Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101

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And many of us remember those days, Carter's Misery Index and double digit inflation, etc. but are supposed to believe modern day net-tards instead.

Reagan beat inflation by causing a recession and crushing the middle class.

It was a case of the "cure" being worse than the disease, really.

Reagan did not cause a recession.


thats why we were better off under carter.while inflation was high under carter,unemployment was MUCH lower under carter than Reagan.:cuckoo:

your right,he indeed beat inflation by causing a recession and crushing the middle class.
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Noam Chomsky!!


That's hysterical!!!


Noam Chomsky on Reagan!

the raygun myth must be busted. (It already has but the raygun fluffers just don't want to admit it :eusa_shhh: )
Tear Down This Myth: The Right-Wing Distortion of the Reagan Legacy: Will Bunch: 9781416597636: Books
It's no accident that today when you see a chart of income inequality in America, it starts in 1980, the year that Reagan was elected to his first term. His steep reduction in top income rates sparked the huge gaps between CEO pay and what the average worker makes, his crushing of the air traffic controllers union launched an era of declining fortunes for blue-collar workers, his deregulation of the savings and loan industry was a multi-billion-dollar boondoggle, and his similar laizzez-faire attitude toward Wall Street inspired some great movies but marked the dawn of an era of insider trading and swindles that went largely unchecked until it finally took America to the brink in 2008.

the Reagan years were better than the obama years; after Reagan turned around the RECESSION HE INHERITED FROM CARTER
libs are losers who lie to themselves

GDP at this point in Reagan's second term was 7% or higher

ur a joke

the joke here is you reagan worshippers.:lol::lol::lol:

all he inherited was an inflation crisis.People have spelled it out to you dummies style that he made things MUCH worse for the economy than carter ever did in the economy only to watch you evade those facts:cuckoo:

proof in the pudding.the numbers on the left show that inflation was high under carters term but low under reagan.the numbers on the right show the unemployment was low under carter but high under reagan.:cuckoo:

1977 6.5 7.1
1978 7.6 6.1
1979 11.3 5.9 < Second oil crisis
1980 13.5 7.2
1981 10.3 7.6
1982 6.2 9.7
1983 3.2 9.6
1984 4.3 7.5

the highest unemployment got under carter was 7.2 his last year.most his term,we were doing pretty good. the best reagan did his first term was 7.5 which last time i checked was lower than 7.2.:cuckoo: I have posted the link many times only to watch you guys run away from it so Im not about to again.if you actually read sources from the 80's,polls showed back then,most americans thought we were no better off under reagan when he left office than we were under carter.:cuckoo:

thats why myself and others keep showing you the link of that book that you guys cowardly wont read cause your scared of the truth.:rolleyes:
NYTimes response to Reagan's "Evil Empire" Speech

''Let us pray for the salvation of all those who live in that totalitarian darkness,'' the President Mr. Reagan said, adding that Americans also must not forget that Communists ''are the focus of evil in the modern world.''

He then criticized unidentified people, individuals who, he said, would have the nation accept Communists ''at their word and accommodate ourselves to their aggressive impulses.'' (Like 9/11 and the Democrats)

Now, why didn't anyone say, "Oh the USSR will collapse anyway, what's Reagan worrying about?"

Reagan beat inflation by causing a recession and crushing the middle class.

It was a case of the "cure" being worse than the disease, really.
stands up and gives standing ovation.

thats why they wont watch this video TAKEN from the 80's

because it backs you up and proves you are telling the truth what a liar Toto and crusader retard and others are so they wont watch it or read that book of that link I have posted hundreds of times here and that dot com posted as well recently and thats cause the truth scares they do this:scared1:
when confronted with facts they cant refute.or come back with childish one liners in frustration of defeat as well.hee hee.
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When President Reagan entered office in 1981, he faced actually much worse economic problems than President Obama faced in 2009. Three worsening recessions starting in 1969 were about to culminate in the worst of all in 1981-1982, with unemployment soaring into double digits at a peak of 10.8%. At the same time America suffered roaring double-digit inflation, with the CPI registering at 11.3% in 1979 and 13.5% in 1980 (25% in two years). The Washington establishment at the time argued that this inflation was now endemic to the American economy, and could not be stopped, at least not without a calamitous economic collapse.
And many of us remember those days, Carter's Misery Index and double digit inflation, etc. but are supposed to believe modern day net-tards instead.

Reagan beat inflation by causing a recession and crushing the middle class.

It was a case of the "cure" being worse than the disease, really.

Reagan beat inflation by causing a recession and crushing the middle class.

It was a case of the "cure" being worse than the disease, really.
JoeB is 9/11? Not surprised.
Crusader Retards handlers are getting worried the way they keep sending the resident troll to troll these boards and keep coming back for his constant ass beatings he gets.:D.
you sure have an obsession over me rat in the ass,now your coming over from the conspiracy section to troll here as well i see after i have the same obsession over me crusader retard has with his lover reagan.
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When President Reagan entered office in 1981, he faced actually much worse economic problems than President Obama faced in 2009. Three worsening recessions starting in 1969 were about to culminate in the worst of all in 1981-1982, with unemployment soaring into double digits at a peak of 10.8%. At the same time America suffered roaring double-digit inflation, with the CPI registering at 11.3% in 1979 and 13.5% in 1980 (25% in two years). The Washington establishment at the time argued that this inflation was now endemic to the American economy, and could not be stopped, at least not without a calamitous economic collapse.

All of the above was accompanied by double -igit interest rates, with the prime rate peaking at 21.5% in 1980. The poverty rate started increasing in 1978, eventually climbing by an astounding 33%, from 11.4% to 15.2%. A fall in real median family income that began in 1978 snowballed to a decline of almost 10% by 1982. In addition, from 1968 to 1982, the Dow Jones industrial average lost 70% of its real value, reflecting an overall collapse of stocks.

as usual,you have been caught lying. post# 1545 in my links debunks your lies.

as does the link dot com posted earlier does to that book that you wont read.
you sure have an obsession over me rat in the ass,now your coming over from the conspiracy section to troll here as well i see after i have the same obsession over me crusader retard has with his lover reagan.

Connery made a post a while back proving that I am NOT Rat in the Hat. Would you like me to link to it, tinfoil-for-brains?
the raygun myth must be busted. (It already has but the raygun fluffers just don't want to admit it :eusa_shhh: )
Tear Down This Myth: The Right-Wing Distortion of the Reagan Legacy: Will Bunch: 9781416597636: Books

the Reagan years were better than the obama years; after Reagan turned around the RECESSION HE INHERITED FROM CARTER
libs are losers who lie to themselves

GDP at this point in Reagan's second term was 7% or higher

ur a joke

the joke here is you reagan worshippers.:lol::lol::lol:

all he inherited was an inflation crisis.People have spelled it out to you dummies style that he made things MUCH worse for the economy than carter ever did in the economy only to watch you evade those facts:cuckoo:

proof in the pudding.the numbers on the left show that inflation was high under carters term but low under reagan.the numbers on the right show the unemployment was low under carter but high under reagan.:cuckoo:

1977 6.5 7.1
1978 7.6 6.1
1979 11.3 5.9 < Second oil crisis
1980 13.5 7.2
1981 10.3 7.6
1982 6.2 9.7
1983 3.2 9.6
1984 4.3 7.5

the highest unemployment got under carter was 7.2 his last year.most his term,we were doing pretty good. the best reagan did his first term was 7.5 which last time i checked was lower than 7.2.:cuckoo: I have posted the link many times only to watch you guys run away from it so Im not about to again.if you actually read sources from the 80's,polls showed back then,most americans thought we were no better off under reagan when he left office than we were under carter.:cuckoo:

thats why myself and others keep showing you the link of that book that you guys cowardly wont read cause your scared of the truth.:rolleyes:

What Reagan "inherited" from Jimmy Carter was Stagflation...a nasty combination of inflation and high unemployment. His solution was to first lower inflation (which if you remember your Econ 101 leads to higher unemployment) and then to tackle jobs by the way of tax cuts.

Your memory of Carter and Reagan is SO wrong! Most Americans were far happier at the end of Reagan's two terms than they were at the end of Carter's one. The US was suffering from "malaise" to use Jimmy Carter's term when Reagan took over. Reagan turned that around. Not right away but he did turn it around and when he did it led to the longest period of sustained economic growth in the last hundred years.

Why you think anyone would "run" from your totally wrong analysis of what took place back then is beyond me. To be quite honest with's a laughable claim made by someone that doesn't appear to know much about economics OR history.
In stark contrast to a certain far more recent POTUS, Reagan did not spend his entire administration whining about the mess he inherited. Reagan (gasp!) did something about it. I guess it's one of those things that separates the men from the boys.
In stark contrast to a certain far more recent POTUS, Reagan did not spend his entire administration whining about the mess he inherited. Reagan (gasp!) did something about it. I guess it's one of those things that separates the men from the boys.

Reagan blamed Carter at every oppurtunity...

Again, another one of these guys who doesn't remember the real Reagan, just remembers the "Myth".

What Reagan "inherited" from Jimmy Carter was Stagflation...a nasty combination of inflation and high unemployment. His solution was to first lower inflation (which if you remember your Econ 101 leads to higher unemployment) and then to tackle jobs by the way of tax cuts.

Except that the average wage of the middle class had still declined by the end of Ray-Guns term.

The only reason why "jobs" came back at all not because of tax cuts, but because Reagan tripled the national debt paying for expensive military toys. In short, he was as much a Keynesian as FDR was. And then when he realized that Trickle Down didn't work, he agreed to tax increases in the guise of "Tax Reform" that was anything but.

Your memory of Carter and Reagan is SO wrong! Most Americans were far happier at the end of Reagan's two terms than they were at the end of Carter's one. The US was suffering from "malaise" to use Jimmy Carter's term when Reagan took over. Reagan turned that around. Not right away but he did turn it around and when he did it led to the longest period of sustained economic growth in the last hundred years.

I guess Reagan gets credit for making Americans "feel better" about themselves, but that's because most Americans are kind of stupid compared to their European and Japanese counterparts. Yes, as the sting of Vietnam and Watergate faded, Americans did feel better about themselves. They just didn't solve the underlying problems, they made them worse. Wages continued to decline, the middle class continued to erode, and more manufacturing went overseas.

Why you think anyone would "run" from your totally wrong analysis of what took place back then is beyond me. To be quite honest with's a laughable claim made by someone that doesn't appear to know much about economics OR history.

Guy, I lived through the Reagan years. They weren't the happy times you guys made them out to be, and frankly, people were really looking for change in 1988. At one point, Dukakis led Bush by 16 points. Then we found out what kind of dude Dukakis was, and the guy wouldn't fight back against scurilous lies, and we got the first of the Idiot Bush's in office.
I lived through the Reagan years too and witnessed success after success, a period of rarely seen substantial and maintained economic progress and the submission of the Soviet Union. I also witnessed 2 amazing landslide victories and the most popular presidency in recent history. Sadly, today we see a weak and vacillating president who could not offer a more vivid yet depressing contrast to what great leadership we once had.
In stark contrast to a certain far more recent POTUS, Reagan did not spend his entire administration whining about the mess he inherited. Reagan (gasp!) did something about it. I guess it's one of those things that separates the men from the boys.

Reagan blamed Carter at every oppurtunity...

Again, another one of these guys who doesn't remember the real Reagan, just remembers the "Myth".

He did not you lying Twat
I lived through the Reagan years too and witnessed success after success, a period of rarely seen substantial and maintained economic progress and the submission of the Soviet Union. I also witnessed 2 amazing landslide victories and the most popular presidency in recent history. Sadly, today we see a weak and vacillating president who could not offer a more vivid yet depressing contrast to what great leadership we once had.

Reagan barely cleared 50% in 1980. The only reason he won an impressive electoral victory was because John Anderson siphoned away a lot of the votes Carter would have gotten.

And frankly, Reagan knuckled under to the USSR pretty often.

He did nothing when they shot down that Korean Airliner.
He did nothing when the Russians cracked down on Poland.

While Reagan was happy to slap around little countries like Grenada and Libya, he had the good sense God gave dogs to not fuck with the USSR.

Final point. The USSR didn't collapse until the Watch of Bush the Elder. When Reagan left office, everyone still considered the USSR a big threat.
I lived through the Reagan years too and witnessed success after success, a period of rarely seen substantial and maintained economic progress and the submission of the Soviet Union. I also witnessed 2 amazing landslide victories and the most popular presidency in recent history. Sadly, today we see a weak and vacillating president who could not offer a more vivid yet depressing contrast to what great leadership we once had.

Reagan barely cleared 50% in 1980. The only reason he won an impressive electoral victory was because John Anderson siphoned away a lot of the votes Carter would have gotten.

And frankly, Reagan knuckled under to the USSR pretty often.

He did nothing when they shot down that Korean Airliner.
He did nothing when the Russians cracked down on Poland.

there you go making a fool of yourself again. Reagan couldnt do shit if his 8-year Dem-majority House didnt want him to; and

While Reagan was happy to slap around little countries like Grenada and Libya, he had the good sense God gave dogs to not fuck with the USSR.

Final point. The USSR didn't collapse until the Watch of Bush the Elder. When Reagan left office, everyone still considered the USSR a big threat.

there you go making a fool of yourself again. Reagan couldnt do shit if his 8-year Dem-majority House didnt want him to; and his electoral victories were bigger than obama's but you have some idiotic excuse for that too.
ur a lemming and a loser; stuck in the past; the exact same kind of hyper-partisan fool you love to rant the other side is
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