Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101

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in fact so many dems voted for his policies that the term REAGAN DEMOCRAT WAS COINED to describe them

You continue to use that definition for the term Reagan Democrat over and over. Can you at least show us which RW blog or whatever you got that definition or did you just make up that definition in your head?

u are a complete idiot. do you know what Google is you moron?

just because you're a lemming; doesnt mean only "right-wing blogs" know what a Reagan Democrat is

Stop evading the question. Calling people idiots and morons doesn't make you appear to be smart or informed. It just makes you look like the idiot or moron when you use the name calling tactic to evade backing up a question you have been asked. You have been given the definition of Reagan Democrat a bunch of times, even by actual Reagan Democrats. So at least give us this hint. How many google pages does one have to go through before they stumble onto the site that gives the definition you are using instead of the one everyone else uses?
I lived through the Reagan years too and witnessed success after success, a period of rarely seen substantial and maintained economic progress and the submission of the Soviet Union. I also witnessed 2 amazing landslide victories and the most popular presidency in recent history. Sadly, today we see a weak and vacillating president who could not offer a more vivid yet depressing contrast to what great leadership we once had.
Amen to that. That's what lefties do, their policies are a steamy pile so they try to make the other guy look worse. Rewriting Reagan's legacy is apparently the new approach to protecting this mess. The younger ones that are too lazy to look it up for themselves might be influenced but not those of us who know better. But the uninformed voter IS their base.
You continue to use that definition for the term Reagan Democrat over and over. Can you at least show us which RW blog or whatever you got that definition or did you just make up that definition in your head?

u are a complete idiot. do you know what Google is you moron?

just because you're a lemming; doesnt mean only "right-wing blogs" know what a Reagan Democrat is

Stop evading the question. Calling people idiots and morons doesn't make you appear to be smart or informed. It just makes you look like the idiot or moron when you use the name calling tactic to evade backing up a question you have been asked. You have been given the definition of Reagan Democrat a bunch of times, even by actual Reagan Democrats. So at least give us this hint. How many google pages does one have to go through before they stumble onto the site that gives the definition you are using instead of the one everyone else uses?

i didnt evade anything. it's not my fault you're ignorant. i ddint get the term "Reagan Democrat" from a "right-wing blog" or any right-wing source at all
it's not me evading; it's you being willfully ignorant

i could stop calling you names; but it wont make you any less of a lemming. so why should i bother/
You continue to use that definition for the term Reagan Democrat over and over. Can you at least show us which RW blog or whatever you got that definition or did you just make up that definition in your head?

u are a complete idiot. do you know what Google is you moron?

just because you're a lemming; doesnt mean only "right-wing blogs" know what a Reagan Democrat is

Stop evading the question. Calling people idiots and morons doesn't make you appear to be smart or informed. It just makes you look like the idiot or moron when you use the name calling tactic to evade backing up a question you have been asked. You have been given the definition of Reagan Democrat a bunch of times, even by actual Reagan Democrats. So at least give us this hint. How many google pages does one have to go through before they stumble onto the site that gives the definition you are using instead of the one everyone else uses?

what is the definition of Reagan Democrat you use? or "everybody else uses"? where does it come from? how many pages of Google do you have to go through to find it before you stumble on one that makes my point any different? what IS your point?

did Democrats abandon the Dem Party in droves and elect and re-elect not only Reagan but Democrat representatives to Congress that voted for Reagan's policies?

did Democrats who WERE ALREADY IN CONGRESS also vote for Reagan's policies?

what about my definition dont you like? what part isnt true? how is your definition different? how does it change the things i mentioned above.. ????

dont evade the question now

and how would that change my main point?
I lived through the Reagan years too and witnessed success after success, a period of rarely seen substantial and maintained economic progress and the submission of the Soviet Union. I also witnessed 2 amazing landslide victories and the most popular presidency in recent history. Sadly, today we see a weak and vacillating president who could not offer a more vivid yet depressing contrast to what great leadership we once had.
Amen to that. That's what lefties do, their policies are a steamy pile so they try to make the other guy look worse. Rewriting Reagan's legacy is apparently the new approach to protecting this mess. The younger ones that are too lazy to look it up for themselves might be influenced but not those of us who know better. But the uninformed voter IS their base.
Reagan has made all his successors look bad in contrast. The starkest is of course the current POTUS, which is why Obama's supporters hope that by belittling Reagan, he won't look the abject failure that he's quickly becoming.
Camp is mad a called some people names; tried to call me out on my definition of Reagan Democrat; seemed to be crying that it didnt mean what i said it meaned.

so i asked him what is the "real" definition; and how does it change my central point that the left-wing losers here crying about Reagan cant explain how reagan could have got ANYTHING done without the help of the Reagan Democrats. and since so meny Dems abandoned their Party to vote for Reagan in elections; or Dems in Congress for his policies; its laughable for left-wingers to keep crying bout Reagan.

Camp; trying to call me out for misrepsresenting things; couldnt even be bothered to respond.

idiots and hypocrites
u are a complete idiot. do you know what Google is you moron?

just because you're a lemming; doesnt mean only "right-wing blogs" know what a Reagan Democrat is

Stop evading the question. Calling people idiots and morons doesn't make you appear to be smart or informed. It just makes you look like the idiot or moron when you use the name calling tactic to evade backing up a question you have been asked. You have been given the definition of Reagan Democrat a bunch of times, even by actual Reagan Democrats. So at least give us this hint. How many google pages does one have to go through before they stumble onto the site that gives the definition you are using instead of the one everyone else uses?

what is the definition of Reagan Democrat you use? or "everybody else uses"? where does it come from? how many pages of Google do you have to go through to find it before you stumble on one that makes my point any different? what IS your point?

did Democrats abandon the Dem Party in droves and elect and re-elect not only Reagan but Democrat representatives to Congress that voted for Reagan's policies?

did Democrats who WERE ALREADY IN CONGRESS also vote for Reagan's policies?

what about my definition dont you like? what part isnt true? how is your definition different? how does it change the things i mentioned above.. ????

dont evade the question now

and how would that change my main point?

If you can not comprehend the meaning of Reagan Democrats and the implications and meaning of voters voting split tickets, the concious effort to balance power between the executive and legislative branchs and the concept that ideology is secondary to pragmatism you will not understand the Reagan era let alone the meaning of Reagan Democrats.

Unable to comprehend even the basic premise of Reagan Democrats, it is highly unlikely you would comprehend some of the real causes of the fall of the USSR. The Reagan worshippers will continue to give Reagan credit even though when he left office the USSR was still standing. They continue to refuse to aknowlede that the beginning of the fall actulally began shortly after a huge ground war put western weapons and weapon systems against USSR weapons and weapons systems. This ground war made it obvious that the weapons of the USSR were no match for weapons of the USA and NATO. The USSR air defense and aircraft were knocked out and down immediatly. The best Russian tanks were destroyed and turned into burning hulks. Any future conventional war in Europe became obvious and certain. Less than a year after that war, the USSR decided to desolve itself. Bush 41, the elder, former CIA Director and VP under Reagan was the President at the time.
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Do you people not yet understand that neither REAGAN nor CARTER had ANY CONTROL over the FED's decision to raise interest rates?

The FED killed inflation by reducing the amount of NEW MONEY going into the economy.

That slowly decreased inflation by putting millions and millions of American out of work.

Regans's first two years were HELL.

The DOW was about 400 or so.

Seriously go read some history.

Many of you make yourselves look like total asses

you are implying that the president has no influence over the Fed; and that the money supply is the only factor in the economy'

Oh I didn't IMPLY that, lad, I told you flat out that is the truth.

The FED decides these things and they often do so despite what the POTUS would like.

Seriously kiddo, go read fucking book...educate yourself.

Start with economic history of the US
i understand; a hard-core lefty like you is still butt-sore that your Donkey purged out almost all of the Blue Dog moderates; but is still failing

No, guy, i'm upset that senile old fuck destroyed the American MIddle Class, but unlike you, I'm old enough to remember what that looked like.


You're a joke.

Good thing you get paid to post here. I'd hate to think you were this stupid in real life
Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101
1988: Reagan Abandoned, Mocked by Hardline Conservatives

This is why the GOP lost in 2008 and 2012: They are living in a past that never existed, just like Reagan did. Reagan raised taxes, grew government, backed socialist programs, and more. When a political party lives on myth, sooner or later it all just collapses into a warm pile of shit

1988: Reagan Abandoned, Mocked by Hardline Conservatives
George Will

As the end of President Reagan’s final term approaches, conservatives and hardliners have radically changed their view of him. They originally saw him as one of their own—a crusader for good against evil, obstinately opposed to communism in general and to any sort of arms reduction agreement with the Soviet Union in specific. But recent events—Reagan’s recent moderation in rhetoric towards the Soviets (see December 1983 and After), the summits with Soviet Premier Mikhail Gorbachev (see November 16-19, 1985 and October 11-12, 1986), and the recent arms treaties with the Soviets (see Early 1985 and December 7-8, 1987) have soured them on Reagan.

Hardliners had once held considerable power in the Reagan administration (see January 1981 and After and Early 1981 and After), but their influence has steadily waned, and their attempts to sabotage and undermine arms control negotiations (see April 1981 and After, September 1981 through November 1983, May 1982 and After, and April 1983-December 1983), initially quite successful, have grown less effective and more desperate (see Before November 16, 1985). Attempts by administration hardliners to get “soft” officials such as Secretary of State George Shultz fired do not succeed. Conservative pundits such as George Will and William Safire lambast Reagan, with Will accusing him of “moral disarmament” and Safire mocking Reagan’s rapport with Gorbachev: “He professed to see in Mr. Gorbachev’s eyes an end to the Soviet goal of world domination.” It will not be until after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the tearing down of the Berlin Wall (see November 9, 1989 and After) that conservatives will revise their opinion of Reagan, in the process revising much of history in the process. [Scoblic, 2008, pp. 143-145]

Entity Tags: George Will, George Shultz, William Safire, Mikhail Gorbachev, Ronald Reagan

So it was Reagan's becoming more liberal towards the Soviets, that brought about Reagan's deals with the Soviets, that led to a warming of the cold war and the end of the Soviets' hostility distrust of the west and the USA

your a special kind of stupid

and you're a special kind of parasite on the American dime
Remember how absolutely nobody saw the collapse of the USSR coming and said, "What's Reagan talking about, the USSR is on its last legs and about to have a going out of business sale"

Remember that?
Remember how absolutely nobody saw the collapse of the USSR coming and said, "What's Reagan talking about, the USSR is on its last legs and about to have a going out of business sale"

Remember that?

NO, because Reagan never really said that.

He denounced their idealogy up and down. But he never really predicted their collapse and it's disingenous for you to claim he did.
Remember how absolutely nobody saw the collapse of the USSR coming and said, "What's Reagan talking about, the USSR is on its last legs and about to have a going out of business sale"

Remember that?

NO, because Reagan never really said that.

He denounced their idealogy up and down. But he never really predicted their collapse and it's disingenous for you to claim he did.

Reagan was the only person who saw it coming. Ash heap of history...Last chapters being written

and you mocked him at the time for saying your motherland was going to collapse

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
Do you people not yet understand that neither REAGAN nor CARTER had ANY CONTROL over the FED's decision to raise interest rates?

The FED killed inflation by reducing the amount of NEW MONEY going into the economy.

That slowly decreased inflation by putting millions and millions of American out of work.

Regans's first two years were HELL.

The DOW was about 400 or so.

Seriously go read some history.

Many of you make yourselves look like total asses

you are implying that the president has no influence over the Fed; and that the money supply is the only factor in the economy'

Oh I didn't IMPLY that, lad, I told you flat out that is the truth.

The FED decides these things and they often do so despite what the POTUS would like.

Seriously kiddo, go read fucking book...educate yourself.

Start with economic history of the US

they wont read it.Myself and Camp have posted the link to to the book Tearing down the myth about reagans false legacy and the cowardly trolls refuse to read it so they wont read that book either.
i understand; a hard-core lefty like you is still butt-sore that your Donkey purged out almost all of the Blue Dog moderates; but is still failing

No, guy, i'm upset that senile old fuck destroyed the American MIddle Class, but unlike you, I'm old enough to remember what that looked like.


You're a joke.

Good thing you get paid to post here. I'd hate to think you were this stupid in real life

Hey hypocrite paid troll.He isnt the chickenshit coward refusing to read books and links and watch videos like you reagan worshippers.:cuckoo:

He isnt the stupid fuck you are refusing to read this quote of Reagans appointee as CIA director William CASEY said trolls wont read it since Casey got the CIA back to its evil ways again under casey after carter hired Stansfield Turner who reformed the CIA.

We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."-- William Casey, CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)
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Remember how absolutely nobody saw the collapse of the USSR coming and said, "What's Reagan talking about, the USSR is on its last legs and about to have a going out of business sale"

Remember that?

NO, because Reagan never really said that.

He denounced their idealogy up and down. But he never really predicted their collapse and it's disingenous for you to claim he did.

Reagan was the only person who saw it coming. Ash heap of history...Last chapters being written

and you mocked him at the time for saying your motherland was going to collapse

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

Specifically, what speech did Reagan see it coming?

Camp is mad a called some people names; tried to call me out on my definition of Reagan Democrat; seemed to be crying that it didnt mean what i said it meaned.

so i asked him what is the "real" definition; and how does it change my central point that the left-wing losers here crying about Reagan cant explain how reagan could have got ANYTHING done without the help of the Reagan Democrats. and since so meny Dems abandoned their Party to vote for Reagan in elections; or Dems in Congress for his policies; its laughable for left-wingers to keep crying bout Reagan.

Camp; trying to call me out for misrepsresenting things; couldnt even be bothered to respond.

idiots and hypocrites

that would be you reagan worshippers.:cuckoo: posters like camp get tired of replying to your lies ignoring facts how reagan betrayed the middle class familys,had no impact on the USSR falling,and prove what a chickenshit coward you all are running away evading these facts of how corrupt and evil he was.:cuckoo:

•Mass murderer
•Supporter of abortion
•War criminal

•Destroyer of freedom
•Traitor of the American people
•Corporate whore
•Destroyer of the environment
•Supporter of Satanists & child murderers "
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the CIA controlled media worships Reagan as hte best president ever and brainwashes the sheople-the non paid trolls that arent on this thread defending him,they brainwash them with their propaganda since Reagan was the pioneer of betraying america shipping jobs overseas. a trait every american president has followed since then,expanding what he got started.Since reagan was the originater who started it all,the media made up the myth about him.thats why Obama said before his inaguration,he admired Reagan.:D

these trolls cant face facts though that actual polls taken back then showed most americans were not happy with Reagans performace the majority of time while in office though.:cuckoo:

dante proved that earlier in one of his posts only to watch the trolls all ignore it.I'll have to find it again it looks like.
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NO, because Reagan never really said that.

He denounced their idealogy up and down. But he never really predicted their collapse and it's disingenous for you to claim he did.

Reagan was the only person who saw it coming. Ash heap of history...Last chapters being written

and you mocked him at the time for saying your motherland was going to collapse

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

Specifically, what speech did Reagan see it coming?


Seriously? You're THAT ignorant about Reagan and you spew your stupid nonsense 24/7?

"I believe that communism is another sad, bizarre chapter in human history whose last pages even now are being written." -- 3/8/1983 from the "Evil Empire Speech

JoeB, what a fucking asshole
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