Ready For New Stiff Spine In Foreign Policy???

Ah yes, a return to the good old days. Stupidity and McCarthyism forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ah yes, a return to the good old days. Stupidity and McCarthyism forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We feel your pain, Cupcake. Next time Dems need to run a candidate who is not a career criminal and under constant FBI investigation.

He said if he was in power he would bomb the hell out of ISIS....

I think you are confused. Must come from just listening to MSNBC or something. To understand Trump's goals in foreign policy you really need to read his major foreign policy speech.

Full text: Donald Trump's speech on fighting terrorism

Both Crooked Hillary and Trump ran on a platform to destroy ISIS. Both candidates and most Americas feel it is in the best of the US and the world for ISIS to be neutralized. I think we all know Obama and Crooked Hillary were idiots to screw up Iraqi, Libya and Syria and allow that terrorist organization to be created and thrive.

The difference is that Trump was serious and Crooked Hillary was doing her usual lying. Trump said he was going to reverse Obama's weak foreign policy and do the hard work to end the threat.

Crooked Hillary' foreign policy was to payback the IOUs that were accumulated by foreign government for contribution to her money laundering foundation.

Trump said he was going to put America's interest first and not fight other people's wars for them. In dealing with ISIS he said he was going to made other countries share the load instead of being foreign welfare queens with the US footing the cost and lives. That is real leadership.

I know how uneducated and low information you Moon Bats tend to be. Trump's stated foreign policy was to be non interventionists and put America interest first and to get our allies to pay their fair share. He also said he was going to deal with real threats to the US.

You are not like Obama and think that it is not in the best interest of the US to neutralized ISIS, are you?
No, we're not ready for another neocon disaster.

Is he neo-con? I honestly don't know much about the man, but I've heard the men and women in uniform have a great deal of respect for him, which is a good thing. I think Obama's foreign policy has been too weak and I think Bush's was far too aggressive. I want someone who will make the primary function of our military self defense and not loan them out to fight other nations' wars for them or defend international corporate interests.

"....I think Bush's was far too aggressive."

How do we know that President Bush prevented a second attack? 9/11 mastermind, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, himself has said so.

In a new memoir, James E. Mitchell describes speaking with Mohammed about 9/11, in which the al Qaeda terrorist states unequivocally that he was not able to “launch a second wave of attacks” because of the “ferocity and swiftness of George W. Bush’s response.”
George W. Bush Was RIGHT!

Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11

Seems you missed who the President was in both situations.

You should rethink that post.
Ah yes, a return to the good old days. Stupidity and McCarthyism forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do not take the name of the American hero, Senator Joseph McCarthy, in vain.

Doing so identifies you as a dupe of the Left.
Tired of a President who bows to other potentates???

Check this out:
"Trump has chosen retired Marine Gen. James Mattis for secretary of defense
....James N. Mattis to be secretary of defense, according to people familiar with the decision, nominating a former senior military officer who led operations across the Middle East to run the Pentagon less than four years after he hung up his uniform."
Trump has chosen retired Marine Gen. James Mattis for secretary of defense

A bit of insight into who this man is:
"Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet."
One of the rules Maj. Gen. James Mattis gave his Marines to live by in Iraq, as quoted in Fiasco: The American Military Adventure in Iraq (2006) by Thomas E. Ricks; as excerpted in Armed Forces Journal (August 2006)

The enemies of America: beware.

I do talk allot of anti trump crap, and going by his staff picks im not encouraged at all. But we will see after January in a year or so.

April 29.....the end of his first 100 days.

We'll both write about it then.

A little uneasy with this pic.....

...but better than this:

I'm so confused. I like the pick for Sec. of Defense, but the same people on here now talking about how he is such a hard ass, are the same people saying they didn't want to elect Hillary because she would lead them into war?

It is not about going to war. It is about not letting anybody fuck with us. There is a difference.

Have you read the things he has said? To this point he has walked the walk... but now he is leading the way. Now if he walks the walk... that means war.

With whom?

Are you unaware of the war that has been declared on us????
I'm so confused. I like the pick for Sec. of Defense, but the same people on here now talking about how he is such a hard ass, are the same people saying they didn't want to elect Hillary because she would lead them into war?
Peace through strength... ever heard that before?

Not going to happen with terrorists.

You appear deeply uninformed, and subject to Islamofascist propaganda. They fear what American can do.

In a new memoir, James E. Mitchell describes speaking with Mohammed about 9/11, in which the al Qaeda terrorist states unequivocally that he was not able to “launch a second wave of attacks” because of the “ferocity and swiftness of George W. Bush’s response.”
George W. Bush Was RIGHT!

Wise up.
I'm so confused. I like the pick for Sec. of Defense, but the same people on here now talking about how he is such a hard ass, are the same people saying they didn't want to elect Hillary because she would lead them into war?
Walk Softly and Carry a big stick. Simple as that. Read some of General Mattis's quotes.

And the first thing that will happen, is he will be tested. And if he doesn't respond with a "big stick" then he'll be labeled nothing but a loud mouth. So yeah, we'll see.

"... if he doesn't respond with a "big stick" then he'll be labeled nothing but a loud mouth."

"... in the middle of the night on August 21, the Syrian military had attacked rebel-controlled areas of the Damascus suburbs with chemical weapons, killing nearly 1,500 civilians, including more than 400 children. Horrific video footage showing people with twisted bodies sprawled on hospital floors, some twitching and foaming at the mouth after being exposed to sarin gas, had ricocheted around the world. This brazen assault had clearly crossed the “red line” that President Barack Obama had enunciated a year earlier—that if Assad used chemical weapons, it would warrant U.S. military action."
Obama’s Red Line, Revisited

Did I miss the 'big loudmouth' headline in the NYSlimes?
I'm so confused. I like the pick for Sec. of Defense, but the same people on here now talking about how he is such a hard ass, are the same people saying they didn't want to elect Hillary because she would lead them into war?
“Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet.”

and terrorists that don't give a fuck?

Damn, you're a dolt.

Why did Khalid Sheik Mohammed spill his guts after the gargling episode???
No, we're not ready for another neocon disaster.

Is he neo-con? I honestly don't know much about the man, but I've heard the men and women in uniform have a great deal of respect for him, which is a good thing. I think Obama's foreign policy has been too weak and I think Bush's was far too aggressive. I want someone who will make the primary function of our military self defense and not loan them out to fight other nations' wars for them or defend international corporate interests.

"....I think Bush's was far too aggressive."

How do we know that President Bush prevented a second attack? 9/11 mastermind, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, himself has said so.

In a new memoir, James E. Mitchell describes speaking with Mohammed about 9/11, in which the al Qaeda terrorist states unequivocally that he was not able to “launch a second wave of attacks” because of the “ferocity and swiftness of George W. Bush’s response.”
George W. Bush Was RIGHT!

Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11

Seems you missed who the President was in both situations.

You should rethink that post.

Who was president when 4000 Americans were needlessly killed in Iraq?

More than died on 9/11?

I think I can answer that.
I'm so confused. I like the pick for Sec. of Defense, but the same people on here now talking about how he is such a hard ass, are the same people saying they didn't want to elect Hillary because she would lead them into war?

Says the far left drone that supported the illegal wars of Obama/Clinton.

Wrong...I supported Bush and his wars.

So yes they supported the illegal wars of Obama/Clinton!

And the Bush's supported Clinton..

Haha Bush STARTED the war in Iraq...
I'm so confused. I like the pick for Sec. of Defense, but the same people on here now talking about how he is such a hard ass, are the same people saying they didn't want to elect Hillary because she would lead them into war?
“Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet.”

and terrorists that don't give a fuck?
Kill 'em all.

Next question?

Not only did the dunce in the White House clear the field and create ISIS....but he allowed this: he allowed them to celebrate taking over Mosul with a mile long parade of Toyota gun-trucks...never firing a single missile.


Bush ....or Mattis.....would have left another 'highway of death' and smoldering ruins.
Have you read the things he has said? To this point he has walked the walk... but now he is leading the way. Now if he walks the walk... that means war.

Did you pay attention to his foreign policy speech he made during the summer? It was a great speech.

It was non interventionism and looking after America's interest first including getting our allies to to pull their weight in our alliances. Cool stuff. .

I don't have a clue what Crooked Hillary had on her mind. She never articulated anything that had substance to it except maybe bringing in a million Muslims. I think her only stated foreign policy goal was to pay back the IOUs that countries had accumulated for giving funds to her money laundering foundation.

He said if he was in power he would bomb the hell out of ISIS....
And then later he refined that to "I'm not going to give my plans away."

We should be bombing the hell out of ISIS...duh
I would imagine the RULES OF ENGAGEMENT are going to get a HUGE adjustment.

Think Iran will be pointing guns at our ships again?
Tired of a President who bows to other potentates???

Check this out:
"Trump has chosen retired Marine Gen. James Mattis for secretary of defense
....James N. Mattis to be secretary of defense, according to people familiar with the decision, nominating a former senior military officer who led operations across the Middle East to run the Pentagon less than four years after he hung up his uniform."
Trump has chosen retired Marine Gen. James Mattis for secretary of defense

A bit of insight into who this man is:
"Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet."
One of the rules Maj. Gen. James Mattis gave his Marines to live by in Iraq, as quoted in Fiasco: The American Military Adventure in Iraq (2006) by Thomas E. Ricks; as excerpted in Armed Forces Journal (August 2006)

The enemies of America: beware.

General Mattis has been critical of Trump sucking Vladimir Putin's cock. That's one thing that I like about Mattis.

ComicRelief chimes in?

Wait....I didn't mean that as your new avi.

Please don't ever change your avi....

...I so love how you make a fool of yourself every time you post.
I'm so confused. I like the pick for Sec. of Defense, but the same people on here now talking about how he is such a hard ass, are the same people saying they didn't want to elect Hillary because she would lead them into war?
You avoid war by being a hard ass. Direct, clear, forceful, informed, experienced, believable. I've said, that might work with rational people, but not terrorists... or North Korea.

Sooooo.....that must be why North Korea has kept its 8.9 million man army on their side of the border?

Algae is smarter than you are.
Better look that up.
I'm so confused. I like the pick for Sec. of Defense, but the same people on here now talking about how he is such a hard ass, are the same people saying they didn't want to elect Hillary because she would lead them into war?
You avoid war by being a hard ass. Direct, clear, forceful, informed, experienced, believable. I've said, that might work with rational people, but not terrorists... or North Korea.
If that doesn't work, kill them.

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