Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101

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you sleep Democrats for upset because we are the party of Lincoln freed the slaves the party Reagan free millions from communism and all they are the party of slavery And racial hate

Reagan had nothing to do with the fall of the USSR, which was very much alive when he left, and the fall of which caught the Intelligence Communities completely by surprise.
Reagan left office about as popular as anyone in history. Why on earth would he worry about his enshrined legacy? I can see the desperation in his detractors a quarter of a century after the man left office. Now that's a legacy!

I see why you were named Meathead (dead from the neck up).

Fact: Reagan was not loved by conservatives when he left office.

Do you know what Reagan's popularity was his last year in office? Mostly between 49% & 53%.

Do you know what it must have been with conservatives? Read the past press he received form conservatives, in their very own words they now try to run away from

revisionism doesn't work where information is available

Fact: When Reagan left office his biggest detractors were conservatives

The problem with Reagan is that he's really the only President that the GOP can point to since Ike that they aren't embarrassed by.

Nixon was impeached, Ford was a bumbler, Bush-41 was run out of town on a rail and Bush-43 messed up, well, just about everything.

So they only guy they have who walked out of the White House with his dignity intact is Reagan.

And he did it be being EXACTLY the oppossite of what the TEA Party is.

He negotiated deals with the Democrats. If he nominated someone who was unacceptable like Bork, he reeled it back by nominating a Kennedy.

So conservatives don't want to taut his legislation, such as revamping Social Security to keep it solvent for another generation or granting amnesty to 3 million illegals, but just the pretty speeches like "Tear Down This Wall".
More lies loser?
you sleep Democrats for upset because we are the party of Lincoln freed the slaves the party Reagan free millions from communism and all they are the party of slavery And racial hate

Reagan had nothing to do with the fall of the USSR, which was very much alive when he left, and the fall of which caught the Intelligence Communities completely by surprise.

More lies loser?
you sleep Democrats for upset because we are the party of Lincoln freed the slaves the party Reagan free millions from communism and all they are the party of slavery And racial hate

Reagan had nothing to do with the fall of the USSR, which was very much alive when he left, and the fall of which caught the Intelligence Communities completely by surprise.
good lord your teachers really did program you well didnt they?
What Regan is mostly acclaimed for is the exact opposite of what he really did.

He increased the mational debt, increased the annual deficits, increased the size of government, too.

Not exactly the fiscally conservative POTUS so many of todays younger idealistic cons imagine him as having been, eh?

Reagan was much like Obama in that respect...thgose that love him simple invent his history to suit their opwn goofy prejudices.

Some people think Obama is a liberal, and they're as wrong as those who think Reagan was a conservative.

They are/were both advocates of big government working for the wealthy internationalists.
you sleep Democrats for upset because we are the party of Lincoln freed the slaves the party Reagan free millions from communism and all they are the party of slavery And racial hate

Reagan had nothing to do with the fall of the USSR, which was very much alive when he left, and the fall of which caught the Intelligence Communities completely by surprise.
A letter from Lech Walesa about Ronald Reagan:

A Tribute to Ronald Reagan
Lech Walesa
President of Poland from 1990 to 1995, & winner of the 1983 Nobel Peace Prize

GDANSK, Poland — When talking about Ronald Reagan, I have to be personal. We in Poland took him so personally. Why? Because we owe him our liberty. This can’t be said often enough by people who lived under oppression for half a century, until communism fell in 1989.Poles fought for their freedom for so many years that they hold in special esteem those who backed them in their struggle. Support was the test of friendship. President Reagan was such a friend. His policy of aiding democratic movements in Central and Eastern Europe in the dark days of the Cold War meant a lot to us. We knew he believed in a few simple principles such as human rights, democracy and civil society. He was someone who was convinced that the citizen is not for the state, but vice-versa, and that freedom is an innate right.I often wondered why Ronald Reagan did this, taking the risks he did, in supporting us at Solidarity, as well as dissident movements in other countries behind the Iron Curtain, while pushing a defense buildup that pushed the Soviet economy over the brink. Let’s remember that it was a time of recession in the U.S. and a time when the American public was more interested in their own domestic affairs. It took a leader with a vision to convince them that there are greater things worth fighting for. Did he seek any profit in such a policy? Though our freedom movements were in line with the foreign policy of the United States, I doubt it.President Reagan, in a radio address from his ranch on Oct. 9, 1982, announces trade sanctions against Poland in retaliation for the outlawing of Solidarity.I distinguish between two kinds of politicians. There are those who view politics as a tactical game, a game in which they do not reveal any individuality, in which they lose their own face. There are, however, leaders for whom politics is a means of defending and furthering values. For them, it is a moral pursuit. They do so because the values they cherish are endangered. They’re convinced that there are values worth living for, and even values worth dying for.

Otherwise they would consider their life and work pointless. Only such politicians are great politicians and Ronald Reagan was one of them.The 1980s were a curious time — a time of realization that a new age was upon us. Communism was coming to an end. It had used up its means and possibilities. The ground was set for change. But this change needed the cooperation, or unspoken understanding, of different political players. Now, from the perspective of our time, it is obvious that like the pieces of a global chain of events, Ronald Reagan, John Paul II, Margaret Thatcher and even Mikhail Gorbachev helped bring about this new age in Europe. We at Solidarity like to claim more than a little credit, too, for bringing about the end of the Cold War.In the Europe of the 1980s, Ronald Reagan presented a vision. For us in Central and Eastern Europe, that meant freedom from the Soviets. Mr. Reagan was no ostrich who hoped that problems might just go away. He thought that problems are there to be faced. This is exactly what he did.Every time I met President Reagan, at his private estate in California or at the Lenin shipyard here in Gdansk, I was amazed by his modesty and even temper. He didn’t fit the stereotype of the world leader that he was. Privately, we were like opposite sides of a magnet: He was always composed; I was a raging tower of emotions eager to act. We were so different yet we never had a problem with understanding one another. I respected his honesty and good humor. It gave me confidence in his policies and his resolve. He supported my struggle, but what unified us, unmistakably, were our similar values and shared goals.* * *

I have often been asked in the United States to sign the poster that many Americans consider very significant. Prepared for the first almost-free parliamentary elections in Poland in 1989, the poster shows Gary Cooper as the lonely sheriff in the American Western, “High Noon.” Under the headline “At High Noon” runs the red Solidarity banner and the date — June 4, 1989 — of the poll. It was a simple but effective gimmick that, at the time, was misunderstood by the Communists. They, in fact, tried to ridicule the freedom movement in Poland as an invention of the “Wild” West, especially the U.S.But the poster had the opposite impact: Cowboys in Western clothes had become a powerful symbol for Poles. Cowboys fight for justice, fight against evil, and fight for freedom, both physical and spiritual. Solidarity trounced the Communists in that election, paving the way for a democratic government in Poland. It is always so touching when people bring this poster up to me to autograph it. They have cherished it for so many years and it has become the emblem of the battle that we all fought together.As I say repeatedly, we owe so much to all those who supported us. Perhaps in the early years, we didn’t express enough gratitude. We were so busy introducing all the necessary economic and political reforms in our reborn country. Yet President Ronald Reagan must have realized what remarkable changes he brought to Poland, and indeed the rest of the world.
And I hope he felt gratified. He should have.

Lech Walesa

But of course JoeB knows more about the fall of communism then those on the front line.:lol:

I see why you were named Meathead (dead from the neck up).

Fact: Reagan was not loved by conservatives when he left office.

Do you know what Reagan's popularity was his last year in office? Mostly between 49% & 53%.

Do you know what it must have been with conservatives? Read the past press he received form conservatives, in their very own words they now try to run away from

revisionism doesn't work where information is available

Fact: When Reagan left office his biggest detractors were conservatives

The problem with Reagan is that he's really the only President that the GOP can point to since Ike that they aren't embarrassed by.

Nixon was impeached, Ford was a bumbler, Bush-41 was run out of town on a rail and Bush-43 messed up, well, just about everything.

So they only guy they have who walked out of the White House with his dignity intact is Reagan.

And he did it be being EXACTLY the oppossite of what the TEA Party is.

He negotiated deals with the Democrats. If he nominated someone who was unacceptable like Bork, he reeled it back by nominating a Kennedy.

So conservatives don't want to taut his legislation, such as revamping Social Security to keep it solvent for another generation or granting amnesty to 3 million illegals, but just the pretty speeches like "Tear Down This Wall".
More lies loser?

Liberal haft to lie, if they ever told the truth they lose elections contunually
I voted for BushI three times for potus, and probably would again if he could run. I personally think Nixon saved Israel from annihilation, and his diplomacy forestalled any possible Soviet expansion when their empire was at its apex, and our military at its nadir. Ford was inspirationally courageous, and sacraficed his own presidency to end Watergate, and God knows he was better than Carter.

If you want to give Reagan a pass for the deficits, and nearly starting WWIII with his rhetoric, the way is that our military in NATO was so illequipped and lacking moral and discipline following LBJ's SE Asia mis-adventure, Reagan had to build up the conventional forces and actually give the Europeans the means to respond to any nuclear assault with a massive strike even w/o the US, BEFORE reinstituting an arms race with Star Wars that the Soviets had no ability to match inorder to end the nuclear mexican standoff.
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you sleep Democrats for upset because we are the party of Lincoln freed the slaves the party Reagan free millions from communism and all they are the party of slavery And racial hate

Reagan had nothing to do with the fall of the USSR, which was very much alive when he left, and the fall of which caught the Intelligence Communities completely by surprise.


the reaganuts seem to have reading comprehension problems not understanding that it was gorbechevs reforms and the constant buildup of the arms race over the years that led to its collapse.that it would have happened then no matter who was president.They always ignore that Gorbechev when he was asked about that years later if reagan had a hand in it,he replied saying-are you serious?:lol::lol::lol:

the reaganuts are here just to troll message boards and waste your time.

Yeah, a lot of Americans haven't forgotten that Reagan destroyed the middle class and spent us into massive debt.
amen to that,btw you mentioned Clinton,He accelerated what reagan got started with NAFTA shipping jobs over seas as well.
It was so much worse under that bastard Clinton with him accelerating the job losses that many ignorant sheople forget how bad it really was under reagan and blame it all on Clinton even though reagan is as much to blame for betraying the middle class as clinton is.
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What Regan is mostly acclaimed for is the exact opposite of what he really did.

He increased the mational debt, increased the annual deficits, increased the size of government, too.

Not exactly the fiscally conservative POTUS so many of todays younger idealistic cons imagine him as having been, eh?

Reagan was much like Obama in that respect...thgose that love him simple invent his history to suit their opwn goofy prejudices.

Some people think Obama is a liberal, and they're as wrong as those who think Reagan was a conservative.

They are/were both advocates of big government working for the wealthy internationalists.

stands up and gives standing ovation.
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ignoring the parts of history that you do not like is not very american

i suppose you ignore the conviction of oliver north as well

to pick and choose facts is not very honest ....... but then you are connedservatives and unable to do differently

after-all , you made a promise to "rush" and "faux news"

I see you have noticed that as well in your short time here how they ignore the parts of the REAL reagan presidency that they dont like and just toot the horon of mouthpieces full of hot air like rush limbaugh and Faux news just like you said.:lol:
]You have to go back to JFK for a president the dems can boast about, especially now with BO in office.

History is going to be very kind to Obama.

History is already looking back on Clinton pretty well.

One only need to look at the last round of conventions. The Bushes were nowhere to be seen at the RNC, but Clinton was the highlight of the night for the Democrats.

History is basically a stepping back from the emotions that cloud our vision in the present to evaluate what took place at a time and place. In the future, Barack Obama will be judged not by a fawning main stream media but by Presidential historians who will look at his accomplishments and his failures. Unfortunately for this President...things like Benghazi...the IRS scandal...the first credit downgrade in our history...the worst recovery from a recession in modern history...the biggest increase to our national debt than all the other Presidents combined...the largest number of people on unemployment for the longest amount of time since the Great Depression...what will Obama hang his hat on when it comes to his "legacy"?

The reason that Clinton was such a rock star for the Democrats is that Barry has become such a disappointment.

The Bushes have stepped aside. H.W. is elderly...W. has retired to his ranch in Texas and has made it a point not to interfere in national politics.
you sleep Democrats for upset because we are the party of Lincoln freed the slaves the party Reagan free millions from communism and all they are the party of slavery And racial hate

Reagan had nothing to do with the fall of the USSR, which was very much alive when he left, and the fall of which caught the Intelligence Communities completely by surprise.
good lord your teachers really did program you well didnt they?

Guy, I was in the Armed forces from 1981 to 1992.

You know what the DIA did every year for us. They published this big fun book about the USSR entitled "Opposing Forces" that detailed all sorts of kewl info about Russian divisons and military strength and glossy picutres of their tanks, ships and planes (even the Buran Space Shuttle that never made it into space). And they published a new version of this book every year.

All the way up until 1991.

Three years after Reagan left office and was enjoying his Alzheimers. Even as they were chipping away at the Berlin Wall. The USSR was still the big threat. Until it wasn't.

The point being, the Fall of the Soviet Empire had nothing to do with a senile old actor, and caught us completely by surprise. We never saw it coming.
you sleep Democrats for upset because we are the party of Lincoln freed the slaves the party Reagan free millions from communism and all they are the party of slavery And racial hate

Reagan had nothing to do with the fall of the USSR, which was very much alive when he left, and the fall of which caught the Intelligence Communities completely by surprise.

More lies loser?

Double-Wide, no one cares about what you have to say...

Get some psychotropic drugs, you need them.
[ame=]Reagan at Brandenburg Gate - "tear down this wall" - YouTube[/ame]
Reagan had nothing to do with the fall of the USSR, which was very much alive when he left, and the fall of which caught the Intelligence Communities completely by surprise.
good lord your teachers really did program you well didnt they?

Guy, I was in the Armed forces from 1981 to 1992.

You know what the DIA did every year for us. They published this big fun book about the USSR entitled "Opposing Forces" that detailed all sorts of kewl info about Russian divisons and military strength and glossy picutres of their tanks, ships and planes (even the Buran Space Shuttle that never made it into space). And they published a new version of this book every year.

All the way up until 1991.

Three years after Reagan left office and was enjoying his Alzheimers. Even as they were chipping away at the Berlin Wall. The USSR was still the big threat. Until it wasn't.

The point being, the Fall of the Soviet Empire had nothing to do with a senile old actor, and caught us completely by surprise. We never saw it coming.
:lol:..You mad it funny :cuckoo: We forced it via Ronald Reagan:cool:
Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101
1988: Reagan Abandoned, Mocked by Hardline Conservatives

This is why the GOP lost in 2008 and 2012: They are living in a past that never existed, just like Reagan did. Reagan raised taxes, grew government, backed socialist programs, and more. When a political party lives on myth, sooner or later it all just collapses into a warm pile of shit

1988: Reagan Abandoned, Mocked by Hardline Conservatives
George Will

As the end of President Reagan’s final term approaches, conservatives and hardliners have radically changed their view of him. They originally saw him as one of their own—a crusader for good against evil, obstinately opposed to communism in general and to any sort of arms reduction agreement with the Soviet Union in specific. But recent events—Reagan’s recent moderation in rhetoric towards the Soviets (see December 1983 and After), the summits with Soviet Premier Mikhail Gorbachev (see November 16-19, 1985 and October 11-12, 1986), and the recent arms treaties with the Soviets (see Early 1985 and December 7-8, 1987) have soured them on Reagan.

Hardliners had once held considerable power in the Reagan administration (see January 1981 and After and Early 1981 and After), but their influence has steadily waned, and their attempts to sabotage and undermine arms control negotiations (see April 1981 and After, September 1981 through November 1983, May 1982 and After, and April 1983-December 1983), initially quite successful, have grown less effective and more desperate (see Before November 16, 1985). Attempts by administration hardliners to get “soft” officials such as Secretary of State George Shultz fired do not succeed. Conservative pundits such as George Will and William Safire lambast Reagan, with Will accusing him of “moral disarmament” and Safire mocking Reagan’s rapport with Gorbachev: “He professed to see in Mr. Gorbachev’s eyes an end to the Soviet goal of world domination.” It will not be until after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the tearing down of the Berlin Wall (see November 9, 1989 and After) that conservatives will revise their opinion of Reagan, in the process revising much of history in the process. [Scoblic, 2008, pp. 143-145]

Entity Tags: George Will, George Shultz, William Safire, Mikhail Gorbachev, Ronald Reagan

So it was Reagan's becoming more liberal towards the Soviets, that brought about Reagan's deals with the Soviets, that led to a warming of the cold war and the end of the Soviets' hostility distrust of the west and the USA

good lord your teachers really did program you well didnt they?

Guy, I was in the Armed forces from 1981 to 1992.

You know what the DIA did every year for us. They published this big fun book about the USSR entitled "Opposing Forces" that detailed all sorts of kewl info about Russian divisons and military strength and glossy picutres of their tanks, ships and planes (even the Buran Space Shuttle that never made it into space). And they published a new version of this book every year.

All the way up until 1991.

Three years after Reagan left office and was enjoying his Alzheimers. Even as they were chipping away at the Berlin Wall. The USSR was still the big threat. Until it wasn't.

The point being, the Fall of the Soviet Empire had nothing to do with a senile old actor, and caught us completely by surprise. We never saw it coming.
:lol:..You mad it funny :cuckoo: We forced it via Ronald Reagan:cool:

Yeah, East German border guards misread orders and all of a sudden tge rightwing who attacked Reagan as weak and a bumbling fool for having dealt civilly with Gorby....

...oh never mind. You people like the d Soviets you despised, reinvent history all the time.
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