Re: IRAN.....Diplomacy vs. Belligerence...

Let's see. Iran has already violated the agreement, multiple times. Has already increased provocative actions against our naval forces. Is on the verge of war with Saudi Arabia, will take,a good portion of,it's money to increase terrorism in the Middle East, will buy nukes from Russia, will continue(as it has with every agreement) to develop nukes in secret, will buy nukes and technology from North Korea.

This,will be a mission accomplished moment that will not pan out, but it does not matter. There is no setback that would cause liberals to knock this deal so why expect them to. If nothing Iran inspired or instigated happens between now and the election I will be more,than happy to give Obama his due. I doubt the other side will make such a commitment.

You boys ever grow tired of being wrong?

All your gloom and doom predictions about the Iran nuclear deal are proven ridiculously wrong and you just double down on dumb
Breaking: Iranian Regime Already Breaks Nuclear Deal ...
Aug 6, 2015 - The Iranian regime already broke the the nuclear deal with the West. ... Quds Force leader Qassem Soleimani already visited Moscow despite a ...

Congress: Iran is Already Violating Nuke Deal
The Washington Free Beacon
Oct 15, 2015 - “The ink isn't even dry on President Obama's nuclear agreement and Iran is already breaking rules,” Sen. David Perdue (R., Ga.) said on ..

U.S.: Iran missile test 'likely' broke U.N. resolution ...
Oct 12, 2015 - U.S.: Iran missile test 'likely' violated U.N. resolution .... implementing the deal and banning Iran from engaging in activities related to ballistic ...
Praised for allowing Iran to obtain nuclear capability? You're joking right?
he should have qualified that the rightwinger that accepts and admits that diplomacy worked would have to have a connection to reality. you clearly do not

A treaty without verification is worthless. Obviously, you are disillusioned.
and yet there is verification.
you're just mad becauae obama has rolled back iran's nuclear capability and secured the release of tbe prisoners without a single shot fired or dead soldier.

just galls you that every problem doesn't need a bomb for a solution

Lol. Man y'all are blind as bats. He's accelerated their program.

That isn't true. You owe your source a punch in the face.
Praised for allowing Iran to obtain nuclear capability? You're joking right?
he should have qualified that the rightwinger that accepts and admits that diplomacy worked would have to have a connection to reality. you clearly do not

A treaty without verification is worthless. Obviously, you are disillusioned.
and yet there is verification.
you're just mad becauae obama has rolled back iran's nuclear capability and secured the release of tbe prisoners without a single shot fired or dead soldier.

just galls you that every problem doesn't need a bomb for a solution

Lol. Man y'all are blind as bats. He's accelerated their program.

That isn't true. You owe your source a punch in the face.

Yes, it is. I see youre following the piper also. I'm not surprised.
So, right wingers are in FULL agreement.......

Those US prisoners in Iran should have remained there...and we should have carpet bomb Iran into submission......Do I have it right?

I mean, we did so damn well in Iraq...what could possibly go wrong with Iran?
Let's see. Iran has already violated the agreement, multiple times. Has already increased provocative actions against our naval forces. Is on the verge of war with Saudi Arabia, will take,a good portion of,it's money to increase terrorism in the Middle East, will buy nukes from Russia, will continue(as it has with every agreement) to develop nukes in secret, will buy nukes and technology from North Korea.

You forgot to mention that Iranians also poop in your falafel.
Let's see. Iran has already violated the agreement, multiple times. Has already increased provocative actions
nope and nope

Yes and yes.
well, since they haven't broken the agreement (see the IAEA report) and the 'provocative action' was to quickly return to us our sailors and release some prisoners i fail to see how either claim is in any way true.

but go ahead, you tell us how it isn't a load of crap.
Why does the low information left justify Iran's belligerence but not the U.S.? Is it about reducing the last super power on earth to a 3rd world country to even the playing field?
Why does the low information left justify Iran's belligerence but not the U.S.? Is it about reducing the last super power on earth to a 3rd world country to even the playing field?

What are you mumbling about, nitwit....When was the last time that Iran invaded and occupied Canada and we did to Iran by invading and occupying Iraq and Afghanistan?
Praised for allowing Iran to obtain nuclear capability? You're joking right?

Idiot......Iran had and has nuclear capabilities all along (Russia and North Korea and Pakistan have long given Iran such capabilities.)

I don't expect most right wingers to have the courage to "praise" the administration for the prisoners' swap......bit your attempt to go back to the nuke deal shows your limited comprehension.

Because it ties directly to the worthless treaty. I bet you can't figure how though.

No he gave away a whole new list of things on this one, the capitulator in chief wanted another legacy item to tout, of course the administration won't tell us he negotiated with terrorist and set another bad precedent, like he did with the traitor.
So, right wingers are in FULL agreement.......

Those US prisoners in Iran should have remained there...and we should have carpet bomb Iran into submission......Do I have it right?

I mean, we did so damn well in Iraq...what could possibly go wrong with Iran?
No you don't have it right. As usual. Under Carter they held our people and gave them back on the day Reagan was sworn in because Reagan had stated it was an act of War and that our military was coming. They understood that Reagan wasn't bluffing and gave our people back.

Your side has now removed sanctions or in process. Is releasing the first part of the money to a tune of 55 BILLION. Those released will now be able to sell advanced electronics for weapons systems freely, as will the rest of the world. Advanced tech needed for cruise missiles and eventual ICBM's. Russia will sell them, as will others, advanced weapon systems including Cruise missiles and higher tech CENTRIFUGES..................They may have less of these but they will be more advanced on their path to the bomb.

Your sides legacy will be another country with the bomb just like North Korea.

Now go bow to the Mullahs from Iran and kiss there asses once again. Because you have given them pretty much everything they want, and they are laughing at us.

Chamberland would be proud.

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