Read and contemplate the reality of this statement.


Gold Member
Aug 12, 2011
By Chauncey DeVega....Indomitable | The online home of Chauncey DeVega: They Would be Killed if They Were Black: Race, White Privilege, and the Bundy Family "Militia" in Oregon

True words!
White privilege has many components. One of its most powerful aspects is the ability to twist reality, and by doing so, free white folks from personal responsibility (as well as group accountability) for their actions. There are many examples of this phenomenon in the United States. White men who commit mass shootings are “mentally ill” and not “terrorists.” Heavily armed white cops who kill unarmed and defenseless black people were acting “in reasonable fear of their lives.” White conservatives who gather by the dozens and hundreds and then point loaded guns at federal authorities are described by the right-wing news entertainment media as “patriots.”
And of course to be “white” is to be unmarked by “race.” Therefore, there will be little mention of the fact that these right-wing traitors are white men. Moreover, the connections between the Christian White Identity Movement will also go uncommented upon by the mainstream corporate news media.
The latter’s coverage of the events in Oregon has followed this script very closely.
The New York Times described the events in Oregon as “Armed Group Vows to Occupy Office in Oregon for ‘Years’.”
ABC News reported on a “Peaceful protest followed by Oregon wildlife refuge action.”
Surprisingly, Fox News, while still quite literally whitewashing their headline, came the closest to the truth with their, “Armed militia occupying Oregon government building.”
It does not take an amazing act of creativity to envision how the same actions—and much less—if taken by blacks, Hispanics, Muslims, or First Nations peoples would likely be described by the American corporate news media.
If Muslims took up arms, occupied a federal building, recorded martyrdom videos, and threatened to kill police and other authorities, they would be called “terrorists.”
Likewise, black Americans would be called “thugs,” “militants” or “anti-police.”
The White gaze is wonderful at focusing its distorted view outward on the Other. It fails miserably in terms of introspection. As such, there will be no discussion of the “religion,” “culture” and “values” of the white men who are the Bundy brothers’ rabble when such questions are obligatory for people of color and Muslims.

The armed white insurrectionists in Oregon will couch their behavior in the rhetoric of how they are fighting “tyranny” while waving around a Constitution they likely have not fully read (armed resistance to the federal government is a violation of Article 1) . In essence, the Bundy brother’s rabble are political cosplayers: they fly Revolutionary War era Gadsden flags, brandish “freedom muskets” (also known as AR-15 assault rifles), wrap themselves in the empty Americana kitsch symbolism of cowboys and the frontier, and show their bravery by occupying an empty federal building on a remote wildlife game preserve.
I hope Chauncey's bites give you what you need although I'm pretty sure you're not his flavor.
Holler at me when BLM takes their anti-government frustrations out on the govt instead of innocent civilians trying to shop or eat.
The men in Oregon didn't do anything. No one was hurt, no property was damaged. They were in a building in the wilderness. The government could have just left and had it end up the same way. This is overblown. The Supreme Court needs to visit the practice of extending sentences years after the original sentence was served.

Contrast that with the takeover of the statehouse in Wisconsin.
The leader of an Oregon Paiute Indian tribe joined the chorus of local residents calling for the armed militia camped out at a local federal wildlife refuge to give up their fight and go home.

Tribal chairwoman Charlotte Rodrique stood before 100 people – including many of the 420-member tribe – at a press conference on Wednesday, saying that the Bundys and their gang were encroaching on land considered sacred to the Paiute people.

“Armed protesters don’t belong here,” she said. “By their actions they are desecrating one of our sacred traditional cultural properties. They are endangering our children, and the safety of our community, and they need to leave. Armed confrontation is not the answer.”
Oregon armed militia are encroaching on sacred land, says Indian tribal leader
My guess is these armed militia will fire on police to provoke a gun fight.
Another racist idiot who doesn't understand the difference between those who protest in the name of skin color and those who do the same except not in the name of skin color but who happen to be mostly or all white.
False comparison.
No, my hope is the militia go home and take their guns and their mission to overthrow the county and federal government with them.
Protesters carry signs, not guns. These guys are thugs. This is an armed takeover of a federal building and these folks need to be treated like the criminals they are.
So let’s say an armed gang like the Crips or or Hell’s Angels took over a federal building in a town near you. Let’s also say said gang declared they weren’t leaving. And then its gang spokesman said this toNatalie Morales of NBC’s Today Show this morning:

“The only violence that, if it comes our way, will be because government is wanting their building back. We’re putting nobody in harm’s way. We are not threatening anybody.”

In other words, our armed militia means no harm unless the law does its job and takes the building it, you know, owns back.
Facepalm: Media Irresponsibly Provides Bundys, Criminal Militia Huge National Platform
Peaceful protest is one thing. Armed takeover of a federal building is quite another. And the media far and wide treats affords this group a huge megaphone instead of the way it should be treated:

Like the criminals they are.

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