Re: IRAN.....Diplomacy vs. Belligerence...

You mistake $150 Billion payoff + egregious levels of appeasement and leading from behind for Diplomacy.

Yes....right wing idiots STILL think that the $150 billion (its really about $40 billion BTW) is US money and not Iranian money held in other foreign banks that would have given the money back to Iran REGARDLESS of what Obama and Kerry did....

But, keep proving that there is NOT ONE among your ilk to rejoice in any good news ....Keep wallowing in your own bile.

Keep letting Tehran lead the dance and keep appeasing. Giving billions to regimes that hate US means nothing to Liberals. Keep in mind, it's other people's money.
Praised for allowing Iran to obtain nuclear capability? You're joking right?
he should have qualified that the rightwinger that accepts and admits that diplomacy worked would have to have a connection to reality. you clearly do not

A treaty without verification is worthless. Obviously, you are disillusioned.
and yet there is verification.
you're just mad becauae obama has rolled back iran's nuclear capability and secured the release of tbe prisoners without a single shot fired or dead soldier.

just galls you that every problem doesn't need a bomb for a solution

Lol. Man y'all are blind as bats. He's accelerated their program.
right. a reduction in centrifuges and fissile materials is an acceleration of the program.
how do you believe such crap?

There is no reduction and there is no verification. Why are y'all so gullible?
You mistake $150 Billion payoff + egregious levels of appeasement and leading from behind for Diplomacy.

Yes....right wing idiots STILL think that the $150 billion (its really about $40 billion BTW) is US money and not Iranian money held in other foreign banks that would have given the money back to Iran REGARDLESS of what Obama and Kerry did....

But, keep proving that there is NOT ONE among your ilk to rejoice in any good news ....Keep wallowing in your own bile.

It's a penalty for every economic sanction that they broke and there were thousands. It's not their money.
you just don't have any idea at all, do you?

frozen assets are not penalties paid.
It's a penalty for every economic sanction that they broke and there were thousands. It's not their money.

You are more dense than usual........First, its NOT $150 billion because there ARE penalties taken out from that amount for reparation in breaking sanctions...and SECOND, Iran will always be a nuclear power......just as Israel is.
You mistake $150 Billion payoff + egregious levels of appeasement and leading from behind for Diplomacy.

Yes....right wing idiots STILL think that the $150 billion (its really about $40 billion BTW) is US money and not Iranian money held in other foreign banks that would have given the money back to Iran REGARDLESS of what Obama and Kerry did....

But, keep proving that there is NOT ONE among your ilk to rejoice in any good news ....Keep wallowing in your own bile.

Keep letting Tehran lead the dance and keep appeasing. Giving billions to regimes that hate US means nothing to Liberals. Keep in mind, it's other people's money.
wait, you think it's tax money, don't you?
You mistake $150 Billion payoff + egregious levels of appeasement and leading from behind for Diplomacy.




Appease. Appease. Appease.
he should have qualified that the rightwinger that accepts and admits that diplomacy worked would have to have a connection to reality. you clearly do not

A treaty without verification is worthless. Obviously, you are disillusioned.
and yet there is verification.
you're just mad becauae obama has rolled back iran's nuclear capability and secured the release of tbe prisoners without a single shot fired or dead soldier.

just galls you that every problem doesn't need a bomb for a solution

Lol. Man y'all are blind as bats. He's accelerated their program.
right. a reduction in centrifuges and fissile materials is an acceleration of the program.
how do you believe such crap?

There is no reduction and there is no verification. Why are y'all so gullible?
this isn't surprising coming from you since we've already determined you don't have a connection to reality
You mistake $150 Billion payoff + egregious levels of appeasement and leading from behind for Diplomacy.

Yes....right wing idiots STILL think that the $150 billion (its really about $40 billion BTW) is US money and not Iranian money held in other foreign banks that would have given the money back to Iran REGARDLESS of what Obama and Kerry did....

But, keep proving that there is NOT ONE among your ilk to rejoice in any good news ....Keep wallowing in your own bile.

It's a penalty for every economic sanction that they broke and there were thousands. It's not their money.
you just don't have any idea at all, do you?

frozen assets are not penalties paid.

The interest accrued from those monies are included in the penalties. Perhaps you should read up on international policy.
You mistake $150 Billion payoff + egregious levels of appeasement and leading from behind for Diplomacy.

Yes....right wing idiots STILL think that the $150 billion (its really about $40 billion BTW) is US money and not Iranian money held in other foreign banks that would have given the money back to Iran REGARDLESS of what Obama and Kerry did....

But, keep proving that there is NOT ONE among your ilk to rejoice in any good news ....Keep wallowing in your own bile.

Keep letting Tehran lead the dance and keep appeasing. Giving billions to regimes that hate US means nothing to Liberals. Keep in mind, it's other people's money.
wait, you think it's tax money, don't you?

You and the regime call it frozen assets that are justifiably owed to Iran. I disagree. Or, based on that logic, then the US should be fighting tooth and nail to get assets back from Havana.
It's a penalty for every economic sanction that they broke and there were thousands. It's not their money.

You are more dense than usual........First, its NOT $150 billion because there ARE penalties taken out from that amount for reparation in breaking sanctions...and SECOND, Iran will always be a nuclear power......just as Israel is.

Always? Lol. I suspect israel will take care of them before they come online.
(With my apologies to others who may have already posted this good news....)

Obama and Kerry have been raked through the coals (especially by the clueless, egotistical, Trump) about the Iran deal......

Now that we find out that a prisoners' swap in underway between us and Iran, AND the uneventful release of our sailors from detention...IS THERE ONE...JUST ONE....RIGHT WINGER ON HERE READY TO ADMIT THAT THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION SHOULD BE PRAISED?

You mistake $150 Billion payoff + egregious levels of appeasement and leading from behind for Diplomacy.

Um, it is their money.
(With my apologies to others who may have already posted this good news....)

Obama and Kerry have been raked through the coals (especially by the clueless, egotistical, Trump) about the Iran deal......

Now that we find out that a prisoners' swap in underway between us and Iran, AND the uneventful release of our sailors from detention...IS THERE ONE...JUST ONE....RIGHT WINGER ON HERE READY TO ADMIT THAT THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION SHOULD BE PRAISED?
The Muslim in the White House, trying to out Muslim the Muslim in Tehran...a sight to see...

Except one of the prisoners is a Christian pastor !

Do you right wing whackos ever stop wh the bullshit lies.
It's a penalty for every economic sanction that they broke and there were thousands. It's not their money.

You are more dense than usual........First, its NOT $150 billion because there ARE penalties taken out from that amount for reparation in breaking sanctions...and SECOND, Iran will always be a nuclear power......just as Israel is.

Always? Lol. I suspect israel will take care of them before they come online.

Of course your right, Israel is probably just fuming at the bits right now. They will create a false flag and send a bomb over at night.
You and the regime call it frozen assets that are justifiably owed to Iran. I disagree. Or, based on that logic, then the US should be fighting tooth and nail to get assets back from Havana.

First, how do you know that [regarding Cuba] this will NOT be the case? Second, is Cuba swimming in money?.....and Third, most of what Castro reclaimed was Mafia investments. Fourth, are we giving Cuba Guantanamo back?

Should I go on???
You mistake $150 Billion payoff + egregious levels of appeasement and leading from behind for Diplomacy.

Yes....right wing idiots STILL think that the $150 billion (its really about $40 billion BTW) is US money and not Iranian money held in other foreign banks that would have given the money back to Iran REGARDLESS of what Obama and Kerry did....

But, keep proving that there is NOT ONE among your ilk to rejoice in any good news ....Keep wallowing in your own bile.

Keep letting Tehran lead the dance and keep appeasing. Giving billions to regimes that hate US means nothing to Liberals. Keep in mind, it's other people's money.
wait, you think it's tax money, don't you?

Wait, you love American tax dollars building Iran's nukes..
(With my apologies to others who may have already posted this good news....)

Obama and Kerry have been raked through the coals (especially by the clueless, egotistical, Trump) about the Iran deal......

Now that we find out that a prisoners' swap in underway between us and Iran, AND the uneventful release of our sailors from detention...IS THERE ONE...JUST ONE....RIGHT WINGER ON HERE READY TO ADMIT THAT THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION SHOULD BE PRAISED?
The Muslim in the White House, trying to out Muslim the Muslim in Tehran...a sight to see...

Except one of the prisoners is a Christian pastor !

Do you right wing whackos ever stop wh the bullshit lies.
Timmy gets six Katyushas.

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