Read and contemplate the reality of this statement.

Proof? Or more teabagging lies. The latter.

By Chauncey DeVega....Indomitable | The online home of Chauncey DeVega: They Would be Killed if They Were Black: Race, White Privilege, and the Bundy Family "Militia" in Oregon

True words!
White privilege has many components. One of its most powerful aspects is the ability to twist reality, and by doing so, free white folks from personal responsibility (as well as group accountability) for their actions. There are many examples of this phenomenon in the United States. White men who commit mass shootings are “mentally ill” and not “terrorists.” Heavily armed white cops who kill unarmed and defenseless black people were acting “in reasonable fear of their lives.” White conservatives who gather by the dozens and hundreds and then point loaded guns at federal authorities are described by the right-wing news entertainment media as “patriots.”
And of course to be “white” is to be unmarked by “race.” Therefore, there will be little mention of the fact that these right-wing traitors are white men. Moreover, the connections between the Christian White Identity Movement will also go uncommented upon by the mainstream corporate news media.
The latter’s coverage of the events in Oregon has followed this script very closely.
The New York Times described the events in Oregon as “Armed Group Vows to Occupy Office in Oregon for ‘Years’.”
ABC News reported on a “Peaceful protest followed by Oregon wildlife refuge action.”
Surprisingly, Fox News, while still quite literally whitewashing their headline, came the closest to the truth with their, “Armed militia occupying Oregon government building.”
It does not take an amazing act of creativity to envision how the same actions—and much less—if taken by blacks, Hispanics, Muslims, or First Nations peoples would likely be described by the American corporate news media.
If Muslims took up arms, occupied a federal building, recorded martyrdom videos, and threatened to kill police and other authorities, they would be called “terrorists.”
Likewise, black Americans would be called “thugs,” “militants” or “anti-police.”
The White gaze is wonderful at focusing its distorted view outward on the Other. It fails miserably in terms of introspection. As such, there will be no discussion of the “religion,” “culture” and “values” of the white men who are the Bundy brothers’ rabble when such questions are obligatory for people of color and Muslims.

The armed white insurrectionists in Oregon will couch their behavior in the rhetoric of how they are fighting “tyranny” while waving around a Constitution they likely have not fully read (armed resistance to the federal government is a violation of Article 1) . In essence, the Bundy brother’s rabble are political cosplayers: they fly Revolutionary War era Gadsden flags, brandish “freedom muskets” (also known as AR-15 assault rifles), wrap themselves in the empty Americana kitsch symbolism of cowboys and the frontier, and show their bravery by occupying an empty federal building on a remote wildlife game preserve.

"word, motherfucker!!!' -- Eric Holder, seized ROTC building in 1970

Now that's one of the most pathetic things I've seen today.

You have to reach back 46 years to find something about African Americans and it's not even the same thing. They didn't have weapons and they negotiated to a peaceful resolution. The building was later Malcolm X Lounge. The building was empty and had not been used in years.

And what does that have to do with what's going on in Oregon?

Do you actually think it excuses what's happening there and how differently things would be if the people were African American or any other race besides white?

You and those like you are behaving like little children who get caught doing something they're not supposed to do so they point fingers at someone else in hopes that you will be able to excuse your behavior.

You and those like you are just sad and pathetic.

Maybe Ammon Bundy will one day be Attorney General

Highly impossible.

I looked up bundy's biography and there's not one word about him going to college much less graduating with a law degree. The man probably barely graduated from high school, if at all.

Holder was a negotiator 46 years ago and helped bring that standoff to a peaceful resolution.

But you're still pointing fingers in hopes that it absolves those terrorists in Oregon for their crimes. It won't work. No one cares what happened 46 years ago. We care what's happening now. Today. And today we have a group of terrorists who have taken over federal land and property, who have violated the law, who are violating Native American Indian land and who lied when they said they would leave if the locals asked them to. They were asked and they refused to go. So on top of everything they're nothing but cowardly liars.

You support, defend and make flimsily excuses for them.

Which makes you extremely pathetic.

You never know. Look at Obama, he never attended a single class at Law School and now he's President
I have but you refuse to understand or acknowledge my point.
A typical teabagger tactic

Live in your dream world and your bigotry all you want, they are so similar but you cannot comprehend it.

They are still using automatic weapons and pointing them at Federal agents and threatening to shoot them.
Did the 12 yr old shot by the police officer threaten him at this rate.
You have to stop listening to the fat headed russie fat ass limbaugh.

You completely missed the gist of my post. The oregon protesters are not protesting in the name of skin color which make any comparisons to black lives matter protesting moot.
The kid shot in Cleveland was not part of a protesting group so his actions were of a completely different dynamic making that comparison moot.
You need to stop reading Eugene Robinson propaganda.
I don't 'listen' to anyone. I decipher. You should try it.
The situations are completely separate and devoid of racial components except to you brainwashed racialists.
Speak for yourself. You have yet to respond to my posts. Instead, you respond to your own misinterpretation.
I did acknowledge your point and I pointed out the fallacy. I'm still waiting for an analytical response instead of disparagement.
There was no fallacy to my point.
You don't understand the consistency of what I said.
Nice try.

I have but you refuse to understand or acknowledge my point.
A typical teabagger tactic

Live in your dream world and your bigotry all you want, they are so similar but you cannot comprehend it.

They are still using automatic weapons and pointing them at Federal agents and threatening to shoot them.
Did the 12 yr old shot by the police officer threaten him at this rate.
You have to stop listening to the fat headed russie fat ass limbaugh.
I don't 'listen' to anyone. I decipher. You should try it.
The situations are completely separate and devoid of racial components except to you brainwashed racialists.
Speak for yourself. You have yet to respond to my posts. Instead, you respond to your own misinterpretation.
I did acknowledge your point and I pointed out the fallacy. I'm still waiting for an analytical response instead of disparagement.

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