Re: IRAN.....Diplomacy vs. Belligerence...


1st picture is a photo shop.

Second is probably real.

Our country doesn't recognize kings and queens anymore. We don't need to BOW to anyone. Enjoy your moment in history. It will not last. Your Gov'ts real goal are NOT FOR PEACE. It is to gain control of the region, and obtain Nuclear weapons and better weapons systems. Your side has no intention of honoring the agreement made by Obama, and will continue to go after the Bomb. Openly they will say differently but everyone on the globe KNOWS IRAN'S TRUE INTENTIONS.

Sooner or later those sites WILL GET HIT.
Praised for allowing Iran to obtain nuclear capability? You're joking right?
he should have qualified that the rightwinger that accepts and admits that diplomacy worked would have to have a connection to reality. you clearly do not

A treaty without verification is worthless. Obviously, you are disillusioned.
and yet there is verification.
you're just mad becauae obama has rolled back iran's nuclear capability and secured the release of tbe prisoners without a single shot fired or dead soldier.

just galls you that every problem doesn't need a bomb for a solution

The IAEA still does not have access to Iran's military installations that could be working to develop a bomb.
You mistake $150 Billion payoff + egregious levels of appeasement and leading from behind for Diplomacy.

Yes....right wing idiots STILL think that the $150 billion (its really about $40 billion BTW) is US money and not Iranian money held in other foreign banks that would have given the money back to Iran REGARDLESS of what Obama and Kerry did....

But, keep proving that there is NOT ONE among your ilk to rejoice in any good news ....Keep wallowing in your own bile.

You don't know what skeptical means so you resort to calling those that don't trust Iran to keep their word idiots. Better look in the mirror. What basis in fact do you have that the money would have been given back by those foreign banks?
You mistake $150 Billion payoff + egregious levels of appeasement and leading from behind for Diplomacy.




I would agree to return the money as soon as the soldiers that were wounded and the families were awarded damages for the advanced IED's that Iran furnished to kill and maim US soldiers. Until then, not a fucking dime.
A treaty without verification is worthless. Obviously, you are disillusioned.
and yet there is verification.
you're just mad becauae obama has rolled back iran's nuclear capability and secured the release of tbe prisoners without a single shot fired or dead soldier.

just galls you that every problem doesn't need a bomb for a solution

Lol. Man y'all are blind as bats. He's accelerated their program.
So it will only take another 25 years before they have the bomb??
They can sink our economy with an oil glut first.
Why do you think the development for other fuel sources have been pushed so hard in the last 15 years?

That is a good thing, and think how good it would have been if Obama had allowed more drilling on federal land so we could become independent of ALL middle eastern oil. But nooooooooooo!
Fracking Firms That Drove Oil Boom Struggle to Survive

Summing this article up.........the Fracking business is taking a hard hit on the current ECONOMIC WAR over Crude Oil prices. OPEC and Saudi Arabia want to drive the competition out of business, and break the RUBBLE............It is working.

This is not a post to say Fracking is wrong, my belief is the complete opposite. We need the jobs and we need to be independent which is the last thing OPEC wants. So they will continue to over produce to drive down the prices. Oil prices are now expected to bottom out at about $16 a barrel.

Who will be the last men standing?

(With my apologies to others who may have already posted this good news....)

Obama and Kerry have been raked through the coals (especially by the clueless, egotistical, Trump) about the Iran deal......

Now that we find out that a prisoners' swap in underway between us and Iran, AND the uneventful release of our sailors from detention...IS THERE ONE...JUST ONE....RIGHT WINGER ON HERE READY TO ADMIT THAT THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION SHOULD BE PRAISED?
This is clearly a victory for those detained, the Obama Administration, and the American people.

And this victory is indeed the result of the Iran nuclear accord, which not only prevents Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, but affords both the United States and Iran the ability to talk directly to each other and to resolve issues before they turn into conflicts.

I will praise the lying bastards for getting the sailors and the American prisoners released. Why do they have to lie and say the release of the prisoners was not part of the nuclear deal? At this very moment Iran has not flown the US prisoners out of Iran. Do you think it is a coincidence that they are waiting to get the MONEY?
Not to mention that Russia intends to sell them cruise missiles directly

....therefore, lets declare war on Russia, right?

Why not increase sanction on Russia instead?
It's another Cold War.........Russia is selling to our enemies just like we sell and supply there enemies. Tit for Tat using proxies to fight each other over each's interests................

The Gnat is an idiot. He is nothing more than propoganda artist for the left. He doesn't care that the Iranians could use these weapons to kill our people at a later date. He completely over looks the fact that Iranian IED tech killed or maimed more Americans in Iraq and Afghanistan than bullets, but gives them a pass because he is so far up Obama's ass.
I will praise the lying bastards for getting the sailors and the American prisoners released. Why do they have to lie and say the release of the prisoners was not part of the nuclear deal? At this very moment Iran has not flown the US prisoners out of Iran. Do you think it is a coincidence that they are waiting to get the MONEY?

Who cares? The prisoners are being freed and Iran is back in the fold....get over it...
Yemen crisis: Kerry warns Iran over Houthi rebel 'support' - BBC News

US Secretary of State John Kerry has warned Iran over its alleged support for Houthi rebels in Yemen.
He said the US would support any state in the Middle East that felt threatened by Iran, and would not "stand by" if Iran destabilised the region.
The US is backing a Saudi-led coalition seeking to drive back the rebels and restore President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi, who fled the country last month.
Iran has denied accusations it is providing military aid to the Houthis.
He doesn't care that the Iranians could use these weapons to kill our people at a later date. He completely over looks the fact that Iranian IED tech killed or maimed more Americans in Iraq and Afghanistan than bullets, but gives them a pass because he is so far up Obama's ass.

The American right always needs someone to hate. A bogeyman, no matter how fallacious the argument is to justify its gung-ho . Once it was Cuba, then Iran, then Iraq. You right-wing loons follow your govt-appointed Senators and Congress critters who wave the flag of gung-ho gun boat diplomacy and wonder why those on the receiving end take exception.

Maybe if the US wasn't in Iraq in the first place, Iran wouldn't even be involved.

News flash - the average Iranian doesn't give a fuck about the US. Neither does their govt. They want to be left alone. They don't even give to much a crap about Israel. You guys hold a grudge because they kicked your arse in '79 after you supported the despotic fuck the Shah. Iranians give a shit about their shi-ite breathren in neighbouring countries. Is the IR of Iran a shit hole? Probably, but it's their shit hole.

I'd worry about more real threats. North Korea. Russia. ISIS.
Why does the low information left justify Iran's belligerence but not the U.S.? Is it about reducing the last super power on earth to a 3rd world country to even the playing field?

What are you mumbling about, nitwit....When was the last time that Iran invaded and occupied Canada and we did to Iran by invading and occupying Iraq and Afghanistan?

I didn't realize they were anything but adjoining countries. As soon as Mexico or Canada sponsors an attack like 911 on the US, we will invade them. We were completely justified in invading both Afghanistan and Iraq.
and yet there is verification.
you're just mad becauae obama has rolled back iran's nuclear capability and secured the release of tbe prisoners without a single shot fired or dead soldier.

just galls you that every problem doesn't need a bomb for a solution

Lol. Man y'all are blind as bats. He's accelerated their program.
So it will only take another 25 years before they have the bomb??
They can sink our economy with an oil glut first.
Why do you think the development for other fuel sources have been pushed so hard in the last 15 years?

That is a good thing, and think how good it would have been if Obama had allowed more drilling on federal land so we could become independent of ALL middle eastern oil. But nooooooooooo!
Drilling on Fed land won't make us oil independent...that fed reserve is for when we need oil that we can't get on the open market..Like a piggy bank.....and you want to break into it to buy candy....
He doesn't care that the Iranians could use these weapons to kill our people at a later date. He completely over looks the fact that Iranian IED tech killed or maimed more Americans in Iraq and Afghanistan than bullets, but gives them a pass because he is so far up Obama's ass.

The American right always needs someone to hate. A bogeyman, no matter how fallacious the argument is to justify its gung-ho . Once it was Cuba, then Iran, then Iraq. You right-wing loons follow your govt-appointed Senators and Congress critters who wave the flag of gung-ho gun boat diplomacy and wonder why those on the receiving end take exception.

Maybe if the US wasn't in Iraq in the first place, Iran wouldn't even be involved.

News flash - the average Iranian doesn't give a fuck about the US. Neither does their govt. They want to be left alone. They don't even give to much a crap about Israel. You guys hold a grudge because they kicked your arse in '79 after you supported the despotic fuck the Shah. Iranians give a shit about their shi-ite breathren in neighbouring countries. Is the IR of Iran a shit hole? Probably, but it's their shit hole.

I'd worry about more real threats. North Korea. Russia. ISIS.

Perhaps the chants in Iran of 'Death to America' and referring to America as the 'Great Satan' is Iran's way of not giving a fuck about the US, but to some of us words do have meaning.
He doesn't care that the Iranians could use these weapons to kill our people at a later date. He completely over looks the fact that Iranian IED tech killed or maimed more Americans in Iraq and Afghanistan than bullets, but gives them a pass because he is so far up Obama's ass.

The American right always needs someone to hate. A bogeyman, no matter how fallacious the argument is to justify its gung-ho . Once it was Cuba, then Iran, then Iraq. You right-wing loons follow your govt-appointed Senators and Congress critters who wave the flag of gung-ho gun boat diplomacy and wonder why those on the receiving end take exception.

Maybe if the US wasn't in Iraq in the first place, Iran wouldn't even be involved.

News flash - the average Iranian doesn't give a fuck about the US. Neither does their govt. They want to be left alone. They don't even give to much a crap about Israel. You guys hold a grudge because they kicked your arse in '79 after you supported the despotic fuck the Shah. Iranians give a shit about their shi-ite breathren in neighbouring countries. Is the IR of Iran a shit hole? Probably, but it's their shit hole.

I'd worry about more real threats. North Korea. Russia. ISIS.
Nice dodge................Saying it's our fault that Iranian weapons killed our people and then say we got our asses kicked by Iran in 79.

We didn't get our asses kicked..............A mob of Shia wanting Religious rule took over and has been playing the Game of Thrones ever since.........We should have kicked their asses back then. but now they will get the bomb and people like you will BLAME OTHERS when they get it.

Just like BILL DID.
Lol. Man y'all are blind as bats. He's accelerated their program.
So it will only take another 25 years before they have the bomb??
They can sink our economy with an oil glut first.
Why do you think the development for other fuel sources have been pushed so hard in the last 15 years?

That is a good thing, and think how good it would have been if Obama had allowed more drilling on federal land so we could become independent of ALL middle eastern oil. But nooooooooooo!
Drilling on Fed land won't make us oil independent...that fed reserve is for when we need oil that we can't get on the open market..Like a piggy bank.....and you want to break into it to buy candy....

I want to 'break into it' so we can stop buying oil from those who hate us. That is what the 'piggy bank' is for.
So it will only take another 25 years before they have the bomb??
They can sink our economy with an oil glut first.
Why do you think the development for other fuel sources have been pushed so hard in the last 15 years?

That is a good thing, and think how good it would have been if Obama had allowed more drilling on federal land so we could become independent of ALL middle eastern oil. But nooooooooooo!
Drilling on Fed land won't make us oil independent...that fed reserve is for when we need oil that we can't get on the open market..Like a piggy bank.....and you want to break into it to buy candy....

I want to 'break into it' so we can stop buying oil from those who hate us. That is what the 'piggy bank' is for.
Saving is not spending...The US is already the largest oil producer in the world..

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