RDK from Canada


Sep 17, 2012

I’m RDK and I’m a Canuck. I’m also a refugee from another political board that shall go unnamed that has taken a sharp turn to the rabid right. I’m looking for some intelligent debate and discussion of current issues.

Politically I’m a social libertarian and fiscally a conservative.

I believe that there is a role for government to play in society in the form of leveling the playing field and providing a social safety net to prevent people from falling too far so that they cannot get up again.

I’m pro-choice and supportive of gay marriages because I look at them just the same as I look at drinks containing gin. I’m not going to have one but if you want to then it is none of my business.

I oppose capital punishment, not out of any liberal guilt for the poor mistreated guilty people but simply because it costs more, is irreversible and not effective.

I’m pro-gun control but realize that implementing gun control such as we have in Canada or in Europe would be impossible to implement in the US so I generally stay out of gun control debates.

On the personal side I’m late 50’s an engineer and have been working some of the largest development projects in Afghanistan for the last 6 plus years.

Will I find a political discussion home here?
Welcome. I don't agree with many of your stances but I welcome you here with open arms and hope you have a good stay.
Welcome, fellow hoser!

Welcome. I don't agree with many of your stances but I welcome you here with open arms and hope you have a good stay.

Not looking for people who agree with me, just people who debate from facts and with some understanding of the facts.
o honey hush....if the truth fairy landed in here...they would simply beat her to death with a stick....

I’m RDK and I’m a Canuck. I’m also a refugee from another political board that shall go unnamed that has taken a sharp turn to the rabid right. I’m looking for some intelligent debate and discussion of current issues.

Politically I’m a social libertarian and fiscally a conservative.

I believe that there is a role for government to play in society in the form of leveling the playing field and providing a social safety net to prevent people from falling too far so that they cannot get up again.

I’m pro-choice and supportive of gay marriages because I look at them just the same as I look at drinks containing gin. I’m not going to have one but if you want to then it is none of my business.

I oppose capital punishment, not out of any liberal guilt for the poor mistreated guilty people but simply because it costs more, is irreversible and not effective.

I’m pro-gun control but realize that implementing gun control such as we have in Canada or in Europe would be impossible to implement in the US so I generally stay out of gun control debates.

On the personal side I’m late 50’s an engineer and have been working some of the largest development projects in Afghanistan for the last 6 plus years.

Will I find a political discussion home here?

Welcome. So are you cashing in on the war in Afghanistan?

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