Re: IRAN.....Diplomacy vs. Belligerence...

Yes....right wing idiots STILL think that the $150 billion (its really about $40 billion BTW) is US money and not Iranian money held in other foreign banks that would have given the money back to Iran REGARDLESS of what Obama and Kerry did....

But, keep proving that there is NOT ONE among your ilk to rejoice in any good news ....Keep wallowing in your own bile.

Keep letting Tehran lead the dance and keep appeasing. Giving billions to regimes that hate US means nothing to Liberals. Keep in mind, it's other people's money.
wait, you think it's tax money, don't you?

Wait, you love American tax dollars building Iran's nukes..
oh, so you think it's tax dollars as well. you just keep showing how disconnected you really are. it's amazing.

I have never said it was tax dollars. I will say, that money is taxpayer's money.

English please. Anglaise.
wait, you think it's tax money, don't you?

Wait, you love American tax dollars building Iran's nukes..
oh, so you think it's tax dollars as well. you just keep showing how disconnected you really are. it's amazing.

I have never said it was tax dollars. I will say, that money is taxpayer's money.
ah. so another delusional rightwinger. do you and the browntrout write fan-fic together?

I never said it was tax dollars. Youre just having a hard time understanding and deduction.
no, you didn't. you're delusional about a good deal of other aspects about the nuclear deal though.
One would guess that, based on tight wingers' responses on this thread alone, it would be BETTER to have those prisoners remain in Iranian prisons.....

According to Teddy Roosevelt, these were NOT Americans!

  • Iran State TV: 4 Dual-national Prisoners Released

    Newsmax ^ | 1/16/2016 | Jason Rezaian
    Iran freed four DUAL CITIZEN Americans including a Washington Post reporter on Saturday in a prisoner swap, as diplomats gathered to announce the lifting of international sanctions and bring the country of 80 million people back to the global economic stage....
Dual citizenship is NOT American citizenship!


Even TED CRUZ gave up his Canadian citizenship!
What the hell is wrong with the left? Are they bi-polar? It was fine for Bill Clinton to bomb a defenseless country in Europe, when he was literally caught with his pants down, in order to force one man to surrender but the left is terrified of offending Iran when they deliberately humiliated members of the U.S. Military. Hillary didn't want to offend the Islamic jihad at Benghazi so she let four Americans die when they ran out of ammunition. No wonder the rest of the world has been laughing at us for eight years.
Perhaps you should find out all the details of the deal before offering the Obama administration praise or condemnation. Lest we forget Iran grabbed a reporter simply doing his job and three other Americans visiting family and held them on the most trumped up charges they could find. Everyone should be happy these people are coming home but we should also ask ourselves what did Iran get for agreeing to release four people they basically kidnapped and held hostage.
What the hell is wrong with the left? Are they bi-polar? It was fine for Bill Clinton to bomb a defenseless country in Europe, when he was literally caught with his pants down, in order to force one man to surrender but the left is terrified of offending Iran when they deliberately humiliated members of the U.S. Military. Hillary didn't want to offend the Islamic jihad at Benghazi so she let four Americans die when they ran out of ammunition. No wonder the rest of the world has been laughing at us for eight years.
you have a lot of crazy going on
Isn't it ironic that Iran gets rewarded for "stopping" what they never admitted they were doing.......
rewarded with what?
Access to 150 billion that they will surely use for humanitarian a donation to the Clinton foundation...and a green light for oil production, in an already oversupplied world.
the sanctions were imposed over nuclear weapons research. why shouldn't they be lifted when we can verify they arent pursuing those weapons?

you aren't good at critical thinking, are you?
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Isn't it ironic that Iran gets rewarded for "stopping" what they never admitted they were doing.......
rewarded with what?
Access to 150 billion that they will surely use for humanitarian a donation to the Clinton foundation...and a green light for oil production, in an already oversupplied world.
the sancrions were imposed over nuclear weapons research. why shouldn't they be lifted when we can verify they arent pursuing those weapons?

you aren't good at critical thinking, are you?
I know you can't spell sanctions...can you spell North Korea?
(With my apologies to others who may have already posted this good news....)

Obama and Kerry have been raked through the coals (especially by the clueless, egotistical, Trump) about the Iran deal......

Now that we find out that a prisoners' swap in underway between us and Iran, AND the uneventful release of our sailors from detention...IS THERE ONE...JUST ONE....RIGHT WINGER ON HERE READY TO ADMIT THAT THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION SHOULD BE PRAISED?
This is clearly a victory for those detained, the Obama Administration, and the American people.

And this victory is indeed the result of the Iran nuclear accord, which not only prevents Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, but affords both the United States and Iran the ability to talk directly to each other and to resolve issues before they turn into conflicts.
The RW propaganda machine will twist itself into another pretzel trying to put negative spin on this.

The most important thing to keep in mind is that if any of the clowns on the stage at GOP debate the other night had been president,

neither these 4 prisoners NOR our sailors would be released.
Such is the nature of conservative partisan idiocy.

Where most on the right will refuse to acknowledge the president's success for no other reason than Obama belongs to the 'wrong' party.
Isn't it ironic that Iran gets rewarded for "stopping" what they never admitted they were doing.......
It is Iran's fault that they were sanctioned. All they had to do was open up to UN inspections. One would think they would have learned after what happened to your friend Saddam.
and yet you find the lifting of those sanctions to be a reward. weird.

and dumbass, iran and iraq were not friends.
Isn't it ironic that Iran gets rewarded for "stopping" what they never admitted they were doing.......
It is Iran's fault that they were sanctioned. All they had to do was open up to UN inspections. One would think they would have learned after what happened to your friend Saddam.
and yet you find the lifting of those sanctions to be a reward. weird.

and dumbass, iran and iraq were not friends.
Ogy knows sarcasm when she sees it...lmao!
Isn't it ironic that Iran gets rewarded for "stopping" what they never admitted they were doing.......
It is Iran's fault that they were sanctioned. All they had to do was open up to UN inspections. One would think they would have learned after what happened to your friend Saddam.
and yet you find the lifting of those sanctions to be a reward. weird.

and dumbass, iran and iraq were not friends.
Ogy knows sarcasm when she sees it...lmao!
please. don't try to retroactively label your idiocy as sarcasm. you aren't fooling anyone.

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