Rat World: Dystopia


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a modernism parody inspired by the Utopian films The Secret of NIMH, The City of Lost Children, and Mr. Destiny.

Signing off,



Alastair was a satisfied American bureaucrat working regular hours at an insurance company in Manhattan, New York. Alastair punched in at 9 and out at 5 and made his way to a local pub where he enjoyed about two bottles of Heineken before going home to this modest apartment and watching television and maybe reading some of his comic books before going to sleep and preparing for the next work weekday. On weekends, Alastair went fishing on Saturdays and then spent a lazy Sunday watching sports on TV after attending Morning Mass. This was Alastair's life and he never dreamed it would ever change --- even if he finally met a woman he could marry and share a life with in Manhattan!

One Friday night after work, Alastair watched the dystopian novel-adapted Don Bluth animated film The Secret of NIMH (about rebellious super-intelligent rats trying to flee the clutches of a cold civilization and a profit-minded farm from which rats might be taken to a science-lab for unnatural experiments). Alastair was touched by the thoughtful film and became interested in the book the Bluth film was based upon, so he decided to find it at the library the next week or purchase it on Amazon.com. Alastair went to sleep but during sleep, he had an incredibly outrageous 'fantasia-world' dream. In the dream, Alastair found himself to be the only human on Earth, surrounded by a planet ruled only and completely by super-intelligent rats! Alastair reasoned he was having a dream inspired by the Bluth film he just watched.

Alastair found himself wandering around Manhattan and exploring its public transportation system. He wore a large trench-coat and hat he found in the dumpster (and cloaked himself in them) and walked on his knees so he'd at least resemble a not-too-large rat (like all the other 'Earthlings'). In the subway station, Alastair observed as hundreds of rats in business-suits and ties scurried to make the train on time so they could shuffle off to work --- to Wall Street, etc. It was the most bizarre dream Alastair had ever had. Alastair awoke in his bed in a cold sweat and ran to his apartment window and stared outside. He noticed the 'normal' Saturday morning traffic and cars and cabs --- driven by humans of course! Alastair realized he had become a cliched workaholic and concluded his dream was an omen warning him he needed to break out of his bureaucratic mindlessness. Alas muttered to himself, "I've been completely arrogant about my love of V8 (vegetable juice)!"



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