Read my signature and riddle me this...

Jun 10, 2013
The PLO official quoted affirmed that which many of us have been saying all along about the true nature of the "Palestinians."

So, for those who believe otherwise...

Was he lying?
Was he a rogue within the PLO?
Was he drunk?
Was he subjected to mind-control by the Mossad?

What's your explanation?
Sounds like a man who had seen large scale military failure and wanted to try a war from within.

100 or so generations ago my great x96 grandfather won some land in the middle east in a game of chance. I can't believe no one has given my family land back to me :)
The PLO official quoted affirmed that which many of us have been saying all along about the true nature of the "Palestinians."

So, for those who believe otherwise...

Was he lying?
Was he a rogue within the PLO?
Was he drunk?
Was he subjected to mind-control by the Mossad?

What's your explanation?

Originally posted by José
You see, toast... One of the hallmarks of any ethnocratic conflict is a high level of polarization, hatred, mistrust and dehumanization between the dominant ethnic group and the subjugated one.

You can witness this polarization right here on this Board everyday with Israel's supporters trying to delegitimize the palestinian national identity and palestinians supporters reciprocating the dehumanization.

Let me make a brief aside to say I never stooped to that level in my life even though I illustrated the denial of the jewish national identity of european jews the other day so I could lambast BOTH sides.

You'll have to forgive me for what I'm gonna say now but in my life, I have seen road whores offering themselves to truck drivers that had more morals and human decency than people from both sides of the debate who have the courage to resort to this kind of depraved argument.

The day I feel the need to deny the fact that european Jews are "real Jews" in order to delegitimize the state of Israel will be the day I'm gonna leave the Board for good.
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So your theory, Jose, is that a PLO executive committee member was trying to dehumanize the "Palestinians"?


To what end?

P.S. Don't try to derail my thread with a link to your lame thread.
So your theory, Jose, is that a PLO executive committee member was trying to dehumanize the "Palestinians"?


To what end?

P.S. Don't try to derail my thread with a link to your lame thread.

OK... so let me see...

ACCORDING TO YOUR LOGIC, the only thing palestinians have to do is grab an New York City jew by the arm, take him to a genetic lab and then tell him to make a public statement to the international press:

"People, my genetic test has revealed beyond any reasonable doubt that I have 0% of semitic blood running through my veins.

What this means is that I and my askhenazi cousins (ISRAEL'S FOUNDERS) are not real Jews. We are the descendents of europeans who converted to Judaism hundreds or thousands of years ago.

It also means that we cannot trace our genetic heritage back to the ancient semitic people who lived in that area 2000 years ago.

So we are not natives of Palestine... we have no right to return to a land that has never been our ancestral homeland.

We are the squatters in Palestine."
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No, moron...

According to my logic, a PLO official is a pretty good source for defining what a "Palestinian" is. I've provided a quote that does just that, and you can't handle it, so you're trying to take the conversation in another direction.

The question remains: why would a PLO official make this statement if its not true?

Stop being a morally depraved Jew and/or Israel supporter... just like so many people on the other side of the issue.

When I started debating the I/P conflict I made a promise to myself:

I'm gonna denounce the supremacist nature of the state...

I'm not gonna pull any punches as far as Israel is concerned.

But you have to draw the line somewhere and this is where I draw the line...

If people want to delegitimize the jewish national identity in order to delegitimize Israel they can do it alone without me...

This is not criticizing a jewish supremacist state anymore... this is pornography, moral depravation, etc, etc... thinly disguised as a political argument.
So, in other words, Jose.... you can't answer my question.

Sure I can...


If Syria tries to invade the West Bank and Gaza today in order to destroy the Palestinian national identity and make them think about themselves as Syrians instead of Palestinians, the arab people who was formed by the creation of the State of Israel, they will take up arms and fight Syrian soldiers to the death...

They will fight any arab country who invades the West Bank, Gaza or any palestinian refugee camps with the purpose of destroying their national identity.

Then, 10, 20 or 30 years in the future, the syrian, jordanian or egyptian people will finally get tired of seeing their young soldiers being shot on the streets of Ramallah, Jenin and Gaza City and will force their governments to withdraw the occupying force.

Then, after the occupation ends, we will all be back to square zero, once again, with Palestinians turning their guns and kassam rockets to the jewish racial dictatorship, fighting, once more, for their right to live in western Palestine.
José;7391488 said:
So, in other words, Jose.... you can't answer my question.

Sure I can...


But you do?

So, we should take the words of a random internet poster over that of a member of the executive committee of the PLO?

No you should consider the actions of the palestinian people themselves.

Israel would love to see Palestinians leaving Gaza and the West Bank on their own accord but they refuse to do it... they don't want to become Iraqis, Egyptians, Saudis...

Palestinian refugee camps in Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, etc... are not exactly high security prisons like Alcatraz, many refugees could leave the camps and start a new life elsewhere but they don't want to see their national identity being dilluted in a sea of Syrians, Jordanians and Iraqis.

They don't to be assimilated by Syrian, Jordanian society... they want to retain, to preserve their national identity created by the establishment of the State of Israel.
I hope Jordan, Syria or Egypt will never try to invade the West Bank, Gaza because the last thing that part of the world needs is even more bloodshed.

But if they ever do it, HB67, you're gonna see for yourself (on your TV screen) what I said in my previous posts:

Palestinians putting bullets in the head of the invaders: syrian, jordanian or egyptian troops trying to destroy their palestinian identity and forcefully assimilate them into the surrounding arab national identities.
Blah, blah, blah, blah....

You failed to provide a cogent response to my question. Move on.
José;7391678 said:
I hope Jordan, Syria or Egypt will never try to invade the West Bank, Gaza because the last thing that part of the world needs is even more bloodshed.

But if they ever do it, HB67, you're gonna see for yourself (on your TV screen) what I said in my previous posts:

Palestinians putting bullets in the head of the invaders: syrian, jordanian or egyptian troops trying to destroy their palestinian identity and forcefully assimilate them into the surrounding arab national identities.

Jose, your entitled to your opinion of course, but I think that you and I both know that no Arab army would be able to set a foot in the West Bank. Their armies would be destroyed in minutes. Unless you meant something else by 'invade the West Bank'
José;7391488 said:
So, in other words, Jose.... you can't answer my question.

Sure I can...


If Syria tries to invade the West Bank and Gaza today in order to destroy the Palestinian national identity and make them think about themselves as Syrians instead of Palestinians, the arab people who was formed by the creation of the State of Israel, they will take up arms and fight Syrian soldiers to the death...

They will fight any arab country who invades the West Bank, Gaza or any palestinian refugee camps with the purpose of destroying their national identity.

Then, 10, 20 or 30 years in the future, the syrian, jordanian or egyptian people will finally get tired of seeing their young soldiers being shot on the streets of Ramallah, Jenin and Gaza City and will force their governments to withdraw the occupying force.

Then, after the occupation ends, we will all be back to square zero, once again, with Palestinians turning their guns and kassam rockets to the jewish racial dictatorship, fighting, once more, for their right to live in western Palestine.
Correction, Muhsain was one of the original leaders of the Palestinian Liberation Movement. He basically admitted their cause is a hoax, and just a tool in the effort to destroy the Jewish state. He spoke the truth. Now live with it, Jose Feliciano.

[ame=]Jose the donkey! - YouTube[/ame]

Jose can't handle the truth!!!
Blah, blah, blah, blah....

You failed to provide a cogent response to my question. Move on.
That's a common diversion tactic they use. Jose Feliciano: "Oh but today's Jews are all fake Jews, they're not related to the Jews of ancient times. You see those Arab Muslims? They're the real Jews!" Ha ha ha.

[ame=]Jose Feliciano - Light my fire - YouTube[/ame]
I find it noteworthy that not one of the Israel haters has been able to answer my question.

That silence says quite a lot.

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