Ready For New Stiff Spine In Foreign Policy???

Barry is a Muslim sympathizer who refuses to connect, his beloved religion of Islam to terrorism.

no more, folks, no more!

There is a lot of truth in this post.

I have often asked this:
Name all the 'religions' that Barack Hussein Obama has stood up for, shielded from criticism, defended and advanced...and lied to benefit.

Even the most vociferous of his supporters have declined to respond.
No, we're not ready for another neocon disaster.

Is he neo-con? I honestly don't know much about the man, but I've heard the men and women in uniform have a great deal of respect for him, which is a good thing. I think Obama's foreign policy has been too weak and I think Bush's was far too aggressive. I want someone who will make the primary function of our military self defense and not loan them out to fight other nations' wars for them or defend international corporate interests.

"....I think Bush's was far too aggressive."

How do we know that President Bush prevented a second attack? 9/11 mastermind, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, himself has said so.

In a new memoir, James E. Mitchell describes speaking with Mohammed about 9/11, in which the al Qaeda terrorist states unequivocally that he was not able to “launch a second wave of attacks” because of the “ferocity and swiftness of George W. Bush’s response.”
George W. Bush Was RIGHT!

Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11

She hasn't figured that out yet

This was my response to that post:

Seems you missed who the President was in both situations.

You should rethink that post.

And you say?
Mad Dog will be Americas 21st-century General George Patton, there is nothing that can stop us now

1. Mattis does seem to feel about terrorists the way Patton felt about the communists....that's a plus.

a. Patton saw the inevitability of a conflict with the Russians. Of course, he was totally correct.
More important, Stalin knew he was correct....and so did Franklin Roosevelt, whose raison d'être was to make certain that Soviet communism survived and ended up ruling Europe after the war.

"It is a conflict that Patton believes will be fought soon. The Russians are moving to forcibly spread communism throughout the world, and Patton knows it. "They are a scurvy race and simply savages," he writes of the Russians in his journal. "We could beat the hell out of them."
"Patton," By Martin Blumenson, Kevin M. Hymel, p. 84

2. Seems, also, that FDR's attitude toward communism is similar to Obama's attitude toward Islamofascism.

“History doesn't repeat itself but it often rhymes,” as Mark Twain is often reputed to have said.

Who was president when 4000 Americans were needlessly killed in Iraq?

More than died on 9/11?

I think I can answer that.

Since you are asking so will I.

Who voted to provide Congressional support for the invasion of Iraq? It wasn't the same shithead that you voted for President, was it?

I'll give you a clue:

By the way Moon Bat, which Commander in Chief sent my son and 2000 other soldiers of the 1st Heavy Combat Regiment, 1st Armored Divison to Iraq?

I'll give you a clue


Who was president when 4000 Americans were needlessly killed in Iraq?

More than died on 9/11?

I think I can answer that.

Since you are asking so will I.

Who voted to provide Congressional support for the invasion of Iraq? It wasn't the same shithead that you voted for President, was it?

I'll give you a clue:

By the way Moon Bat, which Commander in Chief sent my son and 2000 other soldiers of the 1st Heavy Combat Regiment, 1st Armored Divison to Iraq?

I'll give you a clue


lol, and that is supposed to change my opinion? You're dumber than I thought, and you weren't doing that well to begin with.

lol, and that is supposed to change my opinion? You're dumber than I thought, and you weren't doing that well to begin with.

You know Moon Bat it is hypocritical as hell to bitch about Bush and the Iraq War but then vote for this filthy Crooked Hillary bitch that supported the war, don't you?

You also voted for that shithead Obama who fought the war for three years and still has troops over there..

Are you even smart enough to understand that? Being a Moon Bat Libtard I doubt you are. You are confused about a great many things.

I would also bet that in 2004 you were one of the dumbasses that voted for that jackass Kerry, who also supported the war.

You don't have any real convictions on anything, do you?

Then you wonder why we ridicule you Moon Bats so much for you not having a clue on what you believe in.
I'm so confused. I like the pick for Sec. of Defense, but the same people on here now talking about how he is such a hard ass, are the same people saying they didn't want to elect Hillary because she would lead them into war?
“Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet.”

and terrorists that don't give a fuck?

Damn, you're a dolt.

Why did Khalid Sheik Mohammed spill his guts after the gargling episode???

Have you ever been waterboarded? If not then you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.
I'm so confused. I like the pick for Sec. of Defense, but the same people on here now talking about how he is such a hard ass, are the same people saying they didn't want to elect Hillary because she would lead them into war?

It is not about going to war. It is about not letting anybody fuck with us. There is a difference.

Have you read the things he has said? To this point he has walked the walk... but now he is leading the way. Now if he walks the walk... that means war.

With whom?

Are you unaware of the war that has been declared on us????

Do you not fucking understand the context in which I am speaking? For fucks sake. I said in the very beginning, that many of the people here praising this guy getting this position because of his tenacity and not taking shit from anyone... are the same people that voted against Clinton because they were afraid she would get us into war. Now we have this guy who is going to probably take us into war...

You've responded to many of my posts...and they are all off shoots of this first one. If you aren't going to take them in context to the very first one then you are just blowing hot air.
I'm so confused. I like the pick for Sec. of Defense, but the same people on here now talking about how he is such a hard ass, are the same people saying they didn't want to elect Hillary because she would lead them into war?
“Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet.”

and terrorists that don't give a fuck?

Damn, you're a dolt.

Why did Khalid Sheik Mohammed spill his guts after the gargling episode???

Have you ever been waterboarded? If not then you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

She's just a big talker because she knows another war won't cost her anything.
I'm so confused. I like the pick for Sec. of Defense, but the same people on here now talking about how he is such a hard ass, are the same people saying they didn't want to elect Hillary because she would lead them into war?
“Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet.”

and terrorists that don't give a fuck?

Damn, you're a dolt.

Why did Khalid Sheik Mohammed spill his guts after the gargling episode???

Have you ever been waterboarded? If not then you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

She's just a big talker because she knows another war won't cost her anything.

It's so funny that waterboarding has been in the news for years about how horrible of a torture it is... and here is some chick in the forum acting like it's no big deal. And she calls me uninformed.
Barry is a Muslim sympathizer who refuses to connect, his beloved religion of Islam to terrorism.

no more, folks, no more!

There is a lot of truth in this post.

I have often asked this:
Name all the 'religions' that Barack Hussein Obama has stood up for, shielded from criticism, defended and advanced...and lied to benefit.

Even the most vociferous of his supporters have declined to respond.

Why would anyone respond to a "how drunk were you when you beat your wife " loaded question ?
“Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet.”

and terrorists that don't give a fuck?

Damn, you're a dolt.

Why did Khalid Sheik Mohammed spill his guts after the gargling episode???

Have you ever been waterboarded? If not then you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

She's just a big talker because she knows another war won't cost her anything.

It's so funny that waterboarding has been in the news for years about how horrible of a torture it is... and here is some chick in the forum acting like it's no big deal. And she calls me uninformed.

She just a RW radio listening hack who engages in pseudo-intellectualism to hide her inadequacies and insecurities.
Oh, and fun trivia, by her own admission, she doesn't even have a job.

Do you not fucking understand the context in which I am speaking? For fucks sake. I said in the very beginning, that many of the people here praising this guy getting this position because of his tenacity and not taking shit from anyone... are the same people that voted against Clinton because they were afraid she would get us into war. Now we have this guy who is going to probably take us into war...

You've responded to many of my posts...and they are all off shoots of this first one. If you aren't going to take them in context to the very first one then you are just blowing hot air.

Obama has been at war every day of his administration. Not only did he bomb Libya, escalate the war in Afghanistan and fought the war in Iraq for three years but still has troops over there. Pretty much of a war monger, isn't he? Trump couldn't be much of a war monger than that, could he?

Trump has said the would take care of ISIS (like Crooked Hillary said she would also do) and then he said he was going to have a mostly non interventionist foreign policy to look out for the interest of the US and making our allies pay their fair share. Sounds pretty damn good to me.

Do you not fucking understand the context in which I am speaking? For fucks sake. I said in the very beginning, that many of the people here praising this guy getting this position because of his tenacity and not taking shit from anyone... are the same people that voted against Clinton because they were afraid she would get us into war. Now we have this guy who is going to probably take us into war...

You've responded to many of my posts...and they are all off shoots of this first one. If you aren't going to take them in context to the very first one then you are just blowing hot air.

Obama has been at war every day of his administration. Not only did he bomb Libya, escalate the war in Afghanistan and fought the war in Iraq for three years but still has troops over there. Pretty much of a war monger, isn't he? Trump couldn't be much of a war monger than that, could he?

Trump has said the would take care of ISIS (like Crooked Hillary said she would also do) and then he said he was going to have a mostly non interventionist foreign policy to look out for the interest of the US and making our allies pay their fair share. Sounds pretty damn good to me.

Why do you have to compare him to Obama? Who the fuck cares about Obama anymore? He isn't going to be President in a little over a month. Trump isn't going to be making these decisions... that what so many Trump supporters don't get. Trump is going to use his business sense and delegate it all to his cabinet. Trump will be busy touring the country and feeding his ego, taking credit for everything good his cabinet does, and then talking bad about them when something goes wrong. That's just what he's always done.
I'm so confused. I like the pick for Sec. of Defense, but the same people on here now talking about how he is such a hard ass, are the same people saying they didn't want to elect Hillary because she would lead them into war?
“Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet.”

and terrorists that don't give a fuck?

Damn, you're a dolt.

Why did Khalid Sheik Mohammed spill his guts after the gargling episode???

Have you ever been waterboarded? If not then you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

1. And there is the vulgarity characteristic of those who have been skewered...and Liberals....or, is that redundant.

2. Waterboarded????
Just about every college student has been, you dolt.

. Waterboarding (Bybee memo, August 1, 2002)
"Finally, you would like to use a technique called the 'waterboard.’ “..air flow is slightly restricted for 20 to 40 seconds."

Here is the biggie, waterboarding, or as we called it, Chug-a-Lug:

Got the picture, snowflake?
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