Ready For New Stiff Spine In Foreign Policy??? should have someone explain to you what 'psychic' means, and why it doesn't apply here.

relating to or denoting faculties or phenomena that are apparently inexplicable by natural laws, especially involving telepathy or clairvoyance.
"psychic powers"
synonyms: supernatural, p

It would take someone with supernatural powers to know as fact that Bush prevented a second 9/11/01 attack.

So why does it not apply here?

Do you truly believe a terrorists words have any truth to them?

Far from trying to draw us in, KSM said that al-Qaeda expected the United States to respond to 9/11 as we had the 1983 bombing of the Marine barracks in Beirut — when, KSM told Mitchell, the United States ‘turned tail and ran.’

‘Then he looked at me and said, ‘How was I supposed to know that cowboy George Bush would announce he wanted us ‘dead or alive’ and then invade Afghanistan to hunt us down?’’ Mitchell writes. ‘KSM explained that if the United States had treated 9/11 like a law enforcement matter, he would have had time to launch a second wave of attacks.’ He was not able to do so because al-Qaeda was stunned ‘by the ferocity and swiftness of George W. Bush’s response.’

KSM didn't think the US military would not be hot on their asses after killing Americans in the Pentagon.

That is bs you can smell a thousand miles away.

If you think KSM's word is gospel then you must believe him when he says the Great Ronnie Reagan turned tail and ran from attacks on our Marines in Lebanon. Do you?

How about this?

"It would take someone with supernatural powers to know as fact that" illegal aliens, registered to vote, having Democrat-issued driver's licenses, and having been proven to have voted well over a million times in '08...

...when the President himself didn't tell them to vote...

...and there very existence in this county was at stake.....

...simply decided not to vote.

They made no such decision....they the millions.

Admit it, FOOL.
someone with supernatural powers to know as fact that" illegal aliens, registered to vote, having Democrat-issued driver's licenses, and having been proven to have voted well over a million times in '08...

It's not been proven in 2008. You are still a liar.
PoliticalChic, post: 15956522
Or.....don't pull all of your troops out of Iraq.

Or do as Trump says - Don't invade Iraq in the first place.

There would have been no agreement in 2008 made by Bush to pull all US Troops out of Iraq cities in six months and all the rest in three years.

Trump, Bannon, Flynn and Tillerson must support with open arms Putin's destabilizing the Eastern European Countries and the EU as a whole? Using European neo-nazi groups as foot-soldiers.

NY Times: Intent on Unsettling E.U., Russia Taps Foot Soldiers From the Fringe


That Russia, a nation intensely proud of its huge role in the defeat of Hitler’s Germany in World War II, would want anything to do with marginal, anti-Semitic crackpots who revere Hitler’s wartime allies in Hungary might, at first glance, seem beyond comprehension.
But Andras Racz, a Russia expert at the Finnish Institute of International Affairs, said it fit into a scatter-gun strategy of placing small bets, directly or through proxies, on ready-made fringe groups in an effort to destabilize or simply disorient the European Union.

Do you Trumpunist Party members think something good is going to come of this?
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someone with supernatural powers to know as fact that" illegal aliens, registered to vote, having Democrat-issued driver's licenses, and having been proven to have voted well over a million times in '08...

It's not been proven in 2008. You are still a liar.

Now, know very well that I never lie.

"Richman was the co-author of a 2014 study that looked at noncitizen voting in the 2008 and 2010 elections. In the comparable presidential election year, the Old Dominion study determined 6.4 percent on noncitizens in the United States voted in the 2008 presidential election, and about 81 percent of those voters backed Democrat Barack Obama."

Soooo.....if 6.4% voted.....that would be about 1.3 million votes.

....if 6.4 percent on noncitizens in the United States voted last time

....and now
a. their icon, Obama, told them to vote and not be concerned that there would be any penalty (as per the video)


b. the central issue in Trump's campaign was throwing them out of the nation that they invaded....

BTW, FOOL....any idea how many illegal aliens there are in the country?

I can help you if you don't.....and, being a you don't.
PoliticalChic, post: 16138246
"Richman was the co-author of a 2014 study that looked at noncitizen voting in the 2008 and 2010 elections. In the comparable presidential election

Those studies are based on flawed and false science. You are lying as a result.

You have no material evidence to back those claims up. It's based on surveys show that had huge flaws.

Bring me prosecuted cases on record or stay the liar that you are.
PoliticalChic, post: 16138246
"Richman was the co-author of a 2014 study that looked at noncitizen voting in the 2008 and 2010 elections. In the comparable presidential election

Those studies are based on flawed and false science. You are lying as a result.

You have no material evidence to back those claims up. It's based on surveys show that had huge flaws.

Bring me prosecuted cases on record or stay the liar that you are.

"Those studies are based on flawed and false science."

You can prove you're a FOOL by admitting that you never read it....

Here it is:

Did you read the study?

Did you?

C'mon, FOOL....'fess up.
I am a Mad Dogger!

Trump has much less spine than Obama when it comes to Putin and Russian aggression if you truly are a Mad Dogger.

Criticizing Obama Mattis said, ""We have strategic atrophy." He said Russia’s military moves against its neighbors—taking Crimea and backing separatists in Ukraine is "much more severe, more serious" than Washington and the European Union are treating it. The nationalist emotions that Russian President Vladimir Putin has stirred up will make it "very, very hard [for him or his successors] to pull back from some of the statements he has made" about the West. "

Taking Mattis at his word Trump has shown the complete opposite of spine towards the greater leader Putin.

. REUTERS Mattis is scheduled to meet with Trump on Saturday, November 19, along with a group of candidates for ministerial posts in the incoming administration. Mattis served in the Armed forces of the United States for 34 years and bears a status of a living legend in the U.S. military, VOA reports. A former Central Command commander (2010-2013), he also held other senior positions in the U.S. army and led the U.S. Marines in Iraq. He has a reputation of an intellectual, a popular leader and a resolute manager, attentive to his subordinates. It is believed that he was squeezed out from his post of commander of Central Command of the U.S. Armed Forces Mattis because of his disagreements with the Obama administration over the country’s policy toward Iran, particularly his excessive militancy. The retired General earlier criticized President Obama for the "atrophy" of his foreign policy. Speaking at a Heritage Foundation in Washington in 2015, he said, "the perception is we’re pulling back" on America’s commitment to its allies and partners, leaving them adrift in a changing world. "We have strategic atrophy." He said Russia’s military moves against its neighbors—taking Crimea and backing separatists in Ukraine is "much more severe, more serious" than Washington and the European Union are treating it. The nationalist emotions that Russian President Vladimir Putin has stirred up will make it "very, very hard [for him or his successors] to pull back from some of the statements he has made" about the West. At the same time, Putin faces problems of his own with jihadists inside Russia’s borders that threaten domestic stability. But Putin also demonstrated Russia’s nuclear capability with long-range bomber flights near NATO countries. His intent is "to break NATO apart."

Read more on UNIAN: General stating Russian aggression in Ukraine "much more severe" than U.S. treats it may become Defense Secretary

Read more on UNIAN: General stating Russian aggression in Ukraine "much more severe" than U.S. treats it may become Defense Secretary

And now we know what else is coming that spineless Trump will not oppose.

Putin is tapping neo-Nazis to destabilize Europe with Trump's spineless blessing of Putin's leadership.

Intent on Unsettling E.U., Russia Taps Foot Soldiers From the Fringe
I am a Mad Dogger!

Trump has much less spine than Obama when it comes to Putin and Russian aggression if you truly are a Mad Dogger.

Criticizing Obama Mattis said, ""We have strategic atrophy." He said Russia’s military moves against its neighbors—taking Crimea and backing separatists in Ukraine is "much more severe, more serious" than Washington and the European Union are treating it. The nationalist emotions that Russian President Vladimir Putin has stirred up will make it "very, very hard [for him or his successors] to pull back from some of the statements he has made" about the West. "

Taking Mattis at his word Trump has shown the complete opposite of spine towards the greater leader Putin.

. REUTERS Mattis is scheduled to meet with Trump on Saturday, November 19, along with a group of candidates for ministerial posts in the incoming administration. Mattis served in the Armed forces of the United States for 34 years and bears a status of a living legend in the U.S. military, VOA reports. A former Central Command commander (2010-2013), he also held other senior positions in the U.S. army and led the U.S. Marines in Iraq. He has a reputation of an intellectual, a popular leader and a resolute manager, attentive to his subordinates. It is believed that he was squeezed out from his post of commander of Central Command of the U.S. Armed Forces Mattis because of his disagreements with the Obama administration over the country’s policy toward Iran, particularly his excessive militancy. The retired General earlier criticized President Obama for the "atrophy" of his foreign policy. Speaking at a Heritage Foundation in Washington in 2015, he said, "the perception is we’re pulling back" on America’s commitment to its allies and partners, leaving them adrift in a changing world. "We have strategic atrophy." He said Russia’s military moves against its neighbors—taking Crimea and backing separatists in Ukraine is "much more severe, more serious" than Washington and the European Union are treating it. The nationalist emotions that Russian President Vladimir Putin has stirred up will make it "very, very hard [for him or his successors] to pull back from some of the statements he has made" about the West. At the same time, Putin faces problems of his own with jihadists inside Russia’s borders that threaten domestic stability. But Putin also demonstrated Russia’s nuclear capability with long-range bomber flights near NATO countries. His intent is "to break NATO apart."

Read more on UNIAN: General stating Russian aggression in Ukraine "much more severe" than U.S. treats it may become Defense Secretary

Read more on UNIAN: General stating Russian aggression in Ukraine "much more severe" than U.S. treats it may become Defense Secretary

And now we know what else is coming that spineless Trump will not oppose.

Putin is tapping neo-Nazis to destabilize Europe with Trump's spineless blessing of Putin's leadership.

Intent on Unsettling E.U., Russia Taps Foot Soldiers From the Fringe
I stand corrected Foo...I forgot about Obabble's stern directive to "cut it out". Can't get more combative than that.
deltex1, post: 16138589
I stand corrected Foo...I forgot about Obabble's stern directive to "cut it out". Can't get more combative than that.

Cut it out and sanctions is quite a bit stronger than ... Let me suck your.... Take whatever country you want ... The gift of a Sec of State opposing sanctions against Putin that Tillerson brings to the Cabinet.

Very impressive yellow spine that the white prez elect has been showing compared to the black one. Yet no vicious attacks on this thread against DJT from all the suddenly converted Putin lovers.
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"i will find within our military our General Patton or General MacArthur. i will find the guy that's going to destroy ISIS. Nobody will be pushing us around" - Trump, in his speech announcing his run for the presidency.

...and he did exactly that! ain't that somethin?!
"paranoia is crucial to success. now that sounds terrible. but you have to realize that people are sadly sadly very vicious. we're no different from lions in the jungle! when folks screw you, screw em back 100 times harder!" - Mad Dog
Depends on what your term 'stiff spine' means. Because it sounds a bit like Warmongering to me. If 'stiff spine' means more miserable 'interventions' and wars, then no i'm not ready for it. I'd like to see Trump go a different route. I'd like to see him extricate us from our current quagmire messes.

But he has picked a lot of military folks. So, i am a bit worried we may experience a Bush repeat disaster. If he listens too much to the Warmongers, they'll sink his Presidency. He should focus on helping Americans here at home. He should stay away from more 'interventions.'
basquebromance, post: 16158343
"i will find within our military our General Patton or General MacArthur. i will find the guy that's going to destroy ISIS. Nobody will be pushing us around" - Trump, in his speech announcing his run for the presidency.

...and he did exactly that! ain't that somethin?!

Putin has a ring through Trump's nose and is pulling his little piggy around on a diamond studded leash.

What's Trump going to do? Bring ISIS fighters onto a reality TV Show and fire Nerf Rockets at them.

ISIS in Iraq and Syria are already on their last legs. Lets hope Trump doesn't screw that up somehow by carpet bombing civilians and bringing back water boarding.

Lone Wolf attacks will not be stopped by a massive and needless military build up.

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