Reading the news this morning & sawthis one line....Explains everything

I wonder if anyone else sees the hypocrisy here when you people (libs) are famous for defending same sex engagements by saying what two people do in private is their business and no else's, yet you are clearly obsessed by what two people do in private if one of them is Donald Trump?

No....see the thing is Trump had consensual sex with the porn stars.....the democrats prefer rape of innocent women....that is what turns them on...and why they support rapists like clinton.........

WOW, is this moron ever drunk on the kool-aid......
The objections to the McMasters' briefings was that they were too long and too detailed. Trump is a PowerPoint, bullet point summary kind of guy, and he has always hired people to sift through the weeds and present only the main points to him.

Leftists really don't get it, but Pompeo and Bolton are SUPERSTARS among Conservatives and most Republicans. The fact that the MSM counts them as "extreme" is really more of a reflection of their own Leftward tilt than the extremism of this picks.
how come these SUPER STARS weren't there in the first place???
Leftists really don't get it, but Pompeo and Bolton are SUPERSTARS among Conservatives and most Republicans. The fact that the MSM counts them as "extreme" is really more of a reflection of their own Leftward tilt than the extremism of this picks.

Idiot.......reconcile this:

Bolton was a PRIMARY neo con pushing the war ON Iraq......but Trump called it the worse mistake ever made by the Bush administration

Bolton hated Russia.....while Trump licks Putin's behind

I did not vote for Trump.

Shame on both main parties for giving us a choice between a douche and a turd sandwich.

Shame on you for being so duped about Clinton. You must be one of those ignorant Republicans.
I wonder if anyone else sees the hypocrisy here when you people (libs) are famous for defending same sex engagements by saying what two people do in private is their business and no else's, yet you are clearly obsessed by what two people do in private if one of them is Donald Trump?
We did not have laws discriminating against adultery like we homosexuality.

Homosexuality occurs naturally & is not a decision.

Being a disgusting POS is a choice. A choice that show zero character & poor decision making.
I wonder if anyone else sees the hypocrisy here when you people (libs) are famous for defending same sex engagements by saying what two people do in private is their business and no else's, yet you are clearly obsessed by what two people do in private if one of them is Donald Trump?
We did not have laws discriminating against adultery like we homosexuality.

Homosexuality occurs naturally & is not a decision.

I wonder if anyone else sees the hypocrisy here when you people (libs) are famous for defending same sex engagements by saying what two people do in private is their business and no else's, yet you are clearly obsessed by what two people do in private if one of them is Donald Trump?

No....see the thing is Trump had consensual sex with the porn stars.....the democrats prefer rape of innocent women....that is what turns them on...and why they support rapists like clinton.........

Being a disgusting POS is a choice. A choice that show zero character & poor decision making.
I wonder if anyone else sees the hypocrisy here when you people (libs) are famous for defending same sex engagements by saying what two people do in private is their business and no else's, yet you are clearly obsessed by what two people do in private if one of them is Donald Trump?

idiots like you don't seem to understand that the issue is the payoffs, not the sex.

this surprises no one

now, please, regale us with stories of bill and monica, barry and his boyfriends and of course, jfk

for bonus points, drag fdr into it
I wonder if anyone else sees the hypocrisy here when you people (libs) are famous for defending same sex engagements by saying what two people do in private is their business and no else's, yet you are clearly obsessed by what two people do in private if one of them is Donald Trump?

No....see the thing is Trump had consensual sex with the porn stars.....the democrats prefer rape of innocent women....that is what turns them on...and why they support rapists like clinton.........
What a crock of fucking shit. Bill Clinton raped no one. We was accused by a woman who swore under oath there was no rape.

Your orange PS has been accused of child rape & assault by many women.

Funny how you assholes dismiss the accusations against your orange hero but treat those against Clinton as the truth.

The Democrats were not the ones who ran a child molester for the US Senate. That was your party.
The OP didn't show us the article...............

The OP could have gotten this so called line from the Democratic Underground or some other Lunatic Fringe Site.

If the news actually's still a dang Opinion..............and holds no weight with me.
As if I give a rat's ass you are uninformed.
The OP didn't show us the article...............

The OP could have gotten this so called line from the Democratic Underground or some other Lunatic Fringe Site.

If the news actually's still a dang Opinion..............and holds no weight with me.
As if I give a rat's ass you are uninformed.
No Christmas Cards this year............

I will have a tear in my eye sometime between now and you have a raw onion
I did not vote for Trump.

Shame on both main parties for giving us a choice between a douche and a turd sandwich.

For crying out loud, get fucking over it and start a third party.

There are plenty of “third” parties. So many people think that voting third party is a wasted vote that it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.

I voted third party.
I did not vote for Trump.

Shame on both main parties for giving us a choice between a douche and a turd sandwich.

For crying out loud, get fucking over it and start a third party.

There are plenty of “third” parties. So many people think that voting third party is a wasted vote that it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.

Here's your last third party idiot.

No worse than Trump or Clinton. But I agree, he was full of shit in that video.
I did not vote for Trump.

Shame on both main parties for giving us a choice between a douche and a turd sandwich.

For crying out loud, get fucking over it and start a third party.

There are plenty of “third” parties. So many people think that voting third party is a wasted vote that it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.

Here's your last third party idiot.

No worse than Trump or Clinton.

If you say so.
Reading the news this morning, I read an article concerning the National Security Advisor & Bolton replacing McMasters. It talked about the relationship between McMasters & Trump. Then was this line:

"It's hardly surprising that Trump objected to McMaster's briefings because the President says he already knows all he needs to know and relies on his gut alone to make decisions."

This is the same gut that told him he could cheat on his wives & no one would find out. The same gut that told him he could slap tariffs on inbound steel with retaliations. The same gut that told him a 30-40 foot high concrete wall would stop illegal immigration & that Mexico would pay for it. The same gut that told him to hire Manafort & Flynn & entrust them with our secrets. The same gut that told him it was OK at admit to grabbing pussies. The same gut that told him he could be part of an university that scammed students.

You Trumpettes elected a man who thinks he knows everything & that he should make decisions based solely on that. You people knew what Trump was & you elected him anyways. Shame on you. Shame that this is as little as you care about this country.

This country is doing just fine with Trump at the helm. You knew who Hillary was, and yet you tried to push her into the oval office, so keep your tears, you are partly responsible for Trump's victory.
I did not vote for Trump.

Shame on both main parties for giving us a choice between a douche and a turd sandwich.

For crying out loud, get fucking over it and start a third party.

There are plenty of “third” parties. So many people think that voting third party is a wasted vote that it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.

Here's your last third party idiot.

No worse than Trump or Clinton.

If you say so.

Reading the news this morning, I read an article concerning the National Security Advisor & Bolton replacing McMasters. It talked about the relationship between McMasters & Trump. Then was this line:

"It's hardly surprising that Trump objected to McMaster's briefings because the President says he already knows all he needs to know and relies on his gut alone to make decisions."

This is the same gut that told him he could cheat on his wives & no one would find out. The same gut that told him he could slap tariffs on inbound steel with retaliations. The same gut that told him a 30-40 foot high concrete wall would stop illegal immigration & that Mexico would pay for it. The same gut that told him to hire Manafort & Flynn & entrust them with our secrets. The same gut that told him it was OK at admit to grabbing pussies. The same gut that told him he could be part of an university that scammed students.

You Trumpettes elected a man who thinks he knows everything & that he should make decisions based solely on that. You people knew what Trump was & you elected him anyways. Shame on you. Shame that this is as little as you care about this country.

This country is doing just fine with Trump at the helm. You knew who Hillary was, and yet you tried to push her into the oval office, so keep your tears, you are partly responsible for Trump's victory.
I knew who Hillary really was & not the lies you & your orange fuck buddy said.

YOU voted for a fraud, business cheat, accused coild rapist, woman assaulter, and liar.
Reading the news this morning, I read an article concerning the National Security Advisor & Bolton replacing McMasters. It talked about the relationship between McMasters & Trump. Then was this line:

"It's hardly surprising that Trump objected to McMaster's briefings because the President says he already knows all he needs to know and relies on his gut alone to make decisions."

This is the same gut that told him he could cheat on his wives & no one would find out. The same gut that told him he could slap tariffs on inbound steel with retaliations. The same gut that told him a 30-40 foot high concrete wall would stop illegal immigration & that Mexico would pay for it. The same gut that told him to hire Manafort & Flynn & entrust them with our secrets. The same gut that told him it was OK at admit to grabbing pussies. The same gut that told him he could be part of an university that scammed students.

You Trumpettes elected a man who thinks he knows everything & that he should make decisions based solely on that. You people knew what Trump was & you elected him anyways. Shame on you. Shame that this is as little as you care about this country.

This country is doing just fine with Trump at the helm. You knew who Hillary was, and yet you tried to push her into the oval office, so keep your tears, you are partly responsible for Trump's victory.
I knew who Hillary really was & not the lies you & your orange fuck buddy said.

YOU voted for a fraud, business cheat, accused coild rapist, woman assaulter, and liar.
I was happy to vote for him, and given the chance I will vote for him again. I hope we get the wall built and all the tariffs in place and get rid of all the dreamers and all the illegals and cut taxes more and get rid of the scum in Washington. Go Trump.


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