Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101

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president reagan turned over americans to sen. joe mccarthys inquisition long before he ran for anything

against the law , he traded arms for hostages

dick cheney said it would have been terribly wrong to have occupied iraq after the first gulf war ,
but he forgot his own advice later when little george was president

the reaganut trolls here will ignore this post and pretend like you never said this hang around here long enough on this thread you'll find that out for yourself.
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the truth hurts the reaganut trolls that Calvin Coolidge was the last decent republican president we had.
This is a tribute to Reagan. Even in the tribute other names are mentioned that helped bring about the fall of the USSR. Reagan was a force in helping to bring down the USSR, but he wasn't the only one. I have been to Eastern Europe many times. I have friends there. I often stay in their homes in towns and cities that few westerners visit. A tribute speech does not counter the many conversations I have had with the everyday people I have had the oppurtunity to discuss this issue with at length.
Yes, and I of course who have lived in Prague since 1996 have not had a chance to do so. I iwill take the word of people I know and the likes of Vaclav Havel and Lech Walesa over some neophyte trustafarian. I'm funny that way I guess.

My viewpoints are not that far off from Vaclav Havel or Lech Walesa. Credit for the fall of the USSR are shared by many factors and the degree or importance for each factor is a matter of personel opinion. Most of the Reagan fans on this board choose to ignore all the other factors and give complete and total credit to Reagan. Would the USSR have fallen without Reagan? Would it have fallen without Walesa?

Poland Unveils Statue of Ronald Reagan in Warsaw

Former Polish president and anti-communist leader Lech Walesa unveiled a statue of Ronald Reagan on an elegant Warsaw street on Monday, honoring the late U.S. president for inspiring Poland's toppling of communism.

Poland Unveils Statue of Ronald Reagan in Warsaw | Fox News
Though Reagan's legacy is mixed in the U.S., across much of central and eastern Europe he is considered the greatest American leader in recent history for challenging the Soviet Union.
president reagan turned over americans to sen. joe mccarthys inquisition long before he ran for anything

against the law , he traded arms for hostages

dick cheney said it would have been terribly wrong to have occupied iraq after the first gulf war ,
but he forgot his own advice later when little george was president

the reaganut trolls her will ignore this post and pretend like you never said this hang around here long enough on this thread you'll find that out for yourself.

Frank has already made the suggestion that antiue4xpu might be under the influence of LSD because of his comment. Ofcourse he won't argue about which part of the comment is untrue, or give an alternative view. He's got nothin', nothin' but a nack for hijacking threads, flaming, trolling deflecting. All stuff any idiot can do. What he can't do is hold an intelligent or even interesting conversation. He's a bullsheetzer.
president reagan turned over americans to sen. joe mccarthys inquisition long before he ran for anything

against the law , he traded arms for hostages

dick cheney said it would have been terribly wrong to have occupied iraq after the first gulf war ,
but he forgot his own advice later when little george was president

the reaganut trolls her will ignore this post and pretend like you never said this hang around here long enough on this thread you'll find that out for yourself.

Frank has already made the suggestion that antiue4xpu might be under the influence of LSD because of his comment. Ofcourse he won't argue about which part of the comment is untrue, or give an alternative view. He's got nothin', nothin' but a nack for hijacking threads, flaming, trolling deflecting. All stuff any idiot can do. What he can't do is hold an intelligent or even interesting conversation. He's a bullsheetzer.

No surprise to hear that.:lol: typical post from Crusader Retard.everytime he is cornered,like them all,he slings shit in defeat like the moneky troll he is.:lmao:

maybe if i say that enough time it will register with him.:D

highly doubt it though since you nothing registers with someone on crack.:lol:
Let's hope this new privately funded Reagan statue doesn't get vandalized like the last one.
Let's hope this new privately funded Reagan statue doesn't get vandalized like the last one.

you just know these reaganut worshippers cried the first time it happened and will again if it DOES happen again.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao: especially Reagans distant cousin Crusader Retard.:D
ignoring the parts of history that you do not like is not very american

i suppose you ignore the conviction of oliver north as well

to pick and choose facts is not very honest ....... but then you are connedservatives and unable to do differently

after-all , you made a promise to "rush" and "faux news"
Actually, those who contend Reagan saved E. Europe would do well to read Commanding Heights, which btw actually treats he and Thatcher very generously, but includes more economic analysis and less ... myth. In a nutshell, Thatcherism really did the trick.

Uh huh, the Brits helped for sure, but Reagan was the driving force and provided the leadership

Economically, it was the US's embrace of low rates and market based capital allocation, along with the tech revolution, that collapsed the soviet economy. Reagan of course was part of that.

Star Wars was the nail in the coffin. Budget wise, the soviets only response would have been to restart the missle race, because missles were relatively cheap ... compared to missle defense. And for the soviets to base an entire defense against a first strike by nato on an assumption star wars couldn't work ....

Gorbachav was broke. He sued for peace.

That's not a Reagan diss. But both the left and the right like to focus on some military resolution. That detracts from the fact that Reagan, unlike Nixon and the dems, found mutually assured distruction morally repulsive. The common wisdom is that Reagan and Goldwater were some kind of mad bombers. It's untrue. And that doesn't mean Ike and JFK were mere pikers. They wanted some alternative as well.
ignoring the parts of history that you do not like is not very american

i suppose you ignore the conviction of oliver north as well

to pick and choose facts is not very honest ....... but then you are connedservatives and unable to do differently

after-all , you made a promise to "rush" and "faux news"

I'm curious, you hold FDR to the same standard as you hold Reagan? Or is it only conservatives that break the law in your view?
Reagan left office about as popular as anyone in history. Why on earth would he worry about his enshrined legacy? I can see the desperation in his detractors a quarter of a century after the man left office. Now that's a legacy!

I see why you were named Meathead (dead from the neck up).

Fact: Reagan was not loved by conservatives when he left office.

Do you know what Reagan's popularity was his last year in office? Mostly between 49% & 53%.

Do you know what it must have been with conservatives? Read the past press he received form conservatives, in their very own words they now try to run away from

revisionism doesn't work where information is available

Fact: When Reagan left office his biggest detractors were conservatives

The problem with Reagan is that he's really the only President that the GOP can point to since Ike that they aren't embarrassed by.

Nixon was impeached, Ford was a bumbler, Bush-41 was run out of town on a rail and Bush-43 messed up, well, just about everything.

So they only guy they have who walked out of the White House with his dignity intact is Reagan.

And he did it be being EXACTLY the oppossite of what the TEA Party is.

He negotiated deals with the Democrats. If he nominated someone who was unacceptable like Bork, he reeled it back by nominating a Kennedy.

So conservatives don't want to taut his legislation, such as revamping Social Security to keep it solvent for another generation or granting amnesty to 3 million illegals, but just the pretty speeches like "Tear Down This Wall".
Reagan left office about as popular as anyone in history. Why on earth would he worry about his enshrined legacy? I can see the desperation in his detractors a quarter of a century after the man left office. Now that's a legacy!

I see why you were named Meathead (dead from the neck up).

Fact: Reagan was not loved by conservatives when he left office.

Do you know what Reagan's popularity was his last year in office? Mostly between 49% & 53%.

Do you know what it must have been with conservatives? Read the past press he received form conservatives, in their very own words they now try to run away from

revisionism doesn't work where information is available

Fact: When Reagan left office his biggest detractors were conservatives

The problem with Reagan is that he's really the only President that the GOP can point to since Ike that they aren't embarrassed by.

Nixon was impeached, Ford was a bumbler, Bush-41 was run out of town on a rail and Bush-43 messed up, well, just about everything.

So they only guy they have who walked out of the White House with his dignity intact is Reagan.

And he did it be being EXACTLY the oppossite of what the TEA Party is.

He negotiated deals with the Democrats. If he nominated someone who was unacceptable like Bork, he reeled it back by nominating a Kennedy.

So conservatives don't want to taut his legislation, such as revamping Social Security to keep it solvent for another generation or granting amnesty to 3 million illegals, but just the pretty speeches like "Tear Down This Wall".
You have to go back to JFK for a president the dems can boast about, especially now with BO in office.
]You have to go back to JFK for a president the dems can boast about, especially now with BO in office.

History is going to be very kind to Obama.

History is already looking back on Clinton pretty well.

One only need to look at the last round of conventions. The Bushes were nowhere to be seen at the RNC, but Clinton was the highlight of the night for the Democrats.
]You have to go back to JFK for a president the dems can boast about, especially now with BO in office.

History is going to be very kind to Obama.

History is already looking back on Clinton pretty well.

One only need to look at the last round of conventions. The Bushes were nowhere to be seen at the RNC, but Clinton was the highlight of the night for the Democrats.
I remember your Zimmerman predictions. ROTFLMAO!

Anyway, Clinton will always be remembered as competent, but a sleaze. Obama will be remembered for incompetence which rivaled Carter's. He's a lame duck who had no business being president in the first place. It is no longer much of a secrete.
]You have to go back to JFK for a president the dems can boast about, especially now with BO in office.

History is going to be very kind to Obama.

History is already looking back on Clinton pretty well.

One only need to look at the last round of conventions. The Bushes were nowhere to be seen at the RNC, but Clinton was the highlight of the night for the Democrats.
I remember your Zimmerman predictions. ROTFLMAO!

Anyway, Clinton will always be remembered as competent, but a sleaze. Obama will be remembered for incompetence which rivaled Carter's. He's a lame duck who had no business being president in the first place. It is no longer much of a secrete.

Well, I'm glad my predictions of race riots didn't happen when an all white jury acquitted a white man of murdering a black child.

This time.

Again, Clinton was roundly welcomed at his convention, and they'll probably nominate his wife next time.

meanwhile, the Republicans can't hide the Bush family in the attic fast enough.

But they do have Reagan. If you just forget all the things Reagan actually did and only focus on the pretty speeches.
History is going to be very kind to Obama.

History is already looking back on Clinton pretty well.

One only need to look at the last round of conventions. The Bushes were nowhere to be seen at the RNC, but Clinton was the highlight of the night for the Democrats.
I remember your Zimmerman predictions. ROTFLMAO!

Anyway, Clinton will always be remembered as competent, but a sleaze. Obama will be remembered for incompetence which rivaled Carter's. He's a lame duck who had no business being president in the first place. It is no longer much of a secrete.

Well, I'm glad my predictions of race riots didn't happen when an all white jury acquitted a white man of murdering a black child.

This time.

Again, Clinton was roundly welcomed at his convention, and they'll probably nominate his wife next time.

meanwhile, the Republicans can't hide the Bush family in the attic fast enough.

But they do have Reagan. If you just forget all the things Reagan actually did and only focus on the pretty speeches.
America, nor the world has not forgotten what Reagan did. Lefties are still whining about it 25 years on.:lol:

All white jury? Maybe you missed the black Puerto Rican woman whose IQ was a close match with yours. Anyway, you had Zimmerman serving time and getting raped or killed in prison.

You really are either disingenuous, stupid or (most likely) both.
you see Democrats are upset because we are the party of Lincoln freed the slaves the party Reagan free millions from communism and all they are the party of slavery And racial hate
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I remember your Zimmerman predictions. ROTFLMAO!

Anyway, Clinton will always be remembered as competent, but a sleaze. Obama will be remembered for incompetence which rivaled Carter's. He's a lame duck who had no business being president in the first place. It is no longer much of a secrete.

Well, I'm glad my predictions of race riots didn't happen when an all white jury acquitted a white man of murdering a black child.

This time.

Again, Clinton was roundly welcomed at his convention, and they'll probably nominate his wife next time.

meanwhile, the Republicans can't hide the Bush family in the attic fast enough.

But they do have Reagan. If you just forget all the things Reagan actually did and only focus on the pretty speeches.
America, nor the world has not forgotten what Reagan did. Lefties are still whining about it 25 years on.:lol:

All white jury? Maybe you missed the black Puerto Rican woman whose IQ was a close match with yours. Anyway, you had Zimmerman serving time and getting raped or killed in prison.

You really are either disingenuous, stupid or (most likely) both.

So he's going to get killed on the street by a cop or the first black guy who recognizes him.

The guy will be dead in a year. He just can't help himself. Even his wife and lawyers are getting clear of the trainwreck.

Yeah, a lot of Americans haven't forgotten that Reagan destroyed the middle class and spent us into massive debt.
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