Rationality Returns To The Campus???


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Well, well, well......

Is this the end of "white guilt" greasing the rails for the Liberals????

1. "White students fed up with black professor’s racial screeds, lawsuits fly

2. The politics of faux victimization are spiraling out of control at a community college in Minneapolis, Minnesota, where several white students, their black professor and irritated administrators have one-upped each other with complaints, reprimands and now a lawsuit.

3. The trouble began in English professor Shannon Gibney’s Introduction to Mass Communications class ...Though the class ostensibly has little to do with race, Gibney considers herself an activist on racial issues, and frequently invokes white privilege and oppression ....

4. ...several white students announced that they had had enough with Gibney’s incessant racial screed. They interrupted her during a lecture...

5. [English faculty Shannon Gibney received a letter of reprimand last weekend after a debate about structural racism in her Intro to Mass Communications class became too heated. This is the latest development in a string of incidences on campus regarding race,...http://citycollegenews.com/2013/11/06/city-college-air-discrimination-on-campus/]

6. Gibney invited them to file a racial harassment complaint with the college if they were so offended.
So they did.
Last week, the college reprimanded Gibney and accused of her creating a hostile work environment for white students.

7. '...Your actions in targeting select students based on their race and gender caused them embarrassment and created a hostile learning environment.”'

8. This is not the first time that Gibney’s penchant for stirring the racial pot has raised eyebrows. She was investigated by the college on two previous occasions.

9. Gibney called MCTC’s investigations into her behavior “attacks on me by white males.”

“As a vocal black female younger looking… faculty member here, unfortunately this is no (sic) the first time,” she said. “I’ve actually had multiple verbal and institutional attacks on me by white males, whether they were students, faculty, administration or staff.”

10. Gibney and six other MCTC faculty members have filed a class action lawsuit against MCTC that alleges the college is a discriminatory workplace for people of color."
White students fed up with black prof?s racial screeds, lawsuits fly | The Daily Caller

What an interesting....and healthy....turn of evens.

For far too long, college speech and political oppression has all been one way.....

...time for the market-place of ideas to be reinstituted.

This is hardly a good sign for Liberalism.
Until now, it seems that college speech codes were all in one direction....

Examples of speech codes include:

Davidson College's ban on "innuendoes," "teasing," "jokes," and "comments or inquiries about dating."
Lake Superior State University's ban on "Postings deemed offensive, sexist, vulgar, discriminatory or suggestive...."

The University of Miami's prohibition of "any words or acts ... which cause or result in physical or emotional harm to others, or which intimidate, degrade, demean, threaten, haze or otherwise interfere with another person's rightful actions or comfort."

Central Washington University's ban on "sexist statements and behavior that convey insulting, degrading, or sexist attitudes."
What Are Speech Codes? - The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education - FIRE

What a huge mistake...and infringement on one's rights, to put the "I am offended" commandment in the hands of the Left.
This is not rationality, It is the stupidity of PC from the 90's and 2000's finally being reflected back upon the originators, and now they all of a sudden don't like the game anymore.

I would rather it all go away, but a little "good for the gander" does make me chuckle.
This is not rationality, It is the stupidity of PC from the 90's and 2000's finally being reflected back upon the originators, and now they all of a sudden don't like the game anymore.

I would rather it all go away, but a little "good for the gander" does make me chuckle.

"It is the stupidity of PC from the 90's and 2000's finally being reflected back upon the originators,...."

Good point.

Now the other side is using the "offended" ploy......

..."Those who dare question whether these offended parties have actually suffered harm are shouted down by the hurt-feelings “sensitivity” industry and social media and news organizations trolling for hits."
A History of Political Correctness: 20 Years After Penn's "Water Buffalo" Incident | Philadelphia magazine
Here is an early example of the politically correct speech codes imposed by colleges:

1. "On a winter’s night 20 years ago, a freshman at the University of Pennsylvania who was working on an English paper heard a ruckus outside his dorm. A group of sorority sisters was singing, stomping and yelling, and he couldn’t concentrate.
So he shouted out the window at them: “Shut up, you water buffalo!”

2. The young man, Eden Jacobowitz, was Jewish. The women he yelled at that night were black. He was subsequently accused of violating Penn’s policy against racial harassment.

3. In the months that followed, what became known as “the Water Buffalo Incident”,.... in such forums as the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, the Times of London,Rolling Stone, the Village Voice and the New York Times, as the ultimate example of political correctness run amok. The women eventually dropped their complaint against Jacobowitz, stating that the media uproar prevented them from getting a fair hearing.

4. The international outrage over what happened to Jacobowitz should have stopped PC in its tracks. Instead, that outrage was swept aside by a rising tidal wave of people claiming offense over nonsense. In the decades since, PC has spiraled out of control, starting on college campuses and graduating into the real world, ...
A History of Political Correctness: 20 Years After Penn's "Water Buffalo" Incident | Philadelphia magazine
Well, well, well......

Is this the end of "white guilt" greasing the rails for the Liberals????

1. "White students fed up with black professor’s racial screeds, lawsuits fly

2. The politics of faux victimization are spiraling out of control at a community college in Minneapolis, Minnesota, where several white students, their black professor and irritated administrators have one-upped each other with complaints, reprimands and now a lawsuit.

3. The trouble began in English professor Shannon Gibney’s Introduction to Mass Communications class ...Though the class ostensibly has little to do with race, Gibney considers herself an activist on racial issues, and frequently invokes white privilege and oppression ....

4. ...several white students announced that they had had enough with Gibney’s incessant racial screed. They interrupted her during a lecture...

5. [English faculty Shannon Gibney received a letter of reprimand last weekend after a debate about structural racism in her Intro to Mass Communications class became too heated. This is the latest development in a string of incidences on campus regarding race,...http://citycollegenews.com/2013/11/06/city-college-air-discrimination-on-campus/]

6. Gibney invited them to file a racial harassment complaint with the college if they were so offended.
So they did.
Last week, the college reprimanded Gibney and accused of her creating a hostile work environment for white students.

7. '...Your actions in targeting select students based on their race and gender caused them embarrassment and created a hostile learning environment.”'

8. This is not the first time that Gibney’s penchant for stirring the racial pot has raised eyebrows. She was investigated by the college on two previous occasions.

9. Gibney called MCTC’s investigations into her behavior “attacks on me by white males.”

“As a vocal black female younger looking… faculty member here, unfortunately this is no (sic) the first time,” she said. “I’ve actually had multiple verbal and institutional attacks on me by white males, whether they were students, faculty, administration or staff.”

10. Gibney and six other MCTC faculty members have filed a class action lawsuit against MCTC that alleges the college is a discriminatory workplace for people of color."
White students fed up with black prof?s racial screeds, lawsuits fly | The Daily Caller

What an interesting....and healthy....turn of evens.

For far too long, college speech and political oppression has all been one way.....

...time for the market-place of ideas to be reinstituted.

This is hardly a good sign for Liberalism.

That teacher sounds like the Rambo, John J of liberal academia. She took to the training they gave her - took to it too well. Now she's gone rogue and the administration needs a Colonel Trautman to go in and bring her back before she annoys again.
Well, well, well......

Is this the end of "white guilt" greasing the rails for the Liberals????

1. "White students fed up with black professor’s racial screeds, lawsuits fly

2. The politics of faux victimization are spiraling out of control at a community college in Minneapolis, Minnesota, where several white students, their black professor and irritated administrators have one-upped each other with complaints, reprimands and now a lawsuit.

3. The trouble began in English professor Shannon Gibney’s Introduction to Mass Communications class ...Though the class ostensibly has little to do with race, Gibney considers herself an activist on racial issues, and frequently invokes white privilege and oppression ....

4. ...several white students announced that they had had enough with Gibney’s incessant racial screed. They interrupted her during a lecture...

5. [English faculty Shannon Gibney received a letter of reprimand last weekend after a debate about structural racism in her Intro to Mass Communications class became too heated. This is the latest development in a string of incidences on campus regarding race,...http://citycollegenews.com/2013/11/06/city-college-air-discrimination-on-campus/]

6. Gibney invited them to file a racial harassment complaint with the college if they were so offended.
So they did.
Last week, the college reprimanded Gibney and accused of her creating a hostile work environment for white students.

7. '...Your actions in targeting select students based on their race and gender caused them embarrassment and created a hostile learning environment.”'

8. This is not the first time that Gibney’s penchant for stirring the racial pot has raised eyebrows. She was investigated by the college on two previous occasions.

9. Gibney called MCTC’s investigations into her behavior “attacks on me by white males.”

“As a vocal black female younger looking… faculty member here, unfortunately this is no (sic) the first time,” she said. “I’ve actually had multiple verbal and institutional attacks on me by white males, whether they were students, faculty, administration or staff.”

10. Gibney and six other MCTC faculty members have filed a class action lawsuit against MCTC that alleges the college is a discriminatory workplace for people of color."
White students fed up with black prof?s racial screeds, lawsuits fly | The Daily Caller

What an interesting....and healthy....turn of evens.

For far too long, college speech and political oppression has all been one way.....

...time for the market-place of ideas to be reinstituted.

This is hardly a good sign for Liberalism.

thanks for that.

I know you don't do requests, but a thread on campus racial hoaxes would have a lot of material.
NOBODY needs to apologise for their race or gender.

Screw the racist liberals and conservatives who think otherwise.

Yes, let's face it, both teams are rife with racist and sexist morons.
NOBODY needs to apologise for their race or gender.

Screw the racist liberals and conservatives who think otherwise.

Yes, let's face it, both teams are rife with racist and sexist morons.

"Screw the racist liberals and conservatives who think otherwise."

Did you find something about racist conservatives in the article?

Would you like to post something about racist conservative professors being similar to the star in the OP?

Or is your post just one more attempt at finding some imaginary equivalence to mitigate the Liberal racism that pervades college campuses?

How about we simply face facts.
PC's OP is good. She is off track, though, if she believes that racism and gender stereo-typing is only one-sided in America. But this article uses conventionally accepted definition and terms. Good for her.

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