Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101

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In stark contrast to a certain far more recent POTUS, Reagan did not spend his entire administration whining about the mess he inherited. Reagan (gasp!) did something about it. I guess it's one of those things that separates the men from the boys.

Reagan blamed Carter at every oppurtunity...

Again, another one of these guys who doesn't remember the real Reagan, just remembers the "Myth".

He did not you lying Twat

Reagan Blamed Carter

The next time you hear a right winger complaining that one whole year! into Obama's Presidency he continues to blame George Bush for his our problems, remind them of the following quote from Reagan's 1983 State of the Union:

"The problems we inherited were far worse than most inside and out of government had expected; the recession was deeper than most inside and out of government had predicted. Curing those problems has taken more time and a higher toll than any of us wanted."

In Reagan's 1982 State of the Union, he went after his predecessor for blame plenty of times:

"To understand the State of the Union, we must look not only at where we are and where we're going but where we've been. The situation at this time last year was truly ominous."


"In the last six months of 1980, as an example, the money supply increased at the fastest rate in postwar history 13 percent. Inflation remained in double digits and Government spending increased at an annual rate of 17 percent. Interest rates reached a s taggering 21 1/2 percent. There were eight million unemployed."


"First, we must understand what's happening at the moment to the economy. Our current problems are not the product of the recovery program that's only just now getting under way, as some would have you believe; they are the inheritance of decades of tax and tax, and spend"


"Now the budget deficit this year will exceed our earlier expectations. The recession did that. It lowered revenues and increased costs."
I lived through the Reagan years too and witnessed success after success, a period of rarely seen substantial and maintained economic progress and the submission of the Soviet Union. I also witnessed 2 amazing landslide victories and the most popular presidency in recent history. Sadly, today we see a weak and vacillating president who could not offer a more vivid yet depressing contrast to what great leadership we once had.

Reagan barely cleared 50% in 1980. The only reason he won an impressive electoral victory was because John Anderson siphoned away a lot of the votes Carter would have gotten.

And frankly, Reagan knuckled under to the USSR pretty often.

He did nothing when they shot down that Korean Airliner.
He did nothing when the Russians cracked down on Poland.

While Reagan was happy to slap around little countries like Grenada and Libya, he had the good sense God gave dogs to not fuck with the USSR.

Final point. The USSR didn't collapse until the Watch of Bush the Elder. When Reagan left office, everyone still considered the USSR a big threat.

Reagan "fucked with the USSR" every chance he got; including ridiculing them at the Berlin Wall; lecturing him to "tear down this wall"

you dont know what you're talking about; as usual
Reagan blamed Carter at every oppurtunity...

Again, another one of these guys who doesn't remember the real Reagan, just remembers the "Myth".

He did not you lying Twat

Reagan Blamed Carter

The next time you hear a right winger complaining that one whole year! into Obama's Presidency he continues to blame George Bush for his our problems, remind them of the following quote from Reagan's 1983 State of the Union:

"The problems we inherited were far worse than most inside and out of government had expected; the recession was deeper than most inside and out of government had predicted. Curing those problems has taken more time and a higher toll than any of us wanted."

In Reagan's 1982 State of the Union, he went after his predecessor for blame plenty of times:

"To understand the State of the Union, we must look not only at where we are and where we're going but where we've been. The situation at this time last year was truly ominous."


"In the last six months of 1980, as an example, the money supply increased at the fastest rate in postwar history 13 percent. Inflation remained in double digits and Government spending increased at an annual rate of 17 percent. Interest rates reached a s taggering 21 1/2 percent. There were eight million unemployed."


"First, we must understand what's happening at the moment to the economy. Our current problems are not the product of the recovery program that's only just now getting under way, as some would have you believe; they are the inheritance of decades of tax and tax, and spend"


"Now the budget deficit this year will exceed our earlier expectations. The recession did that. It lowered revenues and increased costs."

the difference is Reagan succeeded you dolt; that was in the earyly Reagan years

obama and his lemmings like you are still blamin Bush in obama's 6th year
1982 Reagan had been in office one year

your talking points make the case for the other side

at the point obama is at in Reagans' second term GDP growth was over 7%

ur a loser; conducting a mind-fuck on yourself; twisting and distorting things to suit your narrative
and Reagan had a Democrat Congress to work with. obama had a huge Dem majority for all of both his first two yeas and STILL cried and blamed his failures on others
there you go making a fool of yourself again. Reagan couldnt do shit if his 8-year Dem-majority House didnt want him to; and his electoral victories were bigger than obama's but you have some idiotic excuse for that too.
ur a lemming and a loser; stuck in the past; the exact same kind of hyper-partisan fool you love to rant the other side is

Guy, I was a Right Wing Republican until about 7 years ago when I figured out the GOP only works for rich people.

But reality check, Reagan had no problem passing legislation through Congress. They went along with his tax cuts and his miitary spending on$600 toliet seats and all the rest of the bad ideas.

What didn't happen was that when there was a problem, Tip O'Neill didn't threaten to shut down the government if he didn't get his way on something. He came to the table with ideas and he made deals. So Social Security didn't collapse in the 1980's.
there you go making a fool of yourself again. Reagan couldnt do shit if his 8-year Dem-majority House didnt want him to; and his electoral victories were bigger than obama's but you have some idiotic excuse for that too.
ur a lemming and a loser; stuck in the past; the exact same kind of hyper-partisan fool you love to rant the other side is

Guy, I was a Right Wing Republican until about 7 years ago when I figured out the GOP only works for rich people.

But reality check, Reagan had no problem passing legislation through Congress. They went along with his tax cuts and his miitary spending on$600 toliet seats and all the rest of the bad ideas.

What didn't happen was that when there was a problem, Tip O'Neill didn't threaten to shut down the government if he didn't get his way on something. He came to the table with ideas and he made deals. So Social Security didn't collapse in the 1980's.

gee idiot; maybe you'll have another epiphany when you finally admit to yourself some FACTS; under obama; the rich are getting MUCH richer and at a faster rate than under Bush; and the Middle class and working poor are getting poorer
and Reagan had a Democrat Congress to work with. obama had a huge Dem majority for all of both his first two yeas and STILL cried and blamed his failures on others

Actually, Reagan had a Republican Senate for his first six years.

And the coalition between Southern Conservative Democrats (AKA "Boll Weevils") and Republicans gave him a working majority on a lot of issues.

More importantly, though, the good thing about Reagan was that he wasn't a Teabagging fanatic. He sat down with the other side and got things done.

If you weren't about 12, you'd know this.
and Reagan had a Democrat Congress to work with. obama had a huge Dem majority for all of both his first two yeas and STILL cried and blamed his failures on others

Actually, Reagan had a Republican Senate for his first six years.

And the coalition between Southern Conservative Democrats (AKA "Boll Weevils") and Republicans gave him a working majority on a lot of issues.

More importantly, though, the good thing about Reagan was that he wasn't a Teabagging fanatic. He sat down with the other side and got things done.

If you weren't about 12, you'd know this.

you're a laughable loser

lib lemings are running around calling Congress "Republican" when it's had just a Republican House and that for less than 4 years

but since reagan has a republican Senate for a few years that makes congress Republican too?

ur a joke
and Reagan had a Democrat Congress to work with. obama had a huge Dem majority for all of both his first two yeas and STILL cried and blamed his failures on others

Actually, Reagan had a Republican Senate for his first six years.

And the coalition between Southern Conservative Democrats (AKA "Boll Weevils") and Republicans gave him a working majority on a lot of issues.

More importantly, though, the good thing about Reagan was that he wasn't a Teabagging fanatic. He sat down with the other side and got things done.

If you weren't about 12, you'd know this.

bottom line is reagan worked with people?

ok; and clinton worked with people?


and i could fill up this page with "Bush" policies Dems voted for?

so who is different moron?

and he isnt failing becaue of the Tiny tea Party

ur a joke
and Reagan had a Democrat Congress to work with. obama had a huge Dem majority for all of both his first two yeas and STILL cried and blamed his failures on others

Actually, Reagan had a Republican Senate for his first six years.

And the coalition between Southern Conservative Democrats (AKA "Boll Weevils") and Republicans gave him a working majority on a lot of issues.

More importantly, though, the good thing about Reagan was that he wasn't a Teabagging fanatic. He sat down with the other side and got things done.

If you weren't about 12, you'd know this.

you're a laughable loser

lib lemings are running around calling Congress "Republican" when it's had just a Republican House and that for less than 4 years

but since reagan has a republican Senate for a few years that makes congress Republican too?

ur a joke

Again, these Southern Democrats were happy to go along with any stupid thing Reagan wanted to do.

So he had an effective majority.

Nonetheless, a bloc of conservative Democrats, mostly Southerners, remained in the United States Congress throughout the 1970s and 1980s (Conservative Coalition). These included Democratic House members as conservative as Larry McDonald, who was also a leader in the John Birch Society. During the administration of Ronald Reagan, the term "boll weevils" was applied to this bloc of conservative Democrats, who consistently voted for tax cuts, increases in military spending, and deregulation favored by the Reagan administration.

"Boll weevils" was sometimes used as a political epithet by Democratic Party leaders, implying the boll weevils were unreliable on key votes or not team players.
Actually, Reagan had a Republican Senate for his first six years.

And the coalition between Southern Conservative Democrats (AKA "Boll Weevils") and Republicans gave him a working majority on a lot of issues.

More importantly, though, the good thing about Reagan was that he wasn't a Teabagging fanatic. He sat down with the other side and got things done.

If you weren't about 12, you'd know this.

you're a laughable loser

lib lemings are running around calling Congress "Republican" when it's had just a Republican House and that for less than 4 years

but since reagan has a republican Senate for a few years that makes congress Republican too?

ur a joke

Again, these Southern Democrats were happy to go along with any stupid thing Reagan wanted to do.

So he had an effective majority.

Nonetheless, a bloc of conservative Democrats, mostly Southerners, remained in the United States Congress throughout the 1970s and 1980s (Conservative Coalition). These included Democratic House members as conservative as Larry McDonald, who was also a leader in the John Birch Society. During the administration of Ronald Reagan, the term "boll weevils" was applied to this bloc of conservative Democrats, who consistently voted for tax cuts, increases in military spending, and deregulation favored by the Reagan administration.

"Boll weevils" was sometimes used as a political epithet by Democratic Party leaders, implying the boll weevils were unreliable on key votes or not team players.

again you lie to yourself

it was more than Southern Dems that voted for reagan's policies

in fact so many dems voted for his policies that the term REAGAN DEMOCRAT WAS COINED to describe them
i understand; a hard-core lefty like you is still butt-sore that your Donkey purged out almost all of the Blue Dog moderates; but is still failing
Do you people not yet understand that neither REAGAN nor CARTER had ANY CONTROL over the FED's decision to raise interest rates?

The FED killed inflation by reducing the amount of NEW MONEY going into the economy.

That slowly decreased inflation by putting millions and millions of American out of work.

Regans's first two years were HELL.

The DOW was about 400 or so.

Seriously go read some history.

Many of you make yourselves look like total asses
Reagan had an 8-year Dem-majority House; and a 2 year Dem-majority Senate; so he had 2 years where dems controlled both chambers

obama has never had the other Party controlling both chambers; he's either had both chambers of the Senate; and he's still crying................and your'e trying to imply that reagans' congress was republican too?

and so you cry that regan had a coalition of southern dems;

so the eff what?

all you're saying without knowin it is that obama is the weak leader th other side says he is; unable to builld bridges and find a consensus
in fact so many dems voted for his policies that the term REAGAN DEMOCRAT WAS COINED to describe them

You continue to use that definition for the term Reagan Democrat over and over. Can you at least show us which RW blog or whatever you got that definition or did you just make up that definition in your head?
Do you people not yet understand that neither REAGAN nor CARTER had ANY CONTROL over the FED's decision to raise interest rates?

The FED killed inflation by reducing the amount of NEW MONEY going into the economy.

That slowly decreased inflation by putting millions and millions of American out of work.

Regans's first two years were HELL.

The DOW was about 400 or so.

Seriously go read some history.

Many of you make yourselves look like total asses

you are implying that the president has no influence over the Fed; and that the money supply is the only factor in the economy'

the idiot is you

the only idiot here is you
in fact so many dems voted for his policies that the term REAGAN DEMOCRAT WAS COINED to describe them

You continue to use that definition for the term Reagan Democrat over and over. Can you at least show us which RW blog or whatever you got that definition or did you just make up that definition in your head?

u are a complete idiot. do you know what Google is you moron?

just because you're a lemming; doesnt mean only "right-wing blogs" know what a Reagan Democrat is
in fact so many dems voted for his policies that the term REAGAN DEMOCRAT WAS COINED to describe them

You continue to use that definition for the term Reagan Democrat over and over. Can you at least show us which RW blog or whatever you got that definition or did you just make up that definition in your head?

i'm sorry moron; perhaps communicating with you would be more effective if you provided me with a list of LW sources to use; to find actual historical events and people like the Reagan Democrats with, to teach you.

so what?

Hufffington Post?

Mother Jones?
then again even if i provide a source that isnt Fox News or the Heritage Foundation; or something like that; you losers still whine that it isnt good enough; and if it from a Left-wing source you will either 1. deny it, 2. distort it. or 3. change the subect
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