on their latest.

You should ignore MOST polls today.. They are gone with the rotary phone.... There is a NEW breed of polling that had ADAPTED to the way people live today... Companies like "Survey Monkey" VET a whole mountain of people and continue to poll THEM and revise their accumulated responses... THIS is far more accurate sampling because more is KNOWN about the respondents..

The LOYAL party whackos are now a minority... The folks who CLAIM party allegiance are now outnumbered by the ones that dont... Gets harder to FIND true Dems or Repubs and most of the older polling outfits simply PUSH people into one one barrel or another...

And "phones" are more complicated.. 1/2 the folks in Hillbilly Hollywood have cell numbers OUTSIDE this zipcode...

I know I just completely wasted 4 minutes of my time replying to you...:happy-1: But I hope you pause long enough to REALIZE why so many folks are telling you the "polls" are crap... It's because they are.... Until ALL the polling giants wake up to the 21st century at least....

I didn't pick Rasmussen, the wingnuts who keep promoting the poll but only when Trump is above 50% did, so talk to them. SurveyMonkey on the other hand doesn't exactly have a great reputation.

Pollster Ratings

Grade: D-

What you should do is look at a multitude of polling, not just pick out your favorites, dingbat.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

You are so gullible and naive, it's hard to make fun of you... Nat Silver founder of 538 is a former columnist for the "Daily Kos"... 538's largest claim to fame is predicting all 50 states in the 2012 election.. An election that was never REALLY in doubt.. His statistics successes are mainly in predicting baseball games..

It's Nate Silver and he was not a 'columnist' at the Daily Kos.

Search Daily Kos []

He also looks at past performances of polling companies and SurveyMonkey isn't that great.

Love your innocence... HATE that you are helpless to learn anything... Or have original thinking going on in there...

Still not sure what this has to do with the point of this thread. I'm calling out the idiots who use Rasmussen and only when he's over 50% in the polls and ignore everyone else. Then again you're not too bright as you seem to agree they are helpless and naive since you can't even realize you're validating my point. :21:

Nate Silver had a permanent blog page at the Daily Kos for years.. Did some very non scientific polls for the Daily Kos while he was there...

I'm not validating your point.. Your "point" is complete failure of logic and reason... You're projecting how much "conservatards" depend on Rasmussen, when it's YOU that runs to Rassmussen any time the results are in YOUR favor...

And I remembered something else about 538 and Nat Silver since this afternoon.. You remember those daily projections in the NY Times about how Trump had less than a 7 to 14% of winning right up to election day???

The NYT CHERRY picked some of most partisan polling agencies to THRILL their readers with those numbers... NOTE - they did NOT include the MAJOR pollers like Rasmussen.. They picked the ones that told the story they wanted to hear... ONE of the seven or so they used was Nat Silver and 538.... Days before the election, he was giving Trump a 14% chance of winning...

So when I waste my time telling you why almost ALL polling sucks -- and like a mental midget you run to Google and find Nat Silver to SMEAR Survey Monkey -- it's just great to see you squirm...

Nat Silver is OLD school "baseball style" statistics.. DOesn't have the background to pick state and local "representative samples" and OF COURSE he's gonna resist 21st Century polling science...
You lie and slander every day Child of Hell.

Repent or face eternal damnation.

Even Jesus F'n Christ is rolling his eyes right now.
At you. Yet, he'd still accept you if you repented of your Evil ways, and threw yourself upon His mercies.

If there was a heaven and if was full of people like you, wouldn't that make hell redundant?
No, because there is a difference between a repentant and saved by Grace sinner, and an Unrepentant Rebellious Sinner. God purges sin from the repentant sinner and they become sinless and perfect, but The Unrepentant and Unwilling He has to dispose of like Yesterday's Garbage and He throws them in Hell. That's where you are going if you don't change.

Right, so when did god boot lying from the sin list? Because you do that a lot.

Jesus Christ, get a grip.
No, I still don't consider Rasmussen to be credible, you guys do so I just wanted to update you on their latest.

You should ignore MOST polls today.. They are gone with the rotary phone.... There is a NEW breed of polling that had ADAPTED to the way people live today... Companies like "Survey Monkey" VET a whole mountain of people and continue to poll THEM and revise their accumulated responses... THIS is far more accurate sampling because more is KNOWN about the respondents..

The LOYAL party whackos are now a minority... The folks who CLAIM party allegiance are now outnumbered by the ones that dont... Gets harder to FIND true Dems or Repubs and most of the older polling outfits simply PUSH people into one one barrel or another...

And "phones" are more complicated.. 1/2 the folks in Hillbilly Hollywood have cell numbers OUTSIDE this zipcode...

I know I just completely wasted 4 minutes of my time replying to you...:happy-1: But I hope you pause long enough to REALIZE why so many folks are telling you the "polls" are crap... It's because they are.... Until ALL the polling giants wake up to the 21st century at least....

I didn't pick Rasmussen, the wingnuts who keep promoting the poll but only when Trump is above 50% did, so talk to them. SurveyMonkey on the other hand doesn't exactly have a great reputation.

Pollster Ratings

Grade: D-

What you should do is look at a multitude of polling, not just pick out your favorites, dingbat.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

You are so gullible and naive, it's hard to make fun of you... Nat Silver founder of 538 is a former columnist for the "Daily Kos"... 538's largest claim to fame is predicting all 50 states in the 2012 election.. An election that was never REALLY in doubt.. His statistics successes are mainly in predicting baseball games..

It's Nate Silver and he was not a 'columnist' at the Daily Kos.

Search Daily Kos []

He also looks at past performances of polling companies and SurveyMonkey isn't that great.

Love your innocence... HATE that you are helpless to learn anything... Or have original thinking going on in there...

Still not sure what this has to do with the point of this thread. I'm calling out the idiots who use Rasmussen and only when he's over 50% in the polls and ignore everyone else. Then again you're not too bright as you seem to agree they are helpless and naive since you can't even realize you're validating my point. :21:

Nate Silver had a permanent blog page at the Daily Kos for years.. Did some very non scientific polls for the Daily Kos while he was there...

Sure it wasn't the NY Times? It's irrelevant anyway.

I'm not validating your point.. Your "point" is complete failure of logic and reason... You're projecting how much "conservatards" depend on Rasmussen, when it's YOU that runs to Rassmussen any time the results are in YOUR favor...

No, I think you can throw Rasmussen in the trash regardless of their result. I trust there polling now just as much as I trust it when they show Trump over 50%. In other words I don't endorse them at all. I just wanted to watch the hypocrisy in action and boy, you dopes don't disappoint.

And I remembered something else about 538 and Nat Silver since this afternoon.. You remember those daily projections in the NY Times about how Trump had less than a 7 to 14% of winning right up to election day???

The NYT CHERRY picked some of most partisan polling agencies to THRILL their readers with those numbers... NOTE - they did NOT include the MAJOR pollers like Rasmussen.. They picked the ones that told the story they wanted to hear... ONE of the seven or so they used was Nat Silver and 538.... Days before the election, he was giving Trump a 14% chance of winning...

I think we've learned that prediction models are shit. 538 also included Rasmussen in it's prediction model as well, not just so called liberal pollsters.

So when I waste my time telling you why almost ALL polling sucks -- and like a mental midget you run to Google and find Nat Silver to SMEAR Survey Monkey -- it's just great to see you squirm...

Oh, I get it. "Almost ALL polling sucks" unless you agree with it. It's not so much about smearing Survey Monkey as they just aren't reliable.

Nat Silver is OLD school "baseball style" statistics.. DOesn't have the background to pick state and local "representative samples" and OF COURSE he's gonna resist 21st Century polling science...

Ok. What did this have to do with chery picking Rasmussen polling anyway?
As Donald Trump's media appearances demonstrate to the public how inept he is the approval rating is diving.

Donald Trump continually touted the rise of share prices as his prime quality. Now shares have fallen to pre-2017 levels. Shares have not risen during Trump's tenure and may fall even further as bankruptcies set in.

So far Donald Trump is blubbering and blithering. Will he burst into tears in public?

Is Trump Organization crashing?

Trump's Job Approval Rating Slips to 44%

Just 5 more years to go!

Especially when he has "no path to the White House!"
No, I think you can throw Rasmussen in the trash regardless of their result. I trust there polling now just as much as I trust it when they show Trump over 50%. In other words I don't endorse them at all. I just wanted to watch the hypocrisy in action and boy, you dopes don't disappoint.

If you actually LISTENED, when I explained WHY most INFORMED folks KNOW the polls are junk, you wouldn't be making all these excuses... But you got out the shovel instead of opening your mind to LEARNING why the polling companies are failing and started to :dig: yourself a deeper hole hitting on what I said by googling Nat Silver and 538..

It's a waste of time EVERY time with you... I can fix my end of that.. But seriously, message boards don't do a THING for your level of understanding... It's a complete waste of time for you.... :uhoh3:
IDC who the next POTUS is. I only care about getting this crisis behind us that has hurt so many people. Stock market is down heavily...who do you think this benefits as it allows them to buy stocks on the cheap? China anyone? Start the virus and benefit most from it. Hopefully the next President learns from this.

Then no need to be here, right?
There is a need.

Ok, whatever works for you

Why do you feel the need to vilify people during the time of crisis? You're that kind of person eh? Poll says you're a dink.

I'm not vilifying, I'm pointing out the hypocrisy of using the Rasmussen poll only when it tells you what you want to hear. Kind of like saying 'm vilifying others and then ignoring every other thing said in this thread.
Who gives a f@ck? The world is imploding and you’re worried about some poll. Dumbassery 101.
As Donald Trump's media appearances demonstrate to the public how inept he is the approval rating is diving.

Donald Trump continually touted the rise of share prices as his prime quality. Now shares have fallen to pre-2017 levels. Shares have not risen during Trump's tenure and may fall even further as bankruptcies set in.

So far Donald Trump is blubbering and blithering. Will he burst into tears in public?

Is Trump Organization crashing?

Trump's Job Approval Rating Slips to 44%


President Trump
Now, Remember when Bush's approval shot up to 80 something per-cent after 9/11?
Trump is in a similar scenario where all of a sudden, our lives have stopped and we are all back in first gear.
The Corona Virus dilemma should eventually taper off as we head into late summer.
And most normal Americans with an IQ over 42 will re-elect Trump for saving the USA !!!!
:dance: :dance: :dance:
You should ignore MOST polls today.. They are gone with the rotary phone.... There is a NEW breed of polling that had ADAPTED to the way people live today... Companies like "Survey Monkey" VET a whole mountain of people and continue to poll THEM and revise their accumulated responses... THIS is far more accurate sampling because more is KNOWN about the respondents..

The LOYAL party whackos are now a minority... The folks who CLAIM party allegiance are now outnumbered by the ones that dont... Gets harder to FIND true Dems or Repubs and most of the older polling outfits simply PUSH people into one one barrel or another...

And "phones" are more complicated.. 1/2 the folks in Hillbilly Hollywood have cell numbers OUTSIDE this zipcode...

I know I just completely wasted 4 minutes of my time replying to you...:happy-1: But I hope you pause long enough to REALIZE why so many folks are telling you the "polls" are crap... It's because they are.... Until ALL the polling giants wake up to the 21st century at least....

I didn't pick Rasmussen, the wingnuts who keep promoting the poll but only when Trump is above 50% did, so talk to them. SurveyMonkey on the other hand doesn't exactly have a great reputation.

Pollster Ratings

Grade: D-

What you should do is look at a multitude of polling, not just pick out your favorites, dingbat.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

You are so gullible and naive, it's hard to make fun of you... Nat Silver founder of 538 is a former columnist for the "Daily Kos"... 538's largest claim to fame is predicting all 50 states in the 2012 election.. An election that was never REALLY in doubt.. His statistics successes are mainly in predicting baseball games..

It's Nate Silver and he was not a 'columnist' at the Daily Kos.

Search Daily Kos []

He also looks at past performances of polling companies and SurveyMonkey isn't that great.

Love your innocence... HATE that you are helpless to learn anything... Or have original thinking going on in there...

Still not sure what this has to do with the point of this thread. I'm calling out the idiots who use Rasmussen and only when he's over 50% in the polls and ignore everyone else. Then again you're not too bright as you seem to agree they are helpless and naive since you can't even realize you're validating my point. :21:

Nate Silver had a permanent blog page at the Daily Kos for years.. Did some very non scientific polls for the Daily Kos while he was there...

Sure it wasn't the NY Times? It's irrelevant anyway.

I'm not validating your point.. Your "point" is complete failure of logic and reason... You're projecting how much "conservatards" depend on Rasmussen, when it's YOU that runs to Rassmussen any time the results are in YOUR favor...

No, I think you can throw Rasmussen in the trash regardless of their result. I trust there polling now just as much as I trust it when they show Trump over 50%. In other words I don't endorse them at all. I just wanted to watch the hypocrisy in action and boy, you dopes don't disappoint.

And I remembered something else about 538 and Nat Silver since this afternoon.. You remember those daily projections in the NY Times about how Trump had less than a 7 to 14% of winning right up to election day???

The NYT CHERRY picked some of most partisan polling agencies to THRILL their readers with those numbers... NOTE - they did NOT include the MAJOR pollers like Rasmussen.. They picked the ones that told the story they wanted to hear... ONE of the seven or so they used was Nat Silver and 538.... Days before the election, he was giving Trump a 14% chance of winning...

I think we've learned that prediction models are shit. 538 also included Rasmussen in it's prediction model as well, not just so called liberal pollsters.

So when I waste my time telling you why almost ALL polling sucks -- and like a mental midget you run to Google and find Nat Silver to SMEAR Survey Monkey -- it's just great to see you squirm...

Oh, I get it. "Almost all polling sucks" unless you agree with it. It's not so much about smearing Survey Monkey as they just aren't reliable.

Nat Silver is OLD school "baseball style" statistics.. DOesn't have the background to pick state and local "representative samples" and OF COURSE he's gonna resist 21st Century polling science...

Ok. What did this have to do with chery picking Rasmussen polling anyway?
No, I think you can throw Rasmussen in the trash regardless of their result. I trust there polling now just as much as I trust it when they show Trump over 50%. In other words I don't endorse them at all. I just wanted to watch the hypocrisy in action and boy, you dopes don't disappoint.

If you actually LISTENED, when I explained WHY most INFORMED folks KNOW the polls are junk, you wouldn't be making all these excuses... But you got out the shovel instead of opening your mind to LEARNING why the polling companies are failing and started to :dig: yourself a deeper hole hitting on what I said by googling Nat Silver and 538..

It's a waste of time EVERY time with you... I can fix my end of that.. But seriously, message boards don't do a THING for your level of understanding... It's a complete waste of time for you.... :uhoh3:

You're not addressing the thread. I'll dumb it down for you.

When Trump polls at or near 50% on Rasmussen the wingnuts post the poll results.

When a Rasmussen poll is posted that shows Trump down by seven points in a Rasmussen poll the wingnuts challenge the accuracy of polls.

It's the funniest fucking thing on this board and if you think it's a waste of time you don't need to keep pretending to miss that point. :21:
Then no need to be here, right?
There is a need.

Ok, whatever works for you

Why do you feel the need to vilify people during the time of crisis? You're that kind of person eh? Poll says you're a dink.

I'm not vilifying, I'm pointing out the hypocrisy of using the Rasmussen poll only when it tells you what you want to hear. Kind of like saying 'm vilifying others and then ignoring every other thing said in this thread.
Who gives a f@ck? The world is imploding and you’re worried about some poll. Dumbassery 101.

Yes, we told you weeks ago, dipshit.
There is a need.

Ok, whatever works for you

Why do you feel the need to vilify people during the time of crisis? You're that kind of person eh? Poll says you're a dink.

I'm not vilifying, I'm pointing out the hypocrisy of using the Rasmussen poll only when it tells you what you want to hear. Kind of like saying 'm vilifying others and then ignoring every other thing said in this thread.
Who gives a f@ck? The world is imploding and you’re worried about some poll. Dumbassery 101.

Yes, we told you weeks ago, dipshit.
Who is “we”? You’re such a terrible person.
You're not addressing the thread. I'll dumb it down for you.

When Trump polls at or near 50% on Rasmussen the wingnuts post the poll results.

Let me finish that for you...

... And when Trump polls BELOW 50% on Rasmussen --- YOU POST IT... LOL...

All that misses the point of WHY -- nobody really believes in most of this polling anymore anyways.. ESPECIALLY the "conservatards"....
Ok, whatever works for you

Why do you feel the need to vilify people during the time of crisis? You're that kind of person eh? Poll says you're a dink.

I'm not vilifying, I'm pointing out the hypocrisy of using the Rasmussen poll only when it tells you what you want to hear. Kind of like saying 'm vilifying others and then ignoring every other thing said in this thread.
Who gives a f@ck? The world is imploding and you’re worried about some poll. Dumbassery 101.

Yes, we told you weeks ago, dipshit.
Who is “we”? You’re such a terrible person.

We told you this was going to get worse while Trump was saying it's all just fine, invest in the stock market, 15 people sick? (a lie at the time) they'll be well soon, no worries.

You're world is fucked right now, get used to it and if that's consuming you right now then got to another thread where that's the topic.
Why do you feel the need to vilify people during the time of crisis? You're that kind of person eh? Poll says you're a dink.

I'm not vilifying, I'm pointing out the hypocrisy of using the Rasmussen poll only when it tells you what you want to hear. Kind of like saying 'm vilifying others and then ignoring every other thing said in this thread.
Who gives a f@ck? The world is imploding and you’re worried about some poll. Dumbassery 101.

Yes, we told you weeks ago, dipshit.
Who is “we”? You’re such a terrible person.

We told you this was going to get worse while Trump was saying it's all just fine, invest in the stock market, 15 people sick? (a lie at the time) they'll be well soon, no worries.

You're world is fucked right now, get used to it and if that's consuming you right now then got to another thread where that's the topic.
Who is “we”? Who? What are you talking about? And whose world is not torn apart now? You are immune? LOL

You’re just lying to yourself now. Dumbass. Go post some more polls. Call Trump racist again for his travel bans. Snowflake.

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