Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101

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So I take it you're in favor of increased oil drilling here in the US...along with fracking for natural gas...the building of the Keystone pipeline and you would NEVER want to shut down all of our coal fired electrical plants, right Joe? Yet Barack Obama has fought against all of these things that would make us energy independent. How IS that?

as long as you are making wild assumptions, sure.

I have no problem with Keystone if they change the route so a spill won't pollute the water. That oil is going to be refined, we might as well be the ones doing it.

Not too keen on the cutting edge technology of the 18th century, we should be l ooking at new technologies.

Yes, I am for energy independence, but not at making the Koch Brothers richer and destroying the planet faster. I'm funny like that.
The fact that Reagan still wraps liberals around the axle is all the proof you need to know how great he was. It won't deflect anything away from the failed Obama administration.

The more time they spend bashing Reagan, the less time they have polishing their favorite turd. But I can understand why the later is tiresome.
The fact that Reagan still wraps liberals around the axle is all the proof you need to know how great he was. It won't deflect anything away from the failed Obama administration.

The more time they spend bashing Reagan, the less time they have polishing their favorite turd. But I can understand why the later is tiresome.

The fact is, you guys have made up a mythical Reagan because the real one would be a RINO today.
Sure lets talk about history,and a dead guy,lots more fun than talking about the present,and future.

DC is broken from the top down,and people like the OP love to piss for distance over opinions,priceless!
Dems hate Reagan for defeating Soviet Communism
Yep. And his legacy remains a threat to them today for similar reasons.

Well, Reagan DID commit the sin of backing away from the cutting edge technology from the 7th century (windmills) and allow us to become revitalized in the oil, gas and coal industries, which sparked a two decade boom. Obviously the Left can't accept that thinking!

So I take it you're in favor of increased oil drilling here in the US...along with fracking for natural gas...the building of the Keystone pipeline and you would NEVER want to shut down all of our coal fired electrical plants, right Joe? Yet Barack Obama has fought against all of these things that would make us energy independent. How IS that?

as long as you are making wild assumptions, sure.

I have no problem with Keystone if they change the route so a spill won't pollute the water. That oil is going to be refined, we might as well be the ones doing it.

Not too keen on the cutting edge technology of the 18th century, we should be l ooking at new technologies.

Yes, I am for energy independence, but not at making the Koch Brothers richer and destroying the planet faster. I'm funny like that.

You probably didn't get the memo on this, Joe (which doesn't shock me since you're so generally oblivious to what's happening around you) but the route for the Keystone pipeline WAS changed...several times as a matter of fact but even though the US is literally COVERED with existing matter what route was proposed it wasn't acceptable to this Administration.

The "technology of the 18th century" that you turn your nose up at, provides us with the majority of our electricity, Joe. New technologies provide an extremely small amount because of their enormous costs. Unless you're ready to pay an electric bill that's double what you are now I wouldn't rush to ban fossil fuels.
The fact that Reagan still wraps liberals around the axle is all the proof you need to know how great he was. It won't deflect anything away from the failed Obama administration.

The more time they spend bashing Reagan, the less time they have polishing their favorite turd. But I can understand why the later is tiresome.

The fact is, you guys have made up a mythical Reagan because the real one would be a RINO today.

That's a crock...the GOP has nominated moderates the last two Presidential elections despite attempts by a compliant main stream media to label those candidates and the GOP as "far right"...while at the same time the Democrats have nominated two of the most liberal candidates out there yet the main stream media NEVER refers to them as being "far left".
If Reagan were running today he'd probably win the GOP nomination...the question would be whether he could survive the "gauntlet" of negative criticism that conservative's have to run these days in the main stream media.
If Reagan were running today he'd probably win the GOP nomination...the question would be whether he could survive the "gauntlet" of negative criticism that conservative's have to run these days in the main stream media.

Dont focus on GOP candidates savaging each other in the primaries...blame the media.

Where do you think those stories come from?
The fact that Reagan still wraps liberals around the axle is all the proof you need to know how great he was. It won't deflect anything away from the failed Obama administration.

The more time they spend bashing Reagan, the less time they have polishing their favorite turd. But I can understand why the later is tiresome.

So history question. How many convicted felons in the Reagan administration, and how many convicted felons in the Obama administration?
The fact that Reagan still wraps liberals around the axle is all the proof you need to know how great he was. It won't deflect anything away from the failed Obama administration.

The more time they spend bashing Reagan, the less time they have polishing their favorite turd. But I can understand why the later is tiresome.

So history question. How many convicted felons in the Reagan administration, and how many convicted felons in the Obama administration?

Lots of the Reagan gang were indicted on felonies but ended up with pleading down to misdemeanors. Example: Sec. of Interior James Watt, indicted on 41 felony counts related to collecting half million bucks in kick-backs. Pleaded down to a single misdemeanor for a 5 years probation sentence. Also, lots of pardons handed out. If you ask for indictments, convictions and pardons you can get to over 3 dozen crooks and crimminals in the Reagan adminstration, which is the all time historical record that gives the Reagan administration the most corrupt in American history title.
In the last rating of presidents by historians, Reagan was rated 18th best out of 43 presidents.
Democrats believe that Eastern Europeans miss living under Soviet Communism.

Some of them do, given the fact that some countries have voted the Communists or the parties that succeeded them back into power.

Why do you think Putin is so popular in Russia?

Not only is he popular in Russia,he is popular around the world unlike Reagan was or the current clown we have in office now.
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