Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101

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here we go again; left-wing nutjobs mentally masturating in public telling themselves lies

Is it a lie that 250 Marines were killed in the Lebanon barracks bombing while being protected by sentries and security under orders to carry unloaded weapons.
Reagan, commander in chief. Orders, no ammunition allowed or issued for weapons. Truck spotted by security charging towards barracks. No action taken, security carrying unloaded weapons.
Where is the lie?
At least they had loaded weapons at Benghazi.

according to their warped drugged brains,yeah its a lie.:cuckoo:
Which Poster Linked to a YouTube video of an interview with a CIA Agent?

a. 9/11
b. 9/11, or
c. 9/11?
Debt did go up, mostly because of military spending, that isn't in dispute. But the GDP went up too with the thriving economy (unlike today). And like I said, I was there. I believe me over left wing whacko sites.

problem was,you were there though,but like crusader retard,on a deserted island.

I was there was well and like i said before,I remember coming across many unemployed workers that lost their jobs thanks to reagan shipping them overseas hearing their comments-thanks to Regan,I no longer have a job anymore and that video of mine proves that i am telling the truth.:D:cuckoo::cuckoo:

sorry but I'll take the words over people I came across back from the 80;s who told the truth they lost their jobs because of his policys and that media piece of actual sources over some internet denier any day of the year.:D
For some reason when I see your posts I think of a squeaky toy.

thats because his posts prove your a brainwashed troll taken in by CIA mouthpieces like Rush Limbaugh and Crusader Retard.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

One of us posted interviews with a CIA agent and it wasn't me, Disinformation Boy

yeah it came from one of the few FORMER agents that was honest that wanted nothing to do with that corrupt evil organization the CIA anymore.there are people out ther like that you know ?

oh and the other i posted was NOT from a CIA agent,it came from actual sources from the 80's.thanks for proving as always you only see what you WANT to see and refuse to look at actual sources from the 80's disinfo boy.:D:lol::lol:

you always retreat to that reagan video when you are cornered by that video in post # 1473 of mine rachel whats her name not on the CIA payroll like Limbaugh is.:D
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Debt did go up, mostly because of military spending, that isn't in dispute. But the GDP went up too with the thriving economy (unlike today). And like I said, I was there. I believe me over left wing whacko sites.

problem was,you were there though,but like crusader retard,on a deserted island.

I was there was well and like i said before,I remember coming across many unemployed workers that lost their jobs thanks to reagan shipping them overseas hearing their comments-thanks to Regan,I no longer have a job anymore and that video of mine proves that i am telling the truth.:D:cuckoo::cuckoo:

sorry but I'll take the words over people I came across back from the 80;s who told the truth they lost their jobs because of his policys and that media piece of actual sources over some internet denier any day of the year.:D

Your video was from the Rachel Maddow show, which is on MSNBC. Since I KNOW Maddow lies about conservatives (based on her attacks about conservative Steve Stockman of Texas), I would have no problem learning that she lied about Reagan. So, your video actually proves nothing except that you use biased sources that aren't the most reliable.
thats because his posts prove your a brainwashed troll taken in by CIA mouthpieces like Rush Limbaugh and Crusader Retard.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

One of us posted interviews with a CIA agent and it wasn't me, Disinformation Boy

yeah it came from one of the few FORMER agents that was honest that wanted nothing to do with that corrupt evil organization the CIA anymore.there are people out ther like that you know ?

oh and the other i posted was NOT from a CIA agent,it came from actual sources from the 80's.thanks for proving as always you only see what you WANT to see and refuse to look at actual sources from the 80's disinfo boy.:D:lol::lol:

you always retreat to that reagan video when you are cornered by that video in post # 1473 of mine rachel whats her name not on the CIA payroll like Limbaugh is.:D

which is no surprise whatsoever since you ALWAYS retreat to that video of reagans speech everytime you are cornered by these facts. as well as the fact i have said over a HUNDRED times that reagan got the CIA back to its dirty tricks covert wars operations again when he got into office firing stansfiled turner and bringing in his boy william casey:D

Reagan's was the most corrupt administration in the lifetime of most Americans

•Mass murderer
•Supporter of abortion
•War criminal

•Destroyer of freedom
•Traitor of the American people
•Corporate whore
•Destroyer of the environment
•Supporter of Satanists & child murderers "

you trolls run away from this link t EVERYTIME knowing your cornered changing the subject bringing up something like that video of reagans speech to avoid admitting how reagan was so corrupt and betrayed the american people.:cuckoo::lol::lol::lol::lol:

which is the norm for you all since you all are too cowardly to read Bunchs book since he ALSO goes by actual sources back then from the 1980's.

I can see its like talking to a brick wall tryintg to reason with you reagannut trolls,you wont watch videos,you wont read links that go against your views,you wont read books,no sense in going any further.:cuckoo:
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Debt did go up, mostly because of military spending, that isn't in dispute. But the GDP went up too with the thriving economy (unlike today). And like I said, I was there. I believe me over left wing whacko sites.

problem was,you were there though,but like crusader retard,on a deserted island.

I was there was well and like i said before,I remember coming across many unemployed workers that lost their jobs thanks to reagan shipping them overseas hearing their comments-thanks to Regan,I no longer have a job anymore and that video of mine proves that i am telling the truth.:D:cuckoo::cuckoo:

sorry but I'll take the words over people I came across back from the 80;s who told the truth they lost their jobs because of his policys and that media piece of actual sources over some internet denier any day of the year.:D

Your video was from the Rachel Maddow show, which is on MSNBC. Since I KNOW Maddow lies about conservatives (based on her attacks about conservative Steve Stockman of Texas), I would have no problem learning that she lied about Reagan. So, your video actually proves nothing except that you use biased sources that aren't the most reliable.

thanks for proving as always,you reaganut worshipperss only see what you WANT to see,you didnt even watch the video obviously.the fact thats all you spoke of was HER, which you can easily see without clicking it on, not bothering to address the ACTUAL footage taken from the 80's back then when they reported BACK THEN his policys that betrayed the american people.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
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problem was,you were there though,but like crusader retard,on a deserted island.

I was there was well and like i said before,I remember coming across many unemployed workers that lost their jobs thanks to reagan shipping them overseas hearing their comments-thanks to Regan,I no longer have a job anymore and that video of mine proves that i am telling the truth.:D:cuckoo::cuckoo:

sorry but I'll take the words over people I came across back from the 80;s who told the truth they lost their jobs because of his policys and that media piece of actual sources over some internet denier any day of the year.:D

Your video was from the Rachel Maddow show, which is on MSNBC. Since I KNOW Maddow lies about conservatives (based on her attacks about conservative Steve Stockman of Texas), I would have no problem learning that she lied about Reagan. So, your video actually proves nothing except that you use biased sources that aren't the most reliable.

thanks for proving as always,you reaganut worshipperss only see what you WANT to see,you didnt even watch the video obviously.the fact thats all you spoke of was HER, which you can easily see without clicking it on, not bothering to address the ACTUAL footage taken from the 80's back then when they reported BACK THEN his policys that betrayed the american people.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

you can claim all you want that Maddows lies and everything but she isnt lying here this time thime though,if you had bothered to watch the video which you just proved you did not,you would notice how the media reported BACK THEN the FACTS of his policys which betrayed the small and middle class familys.:cuckoo: your clearly in denial if you think reagans policys benifitted anybody else other than the rich and powerful as that video with footage bACK FROM THE 80'S proves.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

somone got desperate earlier and said that the media was not friendly with reagan at all.they said that they were more vicious with Reagan that Bush.Yeah thats why they reported the truth that Bush had the lowest approval rating more than any other president leaving office.:cuckoo: Bush jr i assume he had to be talking about. oh and they were very friendlly to Bush sr as well.they always are to the corrupt presidents like Reagan,Bush and Obama.:cuckoo:

yeah they werent friendly with him,thats why they covered up what a mass murderer he was,how he funded terrorists who murdered women and children,and how they covered up what a traiter he was in the october surprise to the american people,and how they covered up that a few congressmen wanted to impeach reagan fr Iran contra, but got cowardly and said they did not do so because they did not want to put the american people through another watergate.but according to all you troll reagan worshippers,NONE of that ever happened though.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::lol::lol::lol:
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there it is in black and white.the proof in the pudding that the economy was far worse under reagan than it was on Carter.Carter did not betray the lower and middle class familys like Reagan did.:cuckoo:

oh and for all the reagnuts on here too lazy to read through those links,here is a video with ACTUAL NEWS SOURCES back from the 1980's from the LAMESTREAM MEDIA you guys worship as the truth,even THEY reported back then in the 80's how Reagans policys betrayed the lower and middle class familys. dont know why i bother posting this video since none of you reaganuts will watch it the way your so much in denial only seeing what you WANT to see.:cuckoo:

thats why none of you will read Bunchs book TEARING DOWN THE MYTH since he uses actual media sources from the 80's in his book.:D instead,all you trolls do,is attack the messenger-me and call me names knowing your cornered and have lost the debate.:cuckoo:

here is that video FROM THE 80'S.

[ame=]RIG-anomics: GOP Ignores Ronald Reagan's Trickle-Down Economics Failures - YouTube[/ame]

Oh and another fact you trolls ignored previously,Carter actually tried to do something about the corrupt CIA that runs this country now. what did reagan do? He fired carters appointee Stansfield Turner who cleaned up and reformed the CIA and brought in william casey and who got the CIA back to their evil ways again with covert operations that are still going on now.:cuckoo:

i knew this would be a waste of time posting it.the reagan worshippers ran way with their tail between their legs just like I said they would when confronted with this video.:D and as clockwork of course,have no comments how reagan let the CIA go back to their corrupt ways again "which is why the world is in the mess it is today because of them." how he got them back to their corrupt ways again firing carters appointee stansfiled turner who cleaned up the CIA and reformed them,then Reagan fires him bringing in willaim casey,who got them back to their covert operations and dirty secret wars again.never fails,they always turn tail and run everytime and just fire back with childish insults.:D
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I was there was well and like i said before,I remember coming across many unemployed workers that lost their jobs thanks to reagan shipping them overseas hearing their comments-thanks to Regan,I no longer have a job anymore and that video of mine proves that i am telling the truth.:D:cuckoo::cuckoo:

sorry but I'll take the words over people I came across back from the 80;s who told the truth they lost their jobs because of his policys and that media piece of actual sources over some internet denier any day of the year.:D
Reagan didn't ship jobs overseas. You just repeat crap you heard. We had idiots back then too, libtards are not a new phenomenom.
those blogs are backed up by ACTUAL NEWS SOURCES FROM THE 1980'S REPORTERS reporting BACK THEN IN THE 80'S how reagans policys betrayed america as evidenced in that video of mine in my last post.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Yes, and I said he was treated very unfairly by the news media. Probably worse than Bush.
thriving economy?thats why so many lower and middle class familys were betrayed by reagan and lost their jobs because of his thriving economy.:D

Why Obama can't match the Reagan recovery - May. 4, 2012
After all, that's the playbook Ronald Reagan used to steamroll Walter Mondale in 1984. Reagan was able to capture a whopping 525 electoral votes, in part because the economy was rapidly climbing out of a recession as voters went to the polls.

Even worse, the portion of the adult population participating in the job market is now at its lowest level since 1981.

In April 1984, the economy added 363,000 jobs. In the first four months of 1984, employment growth hit 1,564,000. This year, the first four months have brought about half that amount.

why is it that you all always go back to Obama when people start bashing Reagan?:cuckoo:

I havent seen one poster come on here who has criticised reagan saying they like Obama or his policys. yeah compared to Obama,things looked pretty goodback then compared to now.nobody has come on here and said otherwise.I dont think I have ever seen anybody on here that likes that clown in why make comparisons to him?:cuckoo:

Yes the economy added 363,000 jobs in april of 1984 and in the first four months of 1984 but that was an election year so Reagan had to make himself look good.

you failed to recognine however,that thanks to reagan shipping jobs overseas,unemployment was far worse the majority of reagans years than it was under carter as this graph proves.that only when he came into an election year,did he take any kind of action to try and make himself look

1977 6.5 7.1
1978 7.6 6.1
1979 11.3 5.9 < Second oil crisis
1980 13.5 7.2
1981 10.3 7.6
1982 6.2 9.7
1983 3.2 9.6
1984 4.3 7.5

Your forgetting as well that they were jobs that only benefitted the rich and how he shipped jobes overseas betraying the lower and middle class familys in the beginning.

contrary to your statement,the media protected reagan.they never reported how he betrayed the american people with the october surprise,Iran contra,his funding of terrorists groups that murdered hundreds of women and children oveseas,or how they failed to report back then that there were some congressmen back then who wanted to impeach him because of Iran contra, but decided not to because they did not want to put americans through another watergate.yep thats a media that treated him very unfairly alright.:cuckoo::lol::D

I would say he got treated very nice by the media same way Bush did.:cuckoo: flip a coin on that one.could go either way,they both got treated with kids gloves.

the majority of his first term,we were no better off than we were with carter as these figures here show.

Matter of fact,polls back then showed most americans thought we were no better off that we were under carter when reagan left office.if you would bother reading Bunchs book who i have said MILLIONS of times on this thread,that he went by actual sources from back then in the 80's,if you had read his book,you would know that to be true.:rolleyes:

mouth pieces like hot air rush limbaugh,glenn beck and others,have spoonfed the lies to the american people over decades and the american sheople have swallowed them hook,line,and sinker over the years.
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I was there was well and like i said before,I remember coming across many unemployed workers that lost their jobs thanks to reagan shipping them overseas hearing their comments-thanks to Regan,I no longer have a job anymore and that video of mine proves that i am telling the truth.:D:cuckoo::cuckoo:

sorry but I'll take the words over people I came across back from the 80;s who told the truth they lost their jobs because of his policys and that media piece of actual sources over some internet denier any day of the year.:D
Reagan didn't ship jobs overseas. You just repeat crap you heard. We had idiots back then too, libtards are not a new phenomenom.

Oh really?:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::cuckoo:

How did Reagan sent jobs overseas as people said he did? - Yahoo Answers

How did Reagan sent jobs overseas as people said he did?
Tommy asked 10 months ago


possibly because he did a major re-write of the tax code (Tax Reform Act of 1986) which increased corporate taxes. this might have been an incentive to corporations to shift operations overseas where profits could not be taxed. but honestly, i don't think Reagan is blamed for outsourcing jobs particularly.

Wall Street Greed

The American Dream also dimmed during Reagan&#8217;s tenure.

While he played the role of the nation&#8217;s kindly grandfather, his operatives divided the American people, using &#8220;wedge issues&#8221; to deepen grievances especially of white men who were encouraged to see themselves as victims of &#8220;reverse discrimination&#8221; and &#8220;political correctness.&#8221;

Yet even as working-class white men were rallying to the Republican banner (as so-called &#8220;Reagan Democrats&#8221;), their economic interests were being savaged. Unions were broken and marginalized; &#8220;free trade&#8221; policies shipped manufacturing jobs abroad; old neighborhoods were decaying; drug use among the young was soaring

as i said before,I would love to see you reagan worshippers tell this to all the familys back then who lost their jobs because of him,i would love to watch and see if you had the guts to say that to their faces.
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ur right goober; we made Russia invade Afghanistan; and they should have just let their country be taken over; because russians only wanted the little girls to read

what an idiot

The Russians didn't "invade" Afghanistan.

They were invited in by the legitimate government of Afghanistan. This is what you clowns don't get.

Legally, under international law, what they did was just as fine as when the US sent troops to Saudi Arabia in 1990 (which by the way, was one of the justifications Bin Laden used to excuse 9/11.)

So Legitimate GOvenrment invites in help from a larger country, Jihadists don't like that, they turn into terrorists and start murdering people.

Describes the problem both we and the Russians had with Bin Laden.

One man's "Terrorist" is anther man's "Freedom Fighter", but sometimes, they are the same man.

Of course, The Russians must be looking at us in Afghanistan and laughing their asses off.

WHEN You're invited in; and that implies the people; not just the government; agreed with the "invitation"; yo ugenerally have to kill a million citizens who "invited" you


You think that we were invited in by the PEOPLE of Saudi Arabia?

Or by the drunken Royals who were afraid Saddam Might take their jets and their hookers?

Here's a hint of how "Welcome" we were in Saudi Arabia by it's people.

15 of the 19 9-11 hijackers were Saudi Nationals.
The Russians didn't "invade" Afghanistan.

They were invited in by the legitimate government of Afghanistan. This is what you clowns don't get.

Legally, under international law, what they did was just as fine as when the US sent troops to Saudi Arabia in 1990 (which by the way, was one of the justifications Bin Laden used to excuse 9/11.)

So Legitimate GOvenrment invites in help from a larger country, Jihadists don't like that, they turn into terrorists and start murdering people.

Describes the problem both we and the Russians had with Bin Laden.

One man's "Terrorist" is anther man's "Freedom Fighter", but sometimes, they are the same man.

Of course, The Russians must be looking at us in Afghanistan and laughing their asses off.

WHEN You're invited in; and that implies the people; not just the government; agreed with the "invitation"; yo ugenerally have to kill a million citizens who "invited" you


You think that we were invited in by the PEOPLE of Saudi Arabia?

Or by the drunken Royals who were afraid Saddam Might take their jets and their hookers?

Here's a hint of how "Welcome" we were in Saudi Arabia by it's people.

15 of the 19 9-11 hijackers were Saudi Nationals.

You hate this country and you bit a small fringe like those terrorists.

tapatalk post
WHEN You're invited in; and that implies the people; not just the government; agreed with the "invitation"; yo ugenerally have to kill a million citizens who "invited" you


You think that we were invited in by the PEOPLE of Saudi Arabia?

Or by the drunken Royals who were afraid Saddam Might take their jets and their hookers?

Here's a hint of how "Welcome" we were in Saudi Arabia by it's people.

15 of the 19 9-11 hijackers were Saudi Nationals.

You hate this country and you bit a small fringe like those terrorists.

tapatalk post

Unlike you, I served my country in uniform.

But the reality is, the vast majority of the 17 million Saudi Citizens are resentful of Westerners and if they ever had an election, they'd elect crazy Jihadists who would cut off our Oil Fix in a heartbeat.

This is just the reality of it.

I care about this country. I think it is foolish for us to expend blood and treasure in the Middle East in their arguments about which tribe with a banner is in charge.

We shouldn't stick our dicks into a hornet's nest and then complain about getting stung.
You think that we were invited in by the PEOPLE of Saudi Arabia?

Or by the drunken Royals who were afraid Saddam Might take their jets and their hookers?

Here's a hint of how "Welcome" we were in Saudi Arabia by it's people.

15 of the 19 9-11 hijackers were Saudi Nationals.

You hate this country and you bit a small fringe like those terrorists.

tapatalk post

Unlike you, I served my country in uniform.

But the reality is, the vast majority of the 17 million Saudi Citizens are resentful of Westerners and if they ever had an election, they'd elect crazy Jihadists who would cut off our Oil Fix in a heartbeat.

This is just the reality of it.

I care about this country. I think it is foolish for us to expend blood and treasure in the Middle East in their arguments about which tribe with a banner is in charge.

We shouldn't stick our dicks into a hornet's nest and then complain about getting stung.

So I take it you're in favor of increased oil drilling here in the US...along with fracking for natural gas...the building of the Keystone pipeline and you would NEVER want to shut down all of our coal fired electrical plants, right Joe? Yet Barack Obama has fought against all of these things that would make us energy independent. How IS that?
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