RCP: Clinton 200 electoral votes, Trump 164 electoral votes


(drum roll)

Connecticut from likely Clinton to leans Clinton

New Jersey from likely Clinton to leans Clinton

Colorado from leans Clinton to toss up

Missouri from toss up to leans Trump

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Election Maps - Battle for White House

Most recent polling in CT is +15 for Clinton. So you tell me, is that "leans" or "likely"? They also show Texas as "leans" Trump, despite polling showing Trump by 6 points, and, ya know, the fact that it's Texas. Would you say that Texas is merely "leaning" toward Trump, or would you say that Texas is a lock for Trump? South Carolina shows as "leans" Trump, despite +15 polling.

Maybe you should pay more attention to numbers instead of pretty colors.
I'm just reporting what RCP said.

Of course. Like I said, you are reporting pretty colors. Ignoring the actual facts and figures.

How do your facts conflict with the pretty colors ?

If you had actually read, you would already have your answer. States are being labeled as without much regard. Kentucky polls at +13 for Trump, but is labeled as a lock. Why is +13 a lock in KY, but +15 is merely "leans" in CT?
The difference between a lock and a lean at the same number is the past history of people changing their minds on election day.
Evidently in Kentucky the polls have produced fairly accurate numbers where at the same time the polls in Connecticut have been shown to swing drastically.
This is building to be a wave election. Trump will win Rust Belt because of poor trade policies that Neo Dems like Obama and Clinton supported. Trump will win RI because of Obama's liberal environment policies are killing fishermen when foreign fishermen are free to catch. Trump will win Kentucky and West Virginia because Hillary has already told the working men there that she will destroy their way of life.

(drum roll)

Connecticut from likely Clinton to leans Clinton

New Jersey from likely Clinton to leans Clinton

Colorado from leans Clinton to toss up

Missouri from toss up to leans Trump

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Election Maps - Battle for White House

Most recent polling in CT is +15 for Clinton. So you tell me, is that "leans" or "likely"? They also show Texas as "leans" Trump, despite polling showing Trump by 6 points, and, ya know, the fact that it's Texas. Would you say that Texas is merely "leaning" toward Trump, or would you say that Texas is a lock for Trump? South Carolina shows as "leans" Trump, despite +15 polling.

Maybe you should pay more attention to numbers instead of pretty colors.
I'm just reporting what RCP said.

Of course. Like I said, you are reporting pretty colors. Ignoring the actual facts and figures.
I would say, don't be an idiot, but obviously you can't help it. Are you really stupid enough to believe RCP hasn't analyzed the data beyond the numbers?

RCP Demographic Interactive Map: Methodology | RealClearPolitics

Please, enlighten us. Tell us what "beyond the numbers" indicates that Texas is anything less than a lock for Trump? What beyond the numbers indicates that South Carolina, polling at +15%, is anything less than a lock for Trump? Are you really claiming that there's some kind of invisible wisdom that reveals that these states might actually go to Clinton? :lmao: :slap:
Most recent polling in CT is +15 for Clinton. So you tell me, is that "leans" or "likely"? They also show Texas as "leans" Trump, despite polling showing Trump by 6 points, and, ya know, the fact that it's Texas. Would you say that Texas is merely "leaning" toward Trump, or would you say that Texas is a lock for Trump? South Carolina shows as "leans" Trump, despite +15 polling.

Maybe you should pay more attention to numbers instead of pretty colors.
I'm just reporting what RCP said.

Of course. Like I said, you are reporting pretty colors. Ignoring the actual facts and figures.

How do your facts conflict with the pretty colors ?

If you had actually read, you would already have your answer. States are being labeled as without much regard. Kentucky polls at +13 for Trump, but is labeled as a lock. Why is +13 a lock in KY, but +15 is merely "leans" in CT?
The difference between a lock and a lean at the same number is the past history of people changing their minds on election day.
Evidently in Kentucky the polls have produced fairly accurate numbers where at the same time the polls in Connecticut have been shown to swing drastically.

So.....Texas and South Carolina have a history of changing their mind and going blue?

(drum roll)

Connecticut from likely Clinton to leans Clinton

New Jersey from likely Clinton to leans Clinton

Colorado from leans Clinton to toss up

Missouri from toss up to leans Trump

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Election Maps - Battle for White House

Most recent polling in CT is +15 for Clinton. So you tell me, is that "leans" or "likely"? They also show Texas as "leans" Trump, despite polling showing Trump by 6 points, and, ya know, the fact that it's Texas. Would you say that Texas is merely "leaning" toward Trump, or would you say that Texas is a lock for Trump? South Carolina shows as "leans" Trump, despite +15 polling.

Maybe you should pay more attention to numbers instead of pretty colors.
I'm just reporting what RCP said.

I'm just reporting what will happen. VA, PA, and WI are in the Dem's column.

(drum roll)

Connecticut from likely Clinton to leans Clinton

New Jersey from likely Clinton to leans Clinton

Colorado from leans Clinton to toss up

Missouri from toss up to leans Trump

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Election Maps - Battle for White House

Most recent polling in CT is +15 for Clinton. So you tell me, is that "leans" or "likely"? They also show Texas as "leans" Trump, despite polling showing Trump by 6 points, and, ya know, the fact that it's Texas. Would you say that Texas is merely "leaning" toward Trump, or would you say that Texas is a lock for Trump? South Carolina shows as "leans" Trump, despite +15 polling.

Maybe you should pay more attention to numbers instead of pretty colors.
I'm just reporting what RCP said.

I'm just reporting what will happen. VA, PA, and WI are in the Dem's column.

I'm pretty sure you're right. I'm pretty sure that OH, NV, and CO will go blue. Very good chance of FL as well. The main difference is that I expect Clinton to have an actual ground game, and will probably pull a page out of Obama's playbook here. I doubt Trump has bothered to much think about that.

(drum roll)

Connecticut from likely Clinton to leans Clinton

New Jersey from likely Clinton to leans Clinton

Colorado from leans Clinton to toss up

Missouri from toss up to leans Trump

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Election Maps - Battle for White House

Most recent polling in CT is +15 for Clinton. So you tell me, is that "leans" or "likely"? They also show Texas as "leans" Trump, despite polling showing Trump by 6 points, and, ya know, the fact that it's Texas. Would you say that Texas is merely "leaning" toward Trump, or would you say that Texas is a lock for Trump? South Carolina shows as "leans" Trump, despite +15 polling.

Maybe you should pay more attention to numbers instead of pretty colors.
I'm just reporting what RCP said.

Of course. Like I said, you are reporting pretty colors. Ignoring the actual facts and figures.
I would say, don't be an idiot, but obviously you can't help it. Are you really stupid enough to believe RCP hasn't analyzed the data beyond the numbers?

RCP Demographic Interactive Map: Methodology | RealClearPolitics

Please, enlighten us. Tell us what "beyond the numbers" indicates that Texas is anything less than a lock for Trump? What beyond the numbers indicates that South Carolina, polling at +15%, is anything less than a lock for Trump? Are you really claiming that there's some kind of invisible wisdom that reveals that these states might actually go to Clinton? :lmao: :slap:
In other words you were unable to understand the article, so I'll give it to you in such simple terms even you might be able to understand it. While polls of likely voters depend on the voters giving their own history of how often they have voted in the past and how strongly they feel about this election to determine if they are likely to vote this time, RCP divides voters into groups, such as young, older, white, African American, etc., analyzes voter turnout data from past elections for these groups and then weights the votes from each group to determine how likely members of that group actually are going to vote. So a group of 100 older voters would be given more weight than a group of younger voters because older voters are more likely to show up at the polls historically. Since much of Clinton's support comes from groups which have historically had low turnout at the polls, this method will tend to lower her numbers.
Most recent polling in CT is +15 for Clinton. So you tell me, is that "leans" or "likely"? They also show Texas as "leans" Trump, despite polling showing Trump by 6 points, and, ya know, the fact that it's Texas. Would you say that Texas is merely "leaning" toward Trump, or would you say that Texas is a lock for Trump? South Carolina shows as "leans" Trump, despite +15 polling.

Maybe you should pay more attention to numbers instead of pretty colors.
I'm just reporting what RCP said.

Of course. Like I said, you are reporting pretty colors. Ignoring the actual facts and figures.
I would say, don't be an idiot, but obviously you can't help it. Are you really stupid enough to believe RCP hasn't analyzed the data beyond the numbers?

RCP Demographic Interactive Map: Methodology | RealClearPolitics

Please, enlighten us. Tell us what "beyond the numbers" indicates that Texas is anything less than a lock for Trump? What beyond the numbers indicates that South Carolina, polling at +15%, is anything less than a lock for Trump? Are you really claiming that there's some kind of invisible wisdom that reveals that these states might actually go to Clinton? :lmao: :slap:
In other words you were unable to understand the article, so I'll give it to you in such simple terms even you might be able to understand it. While polls of likely voters depend on the voters giving their own history of how often they have voted in the past and how strongly they feel about this election to determine if they are likely to vote this time, RCP divides voters into groups, such as young, older, white, African American, etc., analyzes voter turnout data from past elections for these groups and then weights the votes from each group to determine how likely members of that group actually are going to vote. So a group of 100 older voters would be given more weight than a group of younger voters because older voters are more likely to show up at the polls historically. Since much of Clinton's support comes from groups which have historically had low turnout at the polls, this method will tend to lower her numbers.

So yet again, this all makes voters in Texas and South Carolina less likely to turn out, increasing the chances that these states might go blue? :slap:

(drum roll)

Connecticut from likely Clinton to leans Clinton

New Jersey from likely Clinton to leans Clinton

Colorado from leans Clinton to toss up

Missouri from toss up to leans Trump

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Election Maps - Battle for White House

Most recent polling in CT is +15 for Clinton. So you tell me, is that "leans" or "likely"? They also show Texas as "leans" Trump, despite polling showing Trump by 6 points, and, ya know, the fact that it's Texas. Would you say that Texas is merely "leaning" toward Trump, or would you say that Texas is a lock for Trump? South Carolina shows as "leans" Trump, despite +15 polling.

Maybe you should pay more attention to numbers instead of pretty colors.
I'm just reporting what RCP said.

I'm just reporting what will happen. VA, PA, and WI are in the Dem's column.
You are reporting what will happen because you believe you are a time traveler or because you believe you are clairvoyant?
WI, VA, and PA also belong to Ms. Clinton.

Not according to RCP.

You’ll see on a Tuesday in November.
You know something RCP does not ?

No not really. RCP is a business and, like any business, they live on reputation so they are much more conservative (not the politically conservative but conservative in their predictions) than people who have no real vested interest in the outcome other than their personal preferences.

Clinton is going to win WI because of the Obama factor (it's dominated by the south which is basically suburban Chicago), VA because of the government employees and Kaine, and PA because it's is dominated by the larger cities that have historically broke blue, Biden, and college educated professionals.

They're not wrong. I'm just more correct. Sorry. Again, you will see in November.
I'm just reporting what RCP said.

Of course. Like I said, you are reporting pretty colors. Ignoring the actual facts and figures.
I would say, don't be an idiot, but obviously you can't help it. Are you really stupid enough to believe RCP hasn't analyzed the data beyond the numbers?

RCP Demographic Interactive Map: Methodology | RealClearPolitics

Please, enlighten us. Tell us what "beyond the numbers" indicates that Texas is anything less than a lock for Trump? What beyond the numbers indicates that South Carolina, polling at +15%, is anything less than a lock for Trump? Are you really claiming that there's some kind of invisible wisdom that reveals that these states might actually go to Clinton? :lmao: :slap:
In other words you were unable to understand the article, so I'll give it to you in such simple terms even you might be able to understand it. While polls of likely voters depend on the voters giving their own history of how often they have voted in the past and how strongly they feel about this election to determine if they are likely to vote this time, RCP divides voters into groups, such as young, older, white, African American, etc., analyzes voter turnout data from past elections for these groups and then weights the votes from each group to determine how likely members of that group actually are going to vote. So a group of 100 older voters would be given more weight than a group of younger voters because older voters are more likely to show up at the polls historically. Since much of Clinton's support comes from groups which have historically had low turnout at the polls, this method will tend to lower her numbers.

So yet again, this all makes voters in Texas and South Carolina less likely to turn out, increasing the chances that these states might go blue? :slap:
I'm sorry, I tried to make it simple enough for even an idiot to understand, but even that was not simple enough for you.
Of course. Like I said, you are reporting pretty colors. Ignoring the actual facts and figures.
I would say, don't be an idiot, but obviously you can't help it. Are you really stupid enough to believe RCP hasn't analyzed the data beyond the numbers?

RCP Demographic Interactive Map: Methodology | RealClearPolitics

Please, enlighten us. Tell us what "beyond the numbers" indicates that Texas is anything less than a lock for Trump? What beyond the numbers indicates that South Carolina, polling at +15%, is anything less than a lock for Trump? Are you really claiming that there's some kind of invisible wisdom that reveals that these states might actually go to Clinton? :lmao: :slap:
In other words you were unable to understand the article, so I'll give it to you in such simple terms even you might be able to understand it. While polls of likely voters depend on the voters giving their own history of how often they have voted in the past and how strongly they feel about this election to determine if they are likely to vote this time, RCP divides voters into groups, such as young, older, white, African American, etc., analyzes voter turnout data from past elections for these groups and then weights the votes from each group to determine how likely members of that group actually are going to vote. So a group of 100 older voters would be given more weight than a group of younger voters because older voters are more likely to show up at the polls historically. Since much of Clinton's support comes from groups which have historically had low turnout at the polls, this method will tend to lower her numbers.

So yet again, this all makes voters in Texas and South Carolina less likely to turn out, increasing the chances that these states might go blue? :slap:
I'm sorry, I tried to make it simple enough for even an idiot to understand, but even that was not simple enough for you.

:lol: I understand perfectly fine. The problem is that you're an idiot if you believe your bullshit holds any water. :slap:
WI, VA, and PA also belong to Ms. Clinton.

Not according to RCP.

You’ll see on a Tuesday in November.
You know something RCP does not ?

No not really. RCP is a business and, like any business, they live on reputation so they are much more conservative (not the politically conservative but conservative in their predictions) than people who have no real vested interest in the outcome other than their personal preferences.

Clinton is going to win WI because of the Obama factor (it's dominated by the south which is basically suburban Chicago), VA because of the government employees and Kaine, and PA because it's is dominated by the larger cities that have historically broke blue, Biden, and college educated professionals.

They're not wrong. I'm just more correct. Sorry. Again, you will see in November.
Clinton is not Obama. There was great enthusiasm among Obama voters, especially among younger Obama voters, but there is little to no enthusiasm among them for Clinton. This is why at her news conference today in answer to a question about how she will try to turn the momentum around, she said it all depended on getting the voters to the polls.
I would say, don't be an idiot, but obviously you can't help it. Are you really stupid enough to believe RCP hasn't analyzed the data beyond the numbers?

RCP Demographic Interactive Map: Methodology | RealClearPolitics

Please, enlighten us. Tell us what "beyond the numbers" indicates that Texas is anything less than a lock for Trump? What beyond the numbers indicates that South Carolina, polling at +15%, is anything less than a lock for Trump? Are you really claiming that there's some kind of invisible wisdom that reveals that these states might actually go to Clinton? :lmao: :slap:
In other words you were unable to understand the article, so I'll give it to you in such simple terms even you might be able to understand it. While polls of likely voters depend on the voters giving their own history of how often they have voted in the past and how strongly they feel about this election to determine if they are likely to vote this time, RCP divides voters into groups, such as young, older, white, African American, etc., analyzes voter turnout data from past elections for these groups and then weights the votes from each group to determine how likely members of that group actually are going to vote. So a group of 100 older voters would be given more weight than a group of younger voters because older voters are more likely to show up at the polls historically. Since much of Clinton's support comes from groups which have historically had low turnout at the polls, this method will tend to lower her numbers.

So yet again, this all makes voters in Texas and South Carolina less likely to turn out, increasing the chances that these states might go blue? :slap:
I'm sorry, I tried to make it simple enough for even an idiot to understand, but even that was not simple enough for you.

:lol: I understand perfectly fine. The problem is that you're an idiot if you believe your bullshit holds any water. :slap:
What you call my bullshit is a simplified version of RCP's explanation of its methodology from the link I provided you. If you did understand it, as you claim you did, just what part of it do you take issue with?

(drum roll)

Connecticut from likely Clinton to leans Clinton

New Jersey from likely Clinton to leans Clinton

Colorado from leans Clinton to toss up

Missouri from toss up to leans Trump

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Election Maps - Battle for White House

Most recent polling in CT is +15 for Clinton. So you tell me, is that "leans" or "likely"? They also show Texas as "leans" Trump, despite polling showing Trump by 6 points, and, ya know, the fact that it's Texas. Would you say that Texas is merely "leaning" toward Trump, or would you say that Texas is a lock for Trump? South Carolina shows as "leans" Trump, despite +15 polling.

Maybe you should pay more attention to numbers instead of pretty colors.
I'm just reporting what RCP said.

Of course. Like I said, you are reporting pretty colors. Ignoring the actual facts and figures.

How do your facts conflict with the pretty colors ?

If you had actually read, you would already have your answer. States are being labeled as without much regard. Kentucky polls at +13 for Trump, but is labeled as a lock. Why is +13 a lock in KY, but +15 is merely "leans" in CT?

We are talking RCPolitics ?
WI, VA, and PA also belong to Ms. Clinton.

Not according to RCP.

You’ll see on a Tuesday in November.
You know something RCP does not ?

No not really. RCP is a business and, like any business, they live on reputation so they are much more conservative (not the politically conservative but conservative in their predictions) than people who have no real vested interest in the outcome other than their personal preferences.

Clinton is going to win WI because of the Obama factor (it's dominated by the south which is basically suburban Chicago), VA because of the government employees and Kaine, and PA because it's is dominated by the larger cities that have historically broke blue, Biden, and college educated professionals.

They're not wrong. I'm just more correct. Sorry. Again, you will see in November.


Thanks for the laugh.

What happens in November will be two months away.

What is being stated is what is being seen today.

Good to know that RCP can sack all their efforts and simply call you.
Toomuchtime has finally learned to use RCP.

Notice that Red Donnie has not risen in % even though HRC has fallen several points.


People don't like him is why, even though they don't like her.

If she does well in the debates and looks healthy, she will be in good shape come December, because people hesitate to vote for the unknown, and Trump is unknown as a political leader.
I'm just reporting what RCP said.

Of course. Like I said, you are reporting pretty colors. Ignoring the actual facts and figures.

How do your facts conflict with the pretty colors ?

If you had actually read, you would already have your answer. States are being labeled as without much regard. Kentucky polls at +13 for Trump, but is labeled as a lock. Why is +13 a lock in KY, but +15 is merely "leans" in CT?
The difference between a lock and a lean at the same number is the past history of people changing their minds on election day.
Evidently in Kentucky the polls have produced fairly accurate numbers where at the same time the polls in Connecticut have been shown to swing drastically.

So.....Texas and South Carolina have a history of changing their mind and going blue?
not what I said
Of course. Like I said, you are reporting pretty colors. Ignoring the actual facts and figures.

How do your facts conflict with the pretty colors ?

If you had actually read, you would already have your answer. States are being labeled as without much regard. Kentucky polls at +13 for Trump, but is labeled as a lock. Why is +13 a lock in KY, but +15 is merely "leans" in CT?
The difference between a lock and a lean at the same number is the past history of people changing their minds on election day.
Evidently in Kentucky the polls have produced fairly accurate numbers where at the same time the polls in Connecticut have been shown to swing drastically.

So.....Texas and South Carolina have a history of changing their mind and going blue?
not what I said

No. But based on the explanation, it's a necessary consequent.

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