RE: "Rally"...


Active Member
Apr 15, 2010
Tea partiers, forget the nationalist militarist rally in DC. Read the founder of the Tea Parties on what is wrong with you people on war and foreign policy.

I can’t really root for former(?) FBI-informer Al Sharpton, but anyone competing with the Glenn Beck pro-war rally Saturday at the Abe temple in DC can’t be 100% bad.

But Glenn: M.L. King—whom you will herald—was an opponent of war and the US empire.

[ame=]YouTube - Martin Luther King, "Why I Am Opposed to the War in Vietnam"[/ame]

How about quoting some of this at your rally?
How about posting in the 25 other threads about this subject before you make another one?
Isn't that what Palin said about King?

oh wait she said:

Activists must honor King's legacy by paying tribute to the men and women who protect the United States in uniform.
Isn't that what Palin said about King?

oh wait she said:

Activists must honor King's legacy by paying tribute to the men and women who protect the United States in uniform.

Doesn't sound like she knows much about MLK does it?
More from lew,

One might yawn at yet another anthill assembly in DC. But the purpose of Glenn Beck’s huge Lincoln-military celebration–with his fellow neocon warmonger Sarah Palin (a wholly owned subsidiary of Bill Kristol)–is to try to make all the Tea Party people obedient tools of the Republican apparatus, and detach them from Ron Paul. As usual, mass killing and patriotism undermine freedom. It’s more Armageddon-promotion in the Middle East, but the true Paulians will not be fooled. According to Glenn, blessed are the warmakers. It’s an honor to die for your country. It’s an honor to lose your limbs. It’s an honor to kill other people by the boatload. But hey, Beck, don’t just talk. Fly into Afghanistan. I’ll help pay for your parachute.

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