Re: IRAN.....Diplomacy vs. Belligerence...

Can't wait to visit Persia...amazing country and people, hater dupes. Pubs overthrew their democracy in 1953 and helped the Shah and Savak run wild...great job, lying ugly American a-holes and dupes.
I'll pay for your trip...hang your fat ass on a tall Allah tree.
Can't wait to visit Persia...amazing country and people, hater dupes. Pubs overthrew their democracy in 1953 and helped the Shah and Savak run wild...great job, lying ugly American a-holes and dupes.
I'll pay for your trip...hang your fat ass on a tall Allah tree.
Anthony Bourdain said they were the friendliest people he ever saw- so did Rick Steves. I'll send you my address...I also had 3 on my corridor when I was a boarding school teacher. Great kids,refugees from Khomeini, taking shytte from moron Americans...
The Iranian nuclear deal is looking better every day

Only Republicans are still predicting the end of the world
Can't wait to visit Persia...amazing country and people, hater dupes. Pubs overthrew their democracy in 1953 and helped the Shah and Savak run wild...great job, lying ugly American a-holes and dupes.
I'll pay for your trip...hang your fat ass on a tall Allah tree.
Anthony Bourdain said they were the friendliest people he ever saw- so did Rick Steves. I'll send you my address...I also had 3 on my corridor when I was a boarding school teacher. Great kids,refugees from Khomeini, taking shytte from moron Americans...
Bourdain says the same thing about everybody...including the Jews...that's how he gets all those free meals.
The Iranian nuclear deal is looking better every day

Only Republicans are still predicting the end of the world

That is funny.

So after months of rightwing gloom and doom....Iran is in FULL COMPLIANCE with the deal

The international nuclear watchdog, the IAEA, says Iran has put in place all the measures necessary to start implementing the nuclear deal, paving the way for the lifting of sanctions.

Director General Yukiya Amano said it was "an important day for the international community".

The agency's inspectors on the ground had verified that Iran had carried out the measures required, he

A deal between Iran and world powers was agreed in July last year.

Lifting the international sanctions on Iran would unfreeze billions of dollars of assets and allow Iranian oil to be sold internationally.
First the GOP was pissed about the Iran deal, then they started to ask why we weren't able to get back the prisoners held over there.

Then they were bitching about the sailors being detained.

Now? The Iran deal has gone through, Iran has released the prisoners, and oh yeah, the sailors were returned within 24 hours.

And no, the sailors weren't "humiliated". They were being detained, just like what the Coast Guard would do to any suspected unfriendly vessels in our territorial waters. If a ship was flying an Iranian flag? You can bet your ass that they would have their weapons taken and put in arrest positions.

Wanna know what REALLY got those sailors and prisoners out? Open talks between the two countries. If this had happened a couple of years ago, the US would have to go through a third party to talk to Iran, and it would take a LOT longer, as well as some things might get lost in the translation.

Nope, this is a solid win for the Obama administration. All of it.
First the GOP was pissed about the Iran deal, then they started to ask why we weren't able to get back the prisoners held over there.

Then they were bitching about the sailors being detained.

Now? The Iran deal has gone through, Iran has released the prisoners, and oh yeah, the sailors were returned within 24 hours.

And no, the sailors weren't "humiliated". They were being detained, just like what the Coast Guard would do to any suspected unfriendly vessels in our territorial waters. If a ship was flying an Iranian flag? You can bet your ass that they would have their weapons taken and put in arrest positions.

Wanna know what REALLY got those sailors and prisoners out? Open talks between the two countries. If this had happened a couple of years ago, the US would have to go through a third party to talk to Iran, and it would take a LOT longer, as well as some things might get lost in the translation.

Nope, this is a solid win for the Obama administration. All of it.

Not only that but UN inspectors have found Iran in FULL COMPLIANCE with the nuclear deal

After months of Republican claims they never would
You mistake $150 Billion payoff + egregious levels of appeasement and leading from behind for Diplomacy.

Yes....right wing idiots STILL think that the $150 billion (its really about $40 billion BTW) is US money and not Iranian money held in other foreign banks that would have given the money back to Iran REGARDLESS of what Obama and Kerry did....

But, keep proving that there is NOT ONE among your ilk to rejoice in any good news ....Keep wallowing in your own bile.

Keep letting Tehran lead the dance and keep appeasing. Giving billions to regimes that hate US means nothing to Liberals. Keep in mind, it's other people's money.
wait, you think it's tax money, don't you?

You and the regime call it frozen assets that are justifiably owed to Iran. I disagree. Or, based on that logic, then the US should be fighting tooth and nail to get assets back from Havana.

That's called stealing...

Ha! That regime takes hostages and arbitrarily throws US citizens in jail and you are worried about stealing.
First the GOP was pissed about the Iran deal, then they started to ask why we weren't able to get back the prisoners held over there.

Then they were bitching about the sailors being detained.

Now? The Iran deal has gone through, Iran has released the prisoners, and oh yeah, the sailors were returned within 24 hours.

And no, the sailors weren't "humiliated". They were being detained, just like what the Coast Guard would do to any suspected unfriendly vessels in our territorial waters. If a ship was flying an Iranian flag? You can bet your ass that they would have their weapons taken and put in arrest positions.

Wanna know what REALLY got those sailors and prisoners out? Open talks between the two countries. If this had happened a couple of years ago, the US would have to go through a third party to talk to Iran, and it would take a LOT longer, as well as some things might get lost in the translation.

Nope, this is a solid win for the Obama administration. All of it.

Not only that but UN inspectors have found Iran in FULL COMPLIANCE with the nuclear deal

After months of Republican claims they never would

From the same people that gave us Oil for Food and you are good with Full Compliance because they said so.
Same shit, just a different :ahole-1: is president!

First the GOP was pissed about the Iran deal, then they started to ask why we weren't able to get back the prisoners held over there.

Then they were bitching about the sailors being detained.

Now? The Iran deal has gone through, Iran has released the prisoners, and oh yeah, the sailors were returned within 24 hours.

And no, the sailors weren't "humiliated". They were being detained, just like what the Coast Guard would do to any suspected unfriendly vessels in our territorial waters. If a ship was flying an Iranian flag? You can bet your ass that they would have their weapons taken and put in arrest positions.

Wanna know what REALLY got those sailors and prisoners out? Open talks between the two countries. If this had happened a couple of years ago, the US would have to go through a third party to talk to Iran, and it would take a LOT longer, as well as some things might get lost in the translation.

Nope, this is a solid win for the Obama administration. All of it.

Not only that but UN inspectors have found Iran in FULL COMPLIANCE with the nuclear deal

After months of Republican claims they never would

From the same people that gave us Oil for Food and you are good with Full Compliance because they said so.

Poor Republicans...everyone in the world is conspiring against them

Only Republicans truly understand
Let's see. Iran has already violated the agreement, multiple times. Has already increased provocative actions against our naval forces. Is on the verge of war with Saudi Arabia, will take,a good portion of,it's money to increase terrorism in the Middle East, will buy nukes from Russia, will continue(as it has with every agreement) to develop nukes in secret, will buy nukes and technology from North Korea.

This,will be a mission accomplished moment that will not pan out, but it does not matter. There is no setback that would cause liberals to knock this deal so why expect them to. If nothing Iran inspired or instigated happens between now and the election I will be more,than happy to give Obama his due. I doubt the other side will make such a commitment.

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